0001 rr Iv dhdt~"u rr„/ rh ~)hr- hr44 ur~J .u rp I r~ r THE WEST VAN NEWS THE RED AND WHITE STORES Duad arave Ambleside SASII ~ D(M)RS - GYPROC Every(hing for lhe Building SHIN(*'I.E14, SHII'LAI', 2x( und All Dintenalons Smith 's Grocery Lllmbel'ctober B, 1932. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Hollyburriy next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 rSb hr r ~ $ v p rm~d r mw 's ~ rd s r. hd 4 udvrs ~.'d d. 'rsix:mdrrdd m! cr ~ shm dr d" rr's ~ r r rrr I ddu yr'.rrs.rr'"~:. hd .,d .r'.rr srrr rrrrr rrrr rhrdrrrrr-rwrrrrrr ~'r'drrrrr rr r rr 3 ~ rr rr hrr rrrhrrrrr «rrrrrr~rr KEPT INSIDE Under a Dry Roof -- FOR- THANKSGIVING ~ s ~ Septic Tanks (',upboard Doors and Drawers LUMBER CO. LTD. See our large advertisement on this page. ! 16th ssd Marina Drive Phone West 19S. After 5 p.m. sud holidays sxk for W. JENVEY, Phone West 160R Wife (paying a surprise visit to husband in ofi'ice and clapping her hands over his eyes): "Guess who it is." Husband: "Stop fooling and get on with your work." Horace: "What is 0 batchelor, daddy v" His Father: "A batchelor, my boy, is a man who looks before he leaps -- and then doesn' leap!" 'l6 Phsrketx FREE DELIVERY "~r~ g Friday and Saturday Features Sterling 3S at West Van. 190 Thanksgiving Poultry Genuine Roasting I Young Boiling Chickens lb. 2,8C ~ Fowl (ovsr4lbs) lh 19C TURKEYS - TURKEYS - TURKEYS DELICIOUS Milk Fed, Tender Plump Birds 28/ Prime Quality 1b 32Cunder pibs psr lb tsvevxlbd under Iabdd Alberta QU+'fKR ib XSc 1b 2,6c LAMB BEEF Shoulders Legs lb 11',c Standing Ribs .1b 17'!Sc 1b 21c Blade Ribs........ 1b 9',c PORK Meaty Roasts .. lb. 10c Legs half or whole lb. 12'xc Ouv Lstsst Cumbiustiuu MIXED GRILL 5 Q LING , OMET SPECIAL. A iuuusy . Saving I'ROVISION COMBINATION Lsmb Chup 3 Petit Ssussgs 3 Slices Bsvss I Slice I.ivsv A11 EG(IS Rsysl Standard Pvsssvvsd Extras 25v s Dsxss For Csskiug or Yvylsg 1(b Stsrlisg I.svd yd Ib Comet Bsvsu Both $ 9~ V II! S. I'. C. NOTES The last general meeting of tbe Socialist Party of Canada. West Vancouver Branch, was held in the Legion Hall on Wed- nesday, September 28th. The speaker of the evening was Comrade Angus Mclnnis, who ably and thoroughly criti- cized the Kidd Report for nearly an hour. He pointed out amongst other things that the diificulties of the government were due Io the col- lapse of business, that is the failure of the business men to prevent 8 crisis in their own af- fairs. Why should we exp ct them to manage the government any better? The report contains no single suggestion of a means to im- prove general conditions. Mrs. Mcinnis was also present and spoke for a few minutes, during which she told us an alle- gorical story well fitted to the present crisis. Mr. and Mrs. Mcinnis, who have only recently been married, were enthusiastically received and were accorded the best wish- es of the meeting for their fut- ure happiness. The next general meeting of the S. P. C. will be held at the Legion Hall on Wednesday, Oc- tober 12, at 3 p.m. when the speaker will be Comrade Harley Anderson. Comrade Anderson will be the Socialist candidate for the North Vancouver Riding at the next Provincial election. Come and hear him. You cannot vote intelligently unless you hear all the candidates. A Whist Drive and Dance will be held at the Orange Hall on Tuesday, October 11th, at 8 p.m. C dh us std Sl.sxvddl.sd SSOUChd GRFEN FEES Commencing next Sunday and until further notice Winter Rates will be in eifect st Glen- eagles Golf Course. The Green Fees for Sunday and Holidays will be Fifty Cents and players can play as many rounds as they please. Under this mound lies Cooly Bean, His chemistry few extol, He filled his tank with gasoline, Himself with alcohol, His Profession Judge: "What were you do- ing in that joint when it was raided?" Locksmith: "1 wss making a bolt for the door." The issp«ster wss sskiug ths class s fsw qusstisus. "Nuw, huw du buss dispsss of thslv hussy?" hs sxksd, "Plssss. sir, timy cell it,s an- suunssd ihs Wp bsy uf the clubs, SALE AMBLESIDE Plum Conserve 4 lbs. plums 1 cup seeded raisins 2 oranges, Sugar Juice of 1 lemon Irk lb. walnuts Wash plums; remove stones; add raisins and oranges which have been sliced very line. Meas- ure and add iy4 cup sugar to each cup fruit and juice. Put into kettle, cook slowly about 45 minutes or until thick like jam stirring to keep from burning. Add lemon juice and chopped nuts. Pour into sterilized jars. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEAltLE Phoae West 9 lrertilizers, 1Vood, Coal Builders'upplies Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow sll three may be il- legal. Smith's Grocery RED and WHITE STORES Duudarave,',"-'„',""„'.,",,'. Ambleside $5+ ~t M~.." THANKSGIVING SALE OCTOBER 6, 7 and 8 B. C SCGAk--Granulated 8 lbs 39c ksd gd While OkANGE PEKOE TEA, psv lb..........,... SSs COFYRE--Fresh kusstvd psr lb.........................,.. 37c Rsd gd White COFFEE psv lb.......... . . ...... 39v Rsd (t White YI.OOR WAX .I lb. tiu ........... ............... .. 37c B. C. IVHITE BEANS..S lbs. 13v PORK gd BEANS--Aylmsr 18 sx...,............... 2 tiss 13v DINA-)1(TE, (Msds is B. C.) I'svksgs .......................... 18v Pure STRAWBERRY JAM Empress ... 4 lb. tis 494 (klsds iu B. C.) Rest kssds iuAYONNAISE iusds iu B. C ........8 ox. Isr 2$s FLEI'CHER'S--Msds iu IL C. Nu I Bsvos..............y, SI. iss Csttsgs ksns, Ib .............. 174 Baked Hsm, Hussy Spited y lb. Sss IL u Chuivs Cslumbis I'EAS Sisvs 5...................... (ls 1st Choice (Iuslity paul(less CORN Ns. 2 tis ................ ........... I Sc SHREDDED WHEAT Li m it 2 . . ..... .. , ....... I Sv I'ASTRY FLOUk, I lb. sack . 23s JAVELLE WATBk Blue (0 While but(is........... 9v I'EARL WHI'I'E NAI'THA SOAI"svbsv....., .... 4( Ssvs «vsppvrs for useful gifis. ksd R Wbits PEANUT BUTTE(t lmvgs IS dm. barrel . 194 Msds In IL C, ltvd Avvuw STONED WHEAT THINS ............ 14( kvd Arrow SODAS, per pkg.. Isv 3(sds iu k. C. ksd (I White SPAGHEPI'I with Cheese sud Tumstu Sauce. Tall tis ................... . ..... I Ss Snow Csp SIIN('ED CLA)IS Flat tins .................... 18s I l(ILHARDS, kvd A )b hiis or Snow Csp, tall tiu.... 9c Made iu IL (.. , DIL BALLAltD'S DOG a CAT Food. (sk tiss................ 1st iuuvrsy's ORANGE SIARMALADE 40 sx. )sv ................................ $4v 4 lb. (is .............„45s Made is IL C. Mc(NTOSH kED APPLES 7 lbs. 25c $5 lb. boxes ........ $ 1.09 ORANGES--Cslifsvsls Rusk(st Nits siss......... dsxss 25c KING Al'PLES--Splendid Cuuksvs 40 Rx bux ................. 89s B C DltY Ohk)VS 8 lbs. Iss ALI. THESE RED (5 WHITE I'RODUCTS of the husst quality are I'svkvd In British Culumbls. Toh(ATO SOUP, Isn tlus ...... Ss 'f()$(ATO JUICY„ ls, 3 tins 25v VEGEPABLE SOIIP, tis ... Ilv ('O(.DEN CokN, zs . Ssv tis 14( FANCY I'EAS, Ndb 4.. 2 tius 25v I'1'Ml'KIN, lsrgs line, ...... I ls Sl'INACH, solid psvk. large us 22s BAKIN(i POWDER, 12 sx. Hss ISv I'I'kk C(k'OA, y) lb. tiu. 2$v 'O'SATOES, large ..2 tlus zsc Jkl.(.Y POWDYks .. I for 1st BATHROOM TISSU Y 2 rsks Ipv v h I LU SEE~,'nd Lumber Products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building I'aper Lamatco, Gyproc, Heaver Board, Shingles, Elc. EST VANCOUVER LUMBER ('0. LTD. Phone West 115 Res. Phone West 3BSL 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades"