West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Sep 1932, p. 5

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0001 / I 1 I, 131 ) September I, 1982 THE WEST VAN NEWS IVest 37 G. GEMMILL, Agent MR9. CHAS. BURBRIDGE TO START FAI,L TEIthi Mrs. Charles Burbridge, 2809 Marine Drive, will resume giv- ing piano lessons on Tuesday, September 6th. Pupils are pre- pared for the examinations in pianoforte of the Associated Board of London, Eng., and of the Toronto Conservatory of hiuzic. 100 per cent first class honors or honors have been ob- tained for the past four years in the Toronto Conservatory ex- aminations by Mrs. Burbridge'8 pupils. 14th and Marine West 87 CORRESPONDENCE The Editor, West Vsn News: Dear 9ir--This is truly the age of organizations. Every where one sees the var- ious organizations at work. West Vancouver is very fortu- nate in having so many public spirited citizens who give gen- erously of their time and other requirements to make these or- ganizations second to none, Our Welfare Association re- cently formed is doing splendid service in helping during these most depressing times, our fra- ternal organizations realize that they have a place in the gener- al scheme of things more so dur- ing the past few years than ever before. The splendid work they are doing is proof of their faith in their fellow man and their aspir- ations and ideals must be up- held. Space docs not permit me to go Into details, but it wouM make very interesting reading. At some future date I hope to be able to give you some idea as to the activities of each organi- zation. For the time being let us deal with those organizations who have the girls'nd boys'elfare at heart. Almost every one hss but in West Vancouver we have several whose aims and objects are the advancement of our chil- dren apart from the splendid work our 'SA'.9013 and churches are doing. The West Vsncop»~r Amateur Swimming Club is worthy of particular mention in connection with the work they are doing. One hsd only to look at the crowd which attended their regatta last Saturday to appreciate what it means to West Vsn. It speaks well for the great work started by our public spir,'ted men and womer 16 years ago. It was very un- fortunate that sickness prevent- ed one from seeing the results of his labor. I refer to Mr. Phil Chapman who was one of the prime movers in swimming and diving. Reeve Leyland's tribute to Phil in his opening remarks was very fitting, and he can rest assured that the work he 8tart- ed is being carried on by the younger generation. If Phil could have seen Char- lie Reid, Gordon Vance and their executive this past few weeks preparing for this big event he would be assured that the same old spirit prevails. Then we have another organi- zation, one we hear very little about but who in their quiet way of doing things, are accomplish- ing wonders, "The Legion," a.i it is cafied. Many people have the impression that the Legion is 0 place where Veterans gath- er to discuss their own particu- lar problems. They do. That is the main object of this organi- zation, their comrades and de- pendents, the world over. Quite 6 task, but they are upholding the tradition for which thous- ands made the supreme sacri- fice, and their watchword is "carry on." Should you be priv- ileged to listen in on one of their meetings you would be well sat- isfied that they sre doing 0 good job of carrying on not only with their own problems but any- where that they csn be of ser- vice. Their activities in the Boy to )Dn i ', ~ 9 EE Sl'ECIAI. ADDRESSES AT HOI.I,YBURN HALL Starting next Sunday even- ing, there will be s number of special addresses at Hoayburn Hall. Mr. Rae will give a gos- pel address on Sunday and Mr. John Waaace will give a series of four dispensational addresses at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6th, 18th, 20th and 27th. Mr. Wallace is a well-known Bible student and an able speaker. A hearty invitation is extended to aU to attend, r e ltarebit 1-2 cup milk or cream. 2 cups or I-2-lb. cheese. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 eggs. 1-2 teaspoon salt. Sprinkle cayenne. IA teaspoon soda. Put milk and grated cheese in upper part of double boiler, or blazer of chafing dish. When cheese is melted, add butter. Pour this mixture over eggs, slightly beaten, then return to double boiler. Add soda and seasoning. Stir constantly, and cook until smooth snd thick. Serve at once over slices of toast or hot crisp crackers. :e liI j ie told j rhorgd . phoo 1 I AU By Herself "Darling," said the mother to her lazy child. "I don't believe you have done 3 single thing for yourself aU day." "Yes I have," said the girl promptly, "I woked up." EAR BILTON HOUSE SCHOOL for BOYS Day Boys and Boarders Preparation for Exams. hIodern Curriculum, Games K. B. FOYSTER, 29th St. Phone IVest 150Y2 FRAMAR MONTESSORI Sebrml for Young Cbkdreo RHYTHiVI 3! DANCING included Fok Term Starts Tmmday 'opiombrr Sib SPECIAL i)ANr'ING ('I,ASS For Older Cbndrmr Wednesday Aireiarmrm p, ~ -'I For Particulars Phone MRS. W, D. FRASER !785 Emrulmalt Avo. ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL For Girls and Kindergarten Comer 20!h and Haywood AUTUMN TERM Commencer TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6!h Principal--Miss J. Durbin Special Courreo-- Music, Ari and French Kindergarien io High School MANT FINE RADIO BARGAINS J. W. KELLY PIANO CO., LTD. Scout movement is proof of their desire to help carry on. Viewing the events of the past few weeks we find furtl'er evidence of tbe activities of this great orgzrizat»n I shoed with that san!i,»d rprr it whic. marie West Var.cod.rr 20 years ago, and which lz exemniiiieii in ei cry ord rrdwtlon in W~ut Van- couver. Ai. 5 later date, if time permits and "Ye Olde Editor" will lend his assistance, some very interesting incidents will be published relating to early sport and activities here, but to get back to the events of the week. The Legion have sponsored another organization, one which in time will mean as much to our girls snd boys as the W, V. A. S. C. does today. It will be known as the West Vancouver Amateur Athletic Association, (W.V.A.A.A.). Their object is to foster and advance amateur athletics in every field of sport in IVest Vsncouver. Starting with footbafi, they have as theh'bjectivefive teams who wiU each have their manager cap- tain, coach snd executive coun- cil to see that they have the pro- per training and equipment, then comes basketball, both for girls and boys. As many teams as material will permit will be formed. These will come under the executive council with their own manager, coach and cap- tain. Then softball, baseball, hockey, lacrosse, track work, gymnasium work, with its many advantages for the development of our girls and boys and so on in every phase of sport. We want to see our children fitting themselves for a useful life and we have a wealth of talent in West Vancouver, Over twenty years ago the late Professor Lister gave us our Jigrly train- ing in the old King E537!a='- High, which wss the technical school of those days. He re- marked that some day British Columbia would have a realTech'chool Twenty years lat- er his dream was realized just two years before he died; but it stands today as a fitting monu- ment to the work he started over twenty years ago, and so we want a gymnasium in West Van- couver which will develop our girls and boys physically and which will be a fitting monu- ment to the memory of those "old timers" who fostered sport in )Vest Vancouver twenty years ago and which is being carried on by their sons and daughters, who are members of every org- anization here. Such 0 large undertaking will cost money so this appeal is being made to every individual and organization for funds to carry on this splendid work. The benefits derived by the girls and boys will pay large dividends. Give 0 child clean healthy sport and you will develop 0 clean healthy mind, so, every- body in West Vancouver, the drive is on. IVe need your sup- port. As an athletic association the girls and boys need it more so today than ever before. Wecan't find jobs for aa of them but we can keep their minds and body alert and ready when their opportunity arrives, so give your utmost not only in cash dona- tions but 'also in membership fees. IVe would like to see afi the mothers and dade members of this organization. We want to work with you to know your girl and boy as you know them. If you have any equipment you can spare, send it along. Any- thing that can be used in sport will be very acceptable. Once again, everybody get behind this movement. Let's "carry on" the good work started by those Old Timers twenty years ago and exemplify the "Old West Van- couver Community Spirit." Address aa communications to 'IVest Vancouver AA.A. care of the following officers: President--A. P. Kerley, 1878 2iih St., West 295K. Vice President--Councifior R. Fiddes, 1849 Gordon Ave., West 198 R. Treasurer--Tom Smith, 1174 CLASSIFIED ADS mrm io 2 ros4 rmt «rmrl mblimsm Lriag rvgabrr sccsssra sk oisooi- Tbo rats for Ciuol844 Adroriaom 25 rosio. Rzmpr 4 rbe omm ei obese Sodrr are psysblo orrirriy ia advsare. Romamrmr Clxmrgm4 br rbe Wmr FURNISHED AND I NFURNISHED Hmmoo io Rent. Homier, ioro, srrd aoroage for sale. Jrdm Lawoon, 17ib arid Marino, Phone Weor 66. Voa News gor lmmodra4 reoaka WANTED--To Real or Prrrrbmm for Cash, imari boors west or isib SL Box 47. Wmr Vaa Hers. 35 ANTED--A prmirloa rm Hommkrvp- er iry experioarmr person. raimbio rrf 4king full charge. Roforearoa. Apply Boz 48 Woor Vaa hews. kai)IOS REPAiRED, Trrboo Tmdmb 7 Tubs Electric Sot only 336.0!L Wiring, Ranges, Rrrrmirs, Plugs In- stalled. North Shore Ereorrk, 14!!9 Marine. West 81. FOR kEVT--Sermr rrmm brmm, good condition, modern, well furniobeL delightful location. Rmmmmblo io good 4rmrr4. Apply Box 49, West Va» News. 51OFPAT RLECTRIC STOVE -- High Oven. Perfect condition, 329.60. West 277L. FOR SALE--I-Rsrxor Mogst Elec- tric Range; large ores; airmmr rmw. Wik sell at half primr. West 436Y. NOTICE TO BAND--Camp Pirmrvr esa be bad from C. J. Broderioi» Photo Finisher, 1486 %lariat Drive. FOR RE.IT--r~ormblo 4-room cor- tege. Pismbiog aad oieriririty. Pborm Bmro, West 1461 TIHrEE kooM FURNisHED coT- TAGE--Low rent for winier. Ap- ply !3!2 Argyle Ave. FOk kENT--The booze at 2131 Gor- don Avenue may be for rent after Aagrmt 25th. Apply 2131 Gordon Avenue. !IIODRRN TAP DANCING TAUCH'I'uck, Sort Sbm» Waits Clog, Rhythm. Phone West 155R. FOR RENT4!54!0 Cour rome fora irked cottage West Bay semi waterfront, piano, fell plumbing. Pbarre West 818R3 1'Ok RENT--Smak modora cottage on Waterfront, furnace heat srrd Sreplore. Phone West 133L2. STURDY YOUNiG HOLLIES For Sale very reasonable, or would trade. Phone West 423L WEBB 8 SHOE REPAIRS vr EAR BEST -- Dssdarave. HEADHUARTERS ror AB rbo Pop- uror Cigsrotrrm, Tobsmmr» aad Fhb- ing Gadgets for rooai waters. Am- biooide Toe Rooms POB PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Roe- !deere Phono West 241R. LAWN MOWERS SHARPFVED- E pmdmrrmd with ak amkos. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." Wert Vsamm- ver 94cbiao Shop, 1449 Mariso. PAINTING. KAL805HNING. PA- PERING. C. 1 Koaiaga, West 394B 51ARCELLB SHOP -- MarceBm 60 cents; reset, ssei Seger wave, 754. Phone Mro. King, West 304. THREE aad FOUR kOOM Modern Suites, furnished, io rent for winter months, $ 15.00 por month aad sp. Phone West 56YI. Geo. HayWANTED--Bord nmm max to board and room ia oirioriy private home. Apply.Box 48, Wear Vaa News. Barrister R Sobrirer WEST VANCOUVER- Oriioe No. 1447, Msriae Drive Phone West 4IN. YA'.rcoUYER 0FFIGE- Suite sis 610 Haoimgo Sr. W Phono. Seimrour 4199. Suited Employer "Now that we have decided to give you a position I don't know of 0 better time to tell you that 'earLY hours're the rule m tins estabhshment. New Clerk: "That's good, sir. You can't close too early for me." C. J. Overington PIOrhIEER BARBER 14th and hiarine Expert Work Phone West 135 TECHNICAL SCHOOL Parents of boys who wish to attend the Vancouver Tech- nical School during the coming school year should at once make application in writing to the undersigned. The West Vancouver School Board has made a practice of paying half the annual fee charged by the Technical School, but no obliga- tion will be assumed this year until it is known how many wish to go to the Technic!6 SchooL In any case. no allowance will be made on account of pupils who have reached their seventeenth birthday. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary,'oard of School Trustees. CORI'ORATION OF THE DLVTRICT OF VVEST VANCOUVER NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS are hereby invited for the following work: Painting the interior wafis and ceilings of several rooms in the Municipal Hall. Particulars and Specifications may be obtained at the Oifice of the hiunicipal Engineer. The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or aa tenders as it may deem in its interest to do. Tenders to be in not later than 5 o'cloik in the afterzroon of Tuesday, September 6th. 1982, at the Oifice of the Municipal ('lerk aml marked "Tender for Interior Painting." IVhi. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. 29 8,'82. NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND &~~J'vurit Ave., West 499Y. INSURANCE Secreutry, -- W. Winchcombe, 2411 Haywoo~dgri,rr VO i 849Y p4 or mr zzrim 6 ymmri 1260 Or care of the Edi~-~~ Ereaiago west 204K paper. A phone call to any of the above will bring a quick re- sponse from one of our members for your contribution. A complete list of names will be published every week. Thanking you, Very truly, A. P. KERLEY, President W.V.A.A.A.