0001 A Weekly Newspaper Circulatiysgin the District of West Vancouver-Ambleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave 81.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecitff; Etc. fic per copy at newsstands. +OL Vjl SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, I932 SL jjteg~ fk, to bjitjl ot. 3, sll is laid m«isj osd otiog sdoy, harp, from owod rosh- llleot- lsgh- Sd to meet- fixsl sjz«$. lS'f the I the lt WSS l.tisiog Tais. !¹gios SSSSOS ts psr Tsos. hearty jos to mbom.gx i 33RI 9iL i IIYRR ASSES ie wjR lorn io'jz ssd itsmbsi gordon kosois ;sl goj ',sgjssd dies ss are re zdio or g go¹ S EDUCATION The spotlight turned by the Kidd Commission on the educational costs in the province has caused a furore. These costs have of late years becume so tremendous in proportion to the population that it is a wonder, not that there is a real searching out of hearts about the matter now, but that the subject has not been brought to a head long ago. The money we have been wasting for years on e&~naive schoul buildings, not only in B. C. but throughout Canada, Is simply appalling. Almost every municipality seems to think it incumbent upon it to put up the most sumptuous schools with all the latest improvements known to the building and allied trades. Perfectly good buildings, instead of being added to as the nemj arises, are ruthlessly tom down to make way for something with all the most up-to-date fade. The rule seems to be that the child must be housed in a palace during school hours even if it results in he snd his family having to live in a wooden shack to pay the school taxes. Yet everyone of us knows that line buildings have nothing whatever to do with a fine education. Similarly of late years we have been developing a number of frills in our schools at considerable cost. IVe all know what they are, but on broad lines there hss been a tendency to introduce subjects which are, strictly speaking, more cultural than educational, and which, ss such, should not be taught at the public expense. The one exception, as we see it, is manual training, which would appear to be more necessary in a pioneer province like B. C. than some regular school subjects. The real crux of the dispute is the diiferrnce of opinion as to the value of higher education. The teaching profession generally, while admitting that no amount of education can give s child brains, yet carry on as if the reverse were true .by their continued insistence on the introduction nf this and that new subject or course in the curriculum, Since they are by training and experience specialists in educational matters, no drastic changes should, we think, be made in the curricu- lum of our schools or university without their being first con- sulted. But we submit they are not qualified to judge of the value in after life of education as given at the public or high school or the'niversity. That naturally belongs to the busi- nesd snd proidssiunal world xsfho afterwarfis encounter ur «flf-'lavthe young products of their teaching. I The real crux of the matter is the question of cost. How- ever desirable or otherwise it may be that every child be given the opportunity of a higher education at the public expense, we simply cannot afford it longer. This may not appear such s terrible calamity when it is remembered that a public school education is all that is necessary except in s few professions, at which none can make a living unless they have very much more than average'ability. An adequate number nf scholar- ships from the public to the high school and from the high'chool to the university would ensure that the more brilliant brains among our children would not be lost. A higher educa- tion for the rest is at best a luxury, and may be a disad- vantave in some instances by resulting in their going into walks of life for which they are unfitted, while making them them averse to take up those in which they could succeed. In evert country always some are rising in the scale of life while some are sinking, and, providing that the population of a nation is literate the higher education has little tn do with it. What chiefly counts is natural ability and good home training plus experience of life. Therefore, if, as appears in- evitable, we have to cut some of our higher education costs, it is not going to have the calamitous results which so many seem to fear. 1 WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOLS BAND TO PLAY SUNDAY The IVest Vancouver Schools Band will give a band con- cert next Sunday from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Ambleside Pier. It is to be hoped that our residents will turn out in large numbers on this occasion and show their appreciation of the favorable publicity the band has given the municipality in winning at the Exhibition. The program, which includes two of the com- petition numbers, is as follows: 0 Canada MARCH--Colonel Bogey ....................................................Alford OVERTURE--Twilight.............................................. Newton SERENADE--Night in June .................................... King CONTEST PIECF Rose Festival..................Hughes MARCH--Canadian Patriots ....................................... Hughes WALTZ--Treso Mio MARCH--Officer of the Day ..................................... Hall CONTEST PIFCE--Operatic Echoes ..„,...,...„,........Laurendean WALTZ--Nights of Gladness „.........,..„„..................... Ancjjjj MARCH--Canada ...................................................... Hughes God Save the King. SO('IAI.IST I'ARTY OF IVEST VANCOIIVER IirT.A. CANADA The Socialist party of Canada, The regular meeting of the West Vancouver branch, wfll re- West Vancouver P.-T. A. hss sume their meetings on the sec. been postponed until Tuesday, ond snd fourth Wednesdays of 20th September, at 8 p.m. in the each month, starting next Wed- Pauline Johnson School, when nesday at 8 p.m. in the Legion the m«wting will take the form Memorial Hall. At this meeting of a teachers'ight and A. Ark- there will be a speaker and im- wright of Kerrisdale, will speak portent business will be discuss- on the Kidd report from the ed. point of view of the teachers. MRS. CHAS. ROBERTS WINS THE WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'b BFACH-NAhIING CONST CHORAL SOCIETY FALI. SHOW Mrs. Chas. Roberts'rticle The Choral Society will sw- The Sixteenth Annual Exhibi- giving her reasons for naming sume its activities for the ses- tion of the West Vancouver Hor- the new beach, "Ambleside son next Monday, the 12th inst., ticultural Society will be held on Beach," has been chosen by the intheLegion Hall at 8p.m.when Saturday, September 10th, 1932. adjudicating committee as the a social evening will be spent and in the Dundarave Hall from 2:30 best of the five giving that name the work of the season outlined. to 10 p.m.. and exhibits will be and she has been awarded the A» some of the work to be received from adults only. J.prize of 85.00, studied necessitates double Loutet, M.LA., will oPen theThe following is her articl chorus afi former members sre show at 2 p.m. urged to be present for registrs- bir. G. E. W. Clarke, District My choice is "Ambleside." Ron and a cordial invitation to Horticulturist Most people are familiar with new prospective members is will judge Fruits snd Vegetabl-Ambleside Park and Ambleside given to be present at the social es, Mr. G. Moore, Flowers andpier and if the Beach adjacent meeting tpbecpmescqusinted. Boulevards, and Miss B Dick- The practices this year will be inson an ss u h ennie, held in the Legion HMan EVA L ROBERTS Monday evening at 8 pm There will b a sp ial entryprompt. This will ensure the for Bowl of Roses arranged for Vancpuver comfort of all members during effect for which a first and see-the winter and an enjoyable and ond prize will be given. instructive season is confident- The Secretary will be at the ly anticipated. Hall on Friday evening to receive '+9 The principal work to be und- entries from 7930 p.m. to 9:30 ertaken is 'The Golden Legend" p.m. and any information can adopted from the poem by Long- be obtained from her by phoning fellow and set to music by Sir West 266L. Arthur Sulhvan. This wonder All exhibits to be staged bv ful work hss, so far as we are 10945 s.m. Judging starts at 11 aware, never before been per- a.m. 1 ii V " 1 -" 11 ~ p 1 i ii h ance can be given that the very evening and Mrs. Barnden will keenest enjoyment will be ex- sing. bfiss Frame will be the of- perienced in getting up the work ficial suxnmpanjst. Being of a sacred nature it will The West Vancouver Schoolsbe suitable to be given also in Band wjfi also pQy if fo l one of the Vancouver chnnhes b provided for th m'he Prologue d~pi~t~ the fight provi or t em. ~k, tear down the Golden Cross and Smith's Grocery and VernonBells from the spire of the Stras- Feed Stpnburg Cathedral. Mrs, Eastman The story tells of Prince Gemmill's Drug Store. Ivho plays the part of Mrs. Henry of Hoheneck who, being Mullett in "A Lucky Break." sick in body and mind with an y«FST VANC«H VERincurable disease, is advised that COhIING--'A LUCKY BREAK blood pf a pure maiden uhp he can be cured only by the shall, of her pwn free wjfi, cpn The temporary executive of The West Vancouver Players sent'to die for his sake 'he Welf~ A~jatjnn js nearClub needs no introduction to R . ' ing the end of its endeavors and the citizens of West Vancouver,& mg e n I as 'ust shortly give an account of They are known and admjnd P9xosjbje, Prince Henry give wsy jts stewardship tp the public. At cofiectiveiy and individually, so to desPair and yields to the the end of September the public it will be a delight to afi to hear temPtation of Lucifer. This re- will be given an opporiunity of that they are again going to put suits in Prince Henri being de- attending a meeting to hear n on a play in their own inimit- pr ved o pace and power and ports and judge for itself if the sbM way. This time they are he is driven forth as an outcast. Association is justifying its ex- producing qnite a dijferent type Through the love and devotion istence. of ls, -A Lu'ck Break of Elsie, daughter of one of hisvassals, Prince Henry is miracu- The existing committees havewritten by Z lds Seam, which louojy healed marries Ehle and pn the whole ~ived a ~ran for two seasons in New York ls nato~ to his rightful place deal of en~~ment. with theto crowded houses Each mern- "In the E'pilo~e which is"a ~ional criticism same(~~ber of the cast, which by the 6 t jece pf chpraj helPful and sometimes otherwiseway has been greatly enlarged c the 6 v I f Ei 1 which fall to the lot of all whoby heretofore unknown talenb " ~ t th f give their time to voluntaryis especiafiy chosen for their comp o e coursee o s puMic service.mount«un b mk, ~hick coal snd i really a delightful chamcter fertilizes the arid Plain. I ines the Pnvious fist the fA- study, in itself This alnady ln addition to other music to owing donations have b n n- fsmous farce comedy is being be taken up will be Coleridge ceivT"ylor's "Wedding Feast of Hi- PaperCpjumbia Paper Co. direction of Guy Desmond, who Clothing--hfrs. Holden, Mrs. takes the leading role,--Mr. Bracewell, h(rs. Lennox. Mr. Bruce, the millionaire. Mrs. East- RE& ~ D Al I AN TO HOLD Gemmill. hirs. Jones. Mr. Strick man, whose Mrs. biullins still ELOCUTION CLASS land, Mrs. Nightingale, Mrs. lingers lovingly in our minds, is Lloyd hire Durbin Mrs Jeffer the hotel-keeper, ihirs. biullett, Rev. David A. Allan will hold ios. Mr. Church, St. Anthony' and her daughter, Sybil Chap- a class for gentlemen in elocu- Sujs«jjvjsion, the West Vsn. man, snd then come the guests tion and public speaking at his at the hotel, each one a perfect residence, 1494 Inglewood Ave. Food--Mr. J. D. Efiiott, hire. type,--the scheming mother, The class will start at 8 p. m. Raine. Mr. Walker, Miss Law- with the attractive daughter, tho hionday, 12th September. Son, fairs. biarling, Mrs, Albin, artist, the casual traveller, and bfrs. Gibson, bir. Msclean, bir. the char lady. BAND NiOTES Brown, Mrs. Meglaighlin, Mr. You will be sure to want to Lightly, Mrs. Brine. save either Tuesday or IVednes- Regular practices are again I'uel--ixlrs. A. E. Young, bjr. &lay, September 27th or 28th, to being held by the West Vancou- Howard. see this unusual attraction, so ver School Band. A new class of mark the date on your calendar beginners has been organised OLD TlhlE DANCES now, and be prepared for the and any others wishing to join AT THE CLACHAN ticket sale early next week. The should get in touch with bir. Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. Condon as soon as possible. No An eienjng pf Old D. E., are c«npperatjng with the beginners will be admitted dur- dances with Qjd gjme inuoicPlayers'lub in this production ing the year. will be given at the Clachan atand tickets msy be procured All present members are ask- 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, Septem-from any member of either or- ed tobe at the practice on Satusc ber 17th. The admission will beganization. day morning. 25 cents.