0001 v October 6, 1932. THE WFST VAN NEWS n l 8482 eigk( ~&sr &04 ai I ('ity if this 66,?88 &bi&le& (gsnd . Pss. is 884 'COME TO KELLY'S" Fi BIG SALE R'I'. J. W. KELLY PIANO CO., LTD. West 37 G. GEMMILL, Agan& 14th and Marine West 37 is Ci(. 64 64,. i wiik ie &ar- rear, 4 engw& SF™std asip & ~ (r 43id d taxi nit)lab nng &0 xig-xig in thc FUB J Gleneagles Reduces Green Fees Commencing next Sunday and until further notice winter rates willbe in eiyec& at Gleneaglex GalF Course. The Green Fees rar Sunday aed Handays will be noe sad players can play as many rounds as they please, Bran Mulfins Sift together-- 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon soda and 1 teaspoon salt. Add-- 2 cups bran I)/4 cups milk and (Q cup mol- asses. Bake in greased muifin tins. This recipe will make one doz Three-quarters cup raisins, dates or soaked prunes, stoned and cut in pieces, may be added. l IIO (W ( I ~ 0 TORE Shaw &0 4 438&0 gFvanya Inglewood Auditorium, s centre For Badminton snd Basketball I( DUNCAN LA1VSON CHAPTFR I.O.D.E. Annual Dance ln &hc Hallybum Psvilian FRIDAY, Oct. 2,8th, at 9 p.nL Orchestra--The Music Makers Ti&kets Soc I SOCIALIST PARTY OF CANADA West Van. Branch %Vhist Drive anga Dance I Orxage Halt, TUESDA V, Ovl. I&lb, 8 p.m. Tickets 26c. l PUBLIC MEETING at Legion Hall Wed., Oct. 12th 8 p.m. Speaker Alderman HARLEY ANDERSON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE L O. D. E. CIIURCH The regular monthly mooting The subject of tho Iicason- of the Duncan Id&wson Chapter will be held at the home of Mrs. Sermon in all Christian Science J F. Jackson, 203 - 20th Street, churches and societies on Sun- on IVedncsday, October 12th, at day will be "ARE SIN, DIS- 2:16 p.m. EASE, AND DEATH REAL?" One of the Bible texts will be SCOUT NOTES Genesis 1: 31: "And God saw The sttcmlsncc of the Canadi- every thing that Hc had made, an Legion Troop at its weekly and, behold, it wsa very good" meetings has been remarkably ! The Lesson-Sermon will also good, since its resumption after include the following passage the summer holidays. The bove from page 626 of "Science and are showing great interest inhealth with Key to the Scrip- the patrol competition and src/+res" by Mary Baker Eddy: working hard to gain points for "Everything good or worthy, their respective patrols. There God made. Whatever is value- is no change in the order of the less or baneful, Hc did not make, points as a result of last week' --hence its unreality." efforts. SCHOOI. BOAitn NO?FN A report was received from the School Nurse drawing atten- tion to the facilities afforded oy the free clinic at the Vancouver General H&mpital in connection with children with defective eye- sight. On motion of Trustees Russell and ihicDonald the Health Committee was instructed complete the necessary arrange- ments to make this serviece a- vailable to children of this Dis- trict. It wss resolved on motion of Trustees McDonald and Jackson that the Health Committee 'oo asked to discuss with the School Nurse the matter of supervision of School Lunch Rooms, with d view to special provision being made for under-nourished chil- dren. The Board hopes, with the co-operation of the benevolent associations closely in touch with our less fortunate neigh- bors, to mitigate the evil clfect of the present stringency on the future health of the youngsters. A letter wss read from th'ancouver Rugby Football Union in roger&i to motion pic- tures of the Canadian Rugby Team touring Japan. It vras re- solved on motion of Trustees Russell and Batchelor that show- ing of these pictures be sanc- tioned by the Board, nnd the let- ter from the Rugby Union passed on to the Principal of the High School to make whatever arrangements were necessary. The West Vancouver Amateur Athletic Association, through their secretary, Mr. Winch- combo, wss granted authority to use the Inglewood School play- ground for football on Saturday sftcrnoon8. The question of High School fees wsn reconsidered on the motion of Trustees Russell and McDonald, and after a protract- ed discussion of the facilities af- forded at present at High School and the limited choice of 8ub- jects, with its effect on pupils who are not best served by a purely academic course, it was moved by Trustee Batchelor, scconded by Trustee Jackson previous resolutions relating io High School fees be rescinded. --Carried. A motion was made by Trus- tees McDonald and Jackson as an alternative to the motion re- scinded, and was laid on thc table on the motion of Trustees Russell and Batchelor pending 0 discussion of its practical appli- cation at a Special meeting on September 29th, at which the High School staff and Mr. Con- don were present. Following the Special meeting of the Board on September 29th, the following resolution was passed unanimously: "That free education be pro- vided in the High School to the extent of the curriculum, sub- ject to the facilities available, to all children to the statutory agc of fifteen years, and thereafter to each pupil who obtains 8 pas- sing percentage equivalent to the percentage required fo& Junior Matriculation, «4th the allowance over the period of 4 month of two supplcmcntals, 0& each term examination commen- cing with the Sumn)cr tern) of next year. Pupils failing then to obtain passing grs&ic and &lesir- ing to continue the same course w&il be charged a tuition fee of 36.00 pcr month until the requir- ed standanl is overtaken. Provis- ion will be made at the close of the present school year for pupils who have not already done so to change their options to better suit their individual needr, but only one such revision of the course ah&a&en by pupil can be permitted.'his arrangement will porn)it all students qualif)ed fur High School, to attend until the end of June next, without the pay- ment of a fao, further free tui- tion will depend entirely on the student's progress. CLASSIFIED ADS The rs&e for cixevised Adreriixemvem is 2 &mits prr weed, misimem 25 crate. Except ia &be vere ei thee bxviag trgeisr erreea&s, xn elssri- leds xrr pxyebie x&riruy &e sdreeea Remember Cixxsinrde is &be West Vsa Neve gv& immediate revel&a. FURNISHED AND L'NFURNISHED Hoaxrx io Res&. Hessex, leis, sad acreage for axis. John Lswxoa, 17th aad Marine, Phase West 65. NEW MARCONI RADIOS 38R50 An weve 412&.60. gasps is axed aria Nanb Sbar'r Radio Elmtria 143$ 6ixrine Drive. West 81. FOK SALF Smsn bve&cr. Apply, 1818 )el&ox Ave. JAI'ANESR GIRL Wxeix Hoerevork --Phone West 439R). REI.)ABLE GIRL--wvn rrcemmved- ed wni ears for vbndrea, xf&er- aaoox or evenings or do light boaxe- warK Very reasonable. Bex 83, Wrv& Vaa News FOR RP'iT -- Attractive beers ia braviifol gsrdvax es Wsmrfreek Phone West 53RI. vyEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Doadsrsve. HEADGUARTERS Ier An ib eisr Cigarettes, Tobaccos, sad Fixb- iag Gadgets for Ieeei waters. Am- bivxide Trs Rooms.EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKFJI- Would like v(ark at ladies'ouses, xhvra&iens, coats relined. West (70 FOR PLUMBING BEPAIRS -- Ree- ideaer Phoae West FAiR. WFST VANCOUVER M ACE INi E SHOP -- Repairs Spray Pumps, Kouxebaid. sriicirs. 1449 Marin. LAWN hIOWERS SHARPENED- Fxprrieermi wab sn makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vsacea- rcr Mxcbioe Shop. 1449 Marin310.00 -- h«reruve Perairbvd Sea« on Water&res, aexr ferry. Phone Wvx& 360 - X. Geo. Hay FOK RFNT -- Upper part o& lull& furnished modern house. Rva& very reasonable. Phone West 584IL F P h L M E R -- Chimney Sweep Phone North 811R2. NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND LNSURANCE 1405 Mxrise Drire Pbeoe Wrvi 21 or Seymour 1260 Ereoiags Wrxi 204X LADY WANTED &e Solicit ea Cam mission, Tone&eries. Call 2541 Msr iae Drive. FOR RENT -- 5 Ream Aper&mrs&, madrra, partly Iarairbed, wired Iar electric range (waed sod roxi range iaxisnrdi, $ 16. Phone West 266X. GORDON ROILSON Barrister a Senrner WEST VANCOUVER- O(rice Na. 1447. Hanna Drive Pbaae Weri 4$L VANCOUVER OFFICE- Soue 818& 510 Harliags St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. RENT OK SELL--Modern, romper& bungalow, xix rooms, 2 Srvpixces, furnace, alee grounds, assr beach, rrxraasbie. Phone West 086L RADIO SERVICE AND SUPPI.Y-- 7 years'xperience. Nick William- son, Honybaru Pavilion. West 360R PAL&TING a DECORATING--Firv& class wark..'irw law winter rate. Phone &&vvi 360R. PAINTING, KALSOhiiNING, Ph- I'EKING. C. I Kaeiagx, West 804R C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert cwork Phone 1Vest 136 6IARCEI.LE SHOP -- luarrvna 50 cents; rexri, 35e; finger wave, 76c. Phone hirs. King. West 804. C. J. ARCHER Sprrixnxiag in West Vancouver RFAL ESTATE, INSL'RANCE (An Branches), MORTGAGES. ETC. L&vi rrvi vivrri&r &vr uv&v)i rrrvliv. 791 Dxaxmeir Street Pknerv & Srymacr 5964, Wtxi 223 Students taking the Commer- cial Course after matriculation are still required to provide the monthly fee of 36.00. K.W. Savory 1443 hlarme Dr)ve Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 sfrs. Christina LcShure is hav- ing extensive improvements made and also 8 fence put round her property at 16th and Ottawa Avenue. Real Estate Finance and Insurance Champagne--A beverage that makes you xce double and fee& single. "Did you call Susie up this morning&" "Yes. but shc &vasn't down." "But, why didn't you call her down F'ecause she wasn t up. "Then call her up now and cali her down for not being down when you called her up."'cotchman, whde h)dmg hm gin under the piano:--"Lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine." vg '& ~r 4" Wgesam ( .br S The Lens- -Overk&okmg We&& Vancouver vr ~ ~ "~ r ~