0001 I"'I . ~ 1 &r r'r&r rvpr 1 I»»r 4 &»»»r .V r 'w» ~ rr pr i&mj 4 ~PPP-'» P 'I I'j P IV »r r- &W'V 'P j&j . ~2" r" ~ p&rrrr ~» rvv 'V'rrrrr rrrirr &rvj rrw»» rrrrrrrr V V ~ rr»rrrrrrp rr rr rr»rr rrw n»rrrr 1»" Permanent N aves $3.95 1 txioe $5.00 sommerx Nx&mxi $650, & j«144&44 hi' PIIWIL Gffjeyfdoly» Beauty Shoppe 1540 Ma«iso Drive Phone West 117 CAI'TAIN BEAUMONT PASSES AWAY Captain Henry Beaumont, aged 49, Travers Ave., assistant license inspector at the Vancou- ver City Hall. since March, 1980, died at 11:50 p.m. Wednesday in General Hospital. He had been ifi for some time. Born in Shefi'ield, the deceased came to Vancouver in 1911. In 1924 he entered the service of the B. C. Electric Railway Co., remaining vrith that company until 1928, when he joined Stew- art Cameron dt Co. Ltd. He was 0 member of the Masonic Order. For six years the deceased served in the British South Afri- can Police. He enlisted with the CDI.R. first division at Victoria in 1914 and was one of the first gas oificers in the Canadian Div- ision. He is survived by his wife, the former hiiss Pearl Phfifips, whom he married in Orifiia, Ont., in 1928, and one son, John; his parents, hlr. snd hfrs. J. L. Beaumont, in England; three brothers, WUIiam L. Beaumont, of Victoria, J. S. Beaumont of Vi'dxor, Ont., and Adrisn Beau- mont of Huddersfield, England. Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Center A Hanna. Rev. C. C. Owen oificisted snd burial took place in the returned soldiers'lot, hfountain View Cemetery. Not Human Het "Those are my wife' ashes in the jar on the mantel." She: VOh, then she hss pass- ed into the Great Beyond 7» Hef "Great Beyond nothing! She's just too lazy to look for an ssh-tray,» Extxbiixbed ox North Shore 20 Yjxr&L (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAM SON funeral Uirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nerjjjs I'xbUxh«d Every Thursday PsbBxhe« F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssisxjj sad Editorial Olfice& IT&h xsd Ms&lax D«irj !Next io H4Uybsrs P.O.) Phone West 363 MsU Add««441 P.O. Box SI, H4UVbs«s, B.C North Vancouver OE!ce 123 Lonsdsle Ave. $ L00 s 744« bp ex&vis«& $2.00 4 rxsr by msU. TIIE WEST VAN NEWS United Church WEST VANCOUVER St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, LS.T. October 30th -- 23rd Sunday after Trinity. 8 p.m.-- Holy Comunion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:16 a.m.--Primnry SchooL 11:16 a.m.--Matins and Ser- mon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright The Vikings basketball team snd members of the Young People of South Hill United Church were the guests on Tues- day night of West Vancouver United Church Young People at. a friendly game of bssketbafi in the High School gymnasium. R. MscVean, our local artist, is busy retouching the interior of the West Vancouver United Church. Already it is assuming a finished appearance under his hand. Arrangements are being mnde for the Anniversary Services. These will be held on the first Sunday in November. when the chairman of Vancouver Presby- tery, Rev. W. B. Wifisn, B.A„ will be the speaker at the morn- ing service. In the evening the Rev, Principal J. G. Brown, hLA., D.D., of the Union College, Van- couver, will be the speaker. On IVednesday night follow- ing an anniversary supper wiil be served in the Church hsfi by the I.sdies'ssociation. This is an annual event in West Van- couver United Church snd ls looked forward to ss s get-to- gether occasion by the members and friends of the church. Christian Science Society CIIUKCH EDIFICE 20th sad Exusimxi&, H40fbx&s This Soci«ty I ~ 4 Branch of The Mother Chu«ch The First Church of Chris&, Seiexibt, io Boston, bixxxxchuxxtts Sunday Ss«vices lt&20 s.m. snd f120 p.m. Sunday, October 30, 1932 Subject I "EVEltl,ASTING I'AN I8I I hi E ihpl™ Sosdxy School st !0'00 ~ ts Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 2:16 p.m. Tuesday, November 1st--All Saints Day--10 a.m. Holy Com- munion. The A.Y.P.A. will hold a kial- lowe'en Party on hlonday, Octob- er 31st. The Annual Anglican Road Races will be held at Hastings Park on Saturday. October 29th, ut 2 p.m. St. Stephen's will be represented in several events. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Flsnsgsri Residence: Clachsn Hotel 9:15 a.m.--Holy hfass, sermon 2 p.m.--Sunday School. WEEK DAYS 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. Wednesday--7:30 p.m., Devo- tions. Friday--7:30 p.m., Devotious, confessions. Saturday--7:30 p.m., confes- sions (sdultsL Plans are heing made for a Teacher Training School to be held in St. Andrew's United school room the last week in November. The school will be under the direction of the Religi- ous Education Council of Great- er Vancouver. The leaders of Camp Artaban are holding s bridge snd dance st Holy Trinity Church Hall. Vancouver, on Friday, Novem- ber .Ith, proceeds to go to the Camp Fund. A Hafiowe'en Book Tea is ar- ranged for October 31st, at 2:30 in the Parish Flsfi. It is hoped that afi those present will reprc- ent in some way or other the title of s well-known book. Next Subbath the minister will have as his subject at the morn- ing service. "The hlinistry of Sorrow snd Disappointment." In the evening he will speak to the subject "Some Things That klinder True Progress" or "Tho Coming of the Kingdom of Hesden on Earth." Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. Ji W. Cuddeford Services: 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School. Also the Y. P. Bible Class. 3:16 p.m.--Church Service. Sermon subject: "The End of the Road," or »Man's Destiny." Thought for the week: "God is love snd His knock is at the &loor. God believes in us. As long as His strength lasts, we need not faint; as long as His love is ours we cannot be poor; nnd as long as He believes in us, we msy attempt the altar stairs.' Vance. hlorning Music Service: solo, R. Froud; anthem, choir. Evening Music Service: sol&., J. Holt; anthem, choir. The regular meeting of the 1Uomen's Association will be held on Tuesday, Nov. I, at 2:30 p.m. Final arrangements for the Anniversary Supper will be made amongst other important busi- ness. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in sfi Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be»EVERI.ASTING PUN ISIIEIENT.» One of the Bible texts will be Proverbs 13: 6. "Righteousness keepeth him that is upright in the way: but wickedness over- throweth the sinner." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from Page 453 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures» by Mary Baker Eddy: "Honesty is spiritual power. Dishonesty is human weakness, which forfeits divine help." BH,I.INGSI.EY HEADS VANCOUVER SKI CLUB Gordon BiiUingsley wiU lead the Vancouver Ski Club this sea- son. He wss elected at the an- nual meeting at Hotel Georgia. O. B. Ommundsen wss ap- pointed vice-president snd W. R. Baker and Leonard Williams secretary and treasurer respec- tively. F. Flsdmsrk will be club captain and chairman of the sports committee with Paddy Barbour and Eilef Haxtow as his committee men. The club emerged from the past season wefio ut of the red and is planning a very ambitious program for the coming season. I he Ballad of 'nhjop&xg Cough eiy Betty Jane'4 «aught whooping tough From the brat just down the street; Axd 4 meaner wretch than hix mama I don't expect !4 meet. She iet that imp roam fa« and wide; She iet him come xsd pixy With mine ssd other innocents Just any time of dxy. Shj iet him &haec their nasty dog, A-whooping as he ran; She Iet him come snd gush his lunch About my garbage can. 0 how I yearn &4 give that jxds A portion of my mind-- Exposing xU the aeighborhoj&H I'l have the creature enjd! She hxxx't called 4 doctor yet, Lest he put up 4 sign To tell ihe world what's going on And protect your child xsd mine. One Week f4&i«« Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave Sunday, (jctober JO 10 a.m.--Sunday School snd Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m.--hlorning worship. Pastor will preach at both ser- vices. Topic, "The Essential Christ." Anthem. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. The topic "Parables of Christ" Duet. We are using the new Song Sheets Sunday evenings. Ail numbers out of New Songs for Service. Come and enjoy the Gospel I lour. Anybody could get rich if he could guess the exact moment at which s piece of junk becomes an antique. Poor Betty Jsxj! 6!y dxrnng lamb, Hsx be«n indoors 4 week, Aad the bloom I'd worked so hard &4 gain Hxx vanished from her cheek. So I'0 just take hj«&4 the xou To xej her fxvo«i&4 bear; For &be doctors xxy &hat whooping cough Is aided by fresh ~ ir. We'l xi& apart while an the box, Axd none shall ever know. It is xo& right &hat Betty Jxns Shooid be imp«i&oned so! I'l rub hjr chest snd w«sp he« up And send hxr oe& to play Lj& neighbor chUdres pxxjing by Go round some other wxy. No& mach cared they when they diii whoop Asd vomit on the green; So why should Betty Jane xnd I Fnds«e the ous«xx&lsjT Iu4«xi lifonday--B.Y.P.U. Invitation meetings. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer, Praise snd Bible Study. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. @4 I FYIday, 7 p.m.--C.G,I.T. M«x. Njwlywjd: "Have you any oiej xixmpx &hix mo«ning!" Butcher: "Slumps T What are they I" M«x. Newlywed: Pi don't know bu& my buxbsxd Ix siwxrx &xiklxg shou! 4 slump In &bj market, 44 I thought I'd &rf one.v What your ehUd doss io my chUd Is xarxe&hixg--Ix that piaiaf Who& my «hn&l does tj your chnd ie xome&hb&g 4!xe again. Some men never change their opinion because it's been in the famfiy for generations. Or!oh& r 27 1022 DT.MBrjory hlcCubbkn DENTIST ifosrx: 9 ~ . m. Io 6 p. m. Saturdays& !0 s.m. to I p.m. Evenings xxd Saturday After- noons by apso!a&meat only. Kore! Sant Bo!M!xg I'bess Wxxi 4&S Kjxidjxre Phoae IV«xt 292. Dtf. G. LL tt. SEriZ.E DENTIST Hxf Bio«k, !4&h sad Idx«ise D«. Grdce Hju«x 9 Io 6 p, m. Evesisgx br sppjlxtmjsL Phoae Wext T2 HOI,LYRURN Barber Shop Ieih a Marine EXPERT SERVICE E b!ARSE Proprixto« WEST VAN. RANGERS The following players will please report at Ambleside Wharf st 12:46 p.m. sharp, Ss!- urdsy, October 29th, for game at Frsser NIUs: B. Trsfford, lt. Forrester, N. Johncox, A. Mas- terman, T. Butt, C. McMifian, M. Lennox, J. Cmpps, G. Msster- msn, W. Wedjey, A. Edwards and B. Fdwards, coach. subst&tutes sre permitted, any This being 0 cup game, no of the above players not being able to report please phone manager, IVest 349Y befor«Fri- day nmn&. Vite Coons "Aye vant tue vite coons " He wanted two vanilla ice cream cones. III~I~ Point Atkinson Lighthouse ONSDAL NOW PLATING CONSTANCE BENNETT 'What Price kloUywood" jxli GEORGE O'RIEN Ix "Mystery Ranch" F W» I&j. & --1 ~ W. »» ~ IXO FW I'»W Ii . XWIXO P.W TUE!L DINNERWARE WED. MONEY DRAWING THUR. OUEST NIGHT FRI. MONEY DRAWING NI 1& xl P.-Tx«P.-W«d. JANET GAYNOR CHARLES FARRELL ix "TIIF. FIRST YEAR" Tbx&&.-F«l. Sjt. »i)1:.Vl L ",",'„'EElvj COMING SUNDAY CONCERT NO. IJ! CONCERT GRAND ORCHESTRA &'wxdx«&j«, J, th nj«bjx« Sunday, Nov. 6, 9 P.m. BUY TICKETs NOW «l 8 MI