0001 h A VW r A i' i4'.m, 1 rr v' Danger! Are you Riding on Unsafe Tires? Wei slippery roads demand the most scientific nan-skid tires available FIRESTONE TIRES Have 122 ji more non-skid tread. We have s site to At your car at s price io fit your pocket book %VEST VAN MOTORS West 268 SHELL BILL GROUT When your motor is recondiiioned by us it is right. Ask our customers who have had their motors overhauled by us. Greasing General Repairs Batteries Brake Linings 8 e specialize izz pleasi ng the czzstozzzer THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSII By Subadar There is the old inory of lke, who being congratulated one morning by More on the fire he had had the previous night, re. plied. "Not last night--tonight!" At the present rate of hold. ups, most of us will be receiving the same sort of congratulations on arriving st business as re- gards being held up, although I doubt if our reply will lw the same as Ike's. bline wont, any- how, for I don't like the busi- ness eml of a revolver st all. Joking apart, however, as the chicken remarked to the farmer who was about to wring his neck something has got to be done about it. We can't alford to have police on every street corner, which with the modern auto is one of the only two ways of suc- cessfully combating the menace. The other is for every citizen to go armed, for most of the holdup men are obviously amateurs, and the niere fact that the average pedestrian carried a gun would be enough to prevent the major. ity of them trying it on. The uplifters, I know, will hold up both hands and feet at the very ides of such an iniquitous ar- rangemeut, and still more so, if it was adopted. Uplifters as s rule, however, try to be dignified and there is more dignity in holding up your extremities at iniquity than under the gun of a bandit. Also, it's not so ex- pensive. owed us on war indemnities, etc. Anyone who dared to question this change of heart was the re- cipient of verbal rotten eggs and abuse. Germany Is just begin- ning now to show us that the same old heart is still beating in her breast, and what further she will reveal to us in the next few months if not weeks will prob- ably startle us out of our Utopi- an dreams. IVe have consistent- ly laughed at those who pleaded with us in our folly. The Ger- man ls very clever, but remem- ber it is our crass stupidity and not his cleverness which has en- abled him to again get in a posi- tion where he feels he is strong enough to defy the world. Cinnamon Toast Slightly stale bread -- butter, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon; I cup granulated sugar. Mix to- gether the cinnamon and sugar and transfer to a shaker. Cut the bread I/4 inch thick, trim olf crusts, snd toast quickly so that it will be soft in the middle. Butter generously, shake the cinnamon mixture over, put to- gether in pairs and cut in tri- angles. Place in a hot oven for a minute or two and serve on s folded napkin on a hot plate. September 20, 1032 HOLLYBURN THEATRE PRIDAY sed SATURDAY Sept. Seih aeg Ort. Iat. "The Smiling Lieutenant" wus hIAURIUE &'HEVALIER MONDAY and TUESDAY Or&atwr Srd aae «E "The Miracle Man" with SYI.VIA Su)NEY aad CHESTER MORRIS Ma&inca every Saturday at g p.m. Thai l)umb Cop The Bailie looked sternly st the prisoner who had been keep- ing up Ne'r Day and said: "Didna I tell ye the last time ye were here that I never wanted ye tae come before me agsin2" "Aye, yer worship," replied the drunk, "I tait the policemar~~ that, but he wudna'elieve me."~ ~ )VEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOl. TRUSTEES Night Classes r i reive rr i'dr V Ia ii ~ is: i ac %rti ~ & w ~ v rvr i'v rvr v rr1v'rrrqrr rrgvrrv rrv ~ rr" fr rrr ~rrrrrr rrrr rrvvrvrrrrvVrv Hoover is credited with the following wise-crack: "There should be equality of opportunity to every individual so that he may achieve for himself the best to which his character, ability and ambition entitle him." The mouse made the same remark before the cat swallowed him, but he took a rapid trip down the cat's throat just the same, because he had failed previously to note the presence of that feline. Opportunity comes to all of us, but, like the cat, it almost al- ways makes its appearance quietly an&! unobtrusively, and we don't recognize it until too late, as vide the mouse. To Iwturn to Hoover, his is a strange remark to make after what the State of Maine recent- ly did to him. Nobody except Tom Moore and Shakespeare have a license to make puns, but I can't help remarking that evi- dently to the inhabitants of that state Hoover, while dry, was at the same time all wet. In other words, they must have had a very poor opinion of his char- acter, ability and ambition. COURT ORDFRS Cobfbl I SS ION F.R To AblENI) I'ARKING BYLA% Chief of Police George Cauld and City Engineer G. S. Hanes recommended to North Vancou- ver City Council Monday night that the parking bylaw be a- mended to prohibit parking of automobiles or vehicles on the south side of First Street, be- tween Lonsdale and Rogers Ave- nues, for more than three hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rec- ommendation was approved. On the petition of Philip PVhitehead, president of B. C. Bond Dealers'ssociation, Van- couver, Mr. Justice D. A. Mc- Donald in Supreme Court made an order authorizing the Lieu- tenant-Governor-in-council to ap- point a commissioner for District of North Vancouver. z'he municipality, it was al- leged, had defaulted in payment of interest due September I on a bond issue. Specifically, a de- fault of $30 was charged. Following the order, the reeve and councillors met informally at the Courthouse and instructed their counsel, Hon. R. I Mait- land, K.C., and Mr. George A. Grant to launch an appeal. The appeal will be heard in October by the Court of AppeaL The petition was based on sec- tion 467, which was added to the blunicipal Act by the Legisla- ture this year. The municipality's counsel contended that they had provid- ed for the liability; but the taxes were behind. He added that the municipality has now the high- est tax rate in the province. Only 46 per cent of this year's taxes have been paid, he explained. It was too drastic an order to make at this juncture, when additional taxes will be paid to care for the indebtedness, he argued. "I don't think that fixing a tax rate is providing the money," said Mr. Justice McDonald. He thereupon made the order. IVhen bfr. Maitland stressed that there was only default of $30, the judge retorted that he did not take the $30 serously, because if that were all he was quite sure the municipality would pay it. A commissioner will exercise all the powers of reeve, council, school, board, police commission and other municipal olficials. Mr. R. H. Tupper was counsel for the petitioner. Fig I'udding I cup flour 2 teaspoons baking powder I/4 teaspoon salt 2 cups bread crumbs '/ cup figs I cup of bread suet (chopped fine) I egg I cup milk '/z cup brown sugar Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Add bread crumbs and sugar, then add suet and figs chopped fine. Stir all together. Add the beaten egg and milk. Turn into well greased mould and steam for 3 hours. Serve with nutmeg sauce That shrewd old fakir Ghandihas again scored, and our fore- fathers must be turning round in their graves at three hundred revolutions a minute. If we don't know that we are too weak to govern, Ghandi knows and has taken full advantage of it. It is a curious anomaly to see the greatest Empire on earth treat- ing and giving way to a man it is keeping in gaol as a criminal. None of this will be missed by the warlike tribes on the North- West Frontier, and, if the lash- kars start to move, we shall have nobody but ourselves to blame. Ghandi should have been dropped years ago five miles up the Khyber Pass, preferably with his goats, for the hairy gentlemen who inhabit that very insalubrious n e ig h b o r h o od should be entitled to some re- muneration for adding to the long list of martyrs. They know nothing and care less about mar- tyre, but they have a very just appreciation, like our forefath- ers, of the value of a babu with or without an Oxford education. For some years now through the paciflsts and the League of Nations we have been told what a nice peaceable people the Ger- mans had become, and how we were very hard on them by giv- ing them real money for worth- less marks, lemling them millions to pay back the money they Baked Veal with Tomato Sauce I thin veal cutlet I teaspoon drippings I teaspoon chopped onion I teaspoon chopped parsley I/t cup bread crumbs I/z teaspoon salt I/s teaspoon pepper Trim edge of cutlet and spread on board or platter. Fry onion in drippings until tender; add bread crumbs and parsley mixed with enough water to hold them together; spread on cutlet and roll; tie in three or four places. Dust with salt, pepper and flour. Place in pan. add I/z cup hot wat- er. Roast in hot oven 36 to 46 minutes, adding water if needed. Remove to hot platter; pour to- mato sauce around meat and garnish with parsley; Safety First Her Father: "Are you quite certain you can support a fam- ily properly?" Cautious Suitor: "How many is there of you2" "Do you ever think of the go I lent you 2" "Yes. As soon as I need any more money I shall come straight to you." SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT San&I Spr&agr Hotel Piaylna at Hoilyburn Pavilion, Saturday, Oct. 1st Dancing 9 io 12. Bargain Prices before 9.30, 25c. The School Board is prepared to institute Night School Classes in the following subjects, commencing at once: I'RACTICAL ELECTRICITY AUTObIOBILE MECHANICS MECHANICAL DRAUGHTIN(1 WOODIVORKlihIG SHORTHAND & TYI'EWRITING DRESSMAKING Trustees. e ar~ 1C MEAL p S N QNE CENT pe& meal prr parian ir rll ii cari& ia raak wi&h ra drairia rregr. This mrrai 1)a par month par parian or ra average maa&hly bill of arly I) for a family of faurl Can yaa cook on your wood red coal ~ &ava for as liulr) Their figures rra rbiala&rly aa«ra& rad &rprr- ~rai r ca&apl&&a arass-are&ion af local rlrriria rragr users'anddy carking bill&, Na a&bar type of fad will give yaa rurb wonderful rriahr Iar raah r small cast ri rira&rici&y. The rcaaamirr of rlrairia reeking are count- lar rad include ihr irving on faad rhrinkrgr, on alrraieg casts rad mair&isla, on &irw rad harhh rad aa rzpraiivr cad&isa failure&. These rad a&any a&ha& diiiiaa& uviagi urge yau ia ~dapi rirr&ria raakrry. Na&r Ir Ibr I)r&r, Prkrr w rrr wrrrr la&rrr, far&sr wrrr wrrrr rrr&rrl BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAIL)WAY'CO. Fee for the term of six months will be $ 10.00, payable 6600 upon enrollment, and the remainder within thirty days. A minimum number of 16 is required to start a class in any one subject, and all interested are asked to communicate in writing to the undersigned, all such enquiries to be in by Monday, October 3rd. Classes in any subject other than the above will be considered if a sufficient number of enquiries is received. This advertisement will not appear again, and unless suificient applications are made, in writing, to warrant engaging an instructor, no further steps pan be taken towards the establishment of these classes. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary, Board of School