0001 j obor, only, iN. P.-T.:O] 3 RiU sll'fiy hick iy the t they "j ] shicb Its(sod dation, i '/ I er hsd the U. j,I 2 vay fh ,i 0 vl~ sit rv ~ ISG i lq )Hf Mrs. F.X. Hodgson, L.A.8 TEACHER OF SINGING 3 Cups, 22 Firsts and 16 Certificates Obtained In Victoria and B. C. Musical Festivals, STUDIOS:--2310 Bellevue Avenue, Suite 109, Granville Mansions, Vancouver Term Commences Monday, 17th October, 19325 GIRL GUIDES The First West Vancouver Company, Girl Guides, are hold- ing their first meeting of the season at 4 p.m. Tuesday, 11th October, in the Inglewood High School. The Pacific Oil Burners Ltd. wrote the council and 8 represen- tative also appeared before the council in regard to an oil burn- .4er for the municipal hall. Referred to the chairman of finance and the engineer to in- vestigate. Car Tops, Curtain Lights Slip Covers j PHONE N. R. ELLIS, 1427 Marine The Cables Apartments WEST BAY $20. 00 Furs(shed Suites Eiecivieaiiy Ps(sipped io Steam Hesivd aev. Phone West sisas Phone ED. BLACK WEST 08 for CALT. TULAMEEN, asd NANA(MO - Wal.L)NGTON COAL Aii orders Cash or C.O.D. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL I B. D. WHITE, )fzv. Distinctive Psserai Service Lady Assistant $20- svd Si. E, Phone North 820 IXL Laundry SERVICES; -- Thrifty, Flat- ivonvd ssd Rmshed laundry (de luxe) Phoae West 200 PACIFIC AIITOMATIC OIL BURNER AT IA)NSDALE THEATRE When told that patrons of the Lonsdale Theatre frequently comment upon the comfortable temperature of this popular play house, Mr. Harper, the manager, said "This very noticable im- provement is without doubt due to our up-to-date Pacific Auto- matic Oil burner'which not only assures our patrons an even, comfortable temperature but a very considerable reduction in our insurance and fuel over- head." 'The burner in use at the Lons- dale Theatre is the same model now on display at the Ambleslde Sheet Metal Works on Marine Drive. WEST VAN. RANGERS Following players are asked to report for Saturday's game at Ambleside Park st 2:30: B. Trafford, J. Barnott, H. Sang- ster, G. Masterman, A, Master- man, N. Johncox, R. Lambert, M. Lennox, C. I)lcMIIlan, T. Butt, B. Winchcombe, A. Edwards, R. Forrester, W. Wedley. There will be an exhibition game on Afonday, October 10th, st 2 p.m. The members of the United Chur ch choir with their conduc- tor, A. J. Addy, held 0 social evening in the church hall on Thursday last when a large num- ber of the congregation and friends were present. AIrs. F. Stainsby and Mrs. J. C. Hunt de- lighted the audience with sever- al solos which were beautifully rendered, also the West Vancou- ver Male Quartette gave two numbers in their usual fine style. Contests were interspersed in the program and 0 very happy time enjoyed by all. R. Froud, the president, welcomed the friends on behalf of the choir and their leader. Several new members have joined the choir but there are still vacancies for tenors and contraltos with good voices and Mr. Addy will be pleased to hear from them. WEST VAN WELFARE ASSOCIATION Citizens are reminded of the need for IVARAI CLOTHING, BOOTS, FUEL, HEATERS. Etc. Phone West 109 WEST VANCOUVER SWIMMING CLUB wiii hold a THANKSGIVING DANCE in ihc Hosyburn Pavilion MONDAY, October 10th. From 9 io I2. JACK WILLIAMSON'5 Orchestra Admission 500 AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCH, Proprietor Finest Quality Fresh lileats, Smoked and Cooked I(feats. PHONE WEST 303 October 6. 1932. 'I TAILORING - CLEANING ~ DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIONS M. 1VILLIAMS i 1668 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) phono Weii 20 Rvs Phone Wvii 200( THE WEST VAN NEWS J Air. and Mrs. W. D. Kirk, 2337 Bellevue Ave., have moved into s house at 2075 Argyle Ave. ~ ~ ~ The Pauline Johnson Boys'e- lay team won the chompionship cup at the Lower Mainland School championships, which started last Saturday in the Crystal Pool in Vancouver. The girls'elay team, who were thc winners of the girls'up last year, also were the victors in their heat Saturday, and will compete in the finals next Satur- day. ~ ~ Vlrs Beard and family have moved from 2526 Marine Drive into a house at 24th and Ottawu Avenue. ~ ~ ~ The Hollyburn School chiklren have started their practices for the basketball winter schedule. ~ v v Miss Lorna Thomson of the Hollyburn postal staff, has re- turned to her duties after a month's holiday in California, during which time she visited in Los Gatos, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. K. Barr of Van- couver, have moved into the Hil- born house at 2327 Bellevue Avenue. v The swimming tank has been taken away from Dundarave Pier and towed to Eagle Harbour for the winter. ~ ~ Folk dancing classes have been started again at the public schools, and already 125 girls sre taking part. Iifiss Ai. 'Wilson is in charge of the seniors, while the juniors are being instructed by Miss Clara Wilson A son was born on Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Klovstad, 17th and Duchess Ave. ~ ~ The pilot house of apparently a large tug drifted ashore at Cypress Park last week, and is still aground there. The steer- ing gear is visible through the windows, also other articles. Airs. W. A. Clemente has an Easter lily with two blooms in her garden at Sherman.\ At the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, on October 2nd, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stevenson (nee Vivi- an Jackmen). I(fr. and Mrs. G. S. Robertson and family. are leaving for Ver- non, B.C., Friday morning to reside there permanently.\ v ~ The next general meeting of the West Vancouver Unemploy- ed Association wiB be held at the Legion Hall on Friday next, October 7th, at 8 p.m. Import- ant matters will be up for dis- cussion and a full attendance is urgently requested. ~ ~ ~ The matter of the pool of water at the bus stop, ferry land- ing, was referred by the council to the engineer with power to act at such time ss practicable. There are coMs srouvxl see fhsf your medicine chest is Filed. R. Curry has moved from Vancouver and is occupying 0 house at 576 17th Street. ~ v ~ First Aid classes are being formed by Dr. A. C. Nash. Any interested are asked to phone him at West 300. There are no charges for the course. v ~ V. J. Blanchflower has moved from 2872 Marine Drive into a house at 24S7 Bellevue Ave. Mr. and Mrs. iMoore of Amble- side, have moved into one of the Bulkley cottages at 25th and Bellevue Ave. v ~ V. J. Eby of Vancouver, hss moved into 0 house at 2866 Bellevue Ave. ~ v There are 8 large number of dog salmon in our waters, but very few cohoes or springs have so far arrived. Anglers general- ly speaking have not up to now had much luck, as the Fish do not appear to be in any mood for biting. v ~ C. Dormony has moved from Vancouver into s house on AIar- ine Drive at West Bay. Mrs. H. P. Prosser of New- ton, B.C., was the guest over Ihe week end of Mrs. O'Hearn, 1523 Esquimalt Ave. ~ v v W. E. Burt has moved from 1942 Jefferson Ave. into a house on Radcliife Ave., West Bay. ~ ~ v The West Vancouver Teachers Badminton Club started their winter schedule on Wednesday of last week. Frank Cook of Sherman, has moved into a house at 2337 Bell- vue Avenue. ~ v Miss Arina of Newton, B.C., spent the week end with Mrs. Forrest, Mathers Ave. J. Bell has moved from Van- couver into a house at 2219 Bel- levue Ave. v N. B. Harris of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 22nd and Bellevue Ave. The members of the West Vancouver Community Players who took part in "A Lucky Break" and all others who assist- ed were entertained on Wednes- day evening following the per- formance by Mr. and AIrs. J. Eric Allan at their home on Mar- ine Drive at West Bay. v v v A. W. Turner of Fernie, has moved into s house at 2295 Fui- ton Avenue. Mrs. Georgina Emery and Mrs. Gordon L)lisett of Vancou- ver, were the guests last Friday of Mrs. Af. E. O'Hearn and Mrs. Pat Grady, 1896 Bellevue Ave. ~ v ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. AI. Stephen have moved from 2271 Haywood Avenue into a house at SS7 22nd Street. The Allen Brothers, 26th anu I'almerston Ave., have rented Whitecap Cottage, 28th and Bellevue Ave. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hilborn, 2327 Bellevue Ave., have moved into the new house Mr. Hilboni has built at 27th and Lawson Avenue. The matter of arrears in meter rentals was referred to the chair man of finance and chairman of waterworks committee to take such action as they consider necessary to collect outstanding accounts. ~ ~ George Herrmsnn of "Spurs- way," Keith Road, returned herc Alondsy after a VI'sit to Calgary Cemmill's Drug Store The Sieve sf aviv(vs ii02 Msviss Drive West $2 Emevzvacy passe West $2( (Afisv 0 P.m.) Amblesifae Sheet Metal lVorks (AURig SPEGC Pvopvlsfov 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET AIETAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING STRATTON'S BREAD Always Fresh 18 m. LOAF-- Finest Quality 6 Cents at Store 7 Cents, Delivered made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Ambleside Phone West 27 and Delivery wiu calL BODY FOUND IN WATERS HERE Fishermen operating in Eng- lish Bay Friday afternoon, took from the water the badly decom- posed body of a man, police of- Ficials ieport. The body was bmught in to Great Northern Cannery and was then taken to Hsrron Bros. dt Williamson's undertakmg parlors. Police state that the body must have been in the water several months and identifica- tion will be difficult. It wad clothed in dark trousers, light colored shirt, dark striped socks and rubber running shoes. In the pockets were found a key ring to which were attached nine keys, two of which hsd "55" stamped on them, A jack-knife and pencil were also found. William Astley was present at the council meeting to request that Allemere Lane be cleared so ss to permit him to reach his property without having to tres- pass on pnvate property as is necessary at the present time, also in regard to the feUing of a cedar tree. The matter of the tree wss left to the engineer with power to act, and the engineer was in- structed to bring in a report re- garding the lane st the next meeting. Ferry Schedule For Thanksgiving Day MONDAY, OCT. 10th FROAI WEST VANCOUVER:-- Iialf-Hourly Service: 6:00 A. M, to 11:30 P.M. FROlii CITY:-- Half-Hourly Servlc»oi 6:30 A. AI. to 12i00 Aiidnight. Bus Aieeis All Bos(s Local and Personal LOOk Out