0001 October 20, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS RE DAy ~ vtd 4 idy I 1 tD ) lit ltur odor '2 A(l td cut it l bukiug fold tu 1)uko iu If[ 0 43 te tld &em DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER LO.D.E. AiVNUAI. FISH WEEK TO BE OIISERVFD Canada's annual "Fish Week" will be observed this year from October 24th to October 81st in- clusive. The observance has been ar- ranged for by the Canadian Fisheries Association, a nation- wide organization, and the plan of setting aside 8 particular week in the year for the purpose of directing special attention to 0 national importance of the hing industry, and the diet ,slue of Canadian fisheries pro- ductru has the cordial approval of the Dominion's fisheries auth- orities. Comment at the Depart- ment of Fisheries today was to the ejyect that while "Fish Week" is planned by the indus- try itself, the department is keenly interested in it and com- mends it to popular notice. "Some of the most interesting research work in connection with foodstuffs in recent years," it wao said at the department, "hss centred about the health values of fish and shellfish, and very important discoveries have been made. It has been found out, for instance, that fish foods contain vitamins which are essential to health, particularly Vitamin D., which is most valuable in the diet of growing children because it prevents such troubles ss rickets. Different foods contain vitamins, of course, but fish have been found to be richer in Vita min D. than other foodstuffs. Combat Anaemia "Then, too, it has been ascer- tained that fish, and.especially shellfish, are beneficial in cases of anaemia, while, of course, it has been known for some time past that ses fish and shellfish have much larger contents of iodine--the great goitre preven- tative--than any other foods. When it is also remembered that fish contain such elements as calcium, the bone snd teeth building substance, and that they are nourishing and easily digested, it is easy to see why their use is stressed increasing- . by diet authorities. "Canadian fish are available in such variety, and such satisfac- tory quality, that there is no need for anyone in the Dominion to buy imported goods. Canada'8 fisheries resources are remark- able both in extent and in the variety of fish and shellfish which they yield, and fishing and processing operations are carried on by an industry which uses thoroughly modern meth- ods and equipment. DIOUNTAINEERING CI.UB TO HOI.D MANY WINTER Ci.lhlibS The B. C. Mountaineering Club planning extensive activitiesirough its Ski section for the coming winter. At the semiq)annal meeting recently it was decided to rent the old Don Mundav cabin on Grouse Mountain plateau as its base for ski activities. Mem- irers are now busy carrying in wood and getting the cabin in shape for winter. A gct-together meeting, to be followed by a short lecture and dance, is planned for November. The committee in charge has ar- ranged for an extensive program not only of trips on Grouse, Sey- mour and Hollyburn. but also a number of informal social affairs 17'/2 pounds. The salmon fishing this year has not been as good as usual due to the dry wenther which prevailed in September, and those fish which came into West Vancouver waters were not in 8 biting mood. LITERARY SOCIETY The Society has been fortun- ate enough to secure a lecture on "Books and Life," from the University I,ibrsrian, Mr. John Ridington, M.A., for its meeting of Thursday evening, October 27th. His subject is one which is bound to have a wide appeal, especially in 0 time like this, when any pleasure which is neither costly nor liable to be- come a stepping-stone to extrav- agance is 'at 8 premium, and when every means of combating unhealthy brooding needs to be pressed into service. Mr. Ridington, through his wide personal knowledge of books and his special experience with readers, is in a position to tell us much that is new and sug- gestive as regards the reaction of the reader to the book. All friends who are interested in the subject are cordially invited to be present. The place and time of meeting will be as usual. STARBOARD LIGHT I.IBRARY OPENS IN AiMBLESIDE A new lending library known as "The Starboard Light" Lib- rary has been opened this week in the Keith Block at 1540 Mar- ine Drive. A varied selection of new books, both fiction and non- fiction, is available there for sub- scribers, and the rate is 65 cents per month. Books can be taken out one at a time and can be changed as often as desired. A charge of three cents per volume is made for extra books. The proprietor, Alan Cameron, who is 8 son of Stuart Csmeron of Caulfeild, invites the public to call in and inspect the library, which is open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Eggle)0 Muifinn 21/2 cups ilour )/2 cup white sugar 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons lard 2)/8 teaspoons cream of tartar 11/4 teaspoons soda )/2 teaspoons salt Sweet milk to make a soft dough. Sift cream of tartar, soda and salt with the flour, rub butter and lard in flour, also sugar and mix all together. Roll out about 1/4 inch thick, spread thickly with butter and sugar, then be- gin at edge and roll up. Cut with a sharp knife into slices. Place slices in a buttered pan close together, sprinkle thickly with sugar and bake. A little jelly placed on top of each before putting in oven im- proves them. ASIBI.ESIDE SALSION I'ISIIING COSIPETITION R. H. Davidson of West 20th Ave., Vancouver, and V. R. Chin- nery of Lynn Creek, have been announced as the two winners of the Ambleside Salmon Fishing Competition, which is staged every year by the Ambleside Tes Rooms. The result is a tie, each having tutu)ed In a fish weighing Hallowe'en TL Masquerade ~++ee In ihe Hollyburn Pavilion Cl FRIDAY, Oct. 2,8th, at 9 p.nL Orchestra--The Music Makers Tickets 50c THE BURNING BUSH By Subndar In connection with this very regrettable Irish trouble it is re- markable that the average Irish- man in his own country usually makes 8 point of defying the police, while in other parts of the Fmplre and the U.S. he is as often as not a member of n police force and always a good one at that. One can only de- duce that Ireland must have 8 very bad influence on Irishmen, which brings us to the obvious solution of the whole Irish trouble. It is this. Take all the Irish out of their country to England, and transport an equal number of English to Ireland. Thus there would be peace in Ireland as well as In Westmin- ster, where I can always see suc- ceeding cabinets acquiring pre- mature wrinkles in their efforts to please this loveable and yet in some ways almost impossible people. There is some fear, lt is re- ported, that the English baby cars will have s serious effect on the Canadian auto industry, now that they can be brought in free of duty. I doubt if this fear is well grounded. The baby car with its small width between axles Is very well for use in large towns where all the streets are paved, as well as on trunk highways. The moment, how- ever, it gets on to our gravel roads, it is at a disadvantage, especially when rute occur worn therein by autos and wagons of standard width. Consequently, it is quite unlikely that the very small British car will be much used except for purely town travel, and most owners need a cnr more generally useful. A certain poor fish in Chicago won the right in court to sue a woman who canned him in favor of 0 rival. The judge ought to have--he didn't--congratulated her on her escape from some- thing worse than ptomaine pois- oning. It reminds me of a case I knew of back east where an- other blighter successfully de- manded his ring back, snd I am here to state there wss univer- sal regret in the town the girl did not poison it first. Turning to the other side, I once knew 8 girl who priced her engagement ring received from the unfortun- ate fis she had captured in lieu of the one she wanted and could not land. These last two actual happenings only prove that there are more things too true to be good than too good to be true. Ten Liberal members in Otta- wa are reported to be in a quan- dary. Personally, their opinions sre the same as their leader in his opposition to the new pacts made at the Ottawa Conference, but the people in the districts they represent are behind Ben- nett in the matter in spite of their Liberalism, There is here no quandary at all, for as repre- sentatives they must perforce vote as would the people they represent. To do otherwise would be neither honest nor wise, as they are likely to find out at the next election. The suggested remedy of absenting themselves from the House when the vote on the pacts is taken only shows, if true, what a farce party is willing to make of parli- amentary government. It would be well if the politicians remem- bered more often the number of dictators in the world. It is just this kind of thing which has put them there. The people made parliaments, and they can as easily, in fact more easily, de- stroy them, Vanilla Snow Pudding I cup rice 6 cups salted water Boil for tvventy minutes, then add )rj) cup sugar, I tablespoon butter, and fold in the stiifly beaten lvhites of 2 eggs. Flavor with vanilla. Vile on dish and serve cold. P)THAN'6 SHORTHAND -- iudivid. uai iukiou, Coviihcuiod iouvhor. Theory uud lpood. Phone Wosi 806R 810--Ailruciivo Faro)shod Co)roar os Waterfront, uosr ferry. Phone West S50X. Pf)CND--Bouism Corkvrvi Slroyvd Phone West 74Y2. EXPERIENCED DkESSMAKER Would like work ui ladies'ouses, a)tora)ious, costs relined. 62.00 por day. Phone Woui 170. IA)ST--One black foe)bun boot aoor 24th oud Heywood, Finder pivsoo phliuo West 849Y. FOR kENT -- 1520 Argyle Avouuo. Furs)tore For Sale. Inquire on prvmivoo. FOk RPJ)T--Comfortable imago)au, hvo rooms, furnished or partly fur- nished, modern, garage, 815. Phone West 266X. WANTFD--Private Tukioa, ms)riv iaiiou oubjoviv, chemistry, physics. Appiy Box 60, West Vuu Nous. FOR SALE--Smolt bouse on doobie lot Heywood Avo. Easy )orms io reliable purchaser. Phone West SSL SNAP--Rogers 6-Tube Tubio Soi. 520 Now Marconi Console only 569.60. North Shore Radio Electric, 1429 Moriuo Drive. )Vovi 01. WFST VANCOUVER M AC H I N E SHOP -- Repairs Spray Pumps, Household articles. 1449 Marine. WHIPPET FOUR SFDAN iu op~ voudliioa. Only 10+00 mdvogv. Four tires n'ko new. 6200 euotu Phono evenings Wmt 209. WIL). PAY CASH for 4 or 5 Rooms, modvru. Siuoi have usobotruviubio ~Iou uud ~ burgouu Punort puitro- uiurv hrvi iokot or lm uttoau)ou will be paid. Bou 25 Wvsl Voo News FL')LN)SHED AND UNPURN1SHED Housml io Rout Houses, toto, utui uvrougu fm sale. John Lawoon, 17th oud Marine, Phono West Mi. WEBB'6 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duoduruvo. HEAD4IUARTERS for AB ibo Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, uud Pish- iug Gudgoio for local wuturu Am- biovido Tes Bourns. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Roe- )douce Phone West 241k. E P A L bi E R -- Ciumaoy Seoul Phone North 811R2. SIARC ELLE SHOP -- Murvckvv Se cents; reset, sso; huger wave, 754. Phoae Mro. King, West 804. Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Maria Drive Phoae Wvoi 21 or Seymour )200 Evvaiugu West 204X RADIO SERVICE AND SUPPLY-- 7 years'zporiouco. NicE William- son. Honybura Pavillon. West 860R 1'A)NTING R DECORATING--First class work. No)r low winter rate. Phone West 860R. LAWN blOWERS SHARPENPD- Ezporioucod with OB makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. S. P. C. NOTES A meeting of the West Van- couver branch wau held at the Legion Hall on Wednesday, Oc- tober 12. Over seventy members and friends were present. The speaker of the evening was Councillor Harley C. E. An- derson of North Vancouver, who will be the Socialist candidate at the next Provincial election. He gave a brief outline of the dev- elopment of civilization from the use of the simplest tools to pres- ent dsy machinery and organized production. Only a bare outline of his discourse can be given:-- "Not so many years ago," he said, "man supplied his wants from nature by the work of his hands with the help of 8 few simple tools. 51uch labor was necessary to produce the bare necessities of life. A crop failure meant famine, but in hard times the whole tribe sujfered, not just a few individuals. "Now the science of produc- tion has reached such a high state that a few men can easily produce more food than 4 nation can eat. Wo are indebted to the capitalist system for this etyici- ency, but the peak of develop- ment has been reached, and we are now losing ground. "So much can be produced that it cannot be distributed under capitalism. We nre forced to economize because there is too much. The system has reached the limit of its usefulness, and the natural process of evolution will bring about a change of sys- tem. If the orderhr process of evolution be artificially stemmed by governments or otherwise, the pressure of circumstances will increase until the obstruc- tion will be swept away by revo- lution." A long and keen discussion fol- lowed and several applications for membership were signed. The next general meeting of the IVest Vancouver branch mill be held at the Legion Hall, Wed- nesday, October 26th, at 8 p. The speaker )vill be Dr. Paskings of Vancouver. The fortnightly whist drive and dance will be held st the Orange Hall, Tuesday, October 25th, at 8 p.m, GORDON ROBSON Burns)or a Sobvrtor WEST VANCOUVER- Oifioo No. 1447, Muriso Drivo phone Vi'ost 40th VANCOUVER OFFICE Suite 018 610 Hooiiugs Si. W Phoae, Seymour 4199. C. J. Overington PIOiVEER BARBER 14th and hlar)ne Expert Work Phone West 135 C. J. ARCHER Spvvlobsmg m Vtvvi Vancouver REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE (An Bruavbeo), MORTGAGES. ETC. Llvl rvilt vivvvill Ou'vulva tllvllv. 791 Duuvluuir Sirvol Phones: Sv).moor Spot, n uil 225 FOR SALE MOFFAT SPECIAL FIN1SH ELECT)uc RANGE; ~ud ivory body: 4 risg 'ugoven. Throe-pivvo Chvoiurhotd Suite mohair; reversible vuvhioos. Bath iu good coudnioa. Cost 84gi'.00. Range uud Suko for 8150.00, or 87S.00 ouch vop. arule)7. Phone Vi'vvi 140R, or 'West 129Y at night. Carrot Marmalade I tu lbs. carrots 8 lemons Equal amount of sugar Wash snd scrape carrots. Put them through food chopper and cook until tender. using enough umter to cover. Wash lemons. remove rinds and run through the grinder. Divide into sections removing seeds and pulpy skin. Combine these two m)xtures and add an equal amount of sugar. Boil until it jells. Lodger: "What a frightful noise your cat makes!" Landlady: 'Yes, ever since he ate the canary he fancies he can sing." I CLASSIFIED ADS The rale for Lqomihod Advoviimmouio )o 2 cents por uord. miuimum 25 costa Esvvpi ia iho vuoo of those boviag tvguiuv svvrms4, oa cisosi- hvdo are poyobio strictly ia odvuum- Romombov Ctumihvdo iu the West Vua News goi )mmodlu)o roouku 1