0001 II) i TS CJ'rculati gyes I'yy $1.00 per year. ' Weekly Newspaper thc District of West Vancougycr-Amble'side, Hollyburyy, Winston, Duyydaragyc CJprcss Park, Caulfeild, Whytcciyff& Etc. Sc per copy at new»stands. ID, '68k lE ~n'I,, snw "'- p' pan)' he'» I'hlet kt'; eking I"; tlonb. (Sj vhst'n (». Jmith, 1 ysnr g wife," tie on my 'y t. incd." I Igli»ll- argn- ective " said I very I the'an. g Hcsv- I z Vol. Vlj SIX PAGES EST VAN. A. A. A. NOTES Took a run out to Windermere Park on Saturday to see the Rangers and Hastings Athletics, both teams played one of the nicest games of football I have seen, real clean football, and, as I said last week, when the Ran- gers have played together a few times they will te one of the strongest teams in the junior alliance. Both Masterman boys turned in a nice game. Tom Butt proved s real asset playing left half, and at half time changed places with Percy Masterman. I'"] This was good management re- I »lilting in most of the play in ;e second half being at the Gther end. Time after time the Rangers forwards came up with some pretty foot work with the half backs in close support. Percy biasterman received a lovely pass from Bill Wedley at left wing and got goal numbei !s one. Sangster and Jack Barnott n in the full back division require some beating. You can't get through. They seem to be al- ,, ways where the ball is and when Sangster connects with that old I sphere it's good bye. Jack Bar- nott lacks experience in clearing'n a pinch but sticks to his man and works hard, so stay with it '"- Jack. Benny in goal had very little trouble. The goals that were scored he did not have a chance to eave. Benny is voung and as quick as a ilash and »hnuld develop into a splendid goalie Max Lennox on the the right wing is speedy and cool but some how the boys did not work him , to advantage. When he did get:: the ball he certainly knew how to handle it. Forrester plays a . 'retty game but had tough luck in shooting and the cross bar seemed to be in the way. Ber- nard IVinchcombe got a nasl.y kick on the knee which slowed him down a bit in the second half. This boy will develop into I a fast player with practice. Masterman playing inside left, . worked perfectly with Wedley, the left wing, and sure knows how to head that old balL Speak- ing of outside left, Rill Wedley is one of the hardest workers on I the team. When he gets thisl'JJ he holds it but Bill doesn' ~id it too long, bring it up Bill, put it over the center. You mis- sed a few good openings on Sat- urday but practice those corner : shots. I hear I missed a great game , Saturday between United and St. Phillips. Too bad that we . 'an't be in two places at once. '-;,j Would like to have seen the boys 'l take St. Phillips for a 3 to 1 vic- tory. This makes the second win for the boys in orange shirts. Good stu(I, boys, and beet of .-". luck for next Saturday. Hnpe 4 you make it three straight. Our seoncd whist drive and dance was a big success, every table had to be called into ser- :$ ) ice, and what a jolly crown! fou have no ides what a good time you are missing. Be sure and keep Friday, October 14th, 'pen and join the crowd at the legion halL Mrs. Chisholm cap- tured the ladies'irst, Allan ,; Bean was high for the gentlemen : ', and also held the lucky ticket on the prize drawing. These whist drives are being held every two weeks and if you want a real evening's fun cnme on down and support the West Van. A.A.A. Donations are coming in very nicely, Our merchants are being petitions&i for their support and In spite of dilTicult times are B. C. SCOTI'ISH COIJNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The IVest Vancouver branch of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society are holding the iirst meeting of the season at 8 p.m. next Saturday, 8th Octo- ber, in the Clachan. Applica- tions for new members will be received at this meeting. MRS. F. X. HODGSON TO RESUME TEACHING Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, L.A.B., will resume the teaching of sing- ing after the summer recess, on Monday, 17th October. Her studios are at 2310 Bellevue Ave., snd also at Suite 109, Granville Mansions, in the city. Her pupils have won three cups, twenty-two firsts, and fifteen certificates in Victoria and in the B. C. 51usical Festivals. I. O. D. E. ANNUAL DANCE The annual dance of the Dun- can Lawson Chapter, LO.ILE., will be held at 9 p.m. Friday, October 28th, in the Hollyburn Pavilion. The Music Makers Or- chestra will be in attendance. Tickets 50 cents'. THANKSGIVING SERVICE The Christian Science Society of West Vancouver is holding a special thanksgiving service at 11:30 a.m. next Monday in the church edifice. The Society has held a like service in former years on Thanksgiving Ds) snd all are cordially invited to attend THANKSGIVING DANCE The West Vancouver Swim- ming Club is giving a Thanks- giving Dance next Monday in the Hollyburn Pavilion. The music will be supplied by Jack Williamson's orchestra, late of the Ban(f Springs Hotel, and dancing will take place from 9 to 12. Admission 50 cents. BUILDING PERMITS $6,875. The municipal hall last month issued six permits for a total of $6,875. This was made up of five permits for dwellings a- mounting to $6,775, and one ad- dition at $100. certainly doing their bit. They realize just what this organiza- tion means to West Vancouver, it was just this spirit that start- ed West Vancouver twenty years ago, so keep up the good work, send your donation to Secietary Winchcombe, which wil! bn ack- nowledged and very acceptable. Hope to have some good news for you on the Basketball this week. Our secretarv tells me that he has a number of names for the girls and tiie boys. Hnw's that for progressy Plans are being developed for a reading room and club room. Watch next week'» News for further detaiim And don't forget tn »&tend the game on Saturday. We still need»svernl boys for the 1st Division Intermediate. Those intern»tcd will phone Mr. Bean, West 672L by Friday. Oc- tnber 7th. The West Vsn. A.A.A. wish to acknowledge with thanks the fnllowing donatlnn»; Reeve J. B. Leyiand, 86.00; H, h(cGowan, $ 1.00; J; H. Paterson iiqc; E. Marsh 60c; IL P. Tearoe 26c; C. B. Greenwood 50c; R. See&i 50c; A Supporter 50c; Am- bleskle Meat Market 50c; G, M, Gemmill 60c; IL W. Froi»l 50c: W. J. Grout SUc; Mr. G. bfureh for delleaelen for whist &Jrive. Council Notes A letter was received by the council from the West Vancou- ver Choral Society in reference to a grant. The council replied, referring them to s previous letter, in which they expressed their re- gret that owing to their not hav- mg been made any provision in this year's estimates, their pres- ent request could not be granted. The copy of the park commis- sioners letter re Point Atkinson Lighthouse Park addressed to the Honourable the Minister of Marine was referred by the coun- cil back to the reeve. The matter of flood damage on Lot 22, Block S, D.L. 555, as brought to the attention of the council by C. W. Church was re- ferred by them to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer for report. The application of George Till for a street light st the corner of 14th and Mathers Ave., was ordered by the council placed nn the light file. Richards, Akroyd & Gall Ltd. wrote the council re strip of land Pilot House Road and shack at Cove. Referred to the building in- spector with power to act. The councfi ordered that $2,- 500 be transferred from the Ferry Account to the General Savings Account. The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Miss Frame's application re clearing of boulevard corner of 2Gth and hfarine. To reply that the council re- gret they have no funds avail- able for expenditures on boule- vards at the present time. 2. Gwendoline Gray's applica- tion, Marine Drive sidewalk 2Gtl. to 31st Streets. That it is necessary to cut back the brush at least 5 to 6 feet. The work was approved. 3. hire. Brake, for step access to D.L. 558, El&&» Black 23, Lot 14 balance. The clerk to advise the apph- cant that the cost of putting m suitable steps would be $26.00, and, if she cares to forward a cheque for this amount, her re- que»t will be attended to as soon as possible by the municipal workmen. 4. Board of Works'xpendi- tures as at August 31st, 1932, Referred to the chairman of the board of works. 5. Waterworks'xpenditures and receipts as at September 17th, 1932. Referred to the chairman of the waterworks. 6. Principal Brealey's applica- tion re brush on Inglewood boul- evard adjoining the Pauline Johnson School. Work ordered done at a cost not to exceed $6.00. 7. J. Postlewaite's application. Opening of road 21st Street north of bfathers. -That the cost of this work would be approxi- mately $220.00. The clerk to request the appli- cant to submit the architect's plan for the proposed building together with building permit application form duly completed. 8. Waterworks workshop.-- That the estimated cost of re- pairs to the roof would be $60.00 if shingles were'used. Referred back to the engineer, patching only authorized. 9. Mrs. Perriton's application re path on 26th Street south of Nelson. That thn cixjg of this work would be Ii »&mately $10.00. &Vora ofss u done at a eo»t not to excee s10.00. SIcDermia diller & hfcDer- mid wrote the council re bond exchange. The writers were advised that the council did not wish to take advantage of this offer st the present time. IVEST VANCOUVER UNESIPLOYED ASSN. A splendid turnout, and most enjoyable time was had at tke last meeting. After the trans- action of business a musical evening wss enjoyed by alL The following artists made the affair a success: hfr. Froud, hir. Ed- wards, Mr. Irwin, Ted Sewell, G. Childs and tap dancing by Miss Irene Turner and Mr. Harris. At the piano H. B. Stevens and Roy Lowes. Refreshments were ser- ved by the ladies after which an informal dance was held, Roy Lowe» and G. Childs providing the music. CJi~nnkngining Thanksgiving -- Yes, tho'he clouds may be heavy, Silver the linings when turned to the light; Blessings remembered our Father bestoweth, Golden the harvest all fiashing with white. Thanksgiving -- Yes, tho'he heart may be heavy, Roses have thorns, but the r&x&e is so sweet; Breathing its fragrance, the thorn is forgotten, So with the joys and the sorrows we meet. Thanksgiving -- Yes, tho'he eyes may be blinded Sometimes with tears in the midst of our song; After the teardrops the vision grows clearer, After the conllict our spirit grows strong. Thanksgiving -- Yes, tho'he road has grown rougher, Steeper we find it than in days of old; Thankful, because there's a Iland we may cling to, One that ne'r changes nor loosens Its hold. --HONORIA TRAILL DEATH OF I SIILI. E. E. hlclNTYRE Mrs. E. E. McIntyre, who hsd been in failing health for some time, passed away last Tuesday evening at her home, 20th and Gordon Avenue. She leaves to mourn her loss her daughter, hfargaret, and three sons, Stew- art, James and Alan--all resi- dent here. Funeral services were held to- day st 2:30 p.m. at Burrard Fun- eral Chapel, 320 East 3rd Street, North Vancouver. Rev. J. P. Dingle officiated snd interment was made in Capilano View Cem. etery. I.OCAL LIBERALS HOLD hlEETING The West Vancouver Liberal Association held a meeting on Wednesday of last week in Dun- darave Hall with H. S. Wood, K.C., in the chair. There were also on the platform A. F hiunn, hl P Howard S Coulter and other prominent Liberals. Howard S. Coulter, who made a lengthy speech, spoke of the importance of diiferentiating be- twen Liberalism and Conserva- tism. There hsd always been a fundamental difference between them and there always would be. The Conservative was the man who had arrived and wished to conserve what he had gained. while the Liberal represented the man who had not arrived and «z&ie wa» consequently -tifi going forward. Party government had not failed, but what had fafi- ed was the Conservative party government. He scoffed at the ides of a coalition government, a species of call for help, which the Liberal party had never been guilty of. He called on them to rally round the Liberal standard, as, unless they could rejuvenate their party, there would be a multiplicity of parties in the next house at Victoria. E. S. Gamage, vice-president of the local association, paid tribute to Mr. Coulter's address. He hsd come to the meeting to hear what platform would be ad- opted at the Liberal Convention to be held the fofiowing week in Vancouver. Personally, he thought the Liberals had never had a better chance of really do- ing something. A. E. Munn, M.P.. made s brief speech. He stated he did not know if he ought to touch on federal matters, but from what he could gather there was a whispering campaign being car- ried on in Ottawa against the Liberal leader there and also in Victoria against the leadership of SIr. Pattullo. He advised them to stay behind their leaders. Dr. Tolmie had failed in spite of hav- ing a large majority, and he did not »ee how a coalition would help matters. He was shortly leaving for Ottawa. where a hec- tic session would probably take place with unemployment and railway matters as the chief subjects of discussion. FFRRY SCHFDUI.E THANKSGIVLNG DA V There wiB be a special sched- ule on the ferries next hlonday, (Thank»giving). Ferries will leave Amble»ide wharf half- hourly from 6 a.m. to 11 &30 p.m. A half-hourly service will also be maintained from the city wharf starting at 6:30 a»a„&he la»t boat leaving the city at 1» (midnight). Buses will rove( all bnai». HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, OCT. 6, 1932 ~ No. 2Q n .«