0001 !27 I RUAT !Flu'CB DAY i)r 1st 'ght'y 41 2 ve 0 l43 fte lid 've been ding his ding hin some iN ly !lc 00 '3 gs Octal)er 27, IS32 DUNCAN LAWSON CIIAPTER I.O.D.E. Hallowe'en Masquerade ~ +ee In the Hollyburn Pavilion FRIDAY, Oct. 2,8th, at 9 p.m. Tickets 50cOrchestra--The Music Makers CORRESI'ONDENCE The Editor, Chrintmns Cheer Fund e'r.Editor: Dear Sir:--Will you allow me through the columns af the IVest Vancouver newspaper, to 'ans- wer Mr. Kendrick's letter of your last issue? I sm sorry that anyone should feel himself flt to criticize the parents of West Vancouver in these times of hardship and dis- tress; when sympathy is so bad- ly needed. Mr. Kendrick wonders why more students do not avail them- selves of the facilities provided for them at night classes. He rashly concludes that these stu- dents do not really want educa- tion. hfay I ask Mr. Kendrick one question? Why don't the miserable half- starved men we see every time we go to the city, avail them- selves of the facilities offered by the bakeries, butcher shops aml dairies? It seems a shame that the un- employed have to look at the bakery windows stufFed full of new bread, cakes and cookies, and then pass by. Did it ever occur to Mr. I&en- drick that perhaps it is for this same reason that the student- pass by the night school facili- ties? Unfortunately too many of our worthy West Vancouver res- idents are nui?ering from en- forced idleness. This!3 the ans- wer to a good mnny questions. I hope this is read in the spirit it is written, not to make ill- feeling, but to prevent it, Sincerely yours, .'AIRS. EMILY RUSSEI.L I We are approaching the Fes- tive Season when the need be- comes greater to extend the hand of friendship, ete., and, as we all know, the need is greater this year than it has been for many years past. ! „With this end in view, I offer a suggestion through your valu- able paper, that a mann produc.- tion performance of acme well known work or Oratorio be givenIfj at one of our local Halls or The- % Jf I atre, by ALL singers in the kilunicipality who are familiar, nay w)th the Messiah Charunen and, who, whether members of any Church Choir, Choral or nther Society, would donate their services to assist in raising 8 fund for Christmas Cheer ar Welfare Work. 5It, would not necessitate manyevenings for practice, because !nont singers are thoroughly familiar with the choruses men- t!oned, and perhaps two or three good practices would weld the )', various parts into an ensemble nui?icient to give a creditable ,, performance. There is no doubt a Hall could 4 be secured free for this event, an Orchestra provided, and an 'xcellent chorus securerl from vs the splendid talent we boast int' g West Vancouver.Could we have an expression ] '-.; of opinion from our singers as.9 to this suggestion? Yours sincerely AUBREY CLARKE. "The 2!r! I xm marr!ed to hxx x twin sister." "Gosh! How do you tell 'em apxrtt" "I don't try ta; it's np to the o!her i one to look out for herse!f." "Mother, why d!d yon marry Cath- Kelly: Oi want to net a book to putth'hotogmphs av ag me relatives in. 0! thinks this wan will do. C!er)i: Bnt that isn't s family 4!- bum; that is a scrap-book. Kelly: Thin it's Just the thing; xg me relatives xre scrappers, !very wsn of !him. "So. you'e begun to wonder, too have yon?" [Nh% v'-"nn m e Io L. n ~ ~ e ~ ex& vs sns ax ms Yogg can't go wrong i!j Lubrication Service DAY AND NIGHT TO'IVIiVG SERVICE Complete Repair Service We speci rfli Eei ff plensiffjy the customer 4 When in Doubt BF Firestone Most miles per dollar. Most scien!iflc tread 1( Twa extra ply under the tread See BILL GROUT at %Vest Van Motors 1451 Marine West 268 Shell Products THE WEST VAN NEWS TO KEEl'E5IE5IBRANCE DAY The Amputations'ssociation af the Great IVar, Vancouver Branch, have issueed an appeal for the proper observance of Remembrance Day. in which connection there was passed the following resolution at their Dominion Convention recently held in Vancouver: "Whereas the Eleventh Day of Navember is one of the most sig- nificant days in the history of the British Empire, and Whereas this day has been net apart as Remembrance Day by Domm)on Statute. Therefore Be It Resolved that we, the Amputations'ssocia- tion of the Great War in Conven- tion assembled, do pledge our- selves to do all in our power to nee that this day shall be Sacred in our National Life; We further pledge ourselves to keep it a day of Remembrance in very truth,--a day on which the Canadian People shall be im- pressed with the traditions of Service and Sacrifice established by Canada's Noble Dead in the Great War; And further we appeal to the industrial and commercial life of Canada to follow the splendid example set by Dominion, Pro- vincial and Municipal Govern- ments by closing down all but necessary work on Remembrance Day, in order that the whaie Canadian People,--particularly Canada'8 Youth,--may be priv- ileged to associate with War Mothers, War Wfdawn, War Dis- abled and IVar Veterans. Lest We Forget." bsr)ss rene)sr sccexsts, sg cfxxm- Ysa Nses nst )mmsdix)e rexxax 25 nmtx pempt in um case of these nedll srs pxyxb)e s)rinfy is advance. Remember Cissx!4sds is tbs West EXPERIFXCED DRESS5IAKER Would like work at )sdas'osses, sherstions, costs rx!med, 52.00 per dxy. Phone West 176. FOR RPiNT--Comfortable bxsnshne, nve rooms, furnished or part!y fsr- n!xbxd. modern, gsrxne, 316. Phone West 256X. SOLID WALn)UT IHNING RooM SUITE--0 pieces. Owner ixxvisn town. Snap for snick sale. Mrs. Bxssmont, 3169 Ttxvxrx Aee. LOST Aissusa Don. Licnixe, txn No 6')40 Phone «'est 402L FOR RENT--1) x)erfrxxt hoses. fxBy wadena, e)seine stove. Phone West 665R. )X)TS C) EARED OR Fps)CED Rexsonsb!e. Free estimates. Phone West 62!Y. FOR SAL)b-Genera) E)mtric 8-)sbe Sxperbetcrodyse, cost 539A0, x)next new. Wonderful tesx, 635.00. Phone West 436Y. W)!.L EXCHANGE Eeer-beer)xx Strawberry plants for ordinary variety or raspberry canes, Phone West zsng, WANTED--E)estnc Sets os Parehsse of New Mxrcaa) Radios, 689.60 sy.Radio re)max base p)nss sxns)x North Shorn Radio E)ectrie, 1439 Marine Drive. 9)'ext $1. LOST Escheat from Dxsdxrsie pier Reward. Phone West 394L. WANTED--By Expert Dremmxkxr- Sewing alterations, mending, xtc. App!y F44 - 14th Street. FOR SA!.E OR RFJ4T--Cosy water- front bungalow. Close to ferry.Furniture for sale. Apply 1520 Argyle. FOR SALE--1925 Cbeendet TouringNew top. new tires, new battery;nrxt class rnnnixx order. Will demonstrate. App)y Box 61, West Vsn News. 376.00 cash. FOR SA).E -- March PxBetx, redx, rocks, bsntxmn, R. O. P. stock, Rodxnrs. Phone West 060X. WEST VANCOUVER M A CHIN ESHOP -- Repairs Spray Pampa, Honssho)d arne!es. 1449 Marine. FURMSHED AniD LssFLRVISHED Hm)ms to Rest. Hoaxes, h)t«snd ~ctmgx far sale. John 17th xnd Marin, Pboss West 55. WERE'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dnndsrxve. HEADGUARTERS fsr Ag the Poy- alar C!nxrxttsx, Tobaccos, xnd Fish- ing Gadgets for iacsi ex)era Am- b)snide Tes Boomx FOR PLUMBLs)G REPAIRS -- Bes- idxncs Phone West 241B. E P A L M E R -- Ch)msxy Sexes. Phone North 811R2. RADIO SERVICE AVD SUPPLY-- 7 years'xperiencx. N!ck )V!n!am- xon. Honybnrn pxv!Bon. West 350R MARCELLE SHOP -- Msrnd)e, 60 cents: reset, 854) nnner wxva, 76c. Phoae Mrs. King, Wsxt 304. PA!NTL)IG a DECORATING--First c)ssx work. New !sw winter rate. Phone West 350R. Geo. HayLAWN 61OWERS SHABPENED-Experienced with sg makes. "WILLCUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Machine Shay, 1449 Marine. WELFARE CONCERT Due to the Inclemency of the weather the concert given by the West Vancouver Welfare Asso- ciation last Saturday evening was not as well attended as wan hoped or as the occasion deserv- ed. Mrs. F. Stainsby, who wan responsible for the arrangements is to be congratulated on a very excellent and varied program, which included vocal and instru- mental numbers, both piano and violin, a quartette, recitations, and last but by no means least, seeveral dancing numbers. All the artists did remarkably well and each one had to respond with an encore. Rev. F. A. Ram- sey, president of the association, gave a short address during the evening, in which he thanked those responsible for making the concert such a success as well as others who had helped in the work of assisting the unfortun- ate. He hoped that the spirit of c~peratfon which had so far characterized the efFortn of all would continue throughout the winter. J. R. Mitchell acted as cha)rman for the evemng. NORTH SHORE TEACHERS HOSTS AT BA NII U ET AS LO?sVEfsTION FUNCTIOV Representatives of North Shore school boards, parent- teacher associations, B. C. Teachers'ederation and school health services were guests Fri- day evening of members of North Shore Teachers'ssocia- tion at a banquet in North Van- couver high school auditorium. The occasion marked opening of the association's annual twaeiay convention. Trustees Fergu~ MacLachlan Garvin Dezell and C. T. Kendrick spoke on behalf of the school boards, and him, T. C. Rae, Mr... H. Crute and Mrs. H. Selwoxl represented parent-teacher asso- ciations. Brief addresses were also given by C. G. Brown and Harry Charlenworth, president and sec- retary, respectively, of B. C. Teachers'ederation, and Dr. G. F. Amyot and A. C. Nash, of the North Shore school health services. Dr, H, R. Anderson, president of the association, was chairman. Concluding sessions were held in the high school Saturday. NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Mxrmc Dnrc Phoae West 21 or Seymosr 1260 Even!ann West 20)X Spider Corn Bread I egg Is/) cups milk, I cup corn meal I'3 cup flour 2 tablespoons sugar I teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder I tablespoon shortening Beat egg and add one cup milk stir in corn meal, flour, sugar, salt and baking powder which have been sifted together; turn into frying pan in which short- ening han been melted; pour on remainder of milk but do not stir. Bake about 25 minutes in hot oven. There should be a line creamy custard through the bread. Cut into triangles and nerve. GORDOIV ROBSOiV Barrister a Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- 08'ice No. 1447 Marine Drive Phone West 40k VANCOUVER OFFICE Soke 818 510 Hastings St. W Phone, Seymosr 4199. C. J. Overington PIOiVEER BARBER 14th and 51arine Expert Work Phone West 135 Cream lx)af Cake )/ cup shortening I cup sugar 2 eggs I teaspoon lemon extract 'jn cup rich milk or thin cream I eup flour )AI cup cornstarch Baking Powder Cream shortening add sugar slowly; add beaten eggs and flavoring; add milk a little at a time; sift flour, corn starch and baking powder together and add; fold in beaten whites of eggs. Bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven 35 to 45 minutes and cover with fronting The Tools Were All There Sambo had found a job for the week on a railroad section gang, and was taking leave of his family when his wife came to the door and shouted: "Come back heah, Sam. You hasn't cut a stick of wood fo" de stave--and you'l be gone a week!" The iVegro turned and looked very much aggrieved. "Honey." he said in 8 tone af injured innocence, "«hat'5 de mattah? You all talks as though Ah was takin'e axe with mc." Labor and Play.--"Dar ain'o much danger of overwork," said Uncle Eben, "as dar is of over- play. We stops de day's labor when de whistle blavrs, but quit- tin'-time foh a card game kin be anything up to four o'lock in de nlo)vun'." C.J.ARCHER Spxnx)uanx In «vxt Vxnnmvsv REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE (Ag Branches), MORTGAGES. ETC. ) blrexelexvenr terse)ex Iemlsx 791 Daxxms!r Street phosee Seymosr nne4 1% is) yze FOR SALE MOFFAT SPFCIAL FINISH ELECTRIC ILLVGE; green xnd ivory body; 4 rings; large oven; warming oven. n)ree-pbcs Cbaxter4sk) Sn!)c mohair; reversible ssshiomx Both!n nsod condition. Cost 3437.!nn Range snd Ssue for 8160.00, or 37L00 each xey- srxte)y. pbm)e Vfeet 140R or West !39Y at night Orderin'r Remfnhmfn'? "I should like a porterhouse steak with mushrooms." said the stranger, "some deliciously browned toast, with plenty of butter--"" 'Scuse me, sur," interrupted the waiter, "Is you tryin'o give me an oiler, or is you Just reminiscin'bout old times?" CLASSIFIED ADS Tbs rs)s fie C)ssxfnsd Advxrtisemesm !s 2 costs yer emd. mhdmsm e rn I I 25. -:I we I I ,"r hN er s