0001 eet m ~ r,r'rites t sr err verso, r i e rrritrr re -i.et i swot seir m tm i r 'teew 'eit:t, v'eo t xsryi'zre 'm re . i't%t ~ m 'i 't r .t' -rt"e Yrt r rt' «i r«. -rrt ev rrret rre irwr -rrr re 1 ~ r.r "'- rrrr r r r rrt r rr e THE WEST VAN NEWS Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,", " "'"„'.". Ambleside„~ ~™M~." SPECIAL SALE- Fri. & Sat., Sept. 23 & 24 ORANGE iIAR')IALADB- Nabob $2 ot. jars..... 26t GOLDEN Si'kgt' Lylv'o 2 IL iio» ........... Ztc FAIRYLIGHT CAKE FI.()UR pev potket........... 26t NABOB kko I'I.Chl JA.')I First Quality........ I IL tin 1st kko I'l.l')IS--Nabob No, 2 tins..... 1st IL C. GRAN. SUGAk Ie lbs. Iic Qi'ICK QUAKEit OATS Pet packet 1st NABOB TEA, ptt lb....... $$t KADANA TEA. pvt IL..... 20t lz IL pockogo ............. I t COFFEE--Fresh aov Savor pov lb................. 21c AYLSIER CORV, it .. I tins sst GREFV BEANS--Colombia No. 2 tio ..............2 tins 26c Rtd R White FANCY PEAS Sieve 1 ..... 2 tine zst STONED WHEA1'HINS... Itt itvd lh White TOMATO SOI'I'all............. 2 tine 1st kED CHERRIRS--Nabob So. ptt tio 1st ktd k Whiit Si'A(IHEPI'I irith Cheese. tio .. 1st I't)RK R BEANS--Ayimot 18 oz tin . 8t CORNED BEEI"-- kovviir... tio 1st RED ARRO')V SODAS I.otgo I IL patket ...... 1st SHREDDED WHEAT I'tt packet ............ Iev Rtd tk White RATHitoohi TISSUE I.otgo tout......,........ 2 fot 1st Mt)L rolls ...............I for ast RED SOCKETS SALhiON Faoltieoo Brood Flut tint .............. 2 fot 26e Tall t iso ................. ....... 2 io SkkVUS BitEAD--Brows A 'irhite. Itztgo 21 oz. hand. toads ioo(............ Sv Rvd R 'irhite I'UMI'KIN Large 2Hz tio .................,. 1st WEST VAN MARKET No. 38 1589 Marine Drive Phone West 190 Specials for Friday and Saturday POULTRY Smal Fowl 3 to 4lb. Large Roasting Fowl av. Fowl 45c each 65c each 19c lb. Sliced Shamrock HAM Vz lb. Cello-1Vrapped 12c Package STERLING LARD Specially Refined of Sterling Quality 10c lb. BEEF PORK PORK HOCKS .......... 7c lb. MEATY PORK BUTTS 9'/ic lb. PORK STEAKS...... 11c lb. SPARE RIBS, 2 lbs. for 13c RU5IP ROASTS 151/zc lb. STANDING RIBS 151/ic lb. BLADE RIBS ............ 9c lb. ROUND BONE ....... 10c ib Do You 51ake Piss? If So, i)lake Them Better by Using Swift's New Shortening A wonderful product Iic lb. 2 lbs. af Boneless Stew Beef and Vz lb. Pork Kidney both for 2,5c %gal.]HI',rM STERLING I I ~jg~ili,ql COMET | Liver. Both for... . 1st goq' Y September 22, 1932. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Lumber SASH . DOORS ~ GYI'ROC Everything for the Building SHINGI.ES. SH H'LA I', gxd and All Dimensions Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Hollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER'KEPT INSIDEUnder a Dry Roof ~ ~ ~ and Lumber Products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building I'aper Lamatco, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Etc.Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Drawers gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone West 368L 15th and MarineAMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. "Right Service -- Right Grades" 10th osd Sistine Drive I'hoot West ISS. WEI.FARE N(yl'ES Just as it takes sll kinds of people to make 8 world, so in a Welfare Association, it takes al~ kinds of gifts to meet the need~ of the community, and the dona- tions to date have included al- most everything but the kitchen stove, and this week the kitchen stove is noded. A small camp stove would do, or a wood stove with a flat top. So I'sr the com- mittee has been able to fill the needs of the distributors by the exact article required, or a very goad substitute so possibly someone who is breaking camp, or putting in an electric range will phone West 109. Quite a happy domestic scene could have been witnessed at the headquarters on several occa- sions, when a wonderful quantity of salmon hsd been sent in from the Northern Canneries; willing workers busily cutting and wrap- ping as quickly as possible that the fish might reach the homes with as httle delay as possible, but the latest donation will re- quire even different handling. A dead fish is one thing but a live goat is another, and the latest happy surprise is 8 gift of flve goats. Most of the helpers know enough of goatology to recog- nize its head from its tail, "but,o well, we shall see, the committee has never been stuck yet, snd will know just what to do with this splendid gift, which, by the way is accompanied by 3 barrels of apples, but no one ever heard of goat and apple sauce, so the jam committee will be busy a- gni )1. The present executive con- cludes its work this evening with grateful thanks for the support, and cheery way in which the cit- izens have helped them in 8 work which hss proved itself~ really worth-while, snd whjckM has been a great joy to under- take. It is hoped that a large gathering will be present in Dun- darave Hall this evening at 8 o'lock when the public meeting will be held. Since the last list published clothing hss been received from Mr. IVslker, Mrs. Lang. Mrs. Farmer, Mrs, Twigg, Mrs. Ystes, Mrs. Forbes, Mrs. Stitt. Food has been received from Mrs. Marling, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs, Raine and Mr. 51aclean. The football teams had a real practice gama on Saturday at Ambleside Park and wil! give n good account of themse!vcs when the season opens on Satur- day. Remember folks be sure and attend these games. Give the boys your moral support os well as finsncial. Come down to the park and let them know you are behind them to the limit. Don't forget to send along that donation. IVe need 8 lat of sweaters and boots and they all cost money so do it now. Special Notice All players and officers of the live football teams are requested to report to Tom Richardson on Friday, September 23rd, at 7:30 p.m., in the basement of the Legion hall. This meeting is be- ing held to give you a complete outline for the season's work. Many points of interest will be explained, which you cannot af- ford to miss. Remember Football Seasan Opening, Saturday, Septcmb«r 24th See adv page 4 I/'IVIM5HNGCLUB LAUNCHES WINTER PROGRA51 After 6 p.m. ood holidays otk for W. JENVEY, Phone West 100R WEST VAN. A.A.A. NOTES Our first Football Whist Drive and Dance was 8 great success last Friday. The committee in charge are to be congratulated. 'I'here were twenty hands of cards, then supper served by the ladies who provided the refresh- ments. It was splendid to see the array of cakes and delicacies and speaks well for the support they are giving us and also for our future events, which will be announced in this column from time to time. The Dundaravians'rchestra provided very good music. These boys are coming along fine and with practice have a great future ahead of them. Roy Lowes and George Childs gave their own particular version of latest dance music, while the orchestra boys enjoyed 8 dance or two. Mrs. Climie captured the first prize, 8 very pretty boudoir lamp. D. Crawford (Dock) re- ceived a set of military hair brushes for his high score. Mrs. K. A. Ray and Mr. R. Kalleff were awarded the consolation prizes, while Lucky old Tom Bsrnott held the ticket on the special prize drawing. Dropped in on the Boy Scouts last Thursday at the Legion hall and watched Scout Master Cunningham put the boys through their work. They seezn very anxious to form a scout football team. Seems everybody is interested in sport these days. Secretary IVinchcombe reports several names have arrived for the basketball team. Be sure to send in yours early and remem- ber for girls and boys. Good News -- the secretary just phoned to say that both our teams, the West Vancouver United and West Van. Rangers, are playing at home for the opening game. This will be 8 wonderful opportunity for you to see the local boys in action. They are both anmous to make the thirtl division next year and what 8 game this is going to be, so come down and boost for your team. We wish to thank the follow- ing for their donations. Supporter ........................... 87.50 Mr. E. Black ........................ 1.00 Mr. J. Neil ....................... 1.00 Mr. Jeiferies, delicacies for whist drive, Mr. H. Sangster, playing cards, etc. Mr. W. Rathie, stationery. Mr. R. Forrester, pair football boots. All donations of money and equipment will be published each week. Send care of this paper or Secretary, 2411 Heywood Ave. Phone West 849Y. Winter swimming activities have now been completed by the Swimming Club and the execu- tive announce that arrangements have been made, securing the services of Coach Percy Norman the well known mentor of the V. A.S.Ct for each Friday night nt the Crystal Pool from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Only paid up club members are eligible for this course of in- struction, so get your member- ship card as soon as possible and take advantage of the splendid offer the club has provided. There are no extra costs attach- ed to membership or coaching, other than the costs of transpor- tation to and from the pool and pool entrance. Club members are allowed to enter the pool for 25c provided they show their membership card. This is a new departure for the Club and one well in keeping with its progressive ideas for promotion of swimming and life- saving. It is hoped that sll mem- bers will avail themselves of the opportunity to improve their swimming anil diving. The clas- ses start the first Friday in Oc- tober. Meanwhile senior mem- bers will be at the pool each Friday night until Mr. Norman takes over. Let's go, members. W. I.. McKinnan and Company wroto the council, making them an oifer of bonds. The council replied that the ' did nut wish to take advantagk- of this offer. F~vd tho I'ortoo A negro patton ovothoovd ~ boy of his coogrtgoiion oay to soother threateningly: eYou koop away Item mo or you'l ised in do plato dot be- gins with 0 H osd ends with an L." Instantly the parson thought of the piste with tho four-letter name where they never have any coal trouble, an I ho reproved the youngster ttvottly. eI dunno whet'o In yo'ind, poh- oon,e returned tho boy calmly, ebot do piste I meant wos do hospital.o VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEAkLE Phoae Woet 0 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies