0001 October ld, 1932 THE WEST VAN NEWS o."y uuu. put wloy tutu- .')ie tuu't ilio ugIII tuplo trip. i the ura. ut to Iw Iu Irtllu, Itin bber iuliif wbilo Ifowo I?" wugk IOPX I! 4 io I lug tog TAILORING - CLEANING ~ DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIONS hL %VILLIAMS For that COUGH Local and Personal J H. Middleton has moved from Eburne into a house at 2444 Bellevue Ave. ~ o Mrs. H. Huggins, 2269 Math- ers Ave., hss an easter lily kdth three blooms, this being the sec- ond time this season the plant has fiowered. This is another in- dication of the mildness of the West Vancouver climate. \ o ~ Mrs. Walter Forrest, 2453 Mathers Ave., gave 0 surprise party last Thursday for Mr. and Mrs George, formerly of Edmon- ton, who now reside st 247S Msthers Ave. A most enjoyable time was spent in playing cards, refreshments being afterwards served by Mesdames Lauder and Minkley. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Minkley. Mr. and Mrs. Lauder, Mr. and Mrs. Sisson, hir. and Mrs. Forrest, Mrs. M E. O'Hearn, and Mr. Pearson of Vic. toria. 1568 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) Constable and Mrs. A. W. Kruger have moved from Horse- shoe Bay into a house st 2161 Bellevue Ave. ~ ~ ~ W. J. Dight of Vancouver, hss moved into 0 house at 990 22nd Street. ~ ~ ~ A son was born to Mr. and Mgs. A. Harvey Smith last Sun- day st their home at 15th snd Marine Drive ~ ~ ~ G. B. Kerfoot of Vancouver, has moved into s house at 2095 Argyle Ave. ~ v L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold their regular meeting next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Orange HalL o o ~ W. A. Riddle has moved from the city into a house at 2382 Bellevue Avenue. ~ o M, Williams'ailor shop at 1568 Marine Drive was burgled some time between last Satur- day night and Tuesday morning, quite an amount of goods and a number of suits being taken. The thieves apparently obtained an entrance by forcing the tran- some over the window on the west side of the store, and ap- pearances would indicate that they were disturbed during their operations. \ o ~ N. Parkinson of Vancouver, has taken a house on Travers Ave. and has moved in, ~ o ~ Miss Margaret Gillette of Burnaby, who formerly resided here was the guest over the week end of Miss Marion Blair, 1527 Gordon Ave. ~ ~ J. Brockbank of Vancouver, has moved into a house st 2905 Marine Drive At the meeting of the )Vest Vancouver Ex-High School As- sociation last Thursday Reginald Hamilton was elected president, and Miss Audrey Laster, secre- tary-treasurer. Arrangements are being made to take up bad- minton this season.\ S. G. Holt hss moved from Vancouver into a house at 1347 Clyde Ave. K. H. Robinson has moved from 1241 Clyde Ave., into 0 house at 1719 Duchess Avenue. J. J. L. Atwood has moved . from Haywood Ave. into a house at 2618 Bellevue Ave. ~ ~ ~ An angler, while fishing in our waters, had the unique experi- ence of having a salmon jump into his boat. He wasted no time in securing it. o Haddon Hall was completely destroyed by fire on liiondsy morning. The cause of the con- flagration is unknown. Ed. Black of 25th and Marine Drive, is expected home this week from the Cariboo, where he is on a hunting tnp. ~ ~ The council authorized the engineer to clear the log )arne from Nelson Creek from Marine Drive to the P.G,E. Railway. at a cost not to exceed $100. ~ ~ ~ The Pauline Johnson School swimmers were in evidence st the Crystal Pool last Saturday, ob- taining one of the 5 cups pre- sented. There were sixty-five schools represented and the races were very keenly contested. The boys secured the Province trophy for relay and the girls'eam wss only nosed out by s matter of inches by Lord»& erts'chool. Meden were given to those obtaining firsts and the following pupils were successful: Tommy Robson, Donald Mac- Kenzie, Roland Cli(ford, Hugh Montgomery. RUh(, HONEY nnd COD LIVER OILPhono Wooi 20 Roo. Phone West 200L 50c. Lo OGDEN CO» West 146 hIEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY Cemuulls Drug Store Tho Stove of Sovvlon Iuss Marino Dvivo Wvot Sf Ponovgonoy Phono Weal 2'2 I (After 0 p.nn) Mrs. I. X. Hodgson, L.A.B. TEACHER OF SINGING 3 Cups, 22 Firsts and 15 Certificates Obtained in Victoria nnd B. C. Musical Festivals. Amblesigle Sheet MetalWorks IAURIE SPECK, opcltuv 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING STUDIOS:--2310 Bellevue Avenue, Suite 109, Granville Mansions, Vancouver. Term Commences hlonday, )7th October, )932. Sl'ORT NOTES West Van. Unitecj recorded their third straight win on Sat- urday when they trounced B. C. Sugar Refinery to the tune of 4 goals to 3 at Woodland Park. The pace wss fast and furi- ous throughout the whole game with both teams playing good football. Although at half time the local boys were down 3 to I owing to several bad decisions on the part of the referee, they pressed strongly in the last half and netted 3 counters. d'Easum scored the lone tally for the United in the first half on s splendid pass from McLean, while in the early stages of the last half Strstton scored a lovely goal from a long drive which went elean between the up- rights. Five minutes later Fid- des headed the ball through from s scrimmage in front of the goal making the count 3 all. A few minutes later d'Easum took a penalty kick but shot weakly and the goalie cleared easily.. From then on the play was all down at the Refinery's goal with the local boys peppering it with shots. Then three minutes from time Stratton took 0 penalty shot which the goalie had no chance to save, making it 4 goals for West Vancouver. 1VEST VAN. RANGERS Players for Saturday's game th Cedar Cottage at Temp!e- ton Park North, will be notified by manager before Friday night. Reeve Lay)and snd Councillor Elgar reported to the council having visited Hollyburn Ridge on Saturday snd Sunday, Octo- ber 1st and 2nd, and made an exhaustive survey. There were about seventy-four cabins scat- tered up and down and the time had now come when definite sup- ervision and 0 complete set of regulations were needed. It wss resolved that 0 com- mittee with power to sct, con- sisting of the reeve, chairman of parks, chairman of finance and the engineer be appointed to draw up such regulations as they considered necessary for the Ridge. ~ ~ Bruce Moore's ofi'er to supply three Pierce-Arrow engines and two chassis for the sum of 875 was accepted by the counciL\ o ~ C. W. Church wrote the coun- cil re maple tree on Lot I, Block 5, D.L. 655. Referred to the engineer with power to act. o o v J. A. LaF)eche made a verbal application to the council re clearing ditch in front of Lot 23-13-237. Referred to the engineer with power to sct. o o J. C. Craine has moved from 1853 Bellevue Ave., into 0 house at 1847 Marine Drive. o ~ In regard to Cameron A Csm- eron's letter re dangerous trees on Lots 7, 8 & 9, Block 16, D.I 55o, the council instructed the solicitor to bring down an a- mendment to the Dangerous Trees By-law and with the re- quest that he reply direct to the writer. STRATTON'S BREADCar Tops, Curtain Lights Slip Covers Always I'rash 18 oz. LOAF-- Finest uuality 6 Cents at Store 7 Cents, Delivered PHONE N. R. ELLIS, 1427 Marine The Cables Apartments WEST BAY 320.00 Furnished Suites Electrically Equipped & Steam Rented Roo. Phone West SI8RS made st 1468 MARINE DRIVE Ambleside Phone West 2'I and Delivery w)ii ca)L WEST VAN. UNITFD FOOTBALL CLUB The following players are re- quested to turn out for the game with North Burnaby at Amble- side Park Saturday, October 15, at 3 0'0!ocki Larnie. F. Downey. R. Fiddes, d'Easum, H. Downey, Bell, Vaughan. Stratton, Timbre)I. Grieve. Hamilton, ?IlcLesn, Grisedale. Phone ED. BLACK WEST 08 for GALT, TIILAMEBN, ond NAN A Ioio - WEI.I.INGTON COAL An orders Cash or C.O.D. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL . B. D. WHITE, Mgv. Distinvtivo Funeral Survive Lady Anoiotont S20- 3rd St. E, Phone North 020 The rector walking down a village lane onc foggy night, fell into a deep hole. He shouted for help, and finnl!y a burly yo)'el heard his cries, and approached. "Who are you?" he aukct!, peering inlo tne Iog.'I'm the rector," was the agi- tated reply. "Hcqi me out quick- ly, nLv good man.o "Well, you needn't have made such a howi," answered the other slowly. "This is on)y Vo ed- nesday night, and you aint wunt- ed until Sunday." A small boy, who wss sitting next to a very haughty lady in s crowded street car, kept sniif- ling in a most annoying manner, At last the lady could stand it no longer, and turned to the lad. "Boy, have you got 0 handker- chief 7" she demanded. "Yes," said the boy, "I'e got one, but I don't lend it to strang- ers." IXL Laundry SERVICES: -- Thrifty, Flat- ironed nnd finished laundry ido iuxo) I'hone West 200 Under the auspices oF St. Stephen'3 W.A. West Vancouver Amateur At)dutic~ST. MARK'S CHURCH CHOIR ~vo putting on n piny entitled THE STRANGE BEQUEST" in ST. STEPHEN'8 PARISH HALL At a date to be announced later. Proceeds in oid of St. Stephen' Church. ADSRISSION 259 FOOTBALL WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Legion Hall, FRIDAYS OCf. 14th 8 p.m. GOOD REFRESH)IENTS GOOD PRIZES GOOD SIUSIC Admission Joc. WEST VAN WELFARE ASSOCIATION Will make a HOUSE TO HOUSE CANVASS t OCTOI3ER 13th to 21st "Give all you can." CORI'ORATION OF THE DLSTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER VOTERS'IST, 1933 Persons desiring and entitled to have their names p)aced on the Voters'ist for 193S ss Householders, Licence or Poll Tsx Holders, must file a declaration (which may be made before a Notary Public or the undersigned) in the form provided, on or before the S)st day of October, 19S2. Forms may be obtained at the hlunicipal Hall. Dated this ISth da) of October, )932. Whf. HERRIN, hgunicipsl Clerk. AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCH, Proprietor Finest uua)lty Fresh Meats, Smoked and Cooked Meats. PHONE WEST 303 Hollyburn, B. C . Men's Sox ":" "'„"-"„"- RSc to $ 1 I