West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Nov 1932, p. 5

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0001 )I, j ) I hh0 ISIL 'fore Vovember 3, 1932. CORRESI'ONDENCE The Editor, West Van News. Sir:--The activities of the B. P.O. Elks with respect to Xmas Cheer is well known on the North Shore. We would there- fore appreciate it if you would publish the enclosed correspon- dence. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, J. McK. HEILIGER, Secretary B.P.O. Elk's Xmas Cheer Com- (Iwtter) WEST VANCOUVER WEI FARF. ASSOCIATION 2238 Marine Drive West Vancouver, B.C. October 4th, 1932. The Secretary, B.P.O.Elks, North Vancouver, B.C. Dear Sir, At a recent meeting of the Executive of the 1Vest Vancou- ver Welfare Association the matter of Hampers at Christmas Time was discussed. The splendid work carrie&i out by the B.P.O. Elks in West Van- couver is well known snd every- ~«&ne is grateful for it. This year, ~ ~iowever, there will be a farlarger number of hampers re- quired than heretofore and we feel, under the circumstances, it is only right that the Welfare Association should take the lead- ing part in procuring them. The Executive of this Association, therefore, decided to formulate plans to ensure the adequate provision of the necessary funds and supplies in this connection. In taking this action we do not in any way wish to appear un- gratefull of the past nor to alien- ate your co-operation, in fact, we are counting on your loyal support in this community ef- fort and we hope that a mutual arrangement will be arrived at whereby the traditional "Elks Carnival" will be held and the proceeds used to the benefit of this work. For your information we may say that comprised in this Asso- ciation is 0 Confidential Ex- change wherein information con- cerning any family assisted is known to only one person in the community, this Exchange has already prevented a great deal of overlapping--information on this section of the work may be ~ had through the President, the Rev. F. A. Ramsey. /i Yours respectfully, (signed) LEWIS J. WRISBERG Secretary-Treasurer. (Answer) October 31st, 1&)32& ~fr, L. J. Wrisberg, ~coty-Treasurer, West Vancouver Welfare Association, ~ 2234 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B. C. I t Dear Sir, Your letter of October 4th, was presented to an Executive Meeting of the Elk's Xmas Cheer I Committee for consideration. The Committee was exceed- ingly pleased to learn that there has been an organization formed in West Vancouver that feel able and responsible to undertake the Xmas Cheer liamper Work that has been carried on in the past by the B.P.O.Elks of North Qsncouver. After due consideration, it ~&as decided to grant your re- quest and we trust your Associ- ation will receive the same hearty support as was accorded the B.P.O. Elks during the past eleven years that they handkd this work in West Vancouver. Owing to your Association having formulated plans to en- sure the adequate funds and sup- plies in this connection, we will refrain from carrying on our usual activities in raising funds in 1Vest Vancouver, allowing you to have the entire territory to carry on this work. It is not the policy of the Elks Organization to organize and raise funds for Xmas Cheer or other charitable purposes and turn them over to other Associations to adminis- ter. However, you have our moral support in your good work and we are more than thankful that there is an As- sociation that can relieve us in some measure of the tremendous work that is carried on by us on the North Shore. If we receive any names re- quiring assistance in West Van- couver, we will forward same on to you for checking by your Confidential Exchange and trust that same will be attended to. In closing, we trust, through your alerinesro that families hitherto having been supplied through the Elks Organization and still requiring attention will not be overlooked by the West Vancouver Welfare Association. Wishing you every success in your undertaking, Yours truly, R. CHA&VCE, Chairman, J. McK. HFILIGER, Secretary, B.P.O.Elks Xmas Cheer Com- mittee. SPORT NOTES 1VEST VAN. UNITED F.C. The following players are asked to turn out for the league game with Olympians at Amble- side Park on Saturday, Novem- ber 5th, at 2:30 p.m.: Larney, filcLean, F. Downey, H. Downey, R. Fiddes, Grieve, Vaughan, Hamilton, Bell Tim- brell, D'Easum, Stratton. All supporters are invited to come down and give the boys a big boost in this important league game. Note the starting hour--2:30. West Vancouver United ad- vanced into the second round of the Con Jones Cup series on Sat- urday, when they defeated Bur- naby Athletic, 2 goals to 1, at Ambleside Park. West Vancouver pressed strongly in the first half and after 20 minutes of play Strat- ton scored the only goal in the first half with a long drive from left wing. On resuming the play was rough with both teams playing the man. West Vancouver con- tinued to press hard and fifteen minutes from time Bell scored the winning goal. There was a splendid turnout of supporters which the team appreciated very much. Next Saturday United will entertain Olympians at 2:30 at Ambleside Park. West Vancouver Rangers made no mistake in their game last Saturday, winning 8 to2. IVith poor ground conditions, etc., the team as 0 whole played 0 splendid game. Two players, J. Cripps and P. Masterman, were successful in performing the hat trick, W. Wedley getting the other two on fine passes from M. Lennox. Judging by their perfonnance last week this team should go 0 long way in these cup games. Home-made soft soap. Save two pounds of fat, which can be any trimmings or so left over from cooking. Add four ounces of resin, one pound of wood ash snd four quarts of water. Boil these Ingredients together until clear and in a jelly. This soap is most useful in the home, and inexpensive to make. Canadian Lefllon West Van Branch VFHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Saturday NOV. 5th, 1932 at 8 IT.m GOOD MUSICTICKETS zsc.GDDD palzzs THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUS)I By Subadar They take their politics very seriously in the United States as everything else. One often wonders whether it is not one of their greatest if not their great- est industry. From what I could gather in an hour's conversation with 3 young American I once ran into in Ottawa, it Is the cus. tom for almost every man in that country to join one of the two great parties as soon ss hc is out of his teens by becoming a member of the local associa- tion, which appoints representa- tives to the district organization, and the delegated authority is similarly carried through vari- ous higher channels right up to the party's central convention. Beyond this their system of vot- ing on congressmen and senators and presidents is far from simple to the unitiated, just a- bout as bad as P.R., which latter always reminds me of what Dic- kens made one of his characters say about matrimony: "It's not worth going through so much to learn so little." Lady Reading, who previous to her marriage was her hus- band'0 secretary, believes that women should be the force be- hind the scenes and not the lead- ers. As a matter of fact they always have been and I believe they always will be. Mrs. Jones says to her husband: "Now John, you are going to do so and so. I simply won't stand for any- . thing else." Does John do it? You bet he does and without any further argument. The Mrs. Joneses have been dictating the afFairs of the nations through their husbands all down the ages, and the accomplishments of women leaders is a joke com- pared with the influence of their sisters behind the scenes. Kangaroos are the latest drawing room pets in Mayfair with the preference for young ones about two feet high. If the craze reaches here, there is go- ing to be considerable activity around the crockery shops, for a kangaroo who jumps a little low is going to make an after- noon tea table look as if 0 hurri- cane had whirled through the room. I am chiefly concerned, however, as to whether the craze may be extended to the ball room snd we men be expected to take part in a kangaroo fox trot. As a spectack it would beat every- thing in the jazz line, but I make quite as much of a spectacle of myself now, thank you, without having to take three leaps to reach the end of the floor. From this you will be quite right in deducting that I am not ss young as I used to be. It is 0 well known truism that criticism arouses most hostility among those who have 0 weak case, which Dr. Weir and the teaching profession appear to have completely forgotten in their fulminations against the Kidd report. They act indeed almost as if they had been run- ning a bluf? which had been called. They should remember that the system of education was not the only thing objected to in the report, and little so far has been heard from the other criticized. The politicians mere- ly stated that it was impossible io cut the budget to the tune of $0,000,000. Well, it will have to be done, snd every business man realizes it. It will be more prof- itable now if the educators will kindly use their expert know- ledge to offer advice as to how educational costs may be cut instead of running round the country trying to uphold 0 sys- tem which we can't afford to keep longer in its entirety. And it wou)d help the situation gen- erally if they would explain how the U.B.C. has helped the prov- ince by turning out two or three hundred graduates annually who could not be absorbed into our life here, and many of whom CLASSIFIED ADS WA'.&TED -- C«uf«««table fs«skach cot&««ge. Careful tenant. Ambiooide preferred. Apply Box 52, Vi'csl Vss News. WEBWS SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- D««&ds«are. MARCELLE SHOP MsrccR««50 centi; ravel, 36ci hsger wave, 75c. Phone Mrs. King, West 304. HEADGUARTERS fu AR Oa Pay- s&sr Cfgsrettu, Tobaccos, ssh Fish- ing Gadgets for icosi wolves. Aa- bksihe Tes RooasFOR RENT -- Slswaoaca sadcrs house. TVslcrfrosi. Phoae Weel SS2Y. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Ru- ihcn«e Phoae Well 241IL P P A L M E R -- Chiascr Svuy. Phono North 611R2. FOR REIT--515.00, fos«room fs«s- isboh collage, West Bar, semi- waterfront, piano, full piyabing Phone West 313Hz. FOR SALE -- Kikhu Cabinet, new siss cream wkker baby baggy Pbono West 296. Geo. HayLOST--Aicslias, Tsg Na S746. Rc ward. Phone West 402L FOR SALE--Hawaiian Gsitu. «su, picks ssd slcci isoiohat Prica 615. Phone West 71Y. WEST VANCOUVER M AC BIN E SHOP -- Repairs Spray Poays, Hosuhold articles. 1449 Marine. RADIO SERVICE AND SUPPLY-- 7 years'xperience. Nick William- son, Holiybsrs Pavilion. West 350R PAINTING S DECORATING--Pic 1 class work. New low winter rate. Phone West 360R. LAWN MOigERS SHARPENED- Exporicscoa with sR asku. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vsscos- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Msriss. NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Msrise Drive Pboso West 21 or Serassr 1350 Evausgs Weel 204K GORDOV ROBSON Barrister R SoBdioc WEST VANCOUVER- Oifice No. 1447, Sisnss Dr«ve Phoae Well 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 313 & 610 Hastings Sl. W. Phono, Seraom 4199. have to go to other provinces or countries to earn 3 living with what they had absorbed during their years st Varsity. Macedoine Salad 1 cup cooked carrot stnps I cup cooked potato cubes 1 cup cooked string beans 2 tablespoons finely-chopped parsley Shredded lettuce, French dressing. Arrange shredded lettuce on salad plate. Mix vegetables with French dressing. Put a spoonful on each plate. Serve. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone 1Vest 135 C.J.ARCHER Spodsiisisg in West Vancouver REAL F«TATF INSURANCE (Aii Branches), MORTGAGES. ETC. L&««roar p««&«e««r s» &ai«l «««««sa 791 Dussasir Skeet Phones: Seraur 5954, %«st 223 II =Q4 IS«o««z To)Ic«z V«a«)«ic«L «40 atucceng&sr &pya «wE SAPPINC THE VITALITY YRANSPOIITATION SERVICE IL C. Ezscvs&c i«&cri««g lo p«oviJe Sood street o«r «ervks lo lbo people of &b&«oo&nasaly ll ~ low r«&e of fare. Neve«&bd«a lhae s«v many po««ou wbo are daily elbumbing- their wly «bool ssd &be&v o«o &uay mocorii«&«wbo sa picking ««p p««aozc««who would olbon«i«l «I* in sod bring &ovossc lo lhc «uvel cars. 3 Wherever yos Evo o««d whatever Tos do, iapovori«bing lbe «l«ecl railway system will &e&c& upon yos. Your di«««ice will «&«ga if the &r«hio ssd lhe«vforc lbc iorvioe on To«&r line dccreuls 3 Tbo more pa««aso«v la pickal up by melo«i«a, lho k««s&«a& ocr a«vkc c«s bo ~oppgcd osd fever a«ac cor a«s css be lmpioy«d, ««p&vao«isg a Ioa of &bo««««ak of dollsa in po«cbaco by dale ala ssd lbcic foaifiel. B.C.Bectnc, MASS TRANSPORTATION ESSENTIAL TO CITY UPE BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC R L%'. VrCO. The rate for Cieuiheh Ado««ntuaesis is 2 cuis ye« worl. aisiasa 25 cu&s ps«est Is lac case oi Oau asvins regsisr uussts, sa dusk- daic are payable stcicoir is saruca Reaeasec Cisuldoss is Oa West Vsa Ne««s svl iaac«Rais rouaa I.OST--Bua, "The Eacrd««y«aia d WANTED--Ekark ikls es Psrdau lao Bible," br Moses Hall, an the oi New Marconi Radios, 63930 yp. Sosrfu on Tsud««p, 25th Oolobon Rshk reysirs. base pisgo, urlal«L Phone West 25SR North Shore Radio Eicclrk, 1439 Marine Drive. West 01. FOR SAI.E--iks&&y IBeet«k Wuacr, nearly new, will s40 for iaif yrkc FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Pbou West 462L. Houses Io Rosl H««&«uL Isis siih ~cruge for uie. Jobs ic«wu«L 17th ssd Marine, Phaa West 56. re err r e er «« e«