0001 512 h r ) e ~ ~ ~ A Weekly Newspaper CJ'rculafiyfly i72 thc District of West Uancou77cr-Amblcside, Hollyburyf, Wcston, Dundara77c $ 1.00 per year. CyPrcJJ Park, CafJlfeild, Whyteclfff, Etc. 6c per copy at newsstands. E I uh! 7, for be IS 1 j Ill (zc T ,))c »T -I(c j tzDB zu )5c ().I) hha mS t 'cchccc eec )[&z ) gk ))c Vol. VII SIX PAGES l WELFARE CANVASS NEXT WEEK LA)VN BOWLERS CLOSE SUCCESSFUL SEASON On Saturday the local lawn bowlers closed what hss been sn unusually long and successful season. Re-organized a year ago the West Vancouver Club wss given s hearty we@erne back to the B. C. Association and while it cannot claim to have proved itself s "power in the land." it has made its presence felt in various competitions. Probably its most notable vic- tory was against the redoubt- able Stanley Park Club; but by coincidence the same club got its own back when one of its Howe Cup rinks defeated West Van- couver st a stage in the tourna- lnent when the 1Vest Vancouver team was well in the lead of the 32 teams entered from the Low- er Mainland. The high rink equal with us represented North Vancouver and ultimately won the trophy. Another bright day for West Vancouver was when they de- feated Jack Scott's entry in the Hudson's Bay competition. Scott's rink is known as one of the strongest in Vancouver There have, of course, been de- feats, but for a first season club with many match players hav- ing to be taken from the nursery the club hss not 1st down the municipality. More members are needed, and already a number have promised to join next year, when before the close of the seaslm it is expected the new green at 20th and Marine Drive will be available for play. Next Thursday the first an- nual social evening and prize glv&ng ls to be held at the CIsc- han, Dundarave, when sll mem- bers, prospective members and others interested in the game will be made welcome. Cards wdl start at 8 p.m. followed by the awarding of the various pnzes won dunng the season. cleared for approx)mately $25. That the work be done at a cost not to exceed $26.00. 8. Norman McNeili's applica- tion D.L. 567-7-14. That only light work is re- quired. That the work be done 9: Bessie Ray's application re access to garage. Approved on the understand- ing that the cost does not exceed $10.00. 10. Miscellaneous Items--pool at ferry, Capilano crib, Cypress overflow. Clyde ditch, Margaret Bayne s apphcatlon D.l 1092, NWQ. brushing Inglewood vk- inity 22nd Street, ditch D.D. 775, Block 12. wood~utters Caulfeild. All attended to. 11. Evans Was»on's, applica- tion. 'I'hst this work requires s sur- vey before it can be estimated. V. W. Odium, Brown &2 Com- pany wired the council an oifer of 610,000 West Vancouver 5&«1~« due 1940. Vo action J. H. Smith wrote the coun il re u»s of boulevard Heywood Ave., D.L 775)VI&k-4-8. The rmission was granted at the p easure of the counciL Orr Hamilton Jh Co. made a verbal o(fer to the council of Lot I'&. D.L 287. No action. C. Groom wrote the council re bathhouse Dundarave Pier. Re(err&xi to the ehainnan of the parks committee and eng- ineer for report. COUNCIL NOTES Thos. Caudwell and P. A. Ed- ington came before the council to speak to their letter of 1st October re street lights north of Mathers Avenue on 11th Streeb They were informed that the request would be dealt with at the same time ss other similar applications. H. Ray appeared before the council in regard to access to garage. The applicant was informed that his request would be dealt with in committee and he would be advised of the result. Mrs. C. Read of Whytecliff waited on the council in refer- ence to the holes in the road op- posite her property, also maple trees on boulevard of next lots. The matter of the holes in the road was left for the engineer with power to act, the question of the maple trees to be reported on by the engineer. Evans Wasson wrote the council re access to Lots 9 and 10, Block 10, W)&zz D.L. 568. The council replied that funds did not permit of their acceding to his request st this time. Cameron 4& Cameron wrote the council regarding dangerous trees on D.L. 655-16-7, 8 4& 9. They were advised that the . quesHon qf dangerous trees wss I (lig &CV(erreJ tsr the municip&)I solicitor for his attention. In regard to the other trees men- tioned it should be said that these were not removed either by the municipal men or with the knowledge or authority of the counciL J. Stewart Gall wrote the council re proposed dedication of piece of land Pilot House road. Referred to the reeve. The matter of the McKechnie property, D.L. 558 WQ, lt was decided that arrangements be made for the members of the council to look over this section, also to stop all wood cutting op- erations on land municipally held in this D. I The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Claim Aulder Jackson re in- jury to dog. The council resolved that 62.00 be forwarded without prejudice and that applicant's attention be called to the fact that the poiice department had no record of having issued a licence for this dog, and application should, therefore, be made for one im- mediately. 2. William Astley's appliw- tion re cedar tree and Allamere Lane. That the work be done. 3. Culvert under P.G.E. track 22nd Street.. That the cost of installing would be $200. That the work be done at a cost not to exceed $200. 4. Guard rail 22nd Street and Argyle Ave. Referred to the engineer with power to act. 5. Roof of waterworks work. shop. That this work be done at a cost not to exceed $ 15. 6. C. W. Church's application. That the maple true is not very danSerous No act)on at present. 7. Driftwood in stream. That the stream could be SCOUT NOTES The Canadian Legion Troop seemed to have a much busier meeting last Thursday than usu- al, at any rate they seemed to get through more work. After inspection the troop went into patrol corners where members were trained for various task». Later games were played. At the close of the evening points were still in favor of the Beav- ers but with the Springbucks a close second. On Saturday there was s good turnout at the Scout Lot where further vcork was done on the hut. Badge tests also were und- ertaken, two members passing their cooking test. I. O. D. E. HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE The l)un&su Lsw»on Chapter, .O.I).E., are giving their annual Islioivc'cu mszquers&lc dance on criday 28th h»ta&&t at 9 p.m. in he Xollyburu Pavilion, when thc luzic Makers'rchestra will upply the music. I&suey dress vill bc ol&tionsl, and further par- iculsr» ivill appear in our next »suc. Ticket», 50 cents. RS. MARGARET BOURNE jzr PASSES AWAY ihirz. Margaret Agnes Bourne, vlm formerly c&&n&lucted the But- cr(ly Tca koomz in Dundsrave, &a&rb&l away last Mon&lay in St. oscph'» 14&&spital, Victoria. Shc vaz lhc ividoiv of Lieut. I(erl&crt I. Bourne &&( the 54&h Battslii&u, or&nerly o( Pembroke, Ontario. 'he iz survived l&y one zon, Her- &crt 11., of Viz)i&ria, and &&ne ziz-'r, ihlizz Ella hiaugen, of Van- ouver. kequiem mass iva» hei&i n St. &hath&&ny'» Church at 10 .m, yesterday, Rev. Father Hel- ot o((irizting, and interment vas made in Capilano View ccm- te ry. Commencing on Tuesday, Oct. IK the tYcl(sre Association is I making a house-to-houzc canvas I through&&ut the municipality, I when citizen» will have a further t oplx&rtuuity of getting acquaint- ed ivith the work und making z donation» &&( (ood, fuel, clothing ur cash. hiozt houses have some- t thing in them (or ivhich they i have no further uze, snd which may l&e just the thing some other M citizen need» at this time. A canvasser will call on Tuesday, doc»day, Thursday «r Friday next week. Under the general convcnor- ship of Mr». W. B. Small the mu- I nicipslity ha» been divided into J districts (ur this purpose, the dis- trict» being under the (allowing ci&nvenor»: ( l. East side 11th (rom Marine l)r. tu Ni&rth un&i East. Mrs. Duncan h(&Donald. t 2. West side 11th to East side 13th, Marine Dr. to Inglewood, lx&th sides. Mrz. T. E. Bstchelor. 3. )Yczt »i&le 11th to L'azt side 22u&l, North of Ingleivood. Mre. e L. Ma&lean and Mrs. S. B. IY il 1& mghby. 4. West side 13th to East siilc 22nd, from hlarine Dr. tu Ingle- wood, both »ides. h(rz. C. L. Maciean and Mrs. S. B. Wil- loughhy. 5. »Vs»& 'zxle'22nd to East side 24th, North of Marine Dr. Mr». A, M. O'Donncll. 6. )Yczt »i&le 24th to East side 26th. North of Marine Drive. Mrz, A. M. O'Donncll. 7. )Yezt side 26th to Fast side 29th, Xorlh of his&inc Dr. Mrs. Bernard klaye». 8. Wezt side 29th to Bus Stop, North side, Marine Dr. hire. G. Cave. 9. hlarine Dr., North and South sides, Boundary to 29th. ihir». hlorley Johnston. 10. East side 17th south, his- &inc l)r. to East Beach. Mr». (tray. 11. )Yezt side, 17th to East xi&le 23rd south, h(urine Drive. hirz. I). A. Ford. 12. Wc»t »i&le 23&&1 tn East side lh South, Marine l)r. &5(rz. I',. . Ford. 13. 'West xi&le 26th to Fast side ~)&h, south of h(srine l)r. hlr». hlorley fohn»ton. 14 West side 29th )&& Travers, h(urine Dr. and South. Mrz. Bcr- nunl Hayes. 15, Corner Travers an&i Marine lo West Bxy, ihluriuc Dr, zud South. 5(r&. Bernard I lave». It is hoped to zen&I a truck &uund to make the collection (nl- lowing the canvas, l&ut it ivi&uld he a very great hell& indeed I( &hose ritizei&z ivho have cars cix&1&I zen&i their &I«nation» in to Iles&i&)uurlcrs, az, relying on vol- Illllsl"I't'Ip, it I& ni&t &ll'Ivil'I'z poz I lc ti& &nake the ciillection at ie li»&r the dime& is&mid like. What About That Winter FuelT There is uo reason tu have s «&I&i home thi» winter in )Ye»I Vaon&uver if thixse whi& are un- alile tu l&uy their wood will only gvl in touch ivilh the I&uzi Com- lniltre o( which Mr. H. I',. IYulk- cr i& the convener. Ile will then arrange for &hem to cut their own and have it transported (ur them lo their ulvn 'hack yard», (rzc o( zoz). The only zli)&ulation mule iz that our-)culh of the wood cut LEGION NOTES The »Yczt Vancouver branch of the Canadian I,egion will hold their regular meeting next Wed- nesday, 19&h inst., at 8 p.m. Every ruemhcr is asked to make a point o( l&ring present. DEATH OF MISS CHRISTELLE JONES The death occurred last Satur- &lay in Vancouver a(ter a long illness of Miss Chris&elle Jones. who formerly ivas a resident of IYczt Vancouver. She leaves to mourn her loss her sitter, Miss D. M. Jones, principal of Dunda- rave Schol; another sister, hire. I'. Richard»on. a(xi o)&e hro)hcr, J. Ii. zz'I&&(et» o( vu&lo&&iu&&. F&I- nc&el cfervice» &vere held in Van- couver at I:30 p.m. Tuesday, Rev. F, H. Wilkinson o((iciating, and interment waz made in Ocean Vi«iv Burial Park, ST. MARK'S CHOIR TO STAGE PLAY St. hlark's Church Choir are putting on a play entitled "The Strange Bequest" at a date to bc al&jhounccd later, in St. Stephen's Part&h 7qull, under'he «usp(,,I. of St. Stephen'z W. A. An en- joyable evening is assured to all ivho attend. Proceeds in aid of Sl. Stephen'» Church. Admission 25 cents. r ~r r ". ~ One of lhe Su»pen&ion Bridge» owr Cupilsno Canyon (Coul)uuud us )&»Z» 4) HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1932 u61286w Nu. 21