West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Nov 1932, p. 4

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS Novemimr S. 1922. crrr r C ~ rx«rd. o« 'r. «wrocr «orv«« r c» ~"o r c r Io ~o c rr'$"~ 'r Veto -vr »r r I'rvo'r rv ~ ic'Co v'r y »re 'rwvr . vv -r r r rryrr rvr vr GARDENS and GARDENING ', HOLLYBURN THEATREBy NINALandscape G. HUTr,Architect Sea«1 I I odcccro Accsit«i co ud I Ia do«w S «cs I door bulb culture. The growing of bulbs indoors in the home is so simple and the results so cer tain that no one need deny them- selves the many pleasures to be derived from it. There are three major meth- ods of growing bulbs tndoorsc First. growing them in water or bulb fibre. This is the simplest of the three methods from the standpoint of labor but the flow. ers are not so good and the bulb becomes so exhausted that it is of not much further use. The second and third methods --the growing of bulbs in earth to promote root growth and the growing of bulbs in pots will be dealt with next week. NOTR--Tso wiia W w«circ» It ~ rl«ocr» Io cw « II «iiooc cuc«clod ill» 4 ~ ~ Io IXI~ colo TSO coociiooc csoold So d4 »corn to IS wit Io caro OI Ixo Sdiioc. The ~oc «oai crrccr io u Ir I cw « u ~ o~oul rcrlr I~ 4»circa ~ tcccpod, ~ II-odd«cd co Icr auld X wx«ccL aced«i lo 4«do«ouc U. OI c Aoc«leu r«~clod. Mccosoo Noiawo FRIDAY snd SATURDAY Navoaikor 4th sxd 6thWith the fall frosts near at hand and the flowers in the out- door gardens putting forth their last effort to cheer us up Ivith their bright colors, our thoughts natural/9 turn to the provision of flowers indoors to brighten up the many sunless winter days. This purpose can be achieved easily snd quickly and with little cast by the use of bulbs of various kinds such as tulips, datfodils, hyacinths, cte- cuses, anemones, snd many others. After you have once grown these beautiful flowers in- doors and found how much they brighten up the home you will never again be without them. The word "forcing" is used so much by those selling bulbs for indoor growing that many people hesitate to start. They somehow get the idea that there is a lot of work attached to it and that the results will be doubtful unless "hot house" con. ditions are provided. The "forc- ing" of bulbs to us means the pivxluction of flowers from a bulb at a time when the particu- lar bulb would naturally be in a dormant state. Planting bulbs inside of one's home and having the bulb produce a flower two or three weeks ahead of its nat- ural blooming period cannot be said to be "forcing" the bulb as it it is meant in the florist busi- ness. It is unfortunate that the word is used so much and so needlessly in connection with the simple and pleasant task of in- 64SKY BRIDE" wnh RICHARD ARLRN MONDAY ssd TUESDAY Nucombor Tih ssd Sih " Beyond Victory " Hollybum Ridge An international medical code, to aid doctorless ships in getting medical advice by wireless is be- ing devised. Small-pox marks on the mum- my of Rameses V. indicate that this disease wss known to the Egyptians of about 1,200 B. C.-- SB on There is the famous double- barrelled bull made by s printer who transposed s «bat tbqicarred veteran" into a "battle-scared veteran," snd when cab'ed on by the irate colonel next dsy to cor- rect it made matters worse by referring to the victim as a "bottle-scarred veteran." with RILL BOYD Matinee every Saturday st 2 p.m. Soot marks on a carpet msy be removed by sprinkling with a mixture of salt and sawdust. Leave for a few moments before brushing olf. GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA 4% LOAN 1 932 Biscuit with Sour Iblilk Sift together twice -- 2 cups bread flour, I/» teaspoon soda and I teaspoon salt. With tips of flngers rub in 2 tablespoons shortening. Add 6/4 cup sour milk slowly, stirring with a Rtiife. It may take a trilie less or s little more milk. The dough should be as soft si can be handled without sticking. Turn out on a floured cloth or board. Pat lightly with a rolling pin, roll out one-half inch thick, cut with a small cutter, place close together in a greased pan arid bake ten or fifteen minutes in s hot oven or at 450 degrees F. Necrsdiiica First Jake wsx s worthless ssd imdprvV- dent fellow. One dsy ke said to the local gzoccri "I gotis have x sack o'oar;I'm sil sui, ss'y family h xtsrvinto OAII right, Jake." said the grocer. »II yos need s sack of Boer ssd have so money to buy it with, we11 give yas s xsck. But, xas here, Jake, there'ss circus coming to town is s fow days, asd I! I give you a sack of Boor, are yos sure you won't sell 11 ssd take your fsrdily Io the cizcssto "Oix so," said Jake, OI got the cir- cus money saved up sircsCy." Tbr Atialsdrr rf Piaaarr rffrrrfrr Pabllr IabirriPIira $S0,000,000 Dominion of Canada 4'onds Brarmg ladrrrid fram I IIb Orlrbrr, 1932, aad offrrrd ia lwc realxitr lr, ai follows: $ 25OOOOc000-- 3 YEAR 4% BONDS, DUE 15th OCTOBER, 1935 $ 55OOOOOOOO 20 YEAR 4% BONDS DUE 15th OCTOBER 1952 Bubioa Io rodompiioa at por oad iatrion on or olior I yik Oaobct, 1947 Priacipol poyomd wkkooi ckxrgo, in lawful moory of Ccoodo, OI the oRra of Iko Miaiiior ol Placard oad Receiver General of Ccacdc ci Ouowo or xi Ibo oigcr of ibc Aicicicoi Receiver Goacici ci Honicx. Solar Jobs, Ckoiloiiaawa, Montreal, Toronto, Vylaalpog, Rcaiac, Calgary cad Vlaorio. Iaioicit poycbio balf-yearly, 15th Aprn oad 151k Oaobcr, in lawful aioaoy of Coarse, without charge, at oay branch ia Coaodc of oay Ckcaciod Bank. Drapmiaalioel I 3 YEAR BONDS, $ 1,000 20 YEAR BONDS, $ 500 AND $ 1,000 Tbc proceeds of this Loss will be used Io retire $ 34,449,950 of bonds mxiuriog 1st Novem- ber, 1932& sud Io provide for the general purposes of the Government xsd the Csoxdisn National Railways. The Loan is authorized under Act of Ibe Parliament of Canada, sod both principal sod ioierexi sre s charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. Tbc amount of this issue is $80,000,000. The Minister of Finance, however, reserves the right Io eliot or reject the whole or any part of dubscripiiood received, provided such allot- ments do ooi increase Ilia principal amount of the issue by more Ibxn $2502,000,000. Applicaziond will oot be valid on forms other than those printed by the King'4 Prinicr. "How is the efFiciency expert coming on at your office, Dick 9" "Fine. He was such a success for the boss that we employees hired him for a week." "You fellows hired him?" "Yes, with great success. He showed up a new wsy to beat the time clock, taught us s lot of brand new excuses for being late and how to hook the boss's cigars without being found out." Proof Enough Teacher i "And so we find that heat expands things, snd cold contracts them. Can anyone give me an example of this?" Bright Student: "Yes, m'sm. The days are shorter in winter." Johnny, aged rix. wsx one of those mischievous Stile fellows spdxkdd lrdqsrxiiy by his mother. One dxy father coma home in I'usd Io sde Johnny with big Irsrd trickiisg down hl~ ckrlliir. "WelL srs, what is Ika Iroubtet" be soke& »Ok. nothing is pxrtkalsr, pop; only I Jsdt ksd ~ quarrel with that wife al yours xsd dkr xpaskob rda." 0 'll aa 5ioi Oaokcr, 1952, oad will close oa or boloir isis November, 1912,Subicripiioa NI wi opoa aa as «BI be cocci»cd b wl or w iii css'Ik iiko sado sacks didcroiicrs uf Ikc Miaicicr of placard. Bobralpiluao wi ' ~ay broack ia Coaada af aay ckcarrod boric oad by Iocagaizcd dealers lira wkorr agio'ol pp 'oaiQgiciol ~ iladiad loca« mdy be okioiaod. Dxpxsvznmr oy FINANIR, Onsws, 3tst October, 1932 3 Year BOndS, 99.20 osd iair oiqy'OI«s «aa 'iiy 4 28% ISSUE PRICE:'0Year BOndS, 93.45 oadiaioicci,yicidiagumoiorny 4.50% Pryirrar iv br wadr biloll ri Id»sr Id dppllcriboc or la Ibr rrrr df ibr I-yrrr brwlii, ra rllriwair, I,l I 9 l t bl ~~i 0