0001 u e. rrr w.vr cr I err \r * ~ cevs s ranrr m Vsl vm'sn r' rr r4 ~ tk'.' i e ~'e-esrv' sms'vi~,rac'- ~ e-uqc" 'i '0 I ' & r .t ~ ir irvisic' 'r v 'vnc r v'v: rvv'v c tN' il ~ rl'e ~ rr r r'c 'v l ~ re'r '*vrr rer rr.rwv wrrrr rrrri « v %rrrrrr' -'rrr . rrrr re~ prr r rrrr™rrr~ rr.rrrr *red ~rrr 1 I September 8, 1982. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS THE WEST VAN NEWS Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE'STORES Why Pay More? SPECIAL Government Inspected Only I Store at Hollyburn, next Then(reDundarave 2'tm '„',""„'„'," SPECIAL SALE- Fri Ambleside„,'," '„.„„," & Sat., Sept. 9 & 10 I UMBEIU sABH 8 DDDRB For n 4-Rssm Cottage I.INIJI INSIDB Price Deliveg'ed 'S ZOO.OO PHONE WEST 3 I DATES--Nice nen»tock 2 lbs. Isc (ILN('Eli SNAI'8 (.'vlsp snd fresh .8 duten 13c KING OSCAk SARDINES lmvgs tins 2 tins 23c A P k I COT 8 --Colnmbis Choice, Nm 2 tin ..... 13c KKLLO(iG'S I'El' Bran Vlskcs I'cv packet .......... I I c GOLDVN SYkUI'. Rogers' Itx tin........ Isc Rcd (I Vl hits CHll.l SAU('E 1( st. bottles ... 20c TEA--Ksdsns. Snc Zsvuv pcr Its ................. 29e COFFEE-- Freshly gvsnnd I'cv Ilx ....., ...., .... 29c I'OkK is BEANS--Aylmsc 15 ss. tins .. 2 tins 15c CRUSHED PII'EAPPI.E Fiji Island, large znl tin. Iec CLA31 CHOIV DE~Aylmcv I'cc tin.................. Iec Rcd Jt lvhitc Sl'I(.'ES AB kinds ..... 2 tins 13c Red 8 White sv Nabob COVVEE pcs lb. Sec FANCY BAltTLEVT I'EARS Firm; large siss. Nice rsv preserving or stcning, 8 lbs. 23« Bsx ........................ 95c PACIFIC MILK--100% IL G Pmdsct. tsk tin ...IO Baby tin .... ..... 5 I'l c BOYRIL CORNED BEEF 2 tins 23c BAKERY SPECIALE SERl'US BREAII--Thc Big 2( st. Band-made Lssf.... sc CINNAMON ROLLS Pev dstcn ....... Iec Red dt lrhite I.IGBT VkUIT C 4 K B, pcv Rx .... ...... . 2(c Rcd R White MADEIRA CAKE 2(c ORANGES Nice medium sits 2 dstcn (9c LU BE R~ ~ ~ e'IFTOUR I'RICES ON FENCING Septic Tunku Cupboard Doors and Drawers Everything for the Building nnd Lumber Products -- Ssnh, Doors, Itoofing. Building I'aper Lamatco, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Etc. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD Phone West 115 Res. I'hone West 3681. 15th and hlsrine AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. "Iught Service -- Right Grades" THE SIXTEENTH FALI. EXHIBITION 18th snd Mscins Drive Phone West 199. After 5 p.m. snd hslldsys ssk for W. JENVEY, I'hone West 180k GRAPE FRUIT California Seedless .. 1 Isr Isc RAISINS Australian Snltsnss .Z lbe. 25c The Sixteenth Fall Exhibition to be held by the Wes! Vancouver Horticultural and Agricultural Society will take place next Saturday, 10th instant, in Dundarave Hall from 2:30 to 10 p.m. The list includes classes in fiowers, fruit, all kinds of vegetables, domestic science, including bread, cake, pastry, bottled fruit, jams and jellies, needlework, a thrift class, also s prize for vegetables. In addition a special class for a bowl of roses arranged for eifect with a first and second prize has been added to the original list. The directors have gone to s very considerable amount of trouble in arranging for the show, and it is hoped that the residents of West Vancouver will recognize these elforts, as in former years, by sending in their entries and attending!o view the exhibits in Dundarave Hall on Saturday of this week. I,EGION W. A. P. C. Gibbens dt Co., dated Aug- ust 11th, making application for The W. e. of ihe Canadian proportion of fire insurance on ( Legion held their second birth- school properties. It wss decided dsy party last Saturday evening that no further action be taken when a very enjoyable time was at this time in regard to'any had. change in fire insurance arrange- During the evening solos were ments until it could be seen what sung by Mrs. Gleam and Mrs. conclusions sre reached by the Rivers, Mr. Froud and iklrs. Sid Committee of the B. C. School Desmond, which were very much Trustees'ssociation on some appreciated. Mrs. Phillips won form of mutual tire insurance the first prize for whist and Mr. protection. Irwin won first gentlemen'; the It was resolved that Trustee consolation prizes going to Mr. W. N. McDonald be appointed Frond and Mr. Littleford. representative of this Board on About eighty sat down to sup- the Committee of the Greater pcr. The tables and dining Vancouver and New IVestmjtt- room were beautifully decorated ster Branch of the B. C. School with jlowers and the birthday Trustees'ssociation to enquire cake was cut by Mrs. G. E. Bal- into the matter of mutual fire in- field. The lucky number for the surance, jardiniere and fern was drawn for and was won by Mrs. For- The Secretary reported that sythe with ticket No. 79. The only six applications had been evening was concluded with received for Senior Matriculation dancing. class. It was resolved that ir. A District Council meeting view of the small registration, will be held on Friday the 9th no Senior Matriculation class be instant at 2 o'lock in the Can- held this year, and these appli- adian Legion rooms, 866 Sey- cants notified accordingly. mour Street. All members are cordially invited to attend. Tenders were opened from the fallowing on supply of coal: SCHOOI. BOARD NOTES Black dt Searle: Nanaimo-Wel. lington lump, $9.70 per ton; Moved snd seconded that Douglas lump, $9.00 per ton. High School pupils who have Jas. Thomson: Nansimo-Wej- passcd their seventeenth birth- lington lump, $9.70 per ton. day will be required to pay $5 0 liobb Transfer: Nanaimo-IVel- per month for High School tu jington lump, $10.00 per ton i i!ion for the school year corn Douglas lump, $9.26 per ton. mcncing September 1st, 1932, of the Principal, based on lhe b«ordered for immediate deliv- school record and application ery and the remainder as re- shown b the u il. quired, the order to be dividedequally between Black & Searle 8 It wan resolved that fee for and Jas. Thomson. high school students over the age of seventeen be $60.00 pcr It wss resolved that the annum instead of $75.00. Chairman of Ground» Commit- tee be authorized to arrange fur A letter was read from the replacement of signal halyard» Gypsum, Lime dt Alabastine Cu., on the tlag pole at Inglewood an~ enclosing draft of agreement Dundarave Schools. covering the purchase of 15VI tons of elnsulex" to be placed in the Hollyburn School snd An- nex. It was resolved that the VERNON the Chajrmm.and Secretary be A C SEARLE I'~ W 19 authorized to sign agreement ac- cordingly, snd that the work be carried out under the supervis- FeriHizers W~ ion of the Chalnnan of Building Committee. Builders'upplies A letter wse read frum Messrs Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE i 3e ALBERTA CREAMERY BUTTER bulbs. for 69c SATURDAY ONLY NO PhOne Or C.O.D. fOr this SPecial Sold with jkleBt Orders Only ROASTING GHICKENS 23c R 25c lb. FRESH KILLED GOTTAGE ROLL (No Bone, NowBste) 14c lb. No. 1 Steer Beef PORK BOILING REEF dig I LEGS (Fores) BONELESS STEWING di P BUTTB hHNCED STEAK dlL PORK STEAK POT ROAsT 1 PC ~lb. No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter 31bs. 72c I PORK SAUSA('Eb 2Plb................--.----.------" (,'AhIBRID( E SAUSAGh 253 lbs. FRESH I.IVER 1Plb. 'oTTA(IE cHEEsE 25C... 2 lbs. ( ONTARIO CHEESE 2PClb. PURE BEEF DRIPI'IN(,', 2 lbs.....l 5c 12c Locd Milk Fed ROUND BONE ROAST q g VEALlb............. 8 ~c STEWING X RIB ROAST g ts jb 1 PC ib. .. ........... 8 6C 1 8 ' I lb..„......"..'..'.......1 5 III 1 Sc EAT B. C. LAMB 25 "'" ""'"'2"" 22C3 Ibs............................. lb. " --..-..-""- " l2C lb........................-...--- SHOUI.DERS S dhl, I DIN, Aa cut dhn I SHOULDER 19lb.......................l C i2C lb............................,.... CUC I Rolled, no bone, lb............. C Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver Get the habit of Shopping in the "Progressive Block" of West Van All Government Inspected-NOr1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.OIL Only ALL 1IIEATS ARE FRESH---NO FROZEN MEATS