0001 I6320 &.k TS A Weekly Newspaper Circulafiyygiu the District of West Vancougygr-Ambltside, Hollyburyy, Wcstoyy, Duyydaragyg $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecli+ EJ6. fic per copy at newsstanda Vol. VII SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1932 ws2ER8 No. 23 ro. lggi, '&p visit again it was spare IO. taioo s i is a ovlncl- iigstes when Culllt, Com- a All mem- aint ip lethal nimsls for s apens- covers itepliii. ovesti- Iol- fios icd- ..... 17 [un- rest iypd 13 is.. 4 p Mum. tagging ial Tag i sll&OU- pport8l. &er don~i uttra&+ moll) ill88 m po give Society Vsscou- Ex&cu. uy mu&O (eve&8 s& &ho can- t. pl&phoae HALLOWE'EN HAI.LOWE'EN DANCE The annual Hallowe'en dance of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O,D.E., which will be held in the Hollyburn Pavilion on Fri- day, October 28th, from 9 to 12:80 p.m., promises to be a par- ticularly happy a(fair. The committee in charge under the convenership of Mrs. Gordon Gray is exerting every effort to make this dance linger in the minds of all, as one of the most enjoyable they have attended for many a long day. Hallowe'en is the one night in the year when the spirit of All Hallows, goblins, witches, black cats, consort with humans, to drive dull care away and make "fun" king. So come, costumed or not as you wish and dance to the delightful strains from the Music Iiiakers Orchestra, and help turn the spot light on the Ioy side of bfe. The Grand hfarch and judging of costumes will take place at 10 p.m. end prixes will be given for the best lady's costume and best gentleman's costume, for the best Hallnwe'en costume, and for the best comic costumes. ladies'nd gentlemen'. The Chapter is indebted to Mrs. Fox, Sr., io Mr. and Mrs, Gilmour for so kindly consenting to act ss ju&lg- es, for the evening. The decor- ating committee hes all sorts of novel ideas. The fioor is being given sn extra finish there will be fascinating novelties and of course refreshments, and the tickets are only 50c. So it is ex- pected that all roads will lead to the Hollyburn Pavilion on Fri- day night for the Annual Hal- lowe'en Dance of the Duncan Lewson Chapter, I.O.D.E. The Board of Park Commis- sioners wrote the council re I'oint Atkinson Lighthouse Park lteferred to ihe reeve. WELFARE NOTES The response to the local house to house canvass on be- half of the Welfare Association surpassed all expectations. From all parts of the district ready promises of clothing, food; boots and shoes were received, and, now that the actual goods are coming into headquarters, the workers are hard put to ii. to find accommodation for the parcels, and are indeed faced with a big undertaking in sort- ing it ell out and in some cases repairing it ready for distribu- tion. More helpers are needed for this work and would be wel- comed any afternoon. The Association is particular- ly grateful for the cash which some people gave instead of goods. As will be quite under- stood there are lots of petty ex- penses to be met, shoes to be re- repaired, etc., which cannot be met by the barter of cast oif clothing and for which cash is required. The collection of percen Is still going on according to sched- ule, but with so many calls to be made, in cases where the house- holder was out when the wagon called, a note has been kept of the address and back calls will be made when the complete list has been gone through the first time. Occasionally canvassers were told that the householder was al- ready contributing to the City Community chest or other Wel- fare schemes. The local Welfare Association wishes to point out that thc local body does not re- ceive any benefit from parcels or money sent to Vancouver schemes, and would urge resi- dents to support the Association which is working so herd in the interests of local needy. A meeting of the executive committee will be held tomorrow Friday evening, at 7:30 p.m. Monday evening is Hallowe'en, end all the younger gener- ation are doubtless looking forward to it with keen anticipa- tion, hoping meanwhile that there will be no rain to mar the jollity of the occasion. Discussions have taken place among them as to what kind of costume each will wear and the family wardrobe of discarded clothes has been pretty thor- oughly investigated. Spooks and witches mey be riding broomsticks in the air accompanied by black cats, in accordance with the dictums of superstition, but none of the children, not even thc youngest, are one whit disturbed by the thoughts of them. Several general,iona ago doubtless ihere was a child here and there who looked over his or her shoulder expecting to see one or more of these fearsome creatures, but certainly none of this generation. Did any of them happen to encounter anything remotely resembling a witch, they would only re- mark "Oh, yeah" and pass on to commit another juvenile prank. We think that the term "juvenile prank" exactly describes what the older generation like to see on Hallowe'en. It is a night essentially for the smaller boys and girls. There is not a normal man or woman who does not get pleasure out of seeing the juveniles skurrying around the roads and lanes in masks and an odd assortment of clothes, letting off a fire cracker or some equally harmless expression of the spirit of Hallowe'en. But it is when those who are grown up or nearly grown up start to celebrate the occasion that the tronble begins and real damage is done. The little ones have not the strength to do any harm, and they get a real night's fun at no expense to anybody. Those of seventeen and up, however, can hardly with the best of intentions go out to keep the feast without in some way or other overstepping the mark, and their chief pleasure is derived form keeping the police at e safe running distance. For the rest the evening is usually what at one time used to be described as "a washout." Hallowe'en these last few years in West Vancouver has been kept by the young people with great credit to themselves. There has been no damage done and no householder has had any reason to complain of any serious depredations or injury. to his property. It is particularly desirable this year that the celebration be kept in the same orderly .manrer, for timos are not what they were and few can afford to dip into their pockets to make good any serious damage. We hope that all the children will remember this, and we wish everyone of them a really happy Hallowe'en. COMING EVENTS hionday, 28th November -- West Vancouver Choral Society's Concert. NICHOLAS TO ADDRESS NORTH VAiNCOUVER CLUB B. C. Nicholas, editor of the Victoria Times, will speak on "The Statute of Westminster," at a luncheon of North Shore Jubilee Canadian Club in Palace Hotel, November 1, at 6:15 p.m. h(embers of Kiwanis Club will join forces with Canadian Club on this occasion. WEST VANCOUVER SCO'Pi'ISH SOCIETY A small but appreciative audi- ence enjoyed Mr. Dune'an's talk on "the Yellowstone National Park," st the Clachan last Fri- day evening. Colored lantern slides of many of the interesting wells, geysers and canyons were shown by Mr. Porter, while the West Vancouver Male Quartette delighted everybody with their rendering of Scotch songs. Tea was served by Mrs. Mc- Vean and Mrs. McGowan, who kindly acted as hostesses for the evening, after which a short time was spent in dancing. POI.ICE IVARVING Thc Chief of I':i!icc I "a o.'ked us to give warning that any per- son damaging private or public property at Hallowe'en such as schools and their equipment, road and traiyic signs, sidewalks, etc., will be immediately prose- cuted. This also applies io any- one letting oif large bombs in the public streets. In this connection the Chieef of Police wishes to point out that the sale of these big bombs is illegal. MASS MEETING DRAWS ~ LARGE CRO)VD The Legion Memorial Hall was crowded to the doors Friday night for the mass meeting held to consider the situation which had arisen regarding the em- ployment of workers on the Hol- lyburn Upper Level Lands De- velopment Scheme. Consider- able confusion was evident at first, no one seeming to know who had called the meeting, and the confusion was added to by the fact that little definite in- formation was forthcoming in the beginning as to the situation in question. H. Glacd was chosen chairman, and as the meeting progressed managed to prevail on some of the audience to give what information they possessed these speaking eeither from the platform or the iloor. Finally a committee of eleven was appointed to wait on the council regarding the condi- tions of employment on thc scheme. This committee was instructed by resolution to urge the coun- cil that continuous residence of one year be considered sufi'icient qualification for eligibility for employment on the development. The date and place of a fur- ther meeting was left in the hands of the committee, the reeve and council to be invited to attend. The committee have since met the council, when they discover- ed that the letter had done eeverything that it was possible to do. COUNCIi. NOTES E. W. Weeden came before the council regarding the re-subdiv- ision of Lots 1 and 2, Block 32, D, L. 556. He was informed that his re- quest would be considered and he would be advised of the result W. R. Dunlop wrote the coun- cil regarding a rock in the ses oif Dundarave pier. A copy of his letter was ord- ered sent to the Vancouver Har- bor Board, snd a letter of thanks was also sent to the writer. Florence N. Newton wrote the council re Lot 113, D.L. 556. She was advised that the coun- cil was not prepared to accept any offer to purchase this prop- erty until after the period of re- demption had expired. Angus C. Cameron wrote the council re proposed subdivision of Blocks U and V, D.L. 430. The writer was requested to submit the proposed plan of sub- division, but that in regard to the road the council would have to request that it be the stand- ard width, namely 66 feet. Evans IVasson wrote the coun- cil re access to Lots 9 and 10, Block 10, D.L. 558 WQ. Referred to the engineer for his report. The Water Rights hiuu&ch wrote a letter to the engineer regarding Eagle Lake, which was laid before the council. Referred back to the engineer for reference. The engineer reported to the council on: (a) Mrs. Brown's and hfr. Atkinson's water connections at Caulfeild. The work wes ordered done at a cost not to exceed $113. (b) Miss Annie Collie s letter re deep holes near her property D.L. 556-31-5, also street light near park entrance. The work was ordered done at a cost not to exceed $ 15, the ap- plication for a street light to be placed on the light file (c) A: Pockett's application re pnce of cnb timber. The writer to be informed that as he contracted for the price of 4c per foot, he would be paid accordingly. (d) Miscellaneous items: 1. hir. Baxter's application re stumps, King's Ave. Log jam Nelson Creek be- tween hiarine Drive and P.G.E. 3. Mr. Astley's application, Alamere Lane. 4. Bessie Ray s apphcation. 6. hir. Groom's application re bathhouse, Dundarsve Pier. 6. F. W. Rudolph's application ( Glen eagles ) . 7. hire. Perriton's application. That Numbers I, 2, 3, 4 and 6 had been attended to, No. 5 re- ferred back to the chairman fo the parks. In connection with No. 7 the tree in question order- ed iemoved. (e) Catchment area, Brothers Creek water supply. Laid over until the next coun- cil meeting. (f) Dangerous trees. D.L. 555. Block 12, Lot 19. D.i 1053, NWV& Lot 12. D.L. 811, Block I, Lot 20. D.L. 430, Block 47, Lot 27. Laid over pending ratiilcation of the dangerous tree by-law. The council ordered the sum (Continued on Page 6) SCOUT iVOTES On Thursday last Captain Jermain, the district cornmis- sioner for the North Shore, same to the Legion Troop & n his annual inspection. Captain Jer- mam supenntended the p&u&ytng of games, and then Mr. Gleam gave another talk on first-eul. The Beavers have gone ahead of the other patrols in the com- petition for the pup-tent. On Thursday, October 27th, the competition finishes snd so the interest in it is very intense. Legion Notes The West Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Legion is hold- ing a regular meeting at 8 p.m. next Wednesday. 2nd iVovember, in the Legion Memorial Hall. Every member is requested to make a pomt of bemg present. VANCOUVER REFUSES POIVT ATKINSON ~/LEASE PI.AV Vancouver at the present time will not take any steps to acquire the 187-acre Dominion admiraL ty reserve at Pomt Atkinson as a park site. The proposal, submitted by the Vancouver Park Board was turned down, Wednesday after- noon, when the finance commi:- tee returned a divided 6-6 vote. Park Commissioner C. E. Tts- dall, who appeared before the committee, explained that the Lighthouse Park, at present was held under 21-year renewal lease by )Vest Vancouver, but that that municipality was will- ing to lay aside its claim in favor of Vancouver. He briefiy suneyed the park history here to show that this would not be the first occasion on which the city had shown interest in park lands outside its limits. Both Stanley and Hast- ings Parks were originally ac- quired before they were within the city boundaries, he said. Mr. Tisdall urged that the council of 1932 adopt the same broad- minded attitude as had been adopted by the councils of 1887 and 1888. Point Atkinson site. he point- ed out, was a natural park site and no expenditure would be re- quired for it. A few rough trails and a space cleared for picnic parties was all that was needed. In urging that the city make an application to the Federal Government for this land, he pointed out that Vancouver parks were bemg patronixed to a greater extent than they had ever been and that hard times were sending people to them who in better times went further a- field. Development of parks within the city shoukl be undertaken before acquiring those without was one of the points brought up against the proposal as well as the possibihty of taxation and the necessity for some ex- penditure and responaibilitv on the part of the nty if the land was taken over as a city park. The property known as "Gari- baldi Park" in British Columbia has not been oifered to the Can- ~dian Government on any terms, the House of Commons was ad- vised )Vedneoday, in reply to a question asked by A. E. hiunn