West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Oct 1932, p. 6

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0001 Jurrrr w ' rrt ~ r rr rvrL vrw vor Wrr w v~ v wvr rrv rr ' vov r ~ ~ ~ v vo worm v'r ~ir o rrvru ~ o r ore. rrwou~or'I "I OvoM Ilrrro- w'g ~,'v r o ~ o err v wrxg'».. rp:3 Jw'r 'r 'rxix v». ' ' r ~ v ~ r ~ o v srrrr 'r rrvr r ~ r mm ~ rrrv'ro' 'rrrrrv-r rrvw'& rrrrwf r r 'r'v'r'rr rv w 'rv" r~ rr. rr 'r Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Ambleside „" ~t "„"'„."Dnndarave,",'"';edw'„"„',.". SPECIALS Fri. 8( Sat., Oct. 21 8(22 HoINTOSH RKD Ai I LKS I Ibo. IIU Ii'ii CooiiiNG OATS ! Buvkeyo iluokvr Oats Ce. 6 lb. oxvk .. 29v 4X Sl'ICED I'itt'IT CAiia 2 Ibx.............., 29c JAP RICK Vine quxnty........ 2 Ibo. 14v SANTA t.'I.ARA I'itttNF& Nice medium oixo .. 2 Ibo. Iso FANCY YEI.LOW SUGAR 4 Ibo .. I se STONED WHEAT THINS, I'uvkoito ..... 14c Rod O While I'ILCHARDS T*U tins ............ Sv SERVUS BIIEAD--Browu oud White, large loof, 24 ox. Sv JET STOVE POI.ISH, voguixv 25c: Spoviui .. . 21v I'EAIIL WHITE NAI'THA SOAP 5 bars 19v JU)IBO CARBI)LIC SOAt"vr Coke ................... 5o ROYAI. 4.'IIOWN LYK, pov tiu lee Rod O lvhite KETCHUP Large 12 oa bottle ........ 15o Rod O White MATCHES 400 to box .......... Ise Rod Jt White GOLDEN COILS Nu. 2 tins.... 2 fov 25v Rod O White Tt)htATOES Nu. 2 tiuo ............., . Iox Ct)i'FKK, Fresh Roasted Fine Sxvov. pov IL 29o Red O White i)RANGE PEIiOE TKA. I b ................. ........... 42c K A DAN A TEA ........... V) IL I 5o Pouud .................................. 29v DIA'.)IOND ELECTRIC LIGHT GLOBES, So uud 60 wutt iuoide I"vutte, oevh .......... 15c KING APPLES--Yevy Suoxt Variety of Coukiug Apples. 40 IL box ...........„........... 59v TURNIPS, Nive medium oixe 10 Ibo.. 15c NETTED GESI 1%)TATOES 25 IL ouvk ........................... 22v WINDSOR TABLE SAI.T 24 ox. Sv Last year's production of whitefish from Canada's inland fisherie totalled nearly 15,786m 000 lbs. The catch had a mark- eted value of about 31,445,000. Hair seals to the number of 10.129 were taken in the Domin- ion'0 commercial flsheries in 1931 as well as 103 porpoises. "Wby didn't you send x mxu to mend my electric deovboU, as yeu promised I" "He did go, modem; but as he rang three times eud got no answer be concluded thut there wxo nobody at home." 46 Markets FREE DELIVERY '~- g fOO29 ~ I fS LTn. Friday and Saturday Specials Sterling 38 at West Van. 190 Loin Pork Chop 16c lb &D- IET BU+plqER STERLING 24c lb. XSc lb. Rumps .. 20c Ib. %7E A T Boneless rolled Legs . 17c lb. V ~~ Shoulders . 18c Ib BACON Sterling12c package No 1 FOWL 8) to 4 lb average 59c each 0 I A.oI I1'. fM 7VA j L~IJAiTI I.ARD Swift'o SUvvv iwef StovUug I'uvo Burns'homrovk I IL -- iev Package To introduce our Season MINCE HEAT 10c lb. )oooo ~ vt» ouh mi~ $0& of i Qt)T: ! Sunday Dinner Suggestions To Oven Roast PORK BUTTS ------ 9'/ic FRESH HAMS --.--. 12'/ic RUMP ROASTS..... 14c BLADE RIBS .............. 9c SHOULDERS LAhlB 10'/ie ~ LEGS LAhiB ...... 20'/ic A New Fletcher Pork Delicious Product Spare Syiced Honey Hams Ikouelmo) To boll or fvy half or whole 21qxcjk sliced ............. 28cib Toke some home for breakfast THE WEST VAN NEWS Lumber SASH - DOORS - GYI'ROC Everything for the Building SHIN(vl.ES, SHII'I.AP, sx I snd All Dimcnqions KEPT INSIDE 'Under a Dry Roof ~ o o Septic Tunks Cupboard Doors and Drawers AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th xud Marine Drive Phone West 199. After 5 p.m. ond hoUdoyx uxk for W. JENVKY, I'hose West 16011 CORRESI'ONDENCE The Editor, Dear Sir:--The West Vancou- ver Board of School Trustees re- ceived numerous enquiries dur- ing the latter part of the sum- mer regarding night classes in various subjects which made it appear that there was a possi- bility of a good enrolment for this season. A notice wss inserted in your paper calling for registrations in 0 wide variety of subjects, with the intimation that other subjects which might be sug- gested could be added, provided that there was a suificient num- ber of registrations. The total number of applica- tions received was fourteen, in- cluding some sent in since the expiry of time allowed for regis- tering, and these covered six dif- ferent subjects. It is evident that the fees from this small number of stu- dents would not go very far to- ward providing suificient money to engage the tutors necessary, allowing also for the government grant. The Board therefore, re- luctantly had to give up any idea of night classes this year. We hear much from parents these days regarding the prov. ision of education for the young generation, and a fair amount of criticism of School Boards and others responsible for such pro- vision, but surely some respons- ibility should be shared by those who are to receive the benefits. It would appear to the writer that, if so little value is placed on facilities provided, especially on the part of students eligible for night classes, who are past school age, and should at this time of their lives, if ever, ap- preciate the gaining of know- ledge, the demand for education- al facilities is not as great ss we are led to believe it is. CHAS. T. KENDRICK. A. O. BARBOUR ioodor oi "Tho Mooio Mootovo" I ~ Soxdoy' Ovehootmi Coooovi October 20, 1932. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at IlollyburIIy next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 and Lumber I'roducts -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building I'aper Lamatco, Gyproc, Beaver Bourd, Shingles, Etc. +EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD Phone West 115 Res. I'hone West 3681 16th and hlarlne "Right Service -- Right Grades" SUNDAY EVENING CONCERT IN TIIEATRE I.ONSDAI.F. An orchestral concert with a number of talented performers is to be given at 9:10 p.m. nex\ Sunday in the Theatre Lonsdale under the auspices of Canadian Legion, Branch No. 118, North Vancouver. "The Musie Masters". an aggregation of fourteen pro- fessional musicians under the leadership of A. Q. Barbour, will take part with Ernest J. Colton, baritone, and IV. R. Device, flau- tist, as soloists. Colonel Lennox will act as chairman. A silver collection will be taken up to de- fray expenses, and doors will be open at 8:45 p.m. Provided public support is suf- ficiently encouraging, it is the intention to hold these Sunday evening concerts twice every month during the winter season. ERNEST J. COLTON ooioiot ot Looodxio Thoxtro next Sxu tioy ovooios THE S. P. C. A.-- NORTH SHORE IIRANCH A few years sgo a small group of animal lovers met together to discuss the forming of a branch of the above Society on the North Shore. Mr. Bates, late In- spector for Vancouver, who had Greater Vancouver under his VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phoae Woet 9 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies care could ill alford time to visit across the hllet, though ugain and again he did so, but it was becoming impossible to spare this time for investigation. Today the Society maintains a part-time Inspector, who ls a special constable in the Provinci- al Police and who investigates all cases reported, and when necessary takes same to court, also an active Executive Com- mittee and many members. All funds are raised by these mem- bers and no call or complaint id disregarded. A humane lethul chamber ls owned and animals are painlessly destroyed for a small fee to cover actual expens- es involved. The Society covers from Dollarton to Whyteclilf. Recent West Vancouver investi- gations are given here:-- Visits of Inspector along Hol- lyburn Ridge in connection with horses used in wood- cutting.............................. 17 Frequent inspections of Mun- icipality form west to east boundaries. Animals painlessly destroyed 13 Other cases, some serious.... 4 As the West Vancouver Muni- cipality cannot grant tagging privileges on the Annual Tag Day the work in West Vancou- ver has so far been supported mainly by North Vancouver don-~ ations. We are placing attratg tive collecting boxes in man stores and places of business in IVest Vancouver. Please give this work support. The Society would like to have West Vancou- ver represented on the Execu- tive Committee snd many more West Vancouver animal lovers ax members. "IVe plead for those who can- not plead for themselves." For information telephone North 1022. uovuft g o The hlemorial Arch Do not forget when you are asked to buy 0 poppy, LU BEE ~ .:i t v