0001 a ta rr« 8%a . Cart « ~&&rr «aa. " «« ar «caa«r t«v L~a«««« a a a« a Trta ta tart. ~sea E c a-a tnvc a Aa t c&l a r~ * t ~ ~ ac& I I hery'-r'a&au a c 'c«a ~ l art ~ A t "c v«'a a'a I r r rrrv«r« 'rrrvw«r«a 'a rr rr« r htrrrrrrc« ««« r«'r 'r ~x«rvr«v tr v r Caarr Iv r~«rt « a rtv«rear ~rr«r « Permanent Waves OILAuk $5.95 Le&su $5.00 Somme&'4 Neiufei $050 IINI&aelae nasa NL seaaxeaa Ir I &Neat Gu:enclolyu Beauty ShopPe 1640 Meriue Dries I'hone West 117 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHI. RCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "PROBATION Ah'TER DEATH." One of the Bible texts Trill be I Corinthians 15:26. "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 42 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Death will be found at length to be a mortal dream, which comes in darkness and disap- pears with the light." SPORT NOTES West Van. United continued their winning streak when they defeated North Burnaby 3 to nil on Saturday at Ambleside Park. The local team had a decided edge on their opponents, but missed many openings in the first half vrhich ended with neither side scoring. On resum- ing play, the United pressed'trongly and d'Essum tallied the first goal from a beautiful centre from Bell. Ten minutes later Hamilton registered the United's second goal on a pass from Fiddes. On resuming play Stratton had 0 wonderful opportunity to score but shot, missing the goal by inches. A few minutes later Timbrell scored on a long hard drive which the goalie had no chance to save. The whole for- Trard line played well together being well supported by the halves and fullbscks and Lsrnie in goal. Established eu North Shore 20 Years. (LNdy Aeeieieut) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON jf'nneral BirertnrII North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nems PubUebed Every Thursday PubUeber F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bueiseee eud Editerie) Od'feei 11th esd Merlse DTITN (Next Ie HNUyburu P. O.) Phone West 363 MNU Addremi P.O. Bex 61. HNUyburu, B.C. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdslo Ave. $ 1.00 ~ year by currier: 22AM e year by walL THE WEST VAN NEWS United Church WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Minister, Rev. Hillis )Vright Last Sabbath being Promotion Sunday, the Sabbath School met with the congregation in West Vancouver United Church. Every part of the church wss filhxi with an interested au&li- enee. Several classes weie promot- ed; one coming up from the I'rimary Division. The Primary snd Beginners took part in the service, recit- ing in a finished manner several portions of Scripture and a couple of the Psalms, also sing- ing a hymn. Their work refiect- ed great credit on the work of their staff and teachers. CHURCH EDIFICB 20th eud Eeeuhueii, HNUybuiu This Seeiety ie ~ Branch et The Meiher Church The Pirei Church of Christ, Seieutiei, Iu Beeten, Meeeeehueetie Suudpy Servieee 11:Se ~.m. Nmi 1&20 p.m. Sunday, October 23, 1932 Subject: "I'IIORATION AFT)'lt DEATH." Sunday School et 10:00 ~ .m. Teetimuuy Meeting Wednesday at 0:16 p.m.Service will be held as usual next Sabbath in the morning at a quarter past eleven and in the evening st a quarter past seven. The minister &Ld)) have as his subject in the morning" Why the Christian Church hiust Be a Mis- sionary Church." In the evening he will speak to the question, "What does it profit to be a Chrixtian? What does a man gain?u In the morning there will be a solo by A. J. Addy, nnd an an- them by the choir. In the evening there will be 0 solo by Mrs. C. MacLean; an an- them by the choir, and 0 Male Quartette consisting of Messrs. Froud, Addy, Holt and Fiddes. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev, Father F)anagsn Residence: Clochan Hotel 9:15 a.m.--Holy Mass, sermon 2 p.m,--Sunday SchooL WEEK DAYS 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. Wednesday--7:30 p.m., Devo- tions. Friday--7:30 p.m., Devotions, confessions. Saturday--7:30 p.m., confes- sions (adults). Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford On Tuesday evening the Senior Young People of West Vancou- ver will be hosts to the Senior Young People of South Hill, who are making 0 social visit. The Vikings Basketball team will play s local team in a friendly game. Services: 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School. Also the Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.Church service. Sermon by the minister, sub- ject: "The Offence of the Cross, and the Cha)lenge of the Christ." All are invited to all the ser- vices. I'hought for the week: "The imperial coinage of Rome wss not 'allowed within the Jewish temple. Up to the door of the temple it was currency, within it wss not. The heart of the Christian must be an area where the coinage of this world is not currency, where no outside voices rule and only His whisper is law."--Stanley Jones in "Christ on the Mount." A very interesting and haPPY afternoon is anticipated on Tues- day, October 25th, when the Women's Association will hold their annual Fall Tea. Miss Matheson, of the United Church Girls'ome, is ivell-known as a speaker, and there will also be 0 musical program arranged by Mrs. Howieson, which will in- clude solos by Mrih Colin Msc- Lean and Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, snd pianoforte duets by Mrs. Alexander snd Miss Frame, all of whom are well-known to West Vancouver audiences. The home- cooking stall is also quite an at- traction on these occasions. P«T. A.Men's Club Opening aBIeeting The opening meeting of the Men's Club which is announced for Tuesday, October 25th, at 8 p.m. should draw an exception- ally large audience and give the club a good send off for the win- ter. The subject for discussion will be the Kidd Report, one of the most provocative subjects introduced into politics in this province for many a day; and the speaker, Prof. C. W. Topping of the Department of Economies of the University, is well able to handle it in an interesting way. The meeting will begin at 8 p.m. when the officers for the session will be served. All men interest- the address the meeting will be open for discussion and ques- tions, after which refreshments wil ibe served. All men interest- ed, whether members of the club or not will be made welcome. At the meeting of the P.-T. A. which was held in Pauline John- son School on Tuesday evening, October 11th, hfr. T. Russell spoke on the resolutions passed at the recent convention of School Trustees. He gave an int- eresting account of the discus- sion on the motion to limit free education at the age of fifteen, a motion which was defeated. Two songs were rendered by Mrs. Barnden, with Mrs. Vsn Sickle as accompanist, who also favored the meeting with two pianoforte solos. MRS. J. E. DURBIN TO RESU)IIE TEACHING Mrs. J. E. Durbin, who hss recently returned from a visit to England, wishes to announce that shc hss a few vacancies for pupils in piano, harmony, etc. Pupils sre prepared for all ex- aminations, snd information as to terms, ete., can be obtained by phoning or calling on her at St. Patricia's School for Girls, 1009 - 20th Street. C. G. I. T. The girls of the Alert Group sre all prepared for their annu- al Mother and Daughter ban- quet this Friday evening, Octob- er 21, at 6:30. Places are laid for seventy-five persons. The distinguished guest of the even- ing will be Miss bI. L. Bollert, Dean of Women of the Univer- sity of R. C. This banquet is particularly for Mothers snd Daughters and we are expecting every mother to be present with her girl. The girls are planning their Mission project and will commence that after the banquet. We will look for fall attend- ance in classes Sunday morning. WEST VAN UNITED FOOTBALL CI,UI3 The following players are ask- ed to turn out for the game on Saturday, October 22nd, with Y.C.I.A. at Renfrew Park st 3 p.m. Team leaves on West Van- couver ferry at I:30:--Larney, McLean, F. Downfe, Grieve, H. Downie, Timbre)), Bell, Hamil- ton, D'Essum, I'fddes, Strstton, Vaughan, Grlsedale, Neill. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Rainsey, L.S.T. October 23rd -- 22nd Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 s.m.--Senior School. 11:15 a.m.--Primary School. 11:15 s.m.--Matins and ser- nioii. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and ser- nioii. 9:45 a.m.--St Franci», Caul- feild. The A.Y.P.A. have given up their meeting on Monday night to make way for St. Mark's Play- ers. The W.A. Study Group will meet st 2:30 on Tuesday in the Parish Hall. The Adult Bible Class will meet at 8 p.m. on Thursday in the Rectory. The men's meetings which were so much enjoyLT) last win- ter will be resumed next Tues- day at 8:15 and the 4th Tuesday in the month thereafter. An int- eresting program of speakers and topics is being prepared. The speaker on Tuesday will be Mr. F. A. Wa)ker "On Klondyke Experiences." Mr. Walker walked there from Edmonton. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all the men of the congre- gation to attend. St. Mark's Church Choir are putting on the play "The Strange Request," in the Parish Hall on Monday, October 24th, at 8 p.m. Admission 25c. The first of the W. A. Study Meetings will be held in the Parish Hall on October 25th, at 2:30. subject "China, the coun- try and its people." A Ha)lowe'en Book Tea is ar- ranged for October 81st in the Parish Hall at 2:30. Baptist Church Heure& 9 e. NL te d 9 oL Seiurdeye: 10 ~. sh Le I 9 m. Evesiuga eud Suiurdey Atter. ueeue by eppoiuimest only. Royal Rank BuUdiug Phone West 440 Rex)deuce I'beue Wee& 292. DR. G. D. /t. Sk;7I Ltr DENTIST I ~ flay Bleak, 14&k eud Marine DT. Ogiee Hours 9 ie d p.m. gaeuiuge by eppeiuimeui. Phoae West 12 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16&h 0 Meriue EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor. S)IARP DECIIEASE SHOWN IN TRANS-IN Lk;T TRAFFIC FOR NINE-MONTH I'ERIOD Substantial decrease is shown in North Vancouver City Ferrv traffic in the first nine mont)g of this year as compared wit the corresponding period off 1931. In the nine months'eriod of this year, the ferries csrried 2r 314,391 passengers snd 470,017 vehicles as compared with 2,682r 153 and 647,695 in the corres- pnoding period of last year. Pas- senger decrease is 367,262 and the drop in vehicular traffic is 77,678. During September, the boats carried 259,093 passengers and 54,801 vehicles as compared with 262,775 and 63,632 in the corre- sponding month of 1931. Teacher (sternly). This essay on "Our Dog" is word for word the same as your brother' Small boy: Yes sir't's the same dog. The News Pastor I Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Sunday, October 23rd. 10 a.m.--Sunday School an&i Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "The Gospel Chain." Anthem. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Worship. Topic "The Parable of the Flesh and Blood." Jesus said: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man snd drink His Blood ye have no life in you." A cordial invitation to all those who are not attending reg- ularly elsewhere. ONSDAL NOW MAURICE CHEVALIER ie 'LOVE ME TONIGHT'ee&ere Ne 2 "CARNIVAL BOAT" Fee&ere Ne. I Feature Ne. 2 TIMES 7 swh eel& 9:20 diet&a Sf&6 S.m. I,) Monday, 24th--Young People'0 Rally at First Baptist Church, Vancouver. Supper served nt 6:15. Nominal charge. Rally at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer 4& Praise and Bible Study. Thursday, 8 p,m.--Choir prac- tice. Friduy, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. DUNDARAVE LADIES CHOllf The Dundarave Ladies Choir together with assisting artists will present their opening recital of the season at the Legion Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 22nd November. A Whitechapel curate was call- ing on old Mrs. Smith. "I hope you read the Bible every dsy," he remarked gravely, "Yus, An"l show you the chapter I read today." She produced the book, and opened the pages. Retween them lsy 0 pair of spectacles. "Gorblimy," she exclaimej, "Here's me specs as I aint been able to find for two weeks." TUES. Dieeerwete LNNW uaa ea«I N \ T~I WED. Cash Nice& THUR. Cueai Nice& I al« 0 ~ I ~ Ia ~ f WW tsee Fni Ceab Nick& NEXT WID:E situ. 'Tuu Iaxv&L'N IACITNNTTuta.. Aa irtd. Tus NILTNN IINmu'I'bui. "N'NAT Tulcu soLI T. Pti. w&Nul" &\at "N TIN'NNT NANNN" ORCHESTRAL CONCERT SUNDAY 23rd at 9&10 p.m. Ihwta Opae 0:46 is Pteieaeieeei Muaieieee keawu m "MilNIU MANTkif&S" I'aaw elwuuaa w A. o. NAN. N&al'u, waa I'AN I.uuu&N Na III. N«IA Tw Naaxe slu&NNT I. &Xl&.TNN. Twwa muww W. IL NA'I IVXI. Thalia SILVER COLLECTION Octo)acr 20, )932 ~ . Dr.Marjory McCtfbbfn In ENTIST