West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Sep 1932, p. 6

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0001 »'* A a r»»a»rr i V4»A. ~r',a '« r «'i a . ~ a' '«fryg~v'wa «rw rrr ~ 'a 'rr r' t «« ~ rr» 'r rrr ir V rrA' r»«rrr. rrrrerr irr rp'r.r rra»r r« 'rr wrA. ~ '- rrA »Ar "»r rirrrrrw Rld a 'IVhite or Nabob COFFEB, pov Ib, KADANA TEA--A real nice package blend .. I lb. QUAKER CORN FI,AiiES 2 pkga. COFFEE--I"vvahiy Ground F(no davov ..............,... I lb. RELMEV CORNED BEEF I 1(a tin . Granulated ov Yekuw SUGAR 4 Iba. SAGO ov TAPIOCA .......2 lbs. ( EVLON COCOANUT, mvd HI Rh JAP RICE ....... 2 iba. SPI.IT I'EAS or BARI.EY 2 Iba GINGER SNAPS ..6 dua. ACSTRAI.IAN SULTANARAISINS.......... 2 lbs. I'RUNF~Madium aixv. 2 Iba. CURRANTS, Recleaned Pev package NEPVED GEM POTATOES 25 Iba. ItED I'LUhIS--iNabob. 2a, tin Isv SI.ICEJ) I'INEAPI'LE Fau(tivaa, 2a...... 2 tina 2)c Jst ICed a White I EAS, Sieve 4......... 2 tina zscisc kvd i% White GOLDEV CORN Tin . .... ..... ....... .... .... I 5c Best Fouda BREAD 4( BUTTE)t I'ICiiLES, large 16 ux. Iav .... 25v FRUIT I.OAF--Nuts, Raiaina, Peel, Cherries, and every. 1st thing that's good. (alga iuaf isa Rvd Ci Whiie OLIVES--Fane). Guava Very iurgo 20 ua. bot. 19v CltEA)I OF WEEAT, package zic I'ANCAKR FI.OUR--hunt Jomima ..... 20 ox. Izc Itavl a White FIA)Uk 15c 24 lb. aavk.................. 6$« To(yi'E PASTE--Culgato'a I.avge tube ............. Iso Mv(NTOSR RED Ai'I'LES y iba, 25c KING APPI.ES--Spiendid cuokeva Boxes average 40 Iha„hox ssv CALII"OkNIA (ii(APE FRUIT 2 ic 4 for Isc George: "1Vhy won't old Gor- don go to his daughter's wed- dingv" Jack: "He doesn't like the idea of giving her away." "I only give charity to the real poor." "How do you recognize the real poor r'They are too proud to accept charity." Extra Value for Friday and Saturday No. 1 Steer BEEF 1932 LAMB Prime Rolled 1 9Ribs ............ „ Ib. Roasts ................. lb. 9 !2C BladeRoasts......,..... lb. 9C 1 9ii SHOULDERS ....lb. 62 I2C LEGs......., .....lb. 22'C STEW.................... Ib. Sc GAINER'S SUPERIOR BACON Back or Side. balf-pound aiicod, caiio wrapped PACKAGES 2(SC Tahe one ol »aah BUTTER 'b 25c ptxzsT aLHEETa BUTTER » 26c HIOHEST uoaLITV 450 FOWL 45c I I-I lo I Iha pach SPARE RIBS 2 lbs for 15c. STERLING PURE LARD I 0c lb. STERLING SLICED BACON 12c half lb. pl«la»I al«aalil Ci'Ho v«»atua Lamb Tongues 4 for 10c 8 I A.I II',t& +e'.elva 4& E ! g ~5244 i1& Il BUkNS"uvula mont iaapovtvd BOILED HAM 16c Delicious boiled with Caper Sauce DEVON SAUSA()E 2 lbs. for 25c Extra Value half pound Sliced QD~Wit Vi . ! Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,',"-'„',""„'„',„" Ambleside„'" " "„"' SPECIAL SALE- Fri. & Sat., Sept. 30 & Oct.1 THE YVEST VAN NEWS Lumber SASEl DOORS . C«YI ROC Everything for ihe Building SHINGI.ES, SHH'LAI'. 2x4 and All Dimensions HEI'T INSH)E Under a Dry Roof o ~ ~ Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors nnd Drawers AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. and I.umber products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Huildmg I'nper Id)mateo, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Eic. gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD Phone West 115 Res I hone West JSKI 15th and Marine "liight Service -- Right Gradeso 16th and hfavino Drive Phone Waul 199. After 6 p.m. and holidays aak for W. JENVEY, I'hone Weai 1601( There was pawky humor -- or was it ready wit?--in the re- mark of a boy who, coming home one Sunday afternoon with a string of trout, was suddenly confronted by the minister. There was no way of escape; but the hoy rose to the occasion. "Minister," he exclaimed, "d'e see what thae troots got for nabbin'orms on a Sunday?" Robinson had to dismiss his gardener for dishonesty, but as the man had a wife and children, he wrote him a testimonial as follows: "Thomas was my gar- dener for two years and got more out of my garden thun any other man." A party of actors were dis- cussing 6 colleague who was al- ways "out of a shop." "The trouble with Smith," said one, "is that he is always untidy He doesn't keep himself clean." Said another with a taste of bitterness, "Well, he ought to be clean. He's always spong- ing." Certainly Not Kindly Lady: "Poor man, and sre you married?" Beggar: "Pardon me, madam! Do you think I'd be relying on total strangers for support if I had a wife," Famous Sayings: Bob--"Very few men escape baldness." Rob--oYes, it's hair today and gone tomorrow Sl'ORT NOTES If you didn't sce the footbsl! gnme last Saturday you missed n real treat. Both teams put up a splendid game, the United had the edge on the Rangers in weight and experience but at that the play was very evenly divided snd with practice the Rangers will field 6 much strong- er team which will cut down tho goal lead the United have. It is very gratifying for the officials to see the interest West Vancouver is taking in sport this year, even the weatherman man was very good to us last Satur- day. Reeve Leyland started the season by taking the official opening kick at the old ball and Capt. Vince kindly loaned the flags which added considerably to the event. Could we have had the band our day would have been complete. IXr. Broderick, the photo- grapher, gave his services by taking both teams and s few pictures. These can be secured at his store st a very low price so get one of your favorite team, and at 6 future date you will be able to get pictures Saturday the Rangers play a- way and meet the Hastings Ath- letics on their home grounds. The United will play at Amble- side, when they take on the St. Philip's. This will be 6 very close game and will be worth your while so come on down anu boost for your home team nexi. Saturday. Our last whist drive and dance was such 6 success and so many people want to have another so they decided to have one next Friday, Sept. 30th, at 8 p.m.-- same place, Legion Hall, good music, good prizes, and good eats. What more could you ask for and you are helping a splen- did cause, ta « I VERNON FEED STORE . I h ertillzers YY ood Ceal Builders'upplies Yes said tht oculist he had 6 curious aifliction; every- thing ht looked at he saw double." "Poor fellow. I suppose he found it hard to get a Job? "Not at alh The gas company snapped him up, ami now he' reading meters." Smith met Jones in the street, snd said to him. "You'e looking blue today, Jones. What's troub- ling you?o "I'm bankrupt that's what' the matter." oBsnkrupt, eh?" said Smith, abut what di(l you settle on your wife?" "I settled nothing on my wife," said Jones. "Well, what did you settle on your daughter?o "I settled nothing on my daughter," groaned Jones. Oh " exclaimed Smith, oyou are not bankrupt, you'e ruined." t A Scotsman snd an English- I man were indulging in an argu- ment about their respective countries. ")Veil, after all,o said the latter at last, "there is very little diiference between the Englishman and the Scotsman.'g "Perhaps you are right," re plied the Scot, abut thank Hesv- / 'I en for the difference." v 5 p jr ajv I West Vancouver hiomet Siptember 29 19'I" JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS J Government Inspected Only 1 Store at HollyburIIy next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER h r