0001 l O 'L rv! YV Or H Jlrvr~V vrvv W l' V O WOO: INN IOV I 'V l ~ .&I I Nrk SwoCrrg ' V 'Olr ~C'O OV *a,l Y rrw C%irv'wlrd. ' rw Y INI l :rr ~ '. .Ow 'IVI' ~ ' 'rc. ~ Cv ~ ' V' ~:ri Crcrlvcvrvvr cr v rcvvrrr "rr:n vr(vvvvrrrcr Yv rcrYvVV Yvrrl V rrr vp .'r crr r vv C~crv "rrvc vvvvr .vr crvr vr~cr ~v Permanent Waues SOSIISOV5 Ngiurkl Ss.so IOOIIVIIOO O u O Itl'lI, SOOOIOOO ~Og rlogol' oro Cweytdoffytt Beauty Shoppe 1040 Mar&so Dr(re Phone West 117 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in a)l Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "ADAhi AND FAI LEN MAN." One of the Bible texts will be I Corinthians 16& 22: "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 476 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: VIVhen speaking of God's child- ren, not the children of men, Jesus said, 'The Kingdom of God is vrithin you that is, Truth and Love reign in the real man, showing that man in God' image is unfallen and eternal." Orange Sponge Cake Best together until thick 2 egg yolks, I/4 teaspoon grated orange rind, 4 tablespoons or- ange juice and '/2 tablespoon lemon juice. Add "/I cup sugar gradually and continue beating with egg beater. Fold in 2 egg whites, beaten stifF and 1 cup pastry flour sifted 4 times with I/4 teaspoon soda and I/4 teaspoon salt. Grease an angel cake or deep round tin and line the bot- tom with greased paper. Pour in cake mixture and bake thirty minutes at 375 degrees F. Cake may be frosted or it may be split and filled with orange marma- lade or a cooked orange filling between the layers. Kid gloves may be cleaned by rubbing well, whi)st on the hands, with 0 flannel vrrung out of milk. Do not rinse, but hang them out where they can dry slowly. Established on North Sboro 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARROiV BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral 6irertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van Nems Pgbligbod Every Thursday PsbUohor F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Booisgoo ssd EdRorlsl Dgtgoi 17th osd Moriso Dr&go (Noxt Io HoUybsrs P. 0.) Phone West 363 Mall Addroooi P. D. Box SI, HoUrbsrs, RC North Vancouver Office& 123 Lonsdsle Ave. 01.00 s year by gsrrlogi 024M ~ yokr by MALL United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wr)ght Next Sabbath will be a red- letter day in West Vancouver Unite&( Church as on that day they gather to celebrate the ISth anniversary. Special speakers will be present at both services, while the choir under the lea&ler- ship of J. Addy are preparing special music. Rev. 1V. G. Willan, B.A., min- ister of Point Grey United Church, will be the speaker at the morning service, while the Rev. Princi(rs), J. G. Brown, M.A. of the United Church College, will give the add&was in the even- ing. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to the people of West Vancou- ver to attend these services. On the IVednesday night fol- lowing the Women's Association of West Vancouver United Church will serve the anniver- sary supper in the Church Hall. Following the supper a program of music and song will be given, The Rev. G. O. Fallis, B.D., C.B.E., of Canadian Memorial United Chumh, will give an ad- dress. A large attendance at the gathering is anticipated. The Sunday School snd Bible Class will meet as usual next Sabbath day at ten o'lock. The W. A. of the United Church held their monthly meet- ing on Tuesday of this week, when plans were completed for the Anniversary Supper to be held on November 9th, also for their annual bazaar on Tuesday, December 6th. Fuller announce- ment will be made later. Morning musica) service: solo, R. Proud; anthem, the choir. Evening service: solo, Miss J. Durbin; anthem, the choir. CLASS LEADERS AT L 'UNDARAVESCHOOL .Y 'Grade 1b, -- 1, Constance Os- wald; 2, Douglas Mason. Grade la--I, Dallas Ingram. Grade 2b,--I, Clare Beaty; 2, Patsy Taylor. Grade 2a -- 1, hfarion Dundas Grade 3b -- I, Douglas Brew- is; 2, Betty Brewis. Grade Sa -- 1, Diana Chap- man; 2, Teddy Climie. Grade 4b -- I, Yoshiko Hos- hino; 2, Anthony Lloyd. Grade 4a -- 1, Dallas Smith; 2, John Robson. Lawyer: "What did you say when you saw the automobile ap- proach the railroad track r'atchman:"I said, 'That is s fine car, wasn't itT" Smith: "Just got a letter from my wife saying she was nervous with me away--all unstrung, you know." Jones: "What are you going to do?" Smith: "Wire her at once." The tree that never harl io Sghk, for ous asd gky, ssd kir, sod light That Stood ooi Is the open plain Asd always got i&g share of rois; Never hogg&so x forest kine But Uved xsd died s sgrsbby thing. The srsx ibsi never hs4 Io toil Who never hsd Io win hlg shark Of ooo, ond oky, ssd Uzhi, osd oir, Never bock&ok a manly Inks Bst lived sad died as he hoses. Goad timber does xot grow in ease, The stronger wind the tougher trees Tho fsribor gky the greater length, The mote the storm the more ih& strength; By gun ssd cold, by rain ood snows, In tree or mgx good Umbor grows. Where ihigLogi stands the forogi growth, Wo Ssd the Poiriorghg of both; Arxt they hob) converse with the giorg Whose broken brssghog show the Of many winds soil much of strife This Ig the common law of Ufe. The chance of success )Ies in working with the boy--not the man--Theodore Roosevelt. THF WFST VAN NEWS St. Stephen's ChurchWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. November Gth--21th Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m.--klo)y Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. )1:16 S.m.--I'rimary School. )1:IG a.m.--Holy Communion and ser&lloll. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd ser- mon. CHURCH RnifICB P 20&k oxd Eoqolroon, HoUIVgrs Th&4 Society Ig s Brksch of The Mothor Church I The F&rgi Church of Clwsk Scien&(gt Is Bog&os bfoogschsgoiig S'undayServices Ii:20 s.w, osd 7:So Paa Sum)ay, November 6, 1932, Subject: "ADAM AND FALI.EN )IIAN." Sunday School at 10 00 ~ &e Testimony Mooting Wodsosr)sy ~I 2:IG paw Caulfeild--St. Francis, 3 p.m. --Evensong and sermon. Monday, 8 p.m.--A.Y.P.A. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.--W.A. 8:15 p.m. -- Church Commit(LW. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Adult Bible Class. On Armistice Day there will be Holy Communion at 9:SO a.m. Confirmation Classes sre be- ing arranged snd those Interest- ed are asked to communicate with the Rector as soon as pos- sibkb St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: Clachan Hotel 9:16 s.m.--Holy Mass, sermon 2 p.m.--Sunday School. WEEK DAYS 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. Wednesday--7:30 p.m., Devo- tions. Friday--7:30 p.m., Devotions, confessions. Saturday--7:SO p.m., confes- sions (adults). The W. A. will hokl their busi- ness meeting in the Hall on Tuesday, November 8th, st 2:30 Nomination of ollicers. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1S43 Hsywood Ave. Sunday IVovcniber 6th 10 a.m.--Sunday School anrl Adult Class. 11 a.m.--Mormng worship. Mr. Alfred T. Riley of West Bsy, will preach at both ser- vices. Anthem. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. A cordial invitation to slb hlonday, 7:45 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. All young people over 1G hearti+wekome. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer snd praise with Bible study. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Remembrance Day Service, Friday morning at the Memorial Arch at 11 a.m. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Services: 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School. Also Y. P. Bible Class. 3:16 p.m.--Church Worship. Sermon sub)ect: "Preparatory to Education Week Observance. What is the best contribution we csn render as parents, citizens snd Christians&" Thought for the week: "How much of the etfort of the Church in educating children in religion would be better spent in show- ing parents how to give such nurture to their own children? Should she not include adult classes in her Sabbath School? This principle would also apply to the day school." USEFlrl. H)NTS FO)( THE HOIWIE Keep the water in which rice has been boiled, add 0 litle blue- water, and use this instead of starch for stiffening muslin. 1Vhen cooking fruit, sdd 0 pinch of salt to improve the fiavor. A French physician has found horse serum more ei?ective for wound dressing than collodion It is not generally known that ordinary household pepper is most valuable for 0 cut tlnger or Rmb. It not only stops thc bleeding but is also very sooth- ing. bk I'. C. NOTES A public meeting was held at the Legion Hall on Wednesday, 26th ulto., when Dr. Lyle Telford gave a talk on "What of Our Future?" "As to the present," he said, "farming is in 0 hopeless posi- tion. The farmer is down and out Industry is in no better shape. The purchasing power of the people cannot possibly keep up with production under the pres- ent system. The eificiency of roachinery,is increasing so vapid- ly that the great majority of the present unemployed can never hope to get back to work. Our present financial institu- tions are helpless under these conditions and are drifting into worse chaos. What has the future to offer for the young people now coming out into the world with high hopes and great ambitions? Under the present system there is no prospect of anything better than the conditions we are now experiencing. In fact the present policy of "drift" will unfailingly lead to worse condi- tions snd end in complete break- down and chaos. Only under a complete change of system--under Socislism- can the future oifer any hope for us or our children." The discussion following thc address was so keen that the meeting continued to 0 very late hour. A business meeting of the party was held on Tuesday, November 1st, when matters of Ixkrty policy were under discus- sion and important decisions were made with regard to both provincial and local policy. A public meeting will be held at the Legion Hall on (Vednes- day, November 9th, when Dr. A. W. Paskins, drugless physici- an of Vancouver, will speak on "Politics and Health." An int- eresting discussion is assured. W. C. T. U. The Women's Christian Tem- perance Union will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. G. Faulknor, 1S44 Gordon Avenue, on Thursday, Novem- ber 10th, at 2:15. All ladies int. crested are cordially invited. kiugging the Curve She& "Is it dangerous to drive with one hand?" He: "You bet. More than one fellow hss run into 0 church do- ing it." November,'I, 1932. 4' l DI.Marjory h(cCubb}n or part fruit and nuts. Grease molds. This will fill six good-sized molds. Steam 1&,'.', to 2 hours. Serve with sauce. Devilled Eggs Cut hard-cooked eggs cross-7-:.'ise or lengthwise, remove yolks . k mix with vinegar and seasoning, or with boiled dressing. Re(Ill cg' yolks in the whites. Col&i minced "~ ham or chicken may be added to',~i the yolks. French dressing may'e used instead of vinegar. To sweeten 0 vacuum flask which has become shghtly sour, half fill it with cold water to which tablespoonful of dry mus-".III tard has been added. Leave to()tI stand for half an hour, thenf; shake thoroughly. Rinse well M&$~6 with a little cold water, 3J Julia: "Do you think it's un- b& lucky to postpone a wedding?" f j,Frank: "Not if you keep on i doing it." E NOW PLAYING I 'I DEVIL AND DEEP 'lio cols ivigooro io rooool. orewiiog Ibis pi&Or&re &o roo. fr'&AT&II&K No 2 "The Flaming Frontier" THURSDAY GUEST NIGHT Iogioo buy &be ib kl Io ooi bring o igliy or gest oo your goeo& I'RPB. Alk Ibo ogobior f r Iioeoi Ti&kot. PI&II&AY OAR&I IIIL&WINU & nnlbr rk olvgo Aw*r MOOCTOOOCWO4. NO ~ I Wook REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM NBIVS I' III 4'M &Xrb&BD1 MONDAY NICHT IS BARGAIN NIGHT Bargain Price 25c Thoro.-frL.so&. Noxi Bring 'Em Back Alive Tbo rrrvorol& Aoiwol I'Io&oro Y I I'iwNIYA BUY YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE ror ibo Symphony Concert SUNDAY NEXT COOOOOOIOS gi 2 ~ .W I ,'h,i DENTIST Hours I'0 ~ . M Io 0 tk sL Evosiszg ood Soisrdoy Afuw. soosg by appointment onlY. Royal Bask BOUdlsz phoae Woo& 440 Rooldonco I'hogg Weel 202. DR. G. D. IL Se;ALE DENTIST Hky Block, lith ssd Isorlso Dr, Ofnco Hours 0 Io 0 p.m I I x ~ r i Evon&szo by sppoisiroosL Phono Woo& 72 IIOLI.YBLIRN Barber Shop 16th 0 Motlso I EXPERT SBRVICE E. h(ARSE, Proyrio&or. ', ', ( j Fru&t Rice I'udding 2 cups flour (pastry) teaspoon salt i,r t&iispoori soda I/?, teaspoon mixed spice P irz cup molasses I/2 cup sour milk 2 tablespoons shorten)ng me)IMa fu i r 8 ed. I I/2 cup chopped nuts or raisins kl Mix as for gingerbread or?" Boston brown bread. Spice may &" be cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves or': ginger. It is unnecessary to use .,Q butter for shortening, as spice.f and molasses cover its fiavor.o Fruit used may be raisins, cur- rents, dates, figs, citron, etc. Any kind of nuts may be used, 4'; 6 I