0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS October Ia 1922 rI rr (w s \ &VAiVCsr Vrr ~ s r ~ w 'r x xiu xpns ~ir vr ~ su u vs"'lsv'u- 's!'s v rs'v'x"& s ~ ~ ur,'vw 1'. v-i v:&H'" ~ x' I V'r'&'V ~ v+ v v &. rx 'Iv'« ~ 'v" v &r rvr -rrr sr&rrrrivrrr.r VVsv.rrvrrrrr !v 'r x 'rs ~ 'v rr' VVV rrr - rr. n rr rvrrrrrrrr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,',"-„',""„'.,'" Amblesi4e tstb SUPER SPECIALS Fri. & Sat., Oct. 14 & 15 SERVt[S BREAD- Tbut BIG 24 ux. lou[ ......... 8c Red S White FLOUR- 4S Rs suck ...........-..--...... PL23 24 Bs sack..............,........... 8[e [0 Its suck............. 25c ICED CUP CAI[ES--Chocolate e Piaia, cello wrapped 0 fur 15c CORNED BEEF Bevrii ..................... 2 tins 25e APRICOT JAhi--Nabob Large 32 as. Iur ................ 25c PLUMS--Greenguge or Red Nabob ............... 2tiax [9c GRAPE.'[UT FLAKES The new cereak oer skg..... [2c TEA--Kaguuu Brand, ser [ts 29c CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS--Rvd Arrow, Der ks............. 25c Slue I[ White TOILET ROI.LS 3 for 19c RENNIE'S BIRD SEED, skg. [8c kxd 5& White FANCY PEAS Sieve 3, tin ...................... 15c ked [I IVbite SOUP Grvea Peu, tin ............... 10c Rcd R White S[OI.ASSES 20 us. tis ....................... [2c ORANGFS--Cukfuruiu Suukixi Nice medium uixe, per duxen 25c KING API'I.ES Bux, average 40 ibu....... Ssc ONIONS. [urge Clean and dry .......... 5 lbs. IDe Mc[NTOSH RED APPLF&t 7 ibs. 25c BROOMS "Rose Brand" Hux s fancy colored handle uud ring tup--uaiy ................. 49c kvd 4[ White MARASCHINO CHERRIES, 5 ox. bottles .. 23c ROYAL CROWN SOAP. Dur bur 4e kuyul Crown WASHING SOI)A Packet .......................... sc R[G BATii SOAIL ser cake .. Dc The village doctor was berat- ing one of his patients for al- ways coming home drunk. "Haven't I told you times without number, John, that, if you don't cease drinking, your heart will give out? You don' see me going home drunk every night." «No, sir. But then you aint so popular in the village as I am." 66 Markets FREE DELIVERY 'rr~ Sweet Pickled Lamb Tongues 5 for 10c No. 1, 1932, LAMB Legs . Ib 2012c Shoulders.. Ib 114'2 Loins,'„'b 15c BUTTER P:„Sterling 2.6c 1b Finest Aibertu Comet 2,5c 1b MEATY BUTTS PORK ................10c Ib For your Sungiay Morning Breakfast Comet Bacon 9c Pcr yx [b. Ceto Wrapped TEA LING , OMET SPECIAL u& BUkNS'HAMROCK SLICE[i HAM [su I'er Hi ib. I'ucksge. 8st A LL L IN K Pure Pork Sausage 13c lb 7 lbs Mackintosh Apples 2,5c Sf Friday and Saturday Specials Sterling 38 at West Van. 190 No. 1 STEER BEEF STERLING QUALITY FOR STERLING )&IARKETS Rump Roasts... 14c I Blade Roasts ......... 9c Rom(I Steak Roasts 17c I Round Bone ............ 9c [ EXTRA VALUE,",', lsclb. I FRESH KILLED jFOWL 2', to 3lbg 45c each Lumber SASH - DOOIL[ - GYI'ROC Everything for the Building SHIN(&LES, Su)PI.AP, 2x I and AU Dimensions KEPT INSIDE Under a Dry Roof ~ ~ u Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Drawers AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at llollyburay next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER and I.umber products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building I'aper Lamatco, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Etc. +EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD Phone West 115 Res. Phone West SSSL 15th and Marine «Right Service -- Right Grades" [0th und Marine Drive Phone 'ivvut [99. Alter 5 p.&n. snd holidays axk for W. JENVEY, I'buuu West [00k VOTERS'ISTS An u((icial notice aiq&cars m this ixue (rom the iklunicipal (lail uilvixing all thoie entitled and de- sirous 0( having their names placed on the 1933 Voters'ist as liouxeholderx, Licence or Poll Tax llolderx, that they &oust (ile a declaration on the (orn& pro- vided on or before Oct. 31. 'I'hesc (orms may l&e obtained at the Municipal Hall. TO BROADCAST ON HEALTH Aims and Objects of Greater Vancouver Health League Now Obtainable The Greeter Vuucuuvvr true[is Lexgue bux rexum&&A iix fall uus wiu- Ivv uvtiviiiex for ibe [032-33 season. The league Is x branch of the Cuuusixu nucixt Hygiene Cx&uud[, ix &iie iucui bvuucb uf the Ouuudiuu Tubercuiuxix Axxucixiiuu uug Is one of ibe xgeudes cerning uusxv ibe Vuueuuvvr Welfare F Vie&sun&s A xsvxkvvx'ervice ix muiuiuiuvs as one of the ieugue'x priuciuui activities xus pub[le uvguuixuduu» of evvvy sort xre urged tu mxkv ibe fuiiexi possible uxv f ibis .h very b&vge uumbvv ut I&i&yxicix&m, &[Imux&x, uuvxex, suds[ workers uus others, expert uutbuviiixx uu vs& iuu» ybxxvx uf 9&evvuuuu uf disease In iix broadest uxp&eix buvu srvpurx&i [ex&urus which &bey wni du- [her upon vuuueui. [u xddiiuu, &bv series of iVxduexduy evmiug radio ixikx wbivb bxve been bruudcuxi [&urn i[NRV iu ibv last tbvvx vexvx will be vuutiuuvd, Tbv[ first bruxdvuxt wiii be at 7 P.m. on Nuvvm- bvv 2&uk Tbu Grvxiev Vuucuuver Hvukb txuguv ix vuuc&rue&I xuieiy wiib the pvuuiuiiuu of beuiib uud Dvevvuiiuu uf diwuxe ms uui wiib vumvsiui music[us. Privies &senex of ibe Aims uud Ob- ivvix, viv., of the ieuguv, xus u'ixu of ibe nyvukerx'ervice list muy be ob- tak&sk uyuu application iu ibu vxxcu- tire xvvvviury at in[2 Duu&iuiuu Bank iiuiidiug, Seymour 10&&5. SWIMMING CLUB HOLD SUCCESSFUL DANCE Considering the iveather there iras a good at[en&lance at the Thanksgiving l)ance of thc tVcxt Vancouver Amateur Swimniing t.'hib, ivhich took Flair lait klun- day evening in the Bully[&urn Pavilion. Dancing xtsrtv&l at 0 1&.lil. all&I '&vax coiitillued until mid- night, excellent music l&ring sup- plied by jack Willianixon'x or- chestra. The (Ir»&r ivas nut x&& croivded as to make dancing un- cum(urtable aiul cveryl&ody ha&i a most enjoyable evening. 5(rs. Nick Williamson gave a delight- (ul solo during thc evening. I.EGION W. A. A meeting of the District Soc. ial committee of the IV. A. to the Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., was held in the Legion Memoria! Hall, Friday, October 7th, Mrs. T .E. Batchelor in the chair. Several dekgates from various branches were present. The minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as read. Several items of interest were discussed, including an annual Armistice dance for all branches to be held in Vancouver. A &letter was received from Lady Besborough thanking the tV. A. for the lovely basket of roses and carnations presented on her departure for the East. Mrs. McLennan, provincial 8&'.c- rotary, spoke at length with ref- erence to Poppy Day and hoped that the public would respond generously. An invitation was extended to the committee to meet at the Memor(al Hall, Point Grey, for their next meeting. Dainty refreshments were served, the tables being decorat- ed with brightly colored autumn flowers, during which Mrs. J. H. Smith rendered two vocal solos which were much enjoyed. Any information regarding wreaths or poppies may be had by phoning Mrs. W. H. Atwood, West 122L. VERNON FEED STORE A. G SEA[i[,E Pbune West 0 Fertllixers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies BIRTHS AND MARRIAGE FIGURES SHOW DECLINE Avvuvsbm iu ~ bukeib& ixxuvs by the i&uuauiuu iiurvuu of n&utiuticx, bivtbx v&xlx&v&v&[ iu August iu r&4 ciiivx uf &Suu&su numbered 7.188, sxutbx 3.387 ~us murrixg&n k408 as compared with 7,33[ birib», 3,ebs dvu&bx uud 2,702 uiuvviugex iu August of lest year, ubuw- iug u decrease uf 3 Dvv &uut In bi&tax. 4 irr vvui iu dexibx uud tou [un &uut in umvriugvu. i&i&&i&» regna«&us iu the xxmu diieu during the &sgbt muuibx Juuuuw-Aug- ust f ibis year, totally 54,704, deaths 30.7&is uus muvriugvx ir,i&07 ux xguiuxt uh!42 births, 30,58[ dvuibx uud [DJg[3 ~&urriugvx suriug ibu &wvvvxyuusiug series last rear. Tbvrv wux thus u sv- ciiuv uf 0 Dvr vvu& iu bivibx, an iu- rrexxe uf hall sxr cvut iu 4 mibx xud ~ &iv«vuxw uf 7 sxv cent iu mu&riugvs WELFARE CANVAS NEXT WEEK (Continue from page 1) l&e donated to the IVcl(are Asso- ciation (or the sick, and others unalile tu cut their own. Entertainment )[ringing the "SI&erial F((ort { iveeku to a happy ending. ihlrs, I'. C. Stainxby is liutting on a splendid entertainment (or the IVcl(arc Funds. th«lute and tinie to be adverti»ed in the next ixiuc u( the )Vest Van. News. A meeting o( the executive will hc held at )iea&l&iuarters &&n Fri- day. Oct. 21, at 7:30 p.m. Two Jews were in a boat which upset. The one who could swim held up the one who could not until he thought he could do it no longer, and said: "Can you (lost alone, Abe?e uVot's the good of talking business at 0 time like thisr'ried Abe ~ ~ I» i ii& ~ v'9.. ~ VVest Vancouver Municipal Hall on thc grounds of which cons&dcrabk improvcmerss have been made