West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Oct 1932, p. 2

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0001 9 m re 9e d e r&re rr rr w 9rv9 ere Yev9r r9r h vvsfr .ve rr 4j ~ . rt ~Irqr'r r trwe1rr'rrtrv 1 9rr r v ~rr *r'"Lvr&r'. r'w'r'\ e 'rr r 're.V ..vrek vevg ~ r r, 9& ere:.9rr rr'r eree V ~ er. ere trv rr err r eveeeeerri ~eereeeerrr v ei . 9rvrer eer ev ereree .rmr, THE WEST VAN NFWS United ChurchIf You Are Looking Around WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society i St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev F A Ramsey L S T October 9th--20th Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion Young People's corporate ser- vice. 10 a.m.--Sun&lay School 11:15 a.m.--Primary School. 11:15 s.m.--hlatins snd ser- mon. Preacher, Rev. Canon S. C. d'FJ&xum. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd ser- mon. fnx ibe Cbeapexi Permanent Wave Tou can bgy, yaw will be interested Iw know ihxi hun- dreds of wemex have done just this, ssd come Io ex In dexgerx- iiog asking If we can't do some- thing io their frixxea A cheap Permanent means cheap supplies We xxe only ih'estsi moderate Price&9 16&0 btxriee Drive Phone West 117 WEST VAV. UNITED F. C. The following West Vancou- ver United F. C. players are ask- ed to turn out for the game ivith B. C. Sugar Refiner) ai Vlood- land Park on Satu&day, October 8th, at 8 p.m. For transporta- tion arrangements phone West 672L. I Larney, hfcLexn, F. Dow- ney, H. Downey, F&d&ieg Tim- brell, Vaughan, Hamilton, D'FJLeum, Grieve, Stiq&tton, Joe G risedale. One of&he irxgedies of life is that some men never forget. Others never forgive. Their dislike xgd Ixdigeren&e seem buried beneath the surface of their better natures. They are eiers- ally at var&ager with those with wbem Ihep hexa st same time ixkrn exeep- Iiog. The disquieting remembrances af life never edify ger build up. They sre goi positive, bui negative. Priv- xie grudges xed petty prejudices are swt constructive, bui dexirecilve. Fsiih ssd cexgdeece are goi founded on cutting remarks xnd malicious baekbhigg. The happy moments of life make it wor&b while. The joy of contact with our fellows xgd the happy associations that are productive of good feeling towards friendships fsx xerpxxx the xstixfaeiiag, If any. that follows the siiwg of xxrexxm ow ihe unkind jibe. A philosopher once said: "I'm going your wxy, so Iei ux go hand in hand. You help me sgd I will help you. )Ve shall eoi he here very long, for soon death, the kind old nurse. mill come gsd reek as xii Ie sleep. Lei as help one another while we msy." Sometimes it pays Io have s goad forge&ter. It is io a man' credit if h&s tongue can cleave io Ihe roof of his mouth while he tates stock of some of the pleasures agd the fxx- orx that have been visited upon bim, as well as the happy hours ssd pleas- ant friendships that have bees made along the wxye Judge Moore. EsixbBxhed os North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRO)V BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral 9irertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Pxbiixhxd Every Thursday Pebsxhex F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone )Vest 363 Bssixmw sxd Ediiorist Ogicei 12ib xsd lsxrise Drive (Next ie HoBybexs P. O.) Phone West S63 Rail Address& P. O. Box 01, Hokrberg, B.C. North,Vancouver Ojflee: 123 Lonsdsle Ave. 21.00 ~ year by cxxxteri 02.00 ~ yes& by msa. A Thankstjioing Serfjice Io be held gi I 1,30 s.m. Monday, October 10th In the Church Edifice AU are cordisfiy invited Io snend CARD UF THANKS Mrx, Swn&xsce xnd daugh&wr, Mung, wish Io express &heir thanks for the kindness sed sympathy shown &hem during their recent xsd bereavement. hfinister, Rev. HIUig Wright The Sunday School and Bible Class ivifi meet as usual at ten o'lock next Sabbath morning. CHURCH EDIPICR AU children of school nge are zeib xnd Px&qwimxk, Hwurbxrs cordially invited to attend the Sabbath SchooL This Society is x Branch efThe Mother Church SP isl Harvest Thank"giving Tbe First church o! Christ„ services will be held in West Scient&xi, In Boston, Vancouver United Church next htxssschuxeitx Sabbath dgy. at bOth mOrning Sug4g 8 viem 11 20 ~ and evening hours of worship. " 120 pmi GfUPYJC801/1l The members and adherents will kindly bring their donations of Sunday, October 9, 1932, 0 PP vegetables, fruit and t'lowers to the Church on Saturday morn- Mondsy being Thanksgivuig ing These wiU later be distrib- "ARE SIN, DISEASE, und Day, there will be no meeting of DEATH REALT" the A.Y.P.A. st 8 p.m. ship of Mr. Addy is pre aping Sunday School at 10&00 s.m. On Tuesday the W. A. will ship o "I th t ' Texi'mogy Mmiigg wedsesdsy meet st 2:30 p.m. snd the churchat 0:16 p.m. will preach appropriate sermons. committee at 8:15 p,m. Special Thanksgiving hlugic The Adult Bible Class will Anthem: "Oh Lord, How Beau-, meet on Thursday st 8 P.m. inThc newly elected executive the Rectory. Solo, by hire. Colin Maclean. has already started to lsy plans Evening Service for what it hopes will be s very Thanksgiviiig Dsy ls being ob Anthem: "Ye shsfi dwell in the suc«ssful winter's work for the served afi through Ca)lads by common good. It hopes that, the A.Y.P.A. with s Corporate Splp by hirg p Siai'nsby where possible, parcels msv lie Communion st 8 a.m. ThreeLand." «H )V I th the sent to Hesdqua) ters, but in Chumhes are the centres pf this cases where collection is desired rally in VsncouverSt. John'6, Spip bv hfr" A' Ad'dy 'riday has been set aside for North Vancouver being the one Anthem: "praise ye the Lord,w that purpose. Donors are re- chosen for the North Shore. The LEARN TO fok&'ETI minded to put their names on intention of thL9 service is inter- their parcels in order to facili- cession for the Young People of hfrs. Hillis Wright snd Mrg ~ tate ojfjce routine, and in order the Dominion. Rush were made Hon. Vice- .9 ghat mistakes of duplication in idents of the W&)men Pci collection arrangements may be BapfISflion on Tuesday, when the meet gvpjded ing was honored by the Presence S me of the local stores have Pastor:of two visitors, Mrs. D. Ritchie, k'l t d t h boxe Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Ggrden hp . placed there for Welfare cofiec- Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave. tions of merchandise, in o)derGardener, who now lives in Van- ' T h b I d that customers, if they feel so Sunday, October 9th, for Tuesday October 25, under disp~«d. msy buy just one more 10 s.m.--9th Anniversary ser- the convenershiP of Mrs G Packet of some useful commod- viceg Bald in inth the following cot - ity, to sid the housewife who is Morning worship: preacher itte hfi88 phillip Mn Iic- not go happily placed at the m~ Rev. J. E. Harris, B.A., of South )IIllan MMrs Watson and Mrs ment Acofiectionof these box Hfil Baptist Church Special Watt. The sp aker for the aft- es from time to time will be singing. ernoon will be i&lies Mstheson, made by Mrs. O'DonneU. t nd nt of the United Another plan for the near 7:30 P.m.--Evening worship. The pastor will preach, topic, Church Home for Girls at Bur- future is 0 house to house cgn- naby, who is a most 'eresting vas by a special committee, "The Ministry of the Church. speaker. There ivi lso be s under the convenership of Mrs. A special invitation is ex en- hommcooking stab nder the W. B. Small, when householders convenership of M Chisholm will have another opportunity of services and in the Pu ic msn- and hfrs. Edington. t is hoped helping in service or kind. The ner to ssy thank You to our to make this s real "get-togeth- week commencing October I'I HeavenlY Fat er. eP'ea for the women of the hss been ch~n for this work. W d d,8, -- p congregation, snd members of exact dates to be announced the )V.A, or not, afi will be wel- later. snd praise service. come. Christmas Cheer is also under Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- consideration, and it is the inten- tjce tion to send out Christmas hsm- the)em., the annual bszs ' pere, acting in cooperation with F id 7 pm~ G been fixed for TuesdaY, Decem- other organizations. ber 6, with Mrs. O'Donnefi as convener. Me Clothing convener, Mrs pJ. C. Young, announces that the SEASIAN'S INSTITUTE following ladies will be in charge r nOrange Hafi OI'ENIN(r CONCERT ON of the sewing on the various aft- Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford TUESDAY )VAS POPULAR ernoons; Mondays, Mrs. Mat- thews; Tuesdays, Miss Casey; Services: Mgrking the opening of the Wednesdays, Mrs. PhilliPs; 2:00 p.m.--AU departments of autumn season, directors of the Thursdays, hlrs. Merrlcki FN- the Sabbath School. Also Bible Seaman's Institute staged a soc- days, Mrs. Cave. Ladies who ( ial evening and concert in the have volunteered for sewing or S.j5 pin Church wprshlp headquarters, 1121 West Hast- th~ willing to help sre agked Sermon subject: "On Spegk- T d night. to join one of these sewing ing a Word in Season,w d f W 1 V n ouver, snd done, in the wsy of make-overs, Thpught fpr the wegk lt is Mre. Leylsnd, 0 Party of artists rePsirs, quilts, etc., and sfi wil egqy ip gee the «prgt jnil entertained the gathering. More be welcome God always sees the beet. than 100 seamen were present hlrs. Bloxham is making the representing prgcticsUY every hoots her special care, and will Sf JjiufhOI1y S church ship in port. be on duty on Thursdays. At no time sine~ the )Velfsre . ': Cl h n Hot Id were Pastor: Rev. Father Flanaganhire.F. Stsinsby,contrslt&i; Mm' i„t' ried has an sp- Residence'I 'ac sn 0 e Colin Maclesn, soPrano; Aub y esl fsfien on desi'ars, and thi ~ ritone; Jock McEwen, Sunday, Sept. 181, THE week grateful thanks are expres- sed fpr tbe pr~mpt resppnee tp g m ~eSt ~ I I +erI)~ """" Gu Deg thereques~forscook.toveandionist; Gus Dawson, dancer and 2 p.m.--Sunday Sc oo. ( heater. Others wili be nemled. P m mond, entertainers, snd Mrs. G. Draper, pianist, Wife: "Will you love me if I' 30 gm Holy Mgss The Pacifi Coast Terminals grow fst'I" Friday --7:30 p.m., Devotions, Ltd. sent the council an invite- Husband: "No, I promised for conf& sg.'ong. tion to look over the M.S. Hiye better or worsi~npt through Saturday --7:30 p.m„confes- thick or thin." sions (adults). The council expressed their The Christian Science Society them would avail themselves of West Vancouver the opportunity to look over the vessel. ennewnees Octob& r 6. 1082 DT.Marjory McCubblu DENTIST Hours&9 ~ . m Ie 0 P sx Ssienisyx& 10 ~. m. to 1 P.m. Evesisgx ssd Ssiuxdsy Afiet- eeoss by sppoigtmesi only. Royal Bank Bxudlsg Phoae Wwxi iie Residence I'hose Wwxi 292. OR. a. O. Jr. SE~LE I DENTIST Hsy Block Iiih ssd Msxlxw Dx 011199 Hours 9 m 0 P m Eeegisgx br sPPeisimegb IIn&one West 22 HOLLY BI) R N Barber Shop 16ih a Mxiige EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor. 1 I v i.&Lo iiiiiigIE NOW PLAY INO The Four Marx Brothers in "Horse Feathers" FEATURE No. 2 PLAY GIRL .'&I & IX TI I I 2&. -)V FI). Nrxl Ei)hiCNI) I,OWI', 14 "A%I'ORNI'.Y I)Ok 'I'HE 1)I'.IIL'NCI'." LADIES DINNERWARE WiU be Given Away Tuesday Next, llih Thi» I» wew uw dixplsx Ix nads r'» I )rxstwwix wle. hiw «wi Iehhr ri theatre. Inrxi ixdx will rr&wlxe a phxe vf Dtwmrwxrr. MONEY DRAWING wui Tahe place WEDNESDAY NIOHT t j x I.IXilON W. A. Members don't forget the meeting of thd District Council to be held in the Legion Hsfi tomorrow, Friday, 7th October, at 2 p.m. AU members sre In-~ vited to attend and it is hope&~ aU will be there. Regular monthly meeting every third Monday of the month. poppy day will soon be here, Let us not forget Remembrance Dsy snd what it stands for. Badminton every Thursday In the hall snd «ny member wish- ing to join please meet in the hsfi at 2:30 p.m. Open for new members for a short time only. I'ARENT-TEACHER ASSiV. The next meetmg of the P.-T. A. will be held in Pauline John- son School at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, October 11th. Mr. T. Russefi wfil give a report on the B. C. School Trustees convention recently held at Kelowna. The convention passed several resolutions which will be of interest to parents, so everybody should turn out to hear them. A letter wss received by the council from the District of Pitt Meadows regarding the cost of social serv)ces. The council replied that they had already acquainted the gov- ernment with their views, which were similar to those contained in the Pitt Meadows'esolution, and that further the matter had been also discussed by the U. B.C.M.