0001 r A o rr& -tr LMr 'tM tru rtt't rr»t rt 't ct. rt .oro Fr w.t t~ri rr)r tt t ct' 't 't ri t 'tr't lt vrrtrr rrrr err r t .rvrc' rrrr. rrrrrt tr t 'rc~ r r.r err«y-rrrrrv rv rr"r rr tr r rtr rv rrr rr rrrr rr tr THE WEST VAN NEWS October 6. 1932 THE BUI(iNING IIUHH lty Hubadsr Dr. Charge M. Weir according to the papers hss recently stated that the term "free education" Is understood in England to mean education given ss an act of charity, while in Canada it refers to education for which uo pupil fims sre charged. The pro- fessor is all wet for there is no "free e&lucstion" ln either coun- try. In both England snd Can- ada there are schools, termed "Board schools" in, the former country snd "public schools" here, where no pupil fees are charged because in both coun- tries these schools are kept up by taxation. The professor corn- plsins that Mr. Kidd and some of his supporters resent criti- cism. It is doubtful if they do, but the professor certainly does, and, if he proceeds to hand out bar&i knocks, he must expect hard knocks in return. In cham- pioning thc cause of the present costs of education In B. C. he has been either very foolish or very brave or both, for in doing so hc has forsaken the peaceful atmo- sphere of the classroom, where he is master of all he surveys, for that hurly-burly termed th~ world, where few will regard him as master and where cer- tainly the atmosphere is any- thing but peacefuL The chiropodists of America assembled in convention have just stated that women have bigger and better feet. Now, isn't that just terrible? What a glorious contribution it wiil make to the community song sheets--"Every dsy in every way my feet are growing bigger and better." Chorus, ladies! The fact that this growth is said to be due to women increasing in girth and height as a result of athletics is not much satisfac- tion beyond that it will help the song sheets to another number headed, shall we say, "Elephants will soon have nothing on us." And this naturally leads one to the matter of ears. Are women' ears also daily becoming longer and thicker? Which is a really serious matter with the jackass as an example of what can be done along these lines. However, if their ears do grow large enough to Iiap, just think of the satisfaction the fair sex will have in keeping the mosquitos off their noses. Moreover, on cold mornings they will be greet- ing one another as follows: "Good morning. How are youi feet and ears'!" Nobody loves the poor politici- an these days, and he might just as well go and eat worms. In- stead, he blindly sees himseif eating the spoils of off'ice. The spellbinders of all sides are sharpening their tongues for thc fray, and have begun to whistle in chorus, exactly like the frogo in the spring. The Christian names of the various old war horses are being banded about by their followers, be they Con- servative, Liberal, Socialist, or what have you, in a most fam- iliar manner, s certain sign of trouble. The show is about to start, and everybody has climb- ed on the band-wagon. And the multitude of voters marvel at all this gufF, curse sll parties, and smoke the peace pipe. But, aml s very big but, they are watch- ing the taxes like hawks, and their eyes are ss wild ss those of a hawk. l)ouble Fnlry Hysteni A deputy sheriff was sent to take sn inventory of the proper- ty in a house. When he did not return for three hours the'sherii? went after him, and found hhn asleep on a lounge in the living room of the house. He ha&I made s brave effort with his inventory hoivever; he had written down, "Living room-- 1 table, I side- board, 1 full bottle whisky." Then the "full" hsd been crossed out, and "half-full" substituted. Then this was overlined, snd "empty" put in its place. At the bottom of the page in wobbly writing wss wmtten: "I revol- ving carpet." HOLLYSURN R. C. SCOTTISH COUNTI(Y DA? (F. HOCIE7Y (Wesi Vancouver Branch) are holding their THEATRE FRIDAY ssg SATURDAY October 'lih sss Slh.FIRST MEETING OF THE SEASON at the ('lachan at 8 p.m. MARX BROS. In "Monkey Business" MONDAY ssd TUFBDAY October lelh snd l lib, SATI'ltl)AY, 8th 0(',TOBEIL 19,'I'&. Applications for new members will be received st this meeting, NE)V TYI'E OF FOGHORN I'LANNED AT FERRY IX)CK North Vancouver City Council Monday night authorizcvl pur- chase of an improved type of fog horn for installation on the east lead of the ferry dock here. The cost will be 860. City Engineer G, S. Hence reported that the present horn, ivhich has been in use four years, has not proved satisfactory. SEI'TEi)IBER N EARI.Y SET WEATHFR MAI(K September wss nearly the sun- niest ever experienced by Van- couver, hlr. E. B. Shearman, head of the Dominion hieteor- ological Bureau here, reports. During the month, 235 hours, 18 minutes of bright sunshine were reported, s total exceeded only during September 1918, when there were 236 hours and 12 minutes. Highest temperature during the month was 80.9 degreeo, registered on September 6. The lowest was on September 21, when the mercury sank to 40 degrees. hiean temperature was 58.5 degrees. Rainfall was below average, 2.62 inchs falling during the month. Average precipitation for September is 3.62 ipches, while average sunshine is 178 hours. hIean relative humidity was 84, and the greatest wind velocity was attained on the 17th when a westerly breeze blew at a rate of 26 miles an hour. Total precipitation to date this year is 43.19 inches, 10.17 inches above the average. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES A. Sullivan, high school in- spector, made an official visit to the high school here last Tues- day and Wednesday. Vice Principal J. R. Mitchell i&as elected vice p&esident of the Lower Mainland High School Teachers Association st the an- nual meeting last Friday in Van- couvel'. "Huckleberry Finn" Shopping instinct A young matron in whom the shopping instinct vras strong, asked s German butcher the price of hamburger steak. "Tventy-live cents a pound," he replied. "But," she said, "the price at the corner store i» only twelve cents. "Yell," asked Otto, "Vy you don't puy it down there?" "They haven't any," she re- plied. "Ys, ya," said the butcher, "Ven I don't have it I sell it for ten cents only." Convinced The circus strong man rodh out on horseback to challenge a shovel operator whose great strength had gained him a repu- tation. He entered the operat- or's yard, tied up his horse and approached him gruffly "Hey," he said. "I'e heard a lot about you, and have come a long way to see which is the better man." Without answering, the oper- ator seized him, hurled him bodily over the fence into the road. When the loser had recovered his breath the operator growled, "Have you anything more to say to metm "No," was the reply, "but per- haps you'l be good enough to throw'me my horse." JA&.'RIR ('OO&'AN JACRIR BRARL Ms&lees every Bolo&cloy ~I 2 s.m. Special Malo&cc 2 p m Monde& TRANiH-IN I,ET THAI'FIC COiNTINUEH TO DECREASE I"erry traffic in the llrst eigh( months of this year show markml decrease as corn ared with the corresponding per od of lust year, according to figures is- sued by North Varwouver City Ferry oi?icials. In the eight months of this year the ferries cerned 2,055,798 passengers and 416,216 vehicles as compared with 2,419,378 and 484,0GB in the 1931 period. Pas- senger decrease is 363,680 and vehicle G8,847. During August the boats car- ried 292,255 passengers and G3r 77G vehicles as compared with 356,836 and 84,587 in the cor- responding month of last year, a falling off of 62,581 psssenge&s and 18,811 vehicles. Miss Ethel I Elliott, R.N., B.S.C., in Nursing, who has been appointed school nurse, is con- ducting the routine health ex- amination of the high school students. Miss Elliott is a grad- uate of the Vancouver General Hospital and of the U.B.C. in the department of Nursing and Health. In the first rugby encounter of the season the West Vancou- ver High School boys defeated the Kitsilano High School inter- mediate team by a score of 20 to nil. The match was played last Saturday st Brockton Point. Jack Watt and Tom Green did the scoring. B. C. TEI.EPHONE CO. EXTEND TRANS-OCEANIC SERVICES Latest developments in the ex- pansion of the long-distance ser- vices of the B. C. Telephone Company include the extension of the trans-oceanic service lo include Egypt and South Africa, and British Columbia's srst tele- phone call to Italy. A telephone cau from British Columbia to South Africa woukl travel over 12,000 miles, and from British Columbia to Egypt, about 9,500 miles. In both cases they would be routed via New York and London, a comhinatior. of radio and land lines being used to carry the calls to their destinations. On Thursday, September 22„ Thomas G. Stewart, Vancouver exporter, talked to Genoa, Italy, the home city of Christopher Columbus. When Columbus dis- covered America in 1492, it took two months for the news io reach Italy. The voice of hIr. Stewart travelled from Vancou- ver to Genoa in a fraction of a second, over an 8,000 mile route. It was a business call in which speedy action was required, ac- cording to hir. Stewart. The "President" A year ago I wss a bum, I'm sorry to relate; But now I am the President Of a mining Syndicate. Dodge Drivers "When you are driving," said the judge to the colored taxi msn who had hit s pedestrisih ,"and you see you are going to hit someone you should zig-zag your car.o "Dst were de trouI&le, boss," replied Eph. "I was zigging when I should've bin'agging." ELECTRIC PUhlPS IN FRASER VAI.LEY 1 Monih I.ster IVho's that guy with a big cigar, Driving the New Ford eight? Gol darn if it ain't the President Of our mining Syndicate. --H. G. B. Sign in the bathroom in thc corner boarding house: "PLEASE CLEAN TUB Ak PER BATHING LANDLADY." In Holland the windmill is still used for pumping purposes but science has come to the aid of the farmers in the Fraser Valley where approximately 5,700 horse poiver has been harnessed in the form of electricity to drive pumps on the dyke farm lands. The Sumas dyking scheme uses 500 h.p.; Matsqui 685 h.p.; Ladner 225 h.p.; Pitt hIeadows Maple Ridge and Coquitlam 6o0 h.p. In addition to those named there are smaller pumping sys- tems on Nicomen Island and West Langley and a scheme hss been proposed for Lulu Island. These pumps evacuate the drainage water on some thous- and of acres of fertile land in the rich delta of the lower Fras- er Valley. COME to the RADIO SHOW"Iceland," said the teacher in geography class, "is about az large as Siam." "Iceland," wrote little Tommy in the examination two weeks later, "is about as large as teach- er." And that may explain why Tommy didn't get promoted. Of course I get no money, But the honor sure is great Of my rise to fame in the mining game, In a mining Syndicate. We haven't struck the "high- grade" yet; And my clothes are out of date But still I am the President Of a mining Syndicate. bIy only shirt is nearly shot, My shoe has lost its mate, I'm a poor, but proud old Presi- dent Of s mining Syndicate. Doughnuts Sift into mixing bowl-- 4 cups iiour 1&/2 teaspoons salt I:i/I teaspoons soda I»& teaspoons cream of tartar &/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg and &/4 teaspoon cinnamon Work in-- I/2 tablespoon butter with tips of fingers. Add 1 cup sugar, I egg well best- en snd I cup sour milk. Stir thoroughly, toss on a board or cloth th&ckly dredgeil with ilour, knead shghtly, using more ffour if necessary. Pat and roll out to one-fourth inch thick- ness, shape, fry in deep fat at 370 degrees F. snd drain on soft paper. blest I'ie Cut 2 cups meat, fresh or left- over, into one inch cubes, add I/2 an union, sliced. C&x&k uutil tender in water to cover. Add 4 tablespoons ilour, mixed with 4 tablespoons cold water and sea- son with salt snd pepper. There should be about two cups of sauce. Add 2 cups po- tatoes cut in slices and parboil eight minutes In boiling water. Put in greased baking dish, cover with biscuit mixture rolled out thin or cut into small bis. cuits. Bake in hot oven until crust Is brown snd pie is thor- oughly cooked through. OU are cordially inviied &o attend the Radio Show ioY be held in our West Vancouver Showroon on Friday snd Saturday, October? snd 8, All &he laces& developmen&s in rsdio--&he S &son Vs&onola, short and long wave receplion, s Im on modern &ube manufacturing and many o&her fee&ores will be shown. Wanted -- A furnished room for s single gentleman looking both ways and well ventilated. There's something &o in&ores& everyone. So, when you arc downtown drop s& I A junk shop near a railroad crossing in Denver carries a sign &sdth this hint to motorists: "Go ahead; take a chance. We'l bu)'he car." BRITIIH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD. gEST yANCOUVER B.C. ELECTRIC STORE