0001 r. r ~ rA trwt Vr A~ "ttrrt 't r x Dundarave,', -""'" Ambluide „". '„.." SmitII 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES THE WEST VAN NEWS Lumber SASH - DOORS - Cv Yl'ROC Everything for the Buikling November 9 19'l2 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at ilollyburny next Theatre l PHONE WEST 3 ~ 'F r rr 'r rgve ~t w 0+vxmt t wviv't Mt~ "~ C tv 't'w'~ x x 'r 't'x" vm'rt't ~ "Itv.rv t 'vrr rv htrtr v rrrtr-r%rg rrvwrr rrr-rrrtrrrrrrtrvr r -rrr ~ rrvrVrrrrrww ~ rrr v SPECIALS FRIDAY 8t SATURDAY,;,'„'"."„",';;„ SHIN(t I, ES& SHll'LA I', 2x4 and All Dimensions .I f' Kl,'I'T INSIDE I'inde& a l)ry Roof LU BER nnd I.umber I'roducts -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building I'aper EGGS--Rqyxi Standard I'vvxvvvvdExtras..... dqxve 28& TEA. KADANA, a gee quality fxmky blend .............. )'s Iix 15& pvr Ib ..............,. 29e BRBAD, Svvvux, x very large 24 qx loaf. lghne or Whole &&hex&, pvv loaf .................. 8v SUGAR, Extra Fine Ik C Gvxa- elx&vd............... 4 lbs. &sc I'ASTRY FLOUR, Svx Rover Aexivxkxs .......... 5 Ibtx 19& KING APPLES ..... 9 Ibs, 25v 48 IK bex............. 89& DRY ONIONS, grows in R C. 8 lbs. 15c Id&mateo, Gyprpe, Beaver Board, Shingles, Etc gEST VANCOUVER LUMBE CO LT Phone West 115 Res. I'hone West 368L 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" After 5 p.m. xnd holidays xsk for GERRY DENT, I'hune West 241k VERNON FEED STORECOFFEE- NABOIL pxvkvd in vxvxqm &Iws, pvv lb......... 27c Fresh Ground. good gxvqv )1 lb. Ihv; I lb. 29c CEREALS-- CORN FLAKES. Kekogg's (Hmk 8) pxvkxgv........... 7& QUICK OATS, Buckeye (Qqxkev Oats Co.) 6 Ib sxvk ......... 29c SLICED PINEAPPLE, Fxxhlvss Nq. 2 & in .......... ..... ... .. ... I ex ICING SUGAk ................2 Rm. 15c Every can of salmon packed in British Columbia must now be submitted for inspection to a board of experts appointed by the Dominion Government. Un- less it passes the inspection none of the salmon may be placed upon the market except with a onspicuous label showing that 1'is "Second Quality" fish. A. C. SEAkLB Phoae Wee& 9 I b& ~ I ertlhzcrs, IVood, Coal Builders'upplies and a resolution was submitted asking that the minister of edu- cation be informed that the council and board are both sat- isfied with present legislation, and asking that Vancouver be exempted from the proposed a- mendments. This resolution wss contained in 8 report of the conference submitted to the City Council Monday afternoon, and it was decided to hold 8 special meeting after the council learns of the result of conferences on the sub- ject between representatives of Union of B. C. Municipalities and B. C. School Tiustees'ssocia- tion. It is proposed that both the council and School Board consid- er the matter and then hold an- other conference when their re- spective views are crystalized. They sliced their drives into the rough, and went in search of the baas. They searched for a long time without success, a kindly old lady watching them with sympathetic interest. Finally, after the search had lasted half an hour, the dear old lady spoke to them. "I don't want to bother you, gentlemen," she said quietly, "but would it be cheating if I told you where they are?" Quack Medicine Vendor- "Sir, I might mention as a slight testimonial to this world-famed "Rejuvenator" that 8 year ago, after tak&ng one small dose over- night, upon awakening in the morning I said to my wife, "kfothcr, give me my satchel, I shaa be late for school!" Even the beat of times the people would gvs scared xed blue if &bey read nothing bui tales of wpe. The Professor: "I'l wait until that fellow stops making a fool of himself, then I'l begin." Jones: "Did you go on that trout fishing excursion last week?" Brown: "I did." Jones: "Did you fish with p I 5 Brown: "I"&sh with ihes? Yes, we fished with them, camped with them, dined witn them, and slept with them." Wanted -- A furnished roo~ for a single gentleman looking both ways and well ventilated. NOW! ~ xaE "ABC" Range Oil Burner &-. WATCH OUR VALUES I Thc "A B C" Burne& is Guaranteed and Manufactured by S, F. BOWSER CO. LTD., of TORONTO Since 192,0 the Home's Most Faithful Servant Investigate our Easy Psymen& Plan and See The "A B C" Burner in operation 8& AMBLESIDE SHEET METAL WORKS 1446 Marine Drive, Hoijybufn Specisls Advertised every Tuesday and Fndxy in the Province and Sun STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. 1580 Marine Dr. Wept 190 (Par&ice&ass mekvd qpua vequess) kvd e While SFRYU9 CHEESE V) nx pkk ................,... 18& MAPLB SYRUP. I'ridv of Canada 16 ux. bo« iv ....... 29& 8&'ptlc Tlinks I.OGANBERRY JA)1, Nabob Cupboard Doors 4 ib &ta . .... .'....... . 29 snd 1)rawers ORANGE SIARMAI,ADF h&uvvxy'x, . 4 lb. Hn 45& STARCH. Canada Corn qv Gloss AMBLESIDE pvv pxvke&................. 9& DATEs. fresh xxd clean, 2 lbs. 15& LUMBER CO. LTD. ED& N BU RGB ROL I.S, average weight 5 lbs..... lb. 16& LAST MONTH )VA1151ER Phone Wee& 199. BACON-- Weather in October wss nor- mal although the mean tempera- ture was higher according to a Rvd e Whke FLOUR. sev report issued by E. B. Shearmanquality .................. 24 nm. 65& head of the Dominion kieteoro- kvd &I white BAKING poivDER samples had been studied in pre- logical Service. 12 qx. ues.. 'ious seasons. Here sre some During the month the sun kvd &9 white pEAcHEs, fancY pf thc facts which were brought shone brightly for 115 hours six out, as given in a rePort by Al- minutes a figure slightly above Rvd &2 White ASPARAGUS, bert L. Tester, one of the ac&en- the twenty-year October aver- 68-88 Green Tips, large square tists concerned: age of 111 hours. Rainfall totsi-us -- -- -- - 27'he average length of female led 6.66 inches and the mean Rvd e IVhk GRERN BEANS herring Waa greater than the temperature Wae 52.2 degreee aa Choice qexi'&y Nq 2 &Ix--. 15& average length of the males, and compared with the average tem- Rvd A Whke FANCY I'EAS aS fOund by preViOuS inVeatiga- . perature Of 49.8 degreee. Sieve 4 ................. 2 tins 2ie tprs female herring grow at a Highest temperature of the Rvd &5 White TOhIATO JUICE faSter rate than the male fiSh. mOnth Waa 73.4 degreeS regiete- &xk tins ........................ 2 Uxs 26c l Herring frOm the PrinCe RuP- ed On OCtOber 3. The lOWeSt WSS FEhIALE HERRING ert ares were characterized by on October 28 when the mercury OF THE SPECIES IS their slow rate of growth as sank to 35.3 degrees. FOUND FASTFR GROIVER comPared with that of herring Since the first of the year in the more southern part of the 48.85 inches of rain have fallen province, herring from the west 10.14 inches above the average Herring are all herri&lg, but c~t of Vancouver Island had the report shows. investigations carried on in'Brig 8 rate of growth more rapid Greatest wind velocity this ish Columbia waters show that than that of herr'ng on the east October was attained on the 27th the herring found in one area coast, herring from some areas when a northwester blew st a there may b a population quite on ea'ch coast of the island g w rate of twenty-Mx miles an hour distinct from thpge in ot)Ier somewhat more rapidly that fishfrom certain other areas on the PROPOSAL TO STAN DARD I 7 E TEACHERS'ALARIES fishery--a very important figh on the west coast of the island, ery whose product enters into had 8 greater average length proposed provincial legislation large export trad~is centred than those of any 0 er district desig ed to standardize tcacher8 oif the east coast of Vancouver "" '. salaries, throughout the prov- Island, off the island's west coast es ~ "~ Rge ince will be considered at a and oif the prince Rupert dis On the average, the fis",I pm special meeting of the Vancou- trict in the north, and evidence the west coast were slightly ver City Council, it was decided gathered by scien'tlfic investiga- larger than those on the other Monday after~a by aldermen. tora 'grove conclusively" that side of the island, which were of provincial authorities have herring of the p,inca Rupert approx&mat ly the same length under advisement 8 measure area (Jap Inlet and pearl Har- as the herring from Prince RuP- which would) fix all teachers'sal- aries and provide that any rates from those of Vancouver Island. ComParison of length corn- in excess of standards would be Other evidence "indicates" Position and age comPosition of Paid at discretion of municiPal tpp, that the lish on thc cast catches of herring which were councils coast of the island are distinct made in s veral Vanco Recently, aldermen and mem- from those of the other coa t land areas in former years with hers of the Vancouver Schppl whil m f th f I those of the 1931-1932 season Board discussed the proposni, "indicates" some diminution ofsuggests that herring in caen the fshery In these districtsdistrict are more or less isolated . 191c6since 1from each other and tend to The relatively new fishery ofform local populations. Sydney Inlet is characterized by Stud& State Pf Stocks the large average length of the These are interesting points fi„h in the catch, and by the but the investigations have 8 ia„ge percentage of fish in their QOOk anfl Heat much more important purpose, fourth and fifth years. with Oilof course, than stmply to discov- qntensive fishing In a partic- er things which are interesting ui„r district," says the Tester to know. The prime object of report, "appears to cause a de- A S&ronger, More the work, which hss been in pro- crease in size range, a decrease en& Burner for So gress for several years under in average length, snd a de- Heat ni E&c., pc& cos joint federal and provincial aus- crease in the numbers of older less &o ins&x snp op r pipes and has been conducted by fish In the catch. Whether the research workers of the Bio fishery having sui?ered this dc- DOuble Burnee logical Board of Canada, is to cline, again stabilizes itself at a $4700determine whether or not the lpwcr level, i.e., younger fishBritis Columbia stock of her- snd cpnsequently smaller size, ring is satisfactorily withstand- pr whethcer it continues to de- ing the strain of intensive fish- cling tp thc point of depletion, ing. In accomplishing this pur- remains to be determined." pose there must necessarily be 8 study of the age and length W. V. A. A. A. compositions of the stock "in order to detect any evidences of The W. V depletion" and a statistical an- vanced the date fur their whist alysis of "certain so-called 'rsci- drive and dance to November 10 al'haracters of the herring of in favor of Canadian Legion who each of the various fishing areas are having their annual banquet to determine the degree of inter- on Armistice day. Don't forget mingling and migration which the date, Thursday, November takes place between them." 10th. During the 1931Q2 herring season almost 4,000 herring Tribes of pygmies, almost un- from the three main fishing known to civilized man, inhabit areas were examined, and other the interior of Dutch Guiana.