0001 )t g i , J. W. KELLY PI West 37 G. GEMMILL. ASen( I 4 i&R- isg'I" AR Change of Schedule PACIFIC STAGE LINES Effective Sept. 7th Time Tables now available. Services ie Harrison Hot Springs, Crescent Beach sod Boundary Bxy discontinued. Edward Mahon climbed Holly- burn Ridge last Thursday by way of the new 16th Street trail to the ski camp, where hc spent the night after viewing his prop- erty on the Ridge. He returned by the same route next day, reaching the city none the worse for his long trip in spite of his 71 years. This is the first time Mr. Mahon has seen his proper- ty for twenty years. "No, sir," said the defendant, "I was certainly not drunk, though I may have been intoxi- cated." 'SVcll," replied the magistrate "I had intended fining you twen- ty shillings--after your explan- ation, I'l make it a pound." CURREiNT EVENTS CI.UII Rcsiilcnts of )Vest Vancouver will be pleased to hear that a Current Events Club will be formed here shortly, similar to the Clubs carried on in Vancou- ver for the past several years under the leadership of Mrs. J. Stuart Jamieson, Juvenile Court Judge of Burnaby. In West Vancouver the Club will ofFer seven lectures on World Events and International Relations, to l&e given by Mrs. Jamieson, beginning Wednesday September 14th, at 3:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. W. B. Small, 2047 Fulton St. The Club will be open to all who are interested in Current Events. For further information phone the Secretary Mrs. Bernard Hayes, West 318L1. Those who have heard Airs. Jamieson lecture will real- ize that this is a splendid op- portunity to become informed on World Events and to obtain a broader outlook upon inter- national affairs. During the storm last night the lights on the Waterfront were put out by the lightning between 21st and 22nd Streets. ( ~ )I ( ibl ~ ~ i ci ) ln2 I I September 8, 1932. 4" ,, Clearin I ( THE WEST VAN NEWS I'IIOI'ONED CRI('.KET MATCH Provided sufficient support can be obtairied for the idea, it is proposed that West Vancouver challenge North Vancouver to 0 game of cricket, to be played in North Vancouver, on Saturday, September 17th, for possession of the "McClelland Cup," at present held by North Vancou- ver. As there are a large number of good cricketers resident in the Municipality of West Van- couver it is hoped that suifici- ent support will be forthcoming to enable West Vancouver to field a really strong team..Those int- erested are asked to communi- cate with Capt. B. W. Markham, West 23-R-3, or with Major A. M. Laster, West 63-R-3. PURNISHED AND UNFURN&SHED Houses io Rent. Houses, lots, aad acreage for sale. John Lswxee, 17&b xxd Mxrtoe, Phone Wert 55. i&ADIOS REPAIRED. Tabes Texixd, 7 Tube Electric Set only 536.00. Wiring, Ranges, Repairs, Piogx ia- stalled. North Shore Electric, 1420 Marine. West 01. FOR RENT--51500 fuer roon fera- ixhed cottage, iyext Bxy, semi- waterfront, piano, fail plumbing. Phone West 3&SRS. WANTED -- Re&ixbie ')cornea for Spire&is work. Wriie or phone btr. F.. SL Hxy, Devonshire HoieL N()T&CE TO BAN~amp P&x&eru'e be hm& fr~ C. A Bmderhk, Photo Finisher, 1430 Sfariee Drive. BOARD AND ROO&i-- Axxnsb&e ie good home between HoSyhcre xed High Sxhoei Apply Box Si West )sa News. I'OR RILNT--A ikiiie. 3 &arse remms modern, furnished or eafera&xbmL iyxxt 100. 1'OR RENT -- Wxierfreai eee xmi x he&f blacks from ferry, 6 rooms, sueroem, bathroom. Apply 1630 Argyle Ave. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WBAR B i&ST -- Deadarave. )VEST VAiq. ATHLETES STAR AT MISSION At the Caledonian Sports held at Afission on Labor Day, Jack Watt and Art MacAulay made the trip up to compete in the Field events. Macaulay romped home a win- ner in the half mile anil also in the two mile race. There were quite a number of Vancouver City Junior Olympic boys in at- tendance besides the two local boys. The track was not so good as it might have been but some very enjoyable events were run oiF. There wss only one sprint of 100 yards and Stan Barrett of Vancouver wes first in this with Collier of New Westminster 2nd, and Nsylor of Vancouver 3rd. tVatt was a close 4th which is quite creditable considering the fact that there were no less than twelve in this race. There were siso twelve enter- ed in the half mile and much credit is due to the ability of Macaulay to place first in a field of this size. On Saturday next the girls are to compete at South Vancouver, and those who intend to go should get in touch with Mr. Wardlaw of North Vancouver, who will be in charge of arrange- ments. The season is drawing to 0 close as far as Field Events are concerned and a most successful start has been made to secure for the future a place for the youth of the municipality in the athletic sports of the province. 7;ic Reeve and Council have not been slow zo hi.ip the good work by improving the Amtlesidc Park, and doibtlcss son c moic rc&essary worx wii bi. done on that field before next spring. Graham I3aking Powder iNut Bread 3 cups graham flour 1 cup white flour &/q cup sugar I teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 2 '3 cups milk I egg I cup nut meats AI&x and sift dry mgrcdients; ndd milk, well beaten egg and nut meats. Mix thoroughly, put into greased bread pan, let stand 26 minutes in a warm place. Rake about 60 minutes or until rlone. FOR RENT Aiirxciive imexe ie beautiful gardens on Waterfront. Phone West SZRL HEADGUARTERS fer AB ihe Pop- ular Cigarettes. Tobaccee, eed Pish- iog Gadgets for level waters. Am- b&u)de Tea Rooms. 1'R&VA'1'E HO.')1E will furs&eh ream. board if desired. Bex 24, West Vxe News. FOR PLUhtBL&4G REPAIRS -- Ree- k&eace Phoae West 241&L WANT TO i&ENT -- la Dexdxmve Crom October during the wioier. s furnished bus&&slow or cottage, 3 ie 0 roams, full plumbing. Apply by letter giving fuB information xboui house, number of rooms, prtce, hind of furniture, eic„ ie Box 50, West Vxe News. LAWN 14OWERS SHARPENED-- Experienced with aB makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Rfxehine Shop, 1440 Marine. PAINTING. KALSOki&N&NG, PA- 1'Ek&NG. C. L Keeiegs. West 304R FOR RFNT--3 Ream fer&dxhxd hee»e, reasonable. Phone West S&R. 5&ARCELLE SHOP -- MarceBe, Se cents; reset, 26e: Seger wave, 75c. Phase Sfrs. King, West 304. A Brave Alan The Vicar had a bizarre ex- perience when he went to visit a dying man. He found the man bravely sitting up in bed hold- ing an opened umbrella above his head. The weather was glor- iously fine, and the roof water- proof, so the Vicar sympathe- tically asked him, thinking the man was delirious or wandering, if hc felt a draught. "No, A'm quite comfy," was the reply. "But why the umbrella?" "Weil, the missis has just whitewashed the ceiling, and she doesn't want the drops to go on the bed." Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AiND INSURANCE 1405 Rfxriae Drive Phase &Vest 21 or Seymeer 1240 Eveaiags West 204K GORDON ROBSON Bxmrter Si Sehxi&or WEST VANCOUVER- Oifiee Ne. 1447, hixriae Drive Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- . Suite $1$ ) 5&0 Hastings S&. &v. Phone, Seymour 4&00. Certainly iNot Kindly Lady: "Poor man, and are you married?" Beggar: "Pardon me, madam! Do you think I'd be relying on total strangers for support if I hsd a wife," C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBERCorneredTom: "You are very anxious to see the club succeed?" Jack: "I am, indeed. We can' alford to lose a member." Tom: "You wouldn't want to see me resign?" Jack: "I would do anything in the world to prevent it." Tom: "Then lend mc a couple of guineas to pay my subscrip- tion." 14th and Alanna Expert Work Phone \Vest 136 A No)elmt s Viisdom A man can be too accomplish- ed to accomplish a&k)&hing. Aiany a saint after death de- velops virtues he had not exhib- ited in life. The aluminum seats of racing cars presume too much from the upholstery of nature. All nien apc the slaves of time, except those who know how to waste it. The optimist sees life ax a series of things that go right. The most subtle women are those who can be clever without letting other people know it. The most pleasurable things in life are moderate in price. There is a lot to be said for egotista, but they generally say it for themselves. --Philip Hughes in "A Man of Aianners." The barber's customer was s teacher, but didn't sce why he should tell the world. Accord- ingly, when the barber began the usual cross-examination, he fenced:-- "Times bad, I cuppose, sir?" "Busier than ever." (a pause) "Will you be having any holi- days at (Vhitsun, sir?" "Yes, ten days." (A pause). "Customers keep rolling up. 0li'? "Yes, three hundred waiting on the door-step this morning at five minutes to nine." "Heavens i You must be in the Labor Exchange." By Halves Gwcn, aged six, was chatting with the window cleaner. Alias Curiosity plied him with ques- tions. "And have you any broth- ers or sisters?" shc asked. "Three half-brothers, and two half-sisters," she was told. "Goodness," said G'ivan, "are you the only whole one in your family F'ECHNICAL SCHOOL Parents of boys who wish to attend the Vancouver Tech- nical School during the coming school year should at onim make application in writing to the undersigned. The )Vest Vancouver School Board hss made 0 practice of paying half the annual fcc charged by the Technical School, but no obliga- tion will be assumed this year until it is known how many wish to go to the Tcchnical School. In any case, no allowance will be made on account of pupils who have reached their seventeenth birthday. Teacher (sternly). This casey on "Our Dog" is word for word the same as your brother's. Small boy: Ycs. sir; it's the same dog. CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for Cixxxised Adveriisemeeix ix 2 cesie ser ver&L miaimam 25 ceo&a gacepi ia ihe case ef iixmx bxrixg regular xxceeeix, eB x&ue&- Sedx xre payable strictly is xdvxaxe. Rmaember Ciueisxdx ia ihe Wexi Vxa News gei immediate rexeRL Capilano River Lodger: "What a frightful noise your cat makes l" Landlady: "Yes, ever since he aie the canary hp fancies he cau sing." H. R. GiARLAND. Sccretan . Board of School Trustees.