West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Sep 1932, p. 6

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0001 1 h rrerro~ 't u tw t o tiepL 'e'r» redo-ters . ,=Dt w* ~ e,~it ,, vp. tra&Werwt 'we'te tie t tw t'o wee%'rtet'- 'it ~ r»:e'rr lm t eiTet%ttt ~ 'it e'e t re r: e r' ~'rr vtb err row't wrrr r rrrw er~ 'v ~ ~ rr' ererr e-r r rrrr~-r THE WEST VAN NEWS September 1, 1932. w Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Why Pay Mpre~ JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only SPECIAL 1 Store ut klollyburn, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU SERI-,, Dundarave,'," '„',""„'„",,'mbleside„„'""" "„"'.," SPECIAL SALE-Thur.Fri. & Sat., Sept. 1,2 &3 I UbIBER, SASH S DOORS, Fov a 4-Room Cottage LINED INSIDB Price Delivered $ 2,00.00 Q11ICK QUAKEII OATS Large pkL ........................ 1st CREAMKITSS .. 2 pkla. Sse SHAKER SALT -- Regal Pet tatloll............ Isc MALT VINEGAk~timble'a Large 20 oa. bollie......... 1st Red R lrhile PICKLING Sl'ICB Per packet .............................. Se EI.FA'TkiC LIGHT GLOBES Weolinghouee Diamond, $0 and 00 wall, inalde Crusted, each 15e Cation of 0 .................. Sse ked R Whke I'EANIJT BUTTER, 1$ oa. 1st Ipe SPAGHEITI with Cheeee per lin . ............ ............. ....... Ise TOSIATO SOUP ............ 2 lian 25c TUNA FISH--Nabob Brand While Meat, Via.......... 2 line Lect AUSTRALIAN PINEAI'PLE Sliced and Crushed I Ib lin 2 for 29e ONIONS--New crop, dry and Hard ...-..............,.... 7 lbs. 15e SUNKIST OkANGES, pet don SSe B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR 10 Iba 47c Fteahiy Ground COFFEE per I b ....... . ,.. ... .... 25e Red R While or Nabob TEA pee Ba ................................ Sfe Fancy Yenow SUGAR, 5 Ibo zse KADANA TEA, pev lb........... Sse Freak Canned I'EAS, Se. Coiutnbia Brand, No. 2 lin.. „, 2 tins 29e Nn I Qaaiily BACON Freak and Sweet, Vt ka pkg. Ise Fresh Canned CORN--Faunieaa Brand, No. 2 lia..........z tins 29e SHREDDED WHEAT, packet 9bc CORN FLAKES--Kellogg'e 2 pkla. 25t Red R While GOLD. CORN ze ........................... 2 tine 29c Red R While FANCY PEAS Sieve le .......... 2 tins 25» ASPARAGUS CUYTINGS- Ayimer, za, lin........... 2$e ked R 1Vbile TOSIATOES zkia ...................,... 2 line 25e e ~ ~ and I.umber Products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building Paper Lamatco, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Etc. GFiT OUR PRICES ON FENCING Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Drawers Everything for the Building WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone West 115 Res. Phone West 3681. 15th and Marine AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. oRlght Service -- Right Grades" GEORGE WILLIAMiSON i'ASSESislh and Marine Delve Phone West 199. After 5 p.m. and hokdaya aak for W. JENVEY, I'hone West 100k Many In West Vancouver will hear with regret of the death of George Edward Williamson, which took place yesterday morning at his home, 2303 King's Ave. The deceased, who was in his 68th year, had lived in West Vancouver twelve years, coming to the municipality from the city, where he was a member of the Vancouver Council in 1911 and 1912. He served with the C.E.F. in France, and had been for years one of the leading Con- servatives on the North Shore. He is survived by his wifa.~ two daughters, Mrs..'.. Sean, who lives heye„anil Itirs. H. Mur- dv uf'Vancouver. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in Harron Bros. Ik Williamson'0 chapel in North Vancouver and interment will be made in Capilano View Cemetery. Legion Notes 'n invitation from W. A. to attend their second annual birth day party on Saturday, Sept. 8, at 8 p.m. in the Legion Hall is extended to all members and their wives. Cards, dancing, re- freshments etc. A real social evening. Everybody try anil come. The next general meeting will be held on wednesday, September 7th, at 8 p.m. sharp. Business of meeting to be from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., to be followed by social evening and refresh- ments. In future these social meet- ings will be continued through- out the season. All members are requested to be present. Reminder--The regular meet- ing nights have now been fixed as follows: 1st and 3rd Wednes- day in each month. Roberts'etter Meats BERTA CREANERY BUTTER 3lbs. for 69c BAND CAMP NOTES The members of the West Vancouver School Band return- ed from Keat's Island last Sat- urday night having spent eleven days and sometimes nights full of fun, interspersed with two regular practices each day. Chief among the many events were the ball games, in which the reed players defeated the brasses, and the game in which the band lost to the men's team from Gibson's Landing. The raid on Friday morning at 5 a.m. in which all tents were emptied of all their contents will live long in the memory of the camp- ers. On Friday a regatta was held in which nearly all the members took part. The win- ners of the main events were: Swimming, 25 yards, boys 12 and under--Des Elgar. Swimming, 25 yards, boys 13 and 14--Dick Laster. Swimming, 25 yards, boys 15 --Gordon Ritz. Swimming, 25 yards, boys over 15--Ted Russell. Swimming, 25 yards, girls- Marione Rivers. Swimming, 25 yards, staif- Mr. Jordan. Swimming, 60 yards, open-- Dick Laster. Swimming 100 yards, open-- Marjorie Rivers. Diving, boys 13 and 14-- Des Elgar. Diving, boys 12 and under-- John Wright. Diving, boys 15 and over-- Garnet Williamson. Diving, girls -- Muriel Mc- Leod. Under water swim -- Stanley Patterson: DIINDARA VE LADIES'HOIR At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of the Dundarave Ladies'hoir, it was decided to commence practising for the season 1932-33 on Tues- day, Sept. 20th, at the Legion Hall. The fee for the season has been fixed at 50 cents per month payable on the 1st Tues- day in each month. A hearty welcome is extended to all mem- bers and a special invitation to all wishing to become members.Svk For further information phone Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, W. 666R; Mrs. Gordon Gray, IVest 93R2 or Miss Gillham, West 326L. SATURDAY ONLY No Phone or C.O.D. for this Special Sold with Meat Orders Only ROASTING CHIGKENS 4 to 6 lbs 25C lb. COTTAGE ROLL (No Bone, No wastei 14c lb. Local SPRING LAMB sTEwlNG 25C sHGULDERs 1 21~ C 12'] c LOIN, As cut 2p ... 21'[2C SHOULDER Roiled, no bone, Ib,.......,.„, 1 9C No. 1 Steer Beef No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter 3 lbse?2c PORK SAUSAGES 2Plb. ........................................ CA51BRIDGE SAUSAGE 253 lbs..................................... FRESH LIVFR 1 PClb...................-.---....--" COTTAGE cHEEsE 25C2 lbs. ONTARIO CHEESE 2PClb...... BOILING BEEF 9lb. ....... BOiVELESS STEWING 425 BEEF ................... 2 lbs. L C 51INcED sTEAK 252 lbs.................................... POT ROAST 1PIIib......................,...., ~2C BI ADE RIB ROAST q IS 1i '..15lb....... .................„. ............ X RIB ROAST 1 6I b. .............. ........................ PRIME RIBS RUMP ROAST S Ol I'URE BEEF DRIPPING 2 lbs 1 5C SIISS MARGARET McLVTYRE TO RESU51E CI.ASSES Miss Margaret McIntyre will following the summer recess re. sums her classes in violin and piano on Saturday, September 10th, st her studio, 2047 Gordon Avenue. Her pupils have taken honors in the exnms of the Royal Col- lege of Music, London, England, and of the Toronto Conserva- tory. Parents who wish such In- struction for their children or, any others interested are re- quested to call at the studio or phone West 462L. Local Milk Fed VEAL sTEwING 25 ovEN RQABT 15 II 18 PORK 9c 11c 25c LEGS (Fores) lb. BUTPS lb............""--- POIIK STEAK 2 lbs.. SCHOOL BOARD NOTES The School Board decided that the fee for students attending the high school who have attain. ed the age of seventeen years would be 55.00 per month. Owing to there not being s sufficient number of applications it was found impossible by the school board to hold a senior matriculation class. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEAki.F. Phase Weel 9Roberts'etter Meats Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies Phone %Vest 190 Delivery to all %Vest Vancouver FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE Get the habit of Shopping in the "Progressive Block" of West Van All Government Inspected-Not1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.OJL Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH-- NO,.%'ROZErJ,SriEATS h%