0001 (' I lg37 r3,1 A Weekly Newspaper Cf'rculati yfg iyJ the District of WfJt Vamou7jcr-AmblcsiCk, Hollyburn, Wcjton, Dundara716 81.00 per year. CyPrns Park, Caulfeild, W/iyteclgj, Etc. 5e per copy st newsstands. Vol. VII SIX PAGES 1 Igr. I I '3883 c hir. open. >lvg iisz a a. for roars; »gher ss for r hlr. I new these piper eport- Papils thess Pric@l isciag iut ss hady atlas. I Scy. csals- reeve, f iicipal rclme Itgags acli of zsrrrrzi Pacige a ilgs i elicit Orpsiz. lE rrst I ltg r OU ) Vczr HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1932 SCHOOI. BOARD NOTES Several apphcstions were re- ceived asking that exemption be given from the charge of 85.00 per month for High School pupils over seventeen years of age. The Secretary was directed to send sll concerned a copy of the following notice: "When the decision was reach- ed by the School Board to charge a fee for High School pupils who had reached the age of seventeen, it was pro- vided that exceptions woukl be made in cases where it was considered justified. Applications for exemption from this fee will be entertain. ed where the parent is on re- lief or is in similarly distress- ed circumstances, and the Board is satisfsxi that the previous progress snd applica- tion of the pupil is such as to merit special consideration." It was decided that no dele- gates be sent to the B. C. School Trustees'onvention being held at Kelowna commencing Septem- ber 19th. A letter was received from the Superintendent of Education commending the Board on its stand that all High School pupils should not be expected to take the regular Junior hfatriculation course and that alternatives should be made available to pupils who do not intend to fol- low any of the professions for ivhich, Junior Mshrrirnlstion is required. PAY YOUR TAXES There appears in this issue an oifirisl no',ice from the municipal clerk, speaking for thc council, that on 1st October an amount of five per cent will bs adilcd to the unpaid 1932 taxes due from ratepayers. This is in accordance with the Provincial Statute, and the council have no option in the matter. There are some, of course, who due to the present depres- sion, find themselves unfortunately in a position where it is quite impassible to meet their tsx bills, but to those who are financially able we cannot too strongly urge the necessity of their doing so. For them it is scarcely toa much to say that it is a duty they owe to their fellow men in three days of stress. It is true that West Vancouver is one of the few dis- tricts in the province which has not increased its mill rate, this in spite of reduced grants from the government, the larger payments for social services, and, most important of all, thc costs of providing for the unemployed. It is also s fact that the municipality has made more progress and possesses hetter prospects than probably any other in B. C. At the same time this eminently satisfactory conditiou of aifairs cannot continue unless the payment of taxes is main- tained, for taxes are the main source of revenue of every municipality. Without them our council can do little, and a serious decrease in the amount paid in for taxes can only result in West Vancouver ss in any other district in a rise in the mill rate next year. IVe do not believe that the proportion of the tax levy actually paid this year will render any such course obligatory in 1933, but we do urge everyone financially able to remember the added necessity of meeting their tax bills at this time in view of the extra costs placed on the municipality as a result of the existing depression. Sidney Desmond Who plays the Part of Benny Ketchum in the West Vancou- ver Community's Production of "A Lucky Break." A I.UCKY BREAK," NEXT WEEK, HOI.I.YBURN TREATRE Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, September 27th and 28th, are the days that West Vancouver has been waiting for --when the IVest Vancouver Community Players will appear in their latest production, "A Lucky Break." This modern play, written by Zelda Sears, is s farce comedy and took New York by storm, running for two entire years and 'proving con- clusively its popularity, so West Vancouver has a real treat in store for them. The scene is laid in a hotel at Matasquam, 3 hours'ide from New York, and the action cen- ters around this hotel, its owner, servants and numerous and very eccentric guests. Very many a- musing and unexpected things happen in hotels and they all seem to happen in this hotel, with the result that the audi- ence is kept in peels of laughter from start to finish. The cast, an enlarged and not- ably brilliant one, has been care- fully chosen, and each member developes in a most artistic way the humor and pathos of their particular role. "A Lucky Break" is produced under the direction of Mr. Guy Desmond who had a very brilli- ant career as producer and actor in England, the United States and Canada. hIr. Desmond will also take the leading role of Mr. Bruce, the milhonaire. The musical part of the per- formance is in charge of the hic- Intyre Quartette and will consist of selections from the Marriage of Figaro, La Tosca and the Mi- kado. This delightful music in the capable hands of the hicin- tyre Quartette, will add greatly to the pleasure of both evenings. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., is pleased to be as- sociated with the I'layers'lub in this production and would rec- ommend that any who have not already secured their tickets, do so at once, from any member of either organization, at 50c. It Is only occasionally that West Vancouver has the oppor- tunity of enjoying a real stage production and as this particular one is put on entirely by local artists, it makes it an event doubly interesting to everyone in tha municipality. The accom- modation is limited so secuiw your tickets early. THE KIDD COMMISSION Nothing in recent years, not even the depression, has caused such a fury of comment as has the report of the Kidd Commission. ~t the hack af sll the nrnterrjs is the realization that there will have to be some drastic cutting somewher, and the diiferent protesters hope, if they protest loud enough, to escape the shears which they feel are too close to their heads to be comfortable. Our pioneer forefathers were sturdy independent farmers and lumbermen who asked for little but a grant of land and the health to clear it for s home. They stood on their own feet, and neither asked nor expected the assistance of govern- ments in their undertakings. All this has been changed in recent years during which we Canadians have become largely "pap-fed." Our first thought in starting anything that could by the greatest stretch of imagination be considered for the benefit of the public has been to run to the government for as much help as they could be forced or cadjoled into giving us. Again, most of us have lived our adult years in the era of extravagance that set in throughout Canada with the twentieth century. Money came easy in those boom years of the West, and we spent it recklessly and mortgaged our future to an alarming extent in both public and private undertakings. We fell away from the simple lives of our forefathers and developed expensive and extravagant habits of living. 0 Today we are faced with the pyramided costs. We blamethe War, of course, but it had nothing more to do with it than bringing the dsy of reckoning upon us now instead of possibly ten years hence. Some of us of B. C. may aifect to scorn the findings of the Kidd Commission and their proposed solutions for cutting our expenses. But the investing public of Canada and Great Britain and the United States are not doing so. Instead, they are taking the report of the Commission very seriously as coming from men outstanding in the financial world. The investment markets of Toronto and Montreal, of New York and London, are not interested in how we balance our budget, but they will expect us henceforth to balance it, and, until we do so, it is a foregone conclusion they will neither buy any new provincial bonds issued oi any renewals of old ones. Of that there ls no doubt whatsoever. THE PACIFIC AUTOhlATIC fuel occurs, and, when the house 0 Oil, BURNER is suii'iciently warm, the burner automatically shuts oiL The Pacific Automatic Oil It is the only burnermanufac- burner, put on the market by the tured in B. C. to be awarded the pacific Oil Burners Ltd., ls spec- protection of the Board of Und- islly constructed for the require- erwriters because It is safe,o the uel bill, and men s ot I this province, and has saves money on t e fuis silent. behind It the exPerience of eng- Anyone interested in this [nacre who have b n 17 years burner is asked"to see It. J, H2 in the oil burner industry. No son, the special IVest Vancouver householder need go into the representative, at the Ambleside basement to start a Pacific Oil Sheet hietal Works, 1446 Marine burner. All he has to do is to Drive. or phone him at West 78. touch s thermostat button up- The inquirer is not obligated in stairs snd the furnace is lighted. any way. The heat is also regulated from An advertisement relative ta there, no unnecessary waste of this appears in this issue. The many fnends of Mr and hire. H. Lang, 3074 Procter Ave., will be pleased to hear that Billy Iong, who has been critically ill in the North Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital, is now slowly re- covering. SWIMhIING GALAS OV OCTOBER I & 8 Entry forms are now in the hands of the principals of schools for competition in the 4th Annu- al School Galas. All principals are reminded that entries must be forwarded to Col. Graham on the 26th September. It is hoped that West Vancou- ver will make as splendid a showing this year as they did last year, when Pauline Johnson School, in competition with 72 other schools of the Lower hiain- land secured a B. C. Relay Cham- pionship trophy and also the cup donated by the Crystal Pool for the school having the highest aggregate points. There will be more about this in the next issue THE SILEVT GLOW Oil. Bl.'REER D. A. Keith has been appoint- ed the sole agent in West Van- couver for the Silent Glow Oil Burner, which is the neirest method of heating the home. This burner is recommended by the Good Housekeeping maga- sine and the Canadian Home Journal, and carries the approval of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Further details can be obtained by calling at 1744 Marine Drive or phoning 'IVest 141. An advertisement rel- ative to this appears in this is- sue. SCOUT iVOTES The Canadian Legion Troop of Boy Scouts has resumed its ac- tivities for the winter. It plans to meet every Thursday st 7:16 p,m., in the Legion Hall, 18th aiid hlsrine Drive. We can all live, If we live and let live. COUNCIL NOTES A letter was received by the council from the District of North Vancouver in reference to ferry franchises sought by the latter. The council replied that they would much prefer to see the Second Narrows bridge repaired and in operation, and would be glad to do everything possible to assist in bringing this abouk If, however, that course wss found to be impracticable they would then have no objection to a ferry franchise, such as that the district was seeking, in oper- ation. Gwendoline Gray applied to the council re sidewalk, 26th to 31st Stmets. Referred to the chairman of the board of works and the eng- ineer with power to act The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Miss J. M. Railton's appli- cation re trail along Wolseley Street, D.L. 430, Block 81, Lot 41. That the estimated cost woukl be $68.00. No action. 2. J. Jr B. Brockbank's appli- cation re access to Lot 53, D.I 556. Work approved under, the Un- employment Scheme. Th offer of hfcDennid. Miller fr hfcDermid Limited, dated Sep- tember 6th, re exchange of f10; 000 Province of British Colum- bia Guaranteed C.N.P. stock, 4Gr due 1950, for a similar amount of Dominion of Canada,4M Con- solidated Debenture stock was refenwd by the couucil to the chairman of finance with power to act; and that the exchange of a further f1,100 Dominion of Canada 4% Consolidated Deben-ture stock be also negotiated atthe same time if practicable. The council ordered that-$2;- 500 be transferred from theFerry Account to the General Saiqngs Account. ADDRESS AND SLIDES AT HOLLYBURV HALf. Next Sunday, 25th instant. John Walhce will give an ad- dress at 7:30 p.m. in Hollyburn Hall. taking as his subject "A question that must be answer-ed." There will be a series of lantern slides shown st Holly- burn Hafi next Tuesday, 27th instant. at 8 p.m.. the subject being "The Gospel in the Ishind of Santa Domingo." hir. Ian Rathie will be the speaker. Both are forceful speakers, and all interested are invited to these services. DANCINCr AT HOLI,YBIrILV lr AVILION There is dancing at the Holly- burn Paidlion at 9 p.m. evenr Saturday evening during the fall and winter season. Admisruon to these dances is 50 cents, but be- fore 9:30 p.m. everybody is ad- mitted at the bargain price of 25 cents each. Special Pacific Stages for Pav- ilion patrons only leave North Vancouver at 8i&0 p.m. and the Hollyburn Pavilian at 12 mid- night, a special fare of 20 cents return only being charged. See advertisement in this issue.