0001 ~h22 September 2IL 1932 THE WEST VAN NEWS J, sc bss. s. IPS JAU(8 dclin- sthe sill bc ytbc ICon. (slay, slthe with Ira a2nd hyol that made 'P10- state- siha," don' ming gncr. "and Jiy is the ')~,, O J, i ) ~ J j'AILORING - CLEANING ~ DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIONS M. %VILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) Phoae Weal 20 Rcs Phone Wcsl 200t FOOTBALL - Opening Game WEST VAN UNITED vs WEST VAN RANGERS Ambleside Park, Saturday, Sept. 24th, 3 p.m. Give the boys your support West Van A.A.A. WEST VAN. RANGERS The following players please turn aut for Arst game Saturday September 24th, 2:30 p.m. sharp at Ambleside Park: B. Traiford, G. Mastermsn, J. Bsrnott, R. Forrester, A. Mast- erman, N. Johncox, B. Wedley, ss R. ifisn. R. Lambert, A. Edward Cripps, M. Lennox, C. McM Car Tops, Curtain Lights Slip Covers PHONE N. It. EI.I.IS, 1427 Marine The Cables Apartments WEST BAT 220.00 Fuculsncd Sakes Elcctsdcslly Equipped a Steam Heated Rca Phone West 2(SR2 PhyUis Sherwood A charming new member of the West Vancouver Community Players who plays the ingenue leading role of "Claudia Bar- rett'n "A Lucky Break." Phone ED. BLACK WEST 00 for GALT, TULAMEEN, sod NANAIISIO - WELLINGTON COAL All orders Cash or C.O.D. Rev. Father Flanagan, wha has now taken charge of St. Anthony's Church, is staying at the Clachan. He came here from the parish of St. Patrick in Van- couver, and is a native of Boston, Mass. BURRARD FUNERAI. CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgc. Dlsuoclivc Funeral Service Lady Assistant 220- acd Sl. E, Phone North 020 IXL Laundry SERVICES: -- Thrifty, Flat- ironed sud Aoishcd laundry (do luxc) Phone West 200 Hollyburn Pavilion»-tv--- ..IanCinly EVERY SATURDA.Y 9 p.m. FALL AND WINTER SEASON Special Pacific Stages at Bargain Prices Fare 20c Return to pavilibn patrons only. Lesvmg North Vancouver 8.50 p.m. Leaving Hollyburn Pavilion II Mid. Admission to Dance - 50c. Bargain Prices Everybody 2,5c each before 9.30 p.m. AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and hfarine Drive J. MURCHs Proprietor Finest GuaUty Fresh Meals, Smoked and Cooked Meats, P HONE WEST 303 Local and D. McTavish is having altera- tions made to his home st 15th and Ottawa Ave The municipal department of ublic works have opened up iaywoad Ave., between 22nd and 23rd Streeus. o o o F. C. Vernon and his sister, who have been living with their father at 23rd and Msthers Ave., have moved into a house st 22nd and )Vaterfront. ~ ~ ~ Rev. Father Carey of St. Anthony's Church has moved to Shaughnessy Heights, where he is priest in charge of the church of St. Peter snd St. Paul. ~ ~ ~ The house of Mr. Gordon on the waterfront immediately west af Caulfeild was burnt to the ground on Saturday afternoon. The fire is sUeged to have origin- ated in the roof, and, although the fire brigade used aa speed in getting to the scene, found on arrival that the conllagration, fanned by the gale, had obtained too strong a hold to be extingu- ished. The Are hsd indeed spread to the surrounding bush, and it was only after a fight of some hours that the brigade were able to put this out snd so save a serious bush fire. ~ v v The Hoayburn Public Library have just received 0 number af new novels by Robert Stea(i, Margaret Pedler, Pamela Wynne, Philip MacDonald, Fannie Hurst, Faith Baldwin, J. S. Fletcher, Booth Tsrkington, Joan Suther- land, Jeanette Gibbs and others. J. A. Davis, 2477 King's Ave., is having extensive alterations made to his house at 24th and Kings Ave. s o ~ P. C. Chapman, who has been a patient in the North Vancou- ver Hospital, returned on Mon- day to his home on King's Ave. The new house at 14th and Clyde Ave., which Captain R. N. Taylor is having built, is near- ing completion. o The body of a dead cow recent- ly drifted ashore at Cypress Park having evidently flosted down the Fraser River and been car- ried here by the tide. The sani- tary inspector burnt the carcase on the beach. s E. Granger is having a house built on 21st Street, between Marine Drive and Bellevue Ave.\ ~ Miss B. A. Fry is again direct- ing the members of the West Vancouver Sketch Club. Meet- ings are held on alternate Sat- urday afternoons, in member's homes when the weather is wet or cold, and outside in fine weather. The mountains on Monday re- ceived their first mantle of snow. Snow is visible on both Crown Mountain and the Lions. ~ ~ ~ Dr. and hire. Douglas Robson of Timmins, Ontario, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robson, 2924 Marine Drive, Death of Mrs. E. J. King hire. Ellen Jane King passed away last Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. E. Pyne, 2319 Bellevue Ave. Three daughters survive ta mourn her loss, Mrs. J, K. Macrae of Van- couver, hire. R. N. Ball of Wood- stock, and Mrs. M. E. Pyne. Private funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Saturday at Mrs. J. K. hIacrse's residence, 1926 Matthews Ave.; Rev. A. E. Henry alyiciating the remains being afterwards cremated.\ ~ The ferry manager reported to the council on transportation matters generally making cer- tain recommendations. A copy of this report wss given each member of the council for in- formation and consideration. ForPersonal Walter McDonald, 15th and Fulbsn Ave., is s patient in the North Vancouver General Hos- pltaL ~ ~ Mrs. Fellows, 22nd and Mar- Ine Drive, has taken 0 house at 2373 Heywood Ave. ~ ~ o Miss Fraser, 23rd and Belle- vue Avenue, is spending 0 holi- day visiting in the Okanagsn. ~ ~ o J. F. Boyd, 2560 Bellevue Ave- nue, is confined to his home through sickness. ~ v ~ Mr. and Mrs. Nason and party who have been spending the summer at 2450 Bellevue Ave.. have returned to the city. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. Howieson snd son, Donald, 1766 Duchess Ave., have returned from a holiday at Ban(f. ~ o o The name of Miss Frame was inadvertently omitted from the report of the social of the West Vancouver Choral Society on Monday evening, 12th instant, on which occasion she assisted in playing for tbe dancing. Aubrey A. Clarke, president of the society also gave an address of welcome to the members at the social before leaving for the city to keep an engagement there. \ Felix Troughton, who recent- Iv retired after having conduct- ed a real estate business in Dun- darave for many years, kft on Tuesday for Victoria, where he will in future reside. ~ o R. H. Davidson of 20th Street, is now leading the Ambleside Salmon Fishing Competition with 0 17IJh pounder, which he recently landed. J. T. Watt also brought in s salmon weighing 13 lbs., and has now a standing of third in the competition. o Preparations are being made for the season's activities in the way of sports at the West Van- couver schools, and house soccer leagues have been organised. o \ s hfrs. George Childs, 18th and Waterfront, is a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospi- tal, where she recently under- went an operation. hfiss B. A. Fry, who is direct-'ngagain the work of the mem- bers of the West Vancouver Sketching Club, has just return- ed from Edmonton University, where she has been in charge of the sketching class of the sum- mer school. An exhibition of some of Miss Fry's work and that of her pupils which was held in the upper hall of the Arts Building at the University at the conclusion of the five weeks'ourse,received very high praise from the critics in the Edmonton press. RUM, HONEY AND COD LIVER OIL 50c. Cejumill'I Drag Store The Sloco of Secs(cu 1002 Msviso Dclvo Essccasocy pfscoo Wcoa 221 (Artcc 0 p.m.) Agnblesigle Sheet Metal%Vorks IAURIE SPECK. Pcopciclos 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET hIETAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBLxIG Stratton'S BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES AU Kinds of Tea Brea(L Assorted Pastries Almoad Varietks Banbury or Eccks Cakes, Vanety of Butter Icing Cakes Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 hIARLxIE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will calL HOllybhhrn PUBLIC LIBRARY NEW BOOKS RECEIVED By Robert Stead, Margaret Pedler, Pamela Wynne, Philip MacDonsld, Fan- nie Hurst, Faith Bald- win, J. S. Fletcher, Booth Tarkington, Joan Sutherland, Jeanette Gibbs, and others. WEST VANCOLJVER UNE1IPLOYED ASSN. It is hoped that aa members with their wives wiU be present at next meeting on Friday, Sep- tember 23rd, at 8 (15 p.m. in the Legion HalL The entertainment committee promises us several musical numbers after business is over and some dancing, but please bring th ladies along. Anyone interested is wekome and a good time is assured. John Sentence, 1342 Duchess Avenue, is very ill snd a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital. ~ ~ CORI'ORATION OF THK DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Ratepayers are hereby respectfully reminded that on October 1st sn amount of five per cent. of the unpaid 1932 taxes must by Provincial Statute be added thereto. Whf. HERRIN, C.SI.C. West Vancouver Players'lub Presca( "A LUCKY BREAK" (FAR()E COM KDY) Houyburn TIJESDAY and WEDNESDAYTheatre Sept. 27th Sept. 2S(h k Tickets 50c.