West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Sep 1932, p. 2

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0001 ~ o.rrV»r A «»r»s r1««csr« ~ 'V4 rr»r U» »U1«rrrr rrr r 'r« 1"»rw 1»o»r '»»r ~ r « ~r»r 1»« 1 w rc«Ussn pi .'»dds \'»» «»" I!Hrx~~ »C»i»H1'« ra A 'P » P ' ~ '* ~ c r\. Yr . FrrrFrs » «rose r rr FF« rr w"» «r rrrrr -'r«r «Cr r»w ~re-«re r rr «F r rrrr F '« THE WEST VAN NFWS United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright SPECIAL Oil Permanent WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH BDII'ICE Hollyburn Pavilion 14th and Duchess Ave »Sunday Evening, Sept. 25th ai 7:30 p.m. An address by hlR. JOHN WALLACE Subject: "A (lueatlon that must be answered." Tuesday Evening, Sept. 27, at 8 p.m. LANTERN SLH)ES Subject: "The Gospel in ihe Island of Santa Domingo" Speaker: hir. Isn Rsihie. You are heartily invited to these services. (Is»i«diss Sh mpso mg 9S~sd Finger IVE»e) Ws are making this oifsr till the ssd Uf September, so msks your appointmsac aow. Ws hsvs also added a ssw wave Io our list -- A LAFON PERbIANENT WAVE for $6.00 This will wake even ihs vary Ilsssi of hair look soft and curly ssi frixxy. Next Sabbath morning the hiinister will have as hie subject "The Marks of a Christian," in the evening "The Jews'reat gift to the world." Communion of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed in )Vest Vancouver United Church on the first Monday of October at the morning service. The Senior Young People got away to s good start on Monday night for the fall snd winter work. Under the wise leadership of hire. R. P. Allan s splendid pro- gram has been arranged for the next quarter and a goad season's work is expected. The senior Bible Class has in- creased its numbers and the members are determined that they will have the last young person in the community in the class. Mr. Kinloch is at work remod- eling the choir-loft in the Church. This vrill sdd greatly to the general appearance of the building snd to the comfort snd el?activeness of the choir. Musie is the outstanding fea- ture of the evening services in West Vancouver United Church the choir adding three anthems or solos. This is to meet the wishes of sll lovers of sacred music. Come snd hear them snd join in the bright uplifting hymns of praise. 20th sad Esqsimsii, Houybsrs This Sssi»ty is ~ Branch of The bioihsr Church The First Chsreb of Christ, Scisniisi, In Boston, Ms mschussff s Sunday Services 11»$0 s.m. snd 7:$0 P.m. Sunday, September 25, 1932 Subjcci: "REA I,ITY" GTJJeffr/OlyFJ BC(July ShOPPC 1510 Msrlss Drive Phone West 117 Sosdsy School at 10:00 ~.m. Tssffmosy bisstisg Wsdsssdsy at 0:15 pss. BUT DO YOU VOTE? You say that taxes sre too high, But do you voteT About extravagance you sigh, But do you vote? "How long," you wail, "must we endure This state of things that keeps us poor?" How long T I do not know, I'm sure I But du you vote? St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. Sepi. 25th--Harvest Festival. 8 s.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Primary School. 11:15 s.m.--Holy Communion snd Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd ser- mon. Preacher the Rev. J. Minto Swan of St. Mark's, Vancouver. Csulfeikl: 9:45 -- Morning service and Huly Communion. (Harvest Festival, Oct. 2nd.) Thursday, Sept. 29th -- St. Michael and All Angels--10 s.m. Holy Communion; 8 p.m.--Bible Class. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Choir Leader--Mrs. Martyn Organist: Mrs. H. Johnson. There will be no session of the S. S. on Sunday. Instead there will be s united "Rally Day" ser- vice in which the scholars of the school will participate, The printed program of the church will be fofiowed. (There will be s practice in the musical items of the program at the home of Mrs. Martyn on Friday next.) Mr. Loucks will lead in the service, snd the minister will give the address on "Reverence." Parents snd friends are especi- ally invited tu be present. Thought for the week: Build- ers together with God. "Let us build up the walls." "If every member were just like me, What kind of s Sunday School would our Sunday School be I" The lights are bad, the streets s mess, But do you vote? Your indignation you express, But do you vote? You say that bosses rule the show, That graft is reaching high and low, And doubtless, all you ssy is so, But do you vote? The Canadian Girls in Train- ing will meet in )Vest Vancouver United Church on Friday night, September 25th, at 7 p.m. All girls from 12 to 17 years of sge are cordially invited. The annual harvest 'At Home'ill be held in the Parish Ilail at 8 p.m. Monday, September 26th. An interesting program hss been planned. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to slh Come and enjoy your- self. You growl at rotten politics, But do you vote T You howl at bosses snd their tricks', But do you vote& You rant, 0 Decent Citizen IVe've heard you, time and time again, We want things run by business men, But do you vote? Unless you do, (I wonder,& do, you?) You'e got just what is coming to you. -- (New England Craftsman) CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH Baptist Church St. Stephen's Sunday School secutwd 3rd place in the first day of the Annual Greater Vancou- ver Sunday School Sports meet at Brockton Point last Saturday. Iiene Smsliwood secured one flrst snd E. Smsllwood one third pince; Bub Timbrell one first; R. Lester one second, one third; Bill Barker one second, one third; Ted Clegg one second; V. Brscewell, V. Gsmsge snd J. Murray each s third In their re- spective events. Final meet st Brockton Point, Saturday, 2 p.m. The Ladies'adminton Club of St. Stephen's Church held their first annual meeting in the Parish Hall on Monday, Septem- ber 18th, with s membership of sixteen, when the following of- ficers were elected: Honorary President--Mrs. F. A. Ramsey. President--Mrs. A. G. East- man. Secretary--Mrs. E. A. Ford. Captain--Mrs F Powell The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches snd sociei(es on Sun- day will be "REALITY." One of the Bible extracts will be from Proverbs 4: 7: "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with sll thy getting get understanding." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 505 of "Science snd Health with Key to the Scrip- tures«by hlary Baker Eddy: "Spirit imparts the understand- ing which uplifts consciousness snd leads into sil truth." Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Sunday, Sept. 25. Sunday School Rally Day Ser- vices snd Harvest Thanksgiving 10 a.m.--Open session of the Sunday School. Special program. 11 a.m.--hIorning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic: "The Faithfulness of God.u There will be special singing snd old time harvest hymns. What shall I render unto the Lord for sll His benefits to- wards me? 7.30 p.m.--Evening worship. "The Parable of the Sower." If you are not attending else- where come and meet with us. Wednesday 8 p.m.--Prayer, Praise and Bible Study. Thursday 8 p.m.--Choir p!nc- tice. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. The Young People's Society will re-commence their Fall ses- sions, Monday, October 3rd. Guest: «hfsy I introduce my friend. hir. Jones, who hss just returned from a holiday in the Canary Islands?« Hostess: "So pleased to see you, Mr. Jones. I do hope you will give us 0 song." "Did the doctor know what yos hsd 'I" "Hs seemed io hsvs s pretty soss- rate idea. Hs asked for $ 10 snd I bsd $ 11." LEGION IV. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to Canadian Legion will be held Monday, September 26th, at 2:15 p.m. in the Legion Hail. As there is very import- ant business to discuss, wiil every member please make s special effort to attend. Established an North Shore 2D Yssra (Lady Assisisni) HARRON BROS. (k WILLIAMSON guIIerailjttfrertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 WEST VAN. "Y« Miss E. Hibberd wfil be the delegate of this organization at the forty-ninth annual conven- tion of the British Columbia Women's Christian Temperance Union being held in Chilliwsck, from September 20 to 23. hfrs. Fischbscher, Superinten- dent of Sailors, Lumbermen snd Miners Department of the W. C. T.U., will speak on her recent trip to Switzerland, snd the temperance missionary work of that country st the next "YU meeting, Tuesday, October 4th, at 8 p.m, A free-will oifering will be taken for her department. Young women interested are cordially invited. Keep this evenring free for the UY." WEST VANCOUVER CHORAI. SOCIETY The first rehearsal of the sea- son took place at the Legion Hall on Monday, September 19th. The practice altogether wss s very successful opening for the season. Prior tu the rehearsal, Mr. Aubrey Clark, the president, in- truduced several new members, whu received 0 hearty welcome from all sections of the choir, snd it is anticipated that during the next few practices there will be a very much increased mem- bership. Ladies snd gentlemen wishing to sffiliste with the society are asked tu send their request to the President ur to any of the members, when their applica- tion will be duly considered by the executive. Sullivan's "Golden Legend" is to receive the attention of the suciety for the first concert which hss met with the approval of all members. Rehearsals every Monday night st the Iwgion Ha!I from 8 to 10 p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: Clschsn Hotel Sunday, Sept. 18th, 9 s.m.--Holy Mass, sermon. 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 3 p.m.--Rosary, benediction. WEEK DAYS 7:30 s.m.--Holy Mass. Friday--7:30 p.m., Devotions, confessions. Saturday--7:30 p.m., confes- s(ons (adults). THE West Van Nevus Psblishsd Every Thursday Vsbiisbsr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssissss ami Editorial Ogtsss Ifib ssd Msrias Drive (Next io HoUybora P.O.) Phone West 363 bfsU Addrssss P.O. Box 01, HoUybsrs, IL C. North Vancouver Officei 123 Lonsdsle Ave. $ 1.00 s year by carriers $2.00 s year by smiL WEST VANCOUVER SCOTI'ISH SOCIETY A most enjoyable evening wss spent at the Clschan on I"ridsy, the 16th, by s large snd apprecl- strive audience, when Wm. R. Dunlop, F.R.G.S., gave sn ad- dress on Sir Walter Scott snd the outstanding men of that time. During the evening songs of this period were rendered by Mrs. Rivers and Messrs. Lowdon snd McGechsn. Miss Frame act. cd as accompanist st the piano, I.O.D.E. TO I'RESENT PRIZES The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. will present the prizes which they give each year to the pupils ranking highest in the Entrance and Matriculation Fx- amination on I"ridgy, September 23rd, at 3 o'lock, in the Audi- torium of the Inglewood High School. % ntemb«r 22 I!)$2 III.Marjory hfccubbin DENTIST Hours: 0 s. m. to 0 p. sx Saturdays; 10 s. m. to I p. m. Ersnisgs snd Saturday After- noons by spsoinimsst only. Royal Bask Building I'boss West 410 RE»id«ass I'boss Weel SDL DR. G. D. JL SE»4 LE DENTIST ~ Hsy Blo»k. lith snd bisriss Dr. Ogle« iiosrs 0 io 0 p.m. Evenings by sppoisimssi. Phono Wssi TD MISS FRAME ""yNgs Piauoforfff Moderate Is»ms. R»sidsnss Phone West 46TLS HOLIYBURN Barber Shop 16th a Marine EXPERT SBRV ICE IL biARSH, Proyrisior. l~ FOR BEAUTY'S SAKE- A USTI N'S ENGI,ISH TOILETRIES P«r S«S»Os»I IS W »»l»«« Itx S»msl ~ R G. GROOM. Rep. West Vsa. 2541 Msrins Dd»s Pboss West 451 R3 TUORTH bHORF BODY RAI '1 DELAY IN BRIDGE REPAIRS A resolution asking for defin- ite information on when the Second Narrows bridge will be repaired, wss adopted by the North Vancouver Women's Con- servative Association Thursday. The resolution recited that the organization is "disgusted with the intolerable indifference" re- gsrdmg the bridge situation and the recent statement by hfsyor E, H. Bridgmsn, receiver, thxt an announcement would be made in ten days. The "teeny pro- position hss been s stock state- ment for the past six months," the resolution states. Two old-fashioned ladies were discussing the modern genera- tion. Yes, said one, Ireallydont know what the world is coming to--women practically masquer- ading as men.« "Yes,«chirped the other, "and the worst of it is, everybody is suspected, too! IVhy, only the other day I gut s letter address- ed 'Dear Sir or Madam'." ONSDAL NOW PLAVINO NE'IVS Fssisrs Ns, I "THE SKY BRIDE" Fssiscs Ns. 2 This Reckless Age GUEST NIGHT THURS, A'N Y Ai&UI T rss b»lsg Is s frl»» I Islil!S»» I!W!» EU»»t. Egr ss elves sws» TUEL m «sl sssw ~»S«w» ES»«» MUNI..'I'I'I'bt Ivgis. Ns. I 'Tliis IS THE NIGHT'sd Ns. 2-- «Tii R STRU()GI,R« piss»»ss essqed "npisnTIN(l siss!Is" »I,IIVF. MR Tss.'iluirP'nsiine FI.ATIinnn "AnnuwssiITII" "UA IL I I V AI" i i ( » L I