West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Sep 1932, p. 2

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0001 v'tvv' ! rrr t 'tx v Ave . v r~~rm. !' * rw r4 '! Nv u !sr! !u ~ ~ ! r'ryk!'tH!r- w'S!!,: 'rv'! ~ ! ~'r'! :x .r vevvr rx&mrrrr rrrvv \'tv -r- rrv 'r-.vr rrrrrrrrr« r rr! rv-rrrr rrr 'trrrrrrtrrrvr rrr ~r~rrrrvr Vrr SPECIAL Oil Permanent (including Shumpuu m3 95uud Finger &Tavv) 7 ~ &Vc are making this ugur till ihu und u( September, uo make your upp&du&mes& suw. iru have also added ~ new wave &u uur Ux& -- A LAFON PER6IANENT WAVE for 66.00 This will make even the very nncx& u( huis Iuuk su&& uud curly uu& Irixxy. Cweyi(J'os u Beauty ShOPPff 1640 Muciau Deice Phone IVest 117 WEST VAN. "Yu Members and young women interested are invited to meet at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, at the home of 31iss ('reen, 20th and siarine Drive. sfrs. Fischbacher, a native of Switzerland, will give an address on temperance work in her home- land. She has iecently returned from a trip to Sv.itzerland and her talks are most interesting. A free-will offering will be taken for her department in the )V.C.T.U. Pumpkin Pie 2 cups stewed and strained pumpkin 2 cups rich milk or cream 3/4 cup bro»7& or granulated sugar 2 eggs I/4 teaspoon flinger'! teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon Mix pumpkin with milk, sugar, beaten eggs, ginger, salt, cinna- mon and beat two minutes. Pour into pie tin which has been lined with pastry. Place in hot oven for fifteen minutes, then reduce heat and bake 45 minutes in moderate oven. Afternoon Tea Doughnuts 2 eggs teaspoons sugar zri teaspoon salt I/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg 2 tab)espoons melted shorten- ing 6 tablespoons milk 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder Beat eggs until very light; add flour and baking powder which have been sifted together. Mix welL Drop by teaspoons into deep hot fat and fry until brown. Drain well on unglazed paper and sprinkle with powder- ed sugar. Ru&ubiiubcd on North Shoes 20 Ycuvs. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral 9irrrtars North Vancouver I'arlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North lcj4 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nems Published Every Thursday I'sbiishcc F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Susiscus sss Edku!I~ I Ogicu& 17&h usd 6(arise Drive (Next iu HuUybsrs P.O.) Phone West 363 MSU Address& P.O. Bux 61, HuUybuys, B. C North Vancouver Offlce: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 61.00 s year by cscciur: 624&0 s ycsc by susU. THE )VEST VAN NFWS United Church WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Hollyburn Hall 14th and Duchess Ave. Two Special Addresses by SIR. JOHN )VALLACE of Vancouver Sunday Evening. Oc&. 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. Subject: "A Judge's l)ilemms." 'I'uieday Evening, Oct. 4th. Subject: '"I'he Great White 'lhrone. I he Judgnient Scat of Christ. snd ihe l)ternal State." A hearty welcome to alh St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, I..S.T. 19th Sunday after Trinity-- October 2nd, 1932. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 n.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Primary School. 11:15 a.m.-- Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd ser- mon. Caulfeild--St. Francis, 3 p.m., Harvest Festival, Preacher, Rev. B. Reddish of St. James Church, Vancouver. A Young People's Rally will be held in the Parish Hall on bion- day evening, 8 p.m. The Guest Speaker will be the Rev. E, 0, Robathan, vicar of Chemainus. His subject will be "England Decadent?" A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all young people to be pres- ent. Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright On Thursday evening the Choir are to be at home to mem- bers and friends for a social hour in the Church ilail from 8 to 10 pm, The Sunday School and Bible Class will meet as usual next Sabbath morning at 10 o'lock in the Church. The Young People's Bible Class is now org- anized snd the members are looking forward to a very suc- cessful winter's work. They ex- tend a very cordial invitation to sll young men and women to corn«and join them. Next Sabbath st the morning service communion of the Lord' Supper will bc held in )Vest Vancouver United Church. Mem- bers and friends will kindly note this and be piesent. The minister will preside aml conduct the service. In the evening the Minister will exchange with the Rev. IVilliam Stott, MA., uf St. An- drew'a United Church, North Vancouver. It is hoped that the people of )Vest Vancouver will take this opportunity to hear Mr. Stott, who is an able speaker. The Women's Association will hold its regular monthly meeting in the Church Hall on Tuesda) afternoon at 2:15, when plans will be discussed for the Decem- ber Bazaar. On Monday, Sept. 26th, Con- stable Ball of the R.N.W.M.P., visited the United Church Young People's Society and gave a mos&, instructive and interesting talk on the life and conditions of the people in the North and of thc police work there. On Monday, Oct. 3rd, Beri; Fiddes will speak to the Young People and an invitation is ex- tended to all young people over eighteen. CHURCH BDIFICB 20&h ssd Bueuimun. Huuybuvu Thn Society Is u Branch of Tbu hiu&hur Church 'yhu First Chucch u( Christ, Scientist, iu Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Survicuu 11:30 s.m. ssd 7:20 p.m. Sunday, (tctober a 1932 &Subject: "UNI(EAI.ITV" Sunday School at 10:00 ~ .m. Tuc&imuuy Meeting Wednesday at 6:16 p.m. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Services: 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School. You&u& People's Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.--Church Worship. Sermon by the minister: "The Offence of the Cross." The Sacrament of the Lord' Supper will be observed at this service. Also the rite of Bap- tism. Thought for the week: "In memory of My dying love, &lo thislu He said, and--died. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. NORTH SHORE CITY ORDERS PAY CUTS A reduction of 10 per cent. in the gross payroll of the North Vancouver City Hall staff was ordered at, a special meeting on Monday night. Although the council did not discuss details of the manner in which the saving is to be efl'ect- ed, it is understood that each civic employee will be laid off for several days a month. The reduction is the third re- ceived by heads of departments and the second for the generai staif. It will go into effect on October 1. Sunday, October 2nd. 10 a.m.--Sunday School und Adult Class. 11 a.m.--Morning )Vorship. Topic, "The Owner's Mark." Anthem. The ordinance of the Lord'0 Supper will be observed at thc close of the service. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Worship. Topic, "The Parable of the Tares." The 3rd address of the series on The Parables of Christ. A cordial invitation to all. Badminton will be played in the hall after the meeting each Monday evening. SCOUT NOTES At the last meeting of the Canadian Legion Troop, the patrol competition for the pup- tent was still going on. After the inspection, games were play- ed, with the result that tire Beavers were leading with the highest number of points, the Springbucks and the Eagles com- ing second and third. S. M. Cunningham took a few boys in 1st and 2nd class cook- ing tests on Saturday, and after tasting some of the samples, of- fered him, it is not known if he will be able to turn out at thc next scout meeting. hfonday, October 3rd, 8 p.m. The opening meeting of the fall and winter session of the Bap- tist Young People's Society. Election of officers, etc. All young people over 16 heartily invited. )Vednesday, 5th Oct., 8 p.m.-- Mid-week service for prayer and praise. LEGION W. A. The general meeting was held in the hall Monday, September 261)1. Several business letters werc read, also letters of thanks from various friends of the Legion. A very nice letter was receiv- ed from Mrs. McDonald, the new president of the W. A. Provincial Command. Mrs. McDonald stressed the need of Poppy Day and what it stands for, and id hoping the Legion W. A. has a better year than previous ones, as the need is greater. The Poppy Committee is in the very capable hands of Mes- dames Atwood. Dowling and Hampson. A letter of thanks was sent to Mr. Climie for the great help he was to the branch on Csrnlvai &lay. There will be a meeting of the District Council Friday, October 7th at the West Vancouver Leg- ion Hall. All members are askeu to attend as it will be a very interesting event. So let all bc there October 7th. Don't forget Badminton starts in real earnest every Thursday afternoon at 2:15 In the hall. Members wishing to play are asked to get In touch with the capta&n, Mrs. Sharman, ur the secretary, Mrs, D, W. Graham. Two groups will be active during the next month, so be prepared. Thursday, 6th Oct., 8 p.m.-- Choir practice. Friday, 7th Oct., 7 p.m. -- C. G. I. T. Please remember Anniversary Services, Sunday, Octover 9th; preacher, Rev. J. Iiu Harris, B.A., of South Vancouver. WEST VANCOUVER PARENT-TEACHER ASSN A record number of parents and teachers met in Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday eve- ning, September 20. After tho business had been desp~tched Mr. Mitchell led the meetinp in community singing with &Miss Frame at the piano. The presen- tation of the P.-T. A. donation of 810 was made to Miss Josie Leyland who obtained the high- est aggregate marks in West Vancouver High School in the Matriculation examination. A. Arkwright of Point Grey Junior High School, addressed the meeting on the Kidd Report from the educational standpoint. He emphasized the fact that every child, rich or poor, should have 0 fair chance in education and no favors. After the address the audi- ence adjourned to the tearoom where new acquaintances were made, and common interests dis- cussed. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev, Father Flanagan Residence: Clachan Hotel Sunday, Sept. 18th, 9 a.m.--Holy Mass, sermon. 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 3 p.m.--Rosary, benediction. WEEK DAYS 7:80 a.m.--Holy Mass. Friday--7:80 p.m., Devotions, confessions. Saturday--7:30 p.m., confes- sions (adults). The Visiting Minister The visiting Minister was not very well, and the beadle told him to try his medicine. He real- I took more than the regulaton ose, snd whim he got in the pulpit he announced the first Psalm in the following words: "The flowers arc bloomin', the birds are singin', you can sing any I'salm you like." Uu Yuu &ici HI A Definition of Super-Optimls&n An unemployed Jew taking s single ticket to Aberdeen. Hu; "Where dues Sir Oliver Lodge I" Nhu: "Where Ouiju boards." September 29, 1932 uM » &uc DENTIST Huaca: 0 s. m &s 6 p m Saturdays: 10 ~ m Bvvsiugc ssd Sui&&vduy A™ uuusu by sppuis&mest uniy. Ruyui Iisuk BuUdisg Phoae Wuc& 4&~ Residua!u I huuu»cui nx oc. o. »» sssix.~DENTIST Huy Block, 14th m&d Muyiuc Dc I ~ Ogicu I le&&su 0 &u 0 p.m. Fvuuiugu by sppu&u&u&uu&. Phono West 72 MISS FRAME ""'"'" Pi auofor(P kiuduruic terms. Rcui&i!sec Phuuu West 467LS HUI.I.Y BUllN Barber Shop 16th 4& Muyiuu F&&PERT SERVICE F., MARSH, Proprietor. Curn I'udding 1 quart fresh corn cut from cob 1 teaspoon salt '/I teaspoon pepper 3 eggs slightly beaten 2 cups milk .I tabkspoons melted butter Put all ingredients into greas- ed baking dush and bake ir. mod- erate oven until firm. The Greatest in the World An American staying in s London hotel was introduced to an Aberdonian who asked him:"An'hat country do you be- long tae?u "The Greatest Country in the )Vor)d " replied the American. «klan so dae I," replied Sandy, ubut you dinns speak like 0 Scotsman." The Other Way About Irate Passenger (as tram ls moving off): «)Vhy the-- didn' you put my luggage in as I told you--you old--" Porter: "Gorblimy yer bag- gage aint such s blinking fool as you. Ye're in the wrong train." A Waiter Teacher: "Why do you always add up incorrectly?" Small Boy: "I don't know." Teacher: "Does anyone help you?u Small Boy: uYes, my father.u Teacher: u)Vhat is he?" Small Boy: "A waiter." l I ) LPUPPALE NOW George Banerorg iu LADY Cd GENYP u&IN) 'FAST COMPANIONS'UEST N&OHT THURSDAY lw I»x buy the nuke&! x„d b!ius In &s&dy uc &les& FREE Ax Tb~I! OUEST 31& &N,.T&&RN . iVFU j ACR I IUI,)ikk'I'l "NI&Su&&INN NUNIB'GHOST Ti&AINu "HORSE 1 I'.ATII I:,kSu TI I URN.. 0'RL. NAT. Next c..uu u&vcu cwuv su ~ u, ~ »» . N&vuu DINNERWARE VERY SOON Wu&ch &nr I&u&v.