0001 rv rrrt wc rr ~ ca o-r"~ e o w rr'r.eta+acct ~ ~ r - Le'~ ."X «br"%r- e ~.ic cr~rrp o" :.:V.c ~ . ~ cro'r'c't'c 'c"'t ' ' tw r cc ~'rv'o'r c ~ .': vv ~'rr .rrvcrrrrrrrr«r«rvr c «Vrr vrr . rce rrr ~-rv vv THE '(VEST VAN NEWS B, C EI.E('TRIG ANNOUNI('E NEW LO)V RATE A new low rate of eight-tenths of one cent per kilowatt hour for me to led electrical het water heat- ing lu announced today by the B. C. Electric Co. The new ser- vice ls distinct from and sn al- ternative to flat rate electric water heating and is available in Vancouver and sll points on the lower mainland. Explaining vrhy the metered electrical hot water rate is avail- able at such a low price company elflciakq state that use of electric power ls extremely varied, but there are certain periods of the day when services overlay and create very large demands for power. The greatest demand comes between the hours of 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. at which times the following services will be seen to demand much more pow- er; factories and industries; street ears; domestic cooking and lighting; store window light- ing, electric signs and street lighting. «Therefore,n they point out,nan appliance which is controlled so that it cannot draw on the system at the same time as this heavy demand, called 'peak load'an be supplied with current at a much lower rate. A similar analagy occurs with cheaper street car fares during the non- rush hours." Under the new metered rate hot water heating is controlled by a specially constructed separ- ate clock meter installed at the expense of the B. C. Electric Co. which automatically cuts oif the current during the hours when the heavy demand is in force and turns it on again when the heavy load demand has passed. Specially msulated water con- tainers supply s full flow of hot water during the entire 24 hours of the day whether the current is on or oif making hot water available for toilet, washing or domestic purposes. The B. C. Electric Co. is mak- ing this metered service available to hot water users at the re- markably low price of eight- tenths of one cent per kilowatt hour because the actual heating element is only in use during the hours when there is less demand for electrical energy throughout the B. C. Electric system. HOLLYBURN THEATRE BRITISH COLUSIBIA CAIV NO)V TELEI'HONF, TO SO(iTH AFRICA (b ECc YPT "Hello, Mr. Pharaoh I How are the pyramids I" Egypt and South Africa were brought within the embrace of the world telephone network in August, and as a result British Columbia can now talk by tele- phone to either of these ancient lands. Siam and the Balearic Isles are other places brought within telephone reach of North Amenca recently. Until the opening of the Soul.h African and Egyptian services, the only poiat on the continent of Africa which could be reached by telephone from this continent was the town of Ceuta in Span- ish hiorocco, just south of Gib- raltar. At first the South African ser- vice was restricted to Cape Town and vicinity. Later it was ex- tended to Johannesburg and Pre- toria. On a telephone call from Vancouver to South Africa the voice would travel over 12,000 niiles. It would cross North Am- erica on wires, would jump the Atlantic Ocesii by radio, and would be rebroadcast from Eng. land to be picked up in Africa. Calls to Egypt would follow the same route from helu to Eng- land, where they would be re- broadcast to Egypt. The Egyptian service includes Cairo, the capital, and Alexan- dria, the seaport, of the Land of the Pyramids. A radio circuit links London with Cairo, a dis- tance of about 2,600 miles. Calls to Alexandria travel over land lines from Cairo, a distance of some 50 miles. Cairo, with a population of about 1,100.000, has about 17,- 500 telephones, snd Alexandria. which numbers about 600,000, has approximately 11,640. The international telephone network has been widened to such an extent that the follow- ing places are within reach of British Columbia: Mexico, Cuba, Bermuda, the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, City of Danzig, Poland, Latvia, Lith- uania, Austria, Hungary, Rou- mania, Switzerland, Italy, Spain. Canary Islands, Gibraltar, Span- ish Morocco (Ceuta), South Africa, Egypt, Argentina, Bra- zil, Chile, Uruguay, Hawaii, Java, Sumatra, Siam and Aus- tralia. The ship-to-shore service by which people on this continent can call up passengers on certain trans-Atlantic liiiers has been extended to further vessels. The complete list follows: Albert Ballin, Bremen, Deutschland, Hamburg, Empress of Britain, Europa, Homeric, Leviathan, Majestic, Olympic and New York. Telephone service is also being given to the Monarch of Bermuda, plying on the New York-Bermuda route. Arrangements are being made to give telephone connections between North America and some parts of Central America, including the Panama Canal zone. Coal and Wood October 20, 1032. FRIDAY and SATURDAY October ziat ucaf 22nd "Carnival" with h(ATHhausi LAN( MONDAY und TUESDAY Ociabap 24th aud 2aib Passion Flower with KAY PkAN('lS and LUAU(PM Ui('KPOkil Matiupe every Saturday al 2 p.m. Poor Mun's Sponge Cake I egg I/2 cup sugar 3 tablespoons cold water 2'3 cup flour I teaspoon baking powder '/2 teaspoon lemon juice Beat the yolk of the egg. Ad% sugar and beat again. Then add lemon juice and water. Beat white of the egg stiiF snd cut it in lightly. Sift ilour and baking powder together and fold in with out any stirring Bake in a shallow pan. With vacations over for an- other year and the fhll season upon us, the necessity of prepar- ing the garden for next year' enjoyment requires our earnest consideration. With bulbs so inexpeiisive an eifort should be made to spare a few pennies for such bulbs as tulips, daifodils, snowdrops, etc. For a real spring thrill pur- chase a fevr bulbs of the Jonquil Odorata. It has the most heav- enly fragrance of them all. In writing a garden articie on bulbs it would be quite simple to say that the ground should be thoroughly prepared before the bulbs are planted and this would be quite enough for those who . have had the eluoyment of planting bulbs in previous years, but for those who have started a garden for the first time a few simple directions will perhaps be appreciated. The different specie~, and in fact some individual varieties, u ill do better if given a diiferent treatment. However, for the ord- inary home garden where the flowers are grown for pleasure, the same general treatment for all varieties will produce good results. It is only where one is specializing in different varieties that the individual treatment need be used. Practically without exception bulbs require a well drained soil. This is not diificult to secure in West Vancouver with its natural drainage. If the drainage in the particular spot in which you wish to plant the bulbs is not good it csn usually be improved by removing the layer of top soil and breaking up the hardpan underneath, so that the water can drain oiF. While you have the top soil removed take the op- portunity to mix in with it a liberal qnantity of well rotted fertilizer or steamed bone meal. The raw bone meal is also satis- factory with the exception that it takes longer for it to become available in the proper form for the plants. If you wish you may take half and half of raw and steamed bone meal and mix it. The steamed bone meal will pro- vide a readily available fertilizer and the raw meal will become available about the time the steamed meal is exhausted. Green manure should never be used for fertilizing bulbs. After the soil has been pre- pared the next step is the plant- ing. There are two methods of doing this. The first, and which is perhaps the best is the one that requires the most work. The soil for the whole of the bed in which the bulbs are to be planted is removed to s depth of six or seven inches in the case of tulips. The bulbs are then placed on the bottom in rows or groups as you wish and the soil carefully placed over them. On placing the soil back it is best to pack it in around the bulbs with the hands until the bulbs are covered. This will require about two inches of soil. The re- maining four or five inches may be shoveled in and packed down. The second method is to make a hole for each individual bulb, This method has a rather seri- ous drawback in that when mak- ing the holes it is difFicult to get the bottom of the hole flat so that the base of the bulb will rest on fairly fir soil. There will usually be a pocket under the bulb. A narrow trowel or dibbler is very bad for this rea- son. A broad trowel is more satisfactory. After the bulbs have been planted the soil should be well watered by using a fair- ly fine spray. Tulips and Narcissi should be covered to a depth of four to five inches; Hyacinths six to seven inches; hardy Lilies, three to four inches for some varieties while others require nearly a foot. The seed catalougues usu- ally give detailed instruction as to the depth for each variety. Another method used in plant- ing large quantities of bulbs, vvhere they are to be naturalized, is to take a handful of bulbs aml throw them along the ground and plant them where they fall. )Ve did this last year with sev- eral hundred bulbs and were re- warded with a lovely display of bloom. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone IVest 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Have Them TestMrs. J. S. L. states that thebulbs which she took up during the summer have withered up to some extent. This is no doubt caused by the bulbs being kept in too dry a place during the summer. It is not serious but may be prevent- ed by storing them in sand which may be kept slightly moist. If the bulbs are'nt to be planted soon, would suggest placing them in moist sand or peat moss now. They will soon fill out again. Your Tubes ~They do it in your home FREE (fjhen you call NOTE Tb t lac rsl wwl lcc'l ~ pl w«a to aac «qwctlo ~ ~ ac I p tho dacdeala tule cola«a. Tbe qaecthac eboald be ablcoeced Ie the reit« la w ~ ol tbe Edlto . Tl« ~nor«ul app r la ~ ~ Iv laoo «' ~ pre«ad c«lp la d ~ lc 4 ~ cia«a«h ~ N-add crl eavelop he ld bo oaclocnl. I.O U TET A D VOC ATES CURRENCY ISSUE TO FINANCE BELIEF (VORK «My views have not changed in regard to the necessity of an issue of currency instead of bor- rowing for this work," stated Jack Loutet, M.L.A., to North Vancouver City Council Monday night in reply to a recent letter from the council relative to fin- ancing of unemployment relief. "It would be better for the Dominion as s whole if the cur- rency were used to finance useful work as it should be apparent to everyone that there must be an end to expenditures on unproduc tive work," added Mr. Loutet. %Vest 101 nNo, sir,«said the defendant, «I was certainly not drunk, though I may have been intoxi- cated.« «IVell,«replied the magistrate«I had intended fining you twen- ty shillings--after your explan- ation, I'l make it a pound." A call lu Weal iei will dia. patch onp n! cheap fully qualb lied cube "goniora" tp iaat tha tubes of your radio. This saves you the iscuuvanianca of carrying tham lu tba store yal tests tham just au accura- tely tvilhout losing lha appviea of your pat. NOIV Ol'EN--2:30 a.m. Io 8:30 p.m. Starboard Light Library Keith Block, 1540 Marine Drive RHMEMSER I One poor tube «iii campiataiv apnk the racaptinn nf tha highapl prlcpd radio, Sn ln gal Iha ut- most, from your aat have ibo tubes iaac- ad un«by one of these home taataca, Thorp ip np obkgaiiuu should your tubes be in goad condition.A chimney flre occurred Sun- day night st 2271 JefFerson Ave. The fire brigade turned out, but their services were not required. No damage wss done. Fiction and Literature 65 cents per month B,C.Electric, APPLIANCE STORES ALAN CAMERON, Proprietor ISLAND COALS--Douglas Lump $ 10.25 Nut $9.00 Nknklmo-(Veil. lump or egg 11.00 Nut 10.00 Tulameen ., lump or egg $ 10.50 Nut 9.00 Balkan (Alberta Hard) mined at Coalspur, Foothills of the Rockies, lumP or egg $ 12.50 stove $ 11.00 Canmore Briquettes 'Fhe 100,t'uel ................$ I5,50 All prices strictly C.O.D. BLAIRS %VOOD aaad COAL Phone 1VeSt 29$ 1464 Marine GARDENS snd GARDENING By MicVA G. HUTT, Landscape Architectuadwta la Leod«wtoa tl. al c Aa«iwa schwl et Lead~c w Archltectoc wd~lop, Meal Natlatlat Lalrlccac«arclcn