West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Sep 1932, p. 4

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS I September il, 1931k Rir kNW% '4" ~Fr Frw- 9rr aw ~ FFF cea' IKFw F~r VMCr I F F j r~ \ P rrrFF WF'e% -WF F'F 'w' Fl Fr~rv v NM rvr9r ~ 'r -r vr(r rvrvr vrrv r9 2 -'rF'vvrrrrv'rr vrr v rr vrvr rrrm r~ FVVV vvvv rrvV V I MES. CHA RLES BUBBA'IDGE Teacher of Piano 2309 hiarine Drive will re-commence piano lessons on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1922 Pupils prepared for Associated Board, IJindon, England, and Toronto Consenatory Exsms in Piano. 100% First Class Honors or honors for past four years in Toronto Conservatory exsms. Mrs. F. Knight Hodge will resume lessons in I'IANOFORTE, VIOLIN and THEORY September 12th, Students prepared for Associated Boarcl and Toronto Con servatory Exams. Nineteen Successes this year-.First-class Honors snd Honors Studio:--1332 Duchess Avenue. MAR GARE T McINTYRE Licentiate of the College of Violinists, London, Eng., (late Royal hianchester College of Music) TEACHER OF Violin aaJ Pimio Classes re-open Saturday, September 10th. Studio--2047 Gordon Avenue. Phone IVest 462L. MRS. CLARA WILSON Miss Hilda Wilson, A.T.C.M. PIANO AND THEORY Preparation for Examinations and Recitals. Monthly playing classes for pupils at which History of Music and kindred subjects will be discussed. Class lessons for beginners if desired at very reasonable rates. hirs. Wilson and hiiss Hilda IVflson have just returned from Study with Sigismond Stojowski of New York. STUDIO:--2367 liiarine Drive. Phone West 689X. GUS DAIVSON TO HOLD DANCLVG CLASSES Mr. Gus Dawson, the vrell known Vancouver dancing mas- ter, announces the opening of Saturday morning classes in tap, ballet, and acrobatic dancing. Those who think of becoming members of these classes are asked to enrol at the Legion hfemorial Hall from 10:30 to noon on Saturday the 10th in- stant. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. Scafioped Corn 1-4 cup butter. 1-4 cup flour. 1-2 teaspoon salt. I tablespoon sugar. I pint fresh corn or drained, canned corn. I cup bread cruinbs. 2 tablespoons cream. 11-2 cup milk. Heat the milk in a double boiler. hiix the butter and flour together and add the hot milk, stirring constantly. Then add the corn, salt and sugar. Let come to the boiling point snd turn into 8 baking dish. Cover the top with the bread crumbs, moistened slightly with cream, and bake 15 to 20 min- utes. A tablespoon of butter may be used instead of the cream. Beet Salad Boil 6 beets and chop finely, head of celery, add pepper and salt. Mrs.T. E. Snelgrove Violin and Piano Pupils'uccesses in London Acsde|sy, Trinity College sed Toronto Consavatay. West 210 L Tomato Catsup 6 quarts tomatoes i/F cup brown sugar 3 tablespoons salt Ii/2 tablespoons black pepper 2/2 tablespoon cloves 2 tablespoons cinnamon 1 tablespoon allspice If/4 cups vinegar Remove stems from tomatoes; cut into small pieces. Put all in- gredients together in kettle snd allow to simmer slowly until cooked down to one-half. This will take about four hours. Stir occasionally to keep from burn- ing. Strain and pour into ster- ilized jars and seal. This is 8 highly seasoned sauce suitable for serving on meats or baked beans. Lobster Salad Cut cold boiled lobster into small pieces. Marinate with French dressing; put on lettuce leaves; cover with mayonnaise and garnish with lobster claws, olives, hard-boiled eggs and capers. CURRENT EVENTS CLUB A course of lectures on "World Events and International Relations" by MRS. J. STUART JAM(EBON Judge of the Juvenile Court of Burssby Pirst Lecture-.at Home uf i(ra Small, 2047 Pslfes, on Wwtsesdsy. Sept. 14th, 8.80 p.m. Por information Phone Mrs Bernard Hayes, West 818LI HOLLYBURN THEATRE PR!DAY sist SATURDAY pt. 9th sss 10th THE LOST SQUADRON wiui Richnrd Dix j ~ MONDAY sog TUBS(JAY Sess. (gib ssd igia Carnival Boat with Bill Boyd Matinee every Saturday at 2 p.m. K.W. Savory a i 1413 Marine Drive Ambleside I'hone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance The Safe Way Julia: "Do you think it's un- lucky to postpone 0 wedding7" Frank: "Not if you keep on doing it." WEST VAN WELFARE ASSOCIATION BOOTS snd SHOES -:- MEN'S SUITS und UNDERWEAR CHII.DREN'S CLOTHING Phone West 109 Westminster Chimes... and the AccuraCy or'odern Electric Time ELECTRIC MANTEL CLOCK ' ) (i I EASY TERMS! ~ jNt EVER before hss ii bees possible to oga fucb ~ qssfity clack for less tins fift deliail A gssgzios maveswsf with the cksn golden ioscs of ihs Yfafsiijufa Cbima st ibe qssaer half dins9tvaan ssd hour wiih baurly Brae, Thc hssdiome massive case, asbodyisg fhs simosf in correct acoustics, is isads by Canadian workwwa, B. C. Elairic scores cger you this gssrssiad swdcl far 8)s.is cash. (40 on ianu of 12.$ 0 Jews ssd 8).yf billed mosfhly. Vairosva - Nafb ssd IVaf Vssrssra ~ Nfa iPanwi siar Ffbbsffjsrd Cbilli siab . KFFdosn - Virfsw'4 ~;I:Ilgl17KsfeIR lh1:IP&1RCelgN;eR:P1lgi"I'h~ THE BURNING BUSH light operas which followed, and By Subadsr which at least had 0 more natur- al and vivacious humor and just An English professor hss just. as good music to recommend announced what he is pleased to them. term " a very heartening story of fairly steady progress," the hlOV E TO I'LA('E B. C. said progress being ours from JOBI,ESS ON LAND fish. Hence the epithet "You poor fish" must be the oldest on Demonstrating its willingness earth, for these poor fish from to move in the matter, a signed whom we are said to be descend- agreement containing the basis ed lived some 500 million years of land settlement proposals for ago. Whether or no many of us the unemployed between the will be hcsrtened about this Dominion snd Provincial govi,rn- scoop from the Cambrian epoch ments will be sent to Ottawa l8 doubtful, 8 rise in the stock this week, fully ratified insofar market being much more to the as provincial signatures are Fon- point, but at any rate these ilshv cerned, it was intimated Tuesday ancestors of ours had jaws, so at the Legislative Buildings In like Pollyanna there is always Victoria. something to be glad about. The B. C. ministry can not go personally, I much regret not ahead with the plans on its own being sufficiently up in geology responsibility, and some time tocall theprofessor what I think ago laid its request before the he must be, but I do 8'tate here Dominion authorities for 8 feil- and now that his i» the biggest eral advance of 350,000 to enable fish story I have ever listened to a start to be made in the scheme in respect to the Dominion's We have been reading in sliare of the cost. stories for years of the indePen- Ottawa has already intimated dent American girl, who goes its approval of the principle of alone all over thc place, looking land settlement proposals, as a bandits square in the eye and partial solution of uneniploym«nt hitting in the fifth rib other needs, but so far hss made nu thieving and murderous gentle- direct reply to the B. C. request men from the four corners of the for final decision on the scheme. earth. The average American Meanwhile a large number of woman is, to quote a rather vul- applications have been filed with gar phrase, "tickled ail up the theB.C.Government from those back," at this kind of trash. willing and anxious to go on the more especially those who rage land, if given a modest start. about women's rights at clubs The B. C. plan was prepared by formed for that purpose. As a a joint committee of the prov- matter of fact, the powers that incial and public bodies. be in the out-of-the-way corners of the earth take particular care hlore Schooibo "Howiers"ore 'c oo oy " ow ers" who stroll their way don't go howls where they are likely to get into The nose be ins between thetrouble, for all the world is not eyes and finishes above thelike the U.S., where Probably mouth. It has nostrfis at one women are more kowtowed to en'duand adenoids at'the other.than in any country. Unfort- King AHred the Great wssunstely, some poor little Ameri- lost, so he took refuse in a cot-csn girl--she was only eighteen --has just been brutally mur- p' the Disci les was a tage. &lered in the Swiss mountains, man who coflected +xls.where Probably it was suPPMed Parallel lines sre vanishingto be safe. It is to be hoped lines because you can rub themthat it will put a stop to these outfoolish stories that are so eager- ly devoured by American aml other women nowadays. I be- lieve the courage of the average woman is as great, if not great- er, than that of the average man, but she lacks the physical strength necessary to fight any male who has no qualms about exercising his strength. Only a few weeks ago one of the Kaiser's sons publicly 'an- nounced that before long his re- vered parent would be back in Germany. A few days ago there was a meeting of many Ger- mans, junkers and what have you, who testified in no uncer- tain terms how much they still revered the old gentleman and with this all his brood. They took the op- portunity at the same time to tell the world that they wanted an army and a navy, arsenals, and all the rest of the trappings of the God Mars, whom we have been informed by many paci- fists wss so dead he could never come back to life. Well, he is evidently very much alive, for, however much we may look on these demands as 8 joke, we csn rest assured they are no joke to the Germans, who have never been known to see 0 joke any- way yet. The only unsolved rid- dle in the matter is why they should demand an army and arsenals, when they have them already, disguised in various ways or tucked away out of sight. However, that will doubt- less be made plain before many days sre out. They are having 0 revival in England of the Geisha and other light operas of that period when "you snd I were young, Maggie." Needless to say, they have been ~cl6 very well received, as was only to be expected. The Gilbert and APPLjANCE STORES Sullivan operas have been far overdone. They are steeped in the very prosy atmosphere of the Victorian ers, which was "too good to be true." It is a- bout time we had some of the