West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Sep 1932, p. 3

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0001 1932 September 29, 1932. bbia ( TAILORING - CLEANING - DYEING THE WEST VAN NEWS PRESSING - ALTERATIONS M. %VILLIAMS 1668 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) ~ Passe Wcci 20 Rcs Phone West 206t RUM. HONEY AND COD LIVER O)L Mrs. G. E. Bayfield, 20th and Inglewood Avenue, who is a pstL ent in the Vancouver General Hospital, is getting along nice)y and expects to be home shortly. ~ ~ c Robert G. Smith, 2541 biarine Drive, left on Tuesday evening to take up 0 position at Grand Prairie. Alberta. c \ c Mrs. G. E. Bresley, 1497 Ful- ton Ave„has returned from a holiday visit in Prince George. c \ ~ The L.O.L. will hold their reg- ular meeting next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall. c c At the regular Saturday even- ing danae this week at the Hol- lyburn Pavilion the music will be provided by Jack Williamsou and his orchestra, late of the BanE Springs Hotel, who have been specially engaged for the occasion. Prices will be as usual. Another meeting of the North Shore Juvenile F. A. will be held on bfonday, October 3rd, at 8 p. m. in the North Shore Press of- fice. Final arrangements for the openmg of the season will be made and all teams are request- ed to have 0 delegate in attend- ance. \ D. A. Keith, 1744 Marine Drive, the local representative of the Silent Glow Oil Burner, is also agent for the Beach ranges, which may be obtained this week for the special price of 855. See the burner in operation at 1744 Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ J. R. Chinery of Lynn Creek, having landed a 17I/g lb. fish, is now tied for first place in the Ambleside Salmon Fishing Com- petition. ~ c ~ The West Vancouver Brownie pack will hold their first meeting of the season next Thursday, 6th October, at 4 p.m. in the hall of the United Church. All mem- bers and any others interested are requested to attend. DEATH OF J. G. SENTAiNCE J. )L Locke, father of Mrs. I. bi. McLean, 2120 Bellevue Ave., passed away last Friday st his home in Summerside, Prince Ed- ward Island. ~ ~ c The Ferguson Motor Transfer Company moved yesterday from Dundarave into the Pierce store at the corner of 19th and bfarine Drive, formerly occupied by the Hobb Transfer Co. ~ ~ Miss Fraser, 24th and Belle- vue Ave., has returned from a short holiday in the Interior. ~ c ~ Miss Craig has purchased the ranch of Magnus Ross st 24th and Ottawa. Miss Craig arrived here recently from Shanghai, and is going back to that city for a short time before returning to take up permanent residence here. ~ c ~ G. Tickell of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 2403 Hey- wood Avenue. \ c ~ Ed. Black of Dundarave, re- turned here today from a short trip up the Csriboo. ~ c ~ L.O.L. members and their friends celebrated the seventh anniversary of the formation of the )ocal lodge on Tuesday even- ing, the 20th instant, at the Orange Hall. There was whist. 0 very enjoyable program of songs, recitations, conjuring, tap dancing, etc. About one hundred and fifty sat down to the anni- versary supper which followed, the speakers being Mrs. Lees, R. W. G. Matron of the L.O.B.A. of B.C., Mr. Know)ca, secretary of the Loyal Protestant Home, and Reeve Leyland. A. E. Harron acted as chairman. i ~ Mr. and Mrs. Parry, who have been spending the last few months at their summer home in West Bay, have returned to Vancouver for the winter. ~ ~ ~ A. C. Cooper, Gordon Avenue, has moved into the flat over the store of the West Van. Electric at 1473 Marine Drive, which was formerly occupied by Mrs. Cle- ment. c c bir. snd Mrs. Sherriif and fam- ily, are moving from the Fortune Cup Inn to West Bay. ~ ~ hiisa Gladys Cree)man who has been spending her holidays at Daisy Lake, has returned to her duties at the B. C. Telephone Company here. c c A. Chilton, manager of the Royal Bank here, is on his annu- al vacation. The West Vancouver branch of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society held s very suc- cessful meeting last Saturday evening at the Clachan. It was their first meeting of the season, and there was 0 large turn-out of members, a number being also present from the Vancouver branch of the society. ~ ~ c Mr. and birs. Charles Roberts, 10th Street, have left for the Cariboo, where they expect to take up residence. Mrs. J. Dslgleish of the Blue Dragon Inn, Whyteclifi', is mov- ing to North Vancouver for the winter. ~ ~ Mrs. C. McIntyre, who has been visiting in Pcnticton, re- turned on Monday evening to her home at 20th and Gordon Ave. ~ ~ c A meeting of the West Van- couver Ex-High Association will be held st Inglewood High School next Thursday, 6th October, at 8 p.m. to recirgsn)se for the coming winter. All interested are requested to attend. ihh ( 50c.%Vc Lc OGDEN COr ~pat 146 MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY tgemmill's 9rug Store The S~ ef Scrrim. 1002 hisrise Dc)re Wmc 21 Esiccscscy phcse West 22I (After 0 p.m.) Red Back Denim and Khaki Drill ~ g, OVERALL PANTS, allsizes, per pair $ 1.50 1 A PACIFIC OIL BURNER Anached io your Furnace would mean No Dust snd Ashes, No Work snd Worry snd Much Smaller Fuel Bigs. Phone or cce ~ AMBLESIDE SHEET METAL WORKS 1446 Marine -:- I'hone West 78 Ambleside Sheet Metal%WE)rks IAuaig SPECK, cepricrec 1446 bfarine Dnve Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBLVG IVEST VAN. UNITED F. C. I.ITFRARY SOCIETY The Society has had the good fortune to secure two addresses in connection with the centen- nary of Sir Wa)ter Scott. The genius of Scott was so massive and so many-sided that half-a- dozen lectures might well bc given on his life and work with- out overlapping or loss of inter- est. The Society has made no attempt to cover the whole field, even in a general way. It has been able, however, to arrange for addresses on two aspects of Scott at any rate. Rev. 1)i)lie Wright will give the first of the )ectures in the lower hall of tho United Church on Thursday evening, October 13th, at 8 o'lock, his subject being "The Relation of Scott to the Church, and his Contribution to Reli- gion." It is a wide subject; snd its interest will not be any the less by reason of the dii)'ererces which exist regarding it. Not merely Scotland, but the whole English-speaking world, owi,s a debt to Scott; and it will be all to the good if we take the opportunity afforded by thc cen- tenary of his death to consider the amount of our indebtedness to him. The subject of the scc- mid centenary lecture will be an- nounced later. HOI.LYBURN HAI,I, Mr. John Wallace of Vancou- ver is giving two special addres- ses at Hollyburn HalL His first address to be given next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'lock, will be on "A Judge's Dilemma." The subject of his second address which will be delivered next Tuesday at 8 p.m. will be "The Great White Throne, the Judg- ment Seat of Christ, and the Eternal State." Mr. Wallace is well known as a speaker, snd a)l are welcome to these services. The following players are re- quested to turn out for the game with St. Phillips at Ambleside Park at 3 o'lock, Saturday: ~M( Larnic, McLean, F. Downey,Mii. Downey, Fiddes, Grieve, Hamilton, Vaughan, D'Easum, Timbre)1, Strstton, Joe Grise- dale. Stratton'S BAKERY from BREAD -- CAKES All Kinds of Tea Breacl, Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Eecles Cakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Christening Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will calL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHIiRCH The subject of the Lpsson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "UNREALITY." One of the Bible texts will be I John 2: 15i "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." The Lesson-Sermon will a)so include the following passage from page 492 of 'Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddyi "For right reasoning there should be but one fact befme the thought, namely, spiritual existence." Car Tops, Curtain Lights Slip Covers tier gress- . mcd- PHONE N. R. EI.I.IS, 1427 Marine«ld in 0 ced to I him: ou be- The tgables Apartments WEST BAY 020.00 Furnished Suites Electrically Equipped a Steam Iiccicd Rcs. Phone West sien3 in the ep)lcd speal Phone ED. BLACK st miii 18 didn' iI tok} WEST 60 foc GALT, TUI.AEEEN. asd NANAIHO - WELLINGTON COAL All orders Cash or C.O.D. r bsg- ig fool wrong John George Valentine Sent- ance, 1342 Duchess Ave., passed away last Friday at the North Vancouver General Hospital. The deceased, who was in his 52nd year, was a pioneer resi- dent of West Vancouver, having settled here in the early days of the municipality. He wss the conductor of the first choral so- ciety, which was started here previous to the )Var. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife and one daughter SIona. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. bionday under the auspices of the B.P.O.E. Lodge No. 43, in the chapel of the Burrard Funeral Chapel in North Van- couver, Rev. J. P. Dingle offici- ating, and interment was made in Cspilano View Cemetery. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, hier. Distinctive Fascial Service Lady Assistant 220 - scd Si. E. Phone North 626 always sow." sc help father." 'pi IXL Laundry Ql SERVICES: -- Thrifty, Flat- ironed asd finished laundry PLAiV LIBRARY FOR HOSPITAL A small library at North Van- couver General Hospital for con- venience of patients, is being established by the Women' Auxiliary. A book tea will be held in the sewing-room at the hospital October 14 from 3 to 6 p.m. Donation of a book in good condition, will admit a visitor to tea. (dc luxcl Phone West 200 WEST VAN WELFARE ASSOCIATION Citizens are reminded of the need for WARM CLOTHING, BOO')B, I'UEL, HEATERS, Etc. Phone VVest 109 olg IT West Vancouver A.A.A. WHIST DRIVE and DANCE WEST VANCOUVER SWIMMING CLUB wnl hold a)NS'HANKSGIVING DANCE in ihc Hollyburn Pavilion MONDAY, October 10th. J g wd) be held in the Legkxi Ha)I West Vsnon FRIDAY, Sept. 30th, 0)op.m. 1 I TICKETS 25C. IFrom 9 io 12. CORPORAT)OV OF THE D)STRICT OF WFST VANCOUVERAMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET);RS Ratepayers are hereby respectfu)ly reminded that oa October 1st an amount of five per cent. of the unpaid 1932 taxes must by Provincial Statute be ad&led thereta 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCH, Proprietor Finest Quality Fresh hfeais, Smoked and Cooked iiieats. PHONE WEST 303 Whl HERR IN C.bi.C. I Local and Personal Your Cough -p L 'I -c i i c