West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Nov 1932, p. 3

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0001 November 3, 1932 THE WEST VAN NEWS al er' "Mar l ia ;"'. II csee(,;cej . ngil 'us i '! UCL CIUM. mhuH it's Us" fdIsgr 'MP UU. i :P vse ixo feet nf Rif IS I &: I If. ': I Ided lac'iii ig fili) 3 ilail Iy leer, . Uief is I 7 mse. PRESSING M. EVIL 1568 Marine Drive ( Phone West 20 Jl'VENII.F. FOOTBAI,I. Division I N. S. Canucks vs. K. Bluebirds at 3 p.m. in Mshon Park. Ref- eree, Mr. Vickery. Division II. West Van. vs. Kingsley School at Ambleside Park st I:15 p.m. Referee, P. Mssterman. Division III. Lynn Valley vs. Toc li Boys at 11 a.m. in Lynn Valley Park. Referiw, Rcg. Wilkins. Local and PersonalALTERATIONS LIAMS next to Fruit Store) Rss. Phone Wcei 286L I,ITFRARY SOCIETY The next meeting of the So- ciety will be held on the seconel Thursday of November (10th instant), at 8 o'lock, in the low- er hall of the United Churc'n, when an address will be given by ibfrs. Hamilton Smith on the rather unusual subject of "Color in Prose and Poetry." Anything coming from her pen is sure to be interesting snd original; and the subject is an atrsctive one. Any friends who wish to hear the address will be vcelcome to attend the meeting. no time in legging it to a safe distance, when he stopped to look around and take a bird' eye view of the general situs- teon. The innocent cause of his discomfiture also wasted no time going all out until he reached his father, but he did not stop to take sny kind of view, for which no one will blame him. s ~ Mr. Mulhern of Vancouver, hss moved into a house at 1952 Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ J. C. Leaman of Vancouver, is having a home built at Cypress Park. ~ ~ K. W. Carlisle has moved from Vancouver into a house at 3150 Travers Avenue. s Mrs. H. Glacd, who hss been visiting in the Okanagsn, has returned to her home at 889 15th Street. ~ \ J. B. Hewetson hss moved into a house at 2246 Bellevue Ave. A. IVard has moved from the city into s house st Cypress Park. o C. J. Dunlop has moved mto a house at 2063 Esquimalt Ave. W. Blanchard of Vancouver, has moved into 8 house at 1792 Argyle Ave. The rain gusge at Duchess venue, Hollyburn, showed infsll of 1.69 inches in tho wenty-four hours between the urning of Sunday, October 30th I the morning of Monday. ~ ~ Irs Edgley is very seriously ill t the North Vancouver Gen- er Hospital e . Cs. Allen has moved from 206 Bellevue Avenue to Van- cou r, ~ ~ Th salmon sre still going up Nels Creek to spawn and it is expec d that the run will last there r another week. Practic- ally a the fish have ascended the Ca ilano River and are now returni to die. Mrs. utchinson has moved from 27t and Palmerston Ave. into the rrie house st 24th and Palmerst Ave. Dave Clispmsn, 17th and Ot- tawa, met,with s bad accident last Thursday while blasting at 16th and Fulton Ave., a root striking him under the chin and inflicting 0 bad cut in his neck besides knocking birn unconsci- ous. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital for treatment but has since suffici- ently recovered to return to his home. ~ o Mr. Olsen, a fisherman from Gibson's Landing, lost every- thing during the storm on Thursday morning, his boat be- ing pounded to pieces on the rocks at West Bay with the de- struction of the engine, marine instruments and nets. Mr. and ebIrs. J. McEwan, 15th and Esquimalt Ave., moved yesterday to Vancouver. o e ~ Dick Lloyd was the guest for a week of his mother, Mrs. Lloyd of 23rd and Bellevue Ave., and has since returned to Williams Lake. Captain H. I. Vince, who has been away sick, has returned to his duties. ~ ~ C. D. Edwards, 21st and Marine Drive, has been confined to his home as the result of an accident. \ e Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rigden of Vancouver, were guests at the Clachan over the week end. o As a result of the recent heavy rains the steelhesd trout have come into the smaller creeks. Several anglers have been successful in landing speci- mens weighing over two pounds. A small boy from Vancouver whose father was building a cabin on Hollyburn Ridge rec- ently had an exciting experience in the vicinity of the old mill- site. As he jumped to the ground off a big log he very nar- rowly missed landing on top of 8 little bear cub who wss taking forty winks there. The cub lost o ~ o E. Marsh, proprietor of Holly- burn Barbers, won the $6 prize at Hollyburn Theatre last week with ticket No. 1410. IIOLLYBURN ROLLER RINK TVEST VAN. RANGERS The following players will please report at Ambleside IVharf, Saturday, November 6th, at 12:45 sharp, for game at Fleming School: B. Trafford, Ross Forrester, N. Johncox, C. McMillan, T. Bui.t, A. Master- man, M. Lennox, J, Cripps, P. Masterman, IV. Wedley, A. Ed- wards, R. Cripps, B. Winch- combe. Grand Re.opening SATURDAY November 5th 7.80 io 11.80 p.m. GENERAL ADMISSION 28c. Singer Sewing Machines CORRESPONDENCE The Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir:--Suggestions have been made that a Philatelic Club be formed in West Vancouver for the mutual interest of adults and also to encourage juniors in the Royal Hobby. Would anyone who is inter- ested in the formation of such a club please communicate with the writer. Thanking you for the publica- tion of thea letter. Yours truly, F A RAMSEY (Nsw or Svcoad-Haad) REI'AIRS, SUPPI IES WEST VAN. CLEANERS Phoae Wssi IS I. Car Tops, Curtain Lights Slip Covers I.O.D.E. MASQUERADE GREAT SUCCESS The annual Hallowe'en Mas- querade Dance given by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., last Friday evening in Holly- burn Pavilion, was 0 great suc- cess, over two hundred guests being present. The music sup- plied by the Music Makers Or- chestra was excellent and kept aH I dancers on their toes throughout the evening, while the number of fancy dresses on the fioor with the pretty decor- ations added greatly to the charm of the scene. The follow- ing were the prize winners: Best Dressed Gentleman -- Dr. Vance. Two Best Comic Costumes-- Miss Ruth Hill, Miss Madeline Burkhart. Best Hallowe'en Costume--Mrs. Douglas Graham. Judges--IIIrs. Fox, Senior, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilmour. Light refreshments were ser- ved during the evening. PHONE N. R. ELI.IS, 1427 Marine The Cables Apartments WEST BAY SCOUT NOTES At the last meeting of the Legion Troop, J. Allan was in- troduced to the troop, he having consented to act as scout master until S. W. Cunningham returns. The patrol competition ended last week as arranged. The Beaver Patrol came first with 8 good lead. The Springbucks came next and the Eagles last. As the pup-tent will not be ready for tonight's meeting, the bun- feed will be held on the next Thursday instead. 820. 00 Fuculshvei Suites Electrically Equippsef li Steam Heated Rss. I'hose IVcsi Uisiiz Phono ED. BLACK WEST 68 for OALT. TULAhiEEN, aud NANA)hlO - WELLINGTON COAL Ail orders Cash or C.O.D. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgc. Disiisciivs Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320- 3rd Si. E, Phone North 628 I. O. D. E. UNITED CHURCH YOUeNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY On November 7th at 8 p.m., in the United Church Hall, Rev. Jas. Stobie will give an illustrat- ed lecture on liianchuria. All interested in this subject are welcome. A silver collection will be taken to forward the work of the young people. Badmmton will be played by the young people after the regu- lar Monday evening meeting and also every Wednesday evening at 9 p.m. The day of the monthly meet- ing of the Duncan Lawson Chap- ter, I.O.D.E., has been changed to the first Monday in the month, November 7th. It will take place at the home of Mrs. Hurst, and will start at 2:15 p.m. IXL Laundry SERVICES: -- 77erifty, Flat- ironed aud Au)shod laundry Ide Iuxs) Phoae 'ivosc 200 WESTON BADblliVTON CLUB The Weston Badminton Club is meeting Thursday nights in St. Stephen's parish hall. There are vacancies for a few players, and anyone intending to join are asked to kindly attend one of the meetings or inquire of C. F. Powell, 994 22nd Street. If your hoss are uot laying as they should, icy Thrivo Laying Mash MCKERZIE 6 MCWILLIAM FEED Co. 225 Losedale Avc. North 0 i,~5'~ I'ESTVAN WELFARE ASSOCIATION ALWAYS NEEDS PARENT TEACHERASSOCIATION The next meeting of the P.-T. A. will be held in Pauline John- 8on School at 8 o'lock on Tues- day evening, November 8th. The speaker will be J. R. Mitchell, B.A„vice-principal of the High School, snd his subject will be 'A Cross-Section of the Educational System,'iss Margaret Wilson will sing, Miss Freds Herrin will give a pianoforte solo snd L Brooks B.A., will play a violin solo. A very cordial welcome is ex- tended, not only to parents, but to everyone who ls interested In education. BOOTS, SHOES, UNI)ERTVEAII (Specially bien'0) AND CASH I'hone TVest 109 AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. MLTRCH, PrOprietor Finest Quality Fresh bieatse Smoked and Cooked bleats. PHONE WEST 303 Mosvl 102 $I 39 TAILORING - CLEANINC - DQEINQ 'ersonal Christmas Cards Fram your own snaps 10 for 9$c. Cemmill's Drug Store TTm Sieve of Ssevuee IU02 Maciao Dvivo West gf Fussvgoacy Phoas Wsoi 321 (Aftsv 0 p.m.) Ambleside Sheet MetalWorks IAURIS SPECK, Pespeieiav 1446 bfsrine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING STRATTON'S BAKERY FRESH BREAD -- CAKES All Kinds of Tea Bread Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Ecdes Cakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Christening. Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will calL Room & Board bIRS BRINE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phone Avenue West 458L K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Westinghouse Radio $69.50 To $ 199 Northern Electric $80 to $224.50 Long and Short Wave $ 159.50 snd $ 175 Short bvave Converter $51,50 TERMS NORTH SHORE DEALERS Hammersmorl( Bros. gLECTRK IHSTALIATIOHS aas REPAIRS 108 East Esplanade NORTH VAHCOUVCR Phone North 310 I er ) cw