West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Sep 1932, p. 4

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0001 'r. r r.v twA c»rrt~Ksc twrrtr *i. w r rt' wr wr r~.r ww ~ w Mrs. F. Knight Hodge will resume lessons in PIAViOFORTE, VIOLIN and THEORY September 12th, Students prepared for Associated Board and Toronto Con- servatory Exanub Nineteen successes this year. Studio:--1332 Duchess Avenue. Mrs. Colin MacLean Soprano TEACHER OF SINGING STUDIO: 2031 Marine Drive. Season opens Sept. 12th. MAR GARE T kIcINTYRE I icentiate of the College of Violinists, London, Eng (late Royal A[anchester College of Music) TEACHER OF Uiolin and Piano Classes reopen Saturday, September 10th. Studio--2047 Gordon Avenue. Phone West 462L. r'~ iter r rr pw.rr ~ wrw iw ~ 'ir' w t w MRS. CLARA WILSON Atvn Miss Hilda Wilson, A.T.C.M. PIANO AND THEORY Preparation for Examinations and Recitals. A[onthly playing classes for pupils at which History of Music and kindred subjects will be discussed. Class lessons for beginners if desired at very reasonable rates. Mrs. Wilson and Miss Hilda Wilson have just returned from Study with Sigismond Stojowski of New York. STUDIO:--2367 Marine Drive. Phone West 689X. B. C. SUGAR REFINERY TO BUY 25,000 TONS OF ISLAND COAL That British Columbia indus- trial organizations are appre- ciating the value of assisting sister provincial industries is evidenced from the fact that the British Columbia Sugar Refin- ing Company Limited, has just concluded a contract for its an- nual requirement of approxi- mately 25,000 tons of Island coal This company is equipped to use either coal or oil for gener- ating the large amount of steam required in its sugar refining process, but when it was ex- plained that the purchase of 25,- 000 tons of coal per year pro- v i d e d approximately 25,000 working days for British Colum- bia miners, the company decided at once in favor of coal. It is a noteworthy fact that nearly 30,000 people depend di- rectly or indirectly on the Van- couver Island coal industry. 'i it t t i* Et'rr wr c i b 'i -p ta ii ~tire rw rv .rrr. ~ w r rwv rir rr[+% Wrw'rr~ ' ~ r r r~'r r trrr ww ww' ~ ~ In Doubt The minister of a Scottish country parish whose estimate of himself wss not of the lowli- est, had accepted a "Call," and was paying a few farewell visits. At the house of the oldest par- ishioner he assured the good housewife that the village would soon get a better man than he hsd been. "Deed, sir, I hae my doots," she said. "We'e hsd five in my time; everyone of them has been worse than the last." Mrs.T.E. Snelgrove Violin and Piano Pupils'uccesses in London Acsdeay, Trinity College and Toronto Conservatory. West 2IOL Fruit Punch 4 cups hot water 2 cups sugar I small can chopped pineapple Juice of 3 lemons Juice of 4 oranges I bottle soda pop. Prepare a syrup of the water and sugar and boil fifteen min- utes, cool, add fruit and soda pop, add enough ice water to make three and one-half quarts of punch. This fill eight and one-half water-glasses or twen- ty-five punch glasses. Fried Smelts To clean smelts, spread open outer gills, and with the forefin- ger take hold of the inner gills and pull gently; the parts unfit for food are ail attached to these inner gills and come away to- gether, leaving the smelt in per- fect, shape. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. If smelts are small dip in milk and roll in flour, or in egg and bread crumbs. Fry in deep fat. MA', CHA RLES 8URBRIDGE( Teacher of Piano 2309 Marine Drive will commence piano lessons on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 0th, 1932 Pupfls prepared for Associated Board, London, England,and Toronto Conservatory Exams in Piano. 1009b First Class Honors or honors for past four yearsin Toronto Conservatory exams. THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar As a mere man I sm amazed st what the gentler sex put up with season after season at the hands of the arbiters of the lat- est fashions. So long as it ls the style they seem to be quite con- tent to put up with anything, be it beautiful or ugly. comfort. able or uncomfortable, healthy or unhealthy, Taking for ex- ample skirts, there has been the hideous and unsanitary long skirt, the hobble variety, which was uncomfortable and danger- ous, and the short skirt, which was both healthy and comfort- able besides havmg the advant- age of some claim to appearance. The average man like myself has been wearing on broad lines the same style for thirty years, and we have no intention of being stampeded into anything dras- tically new. A few sheiks do adorn themselves in absurd gar- ments, but the real sheik of the desert is the only variety who excites our admiration. Now that woman has freed herself from the rule of man by secur- ing the vote, she might give the question of obtaining her free- dom from the fashions s little attention, more particularly in the matter of beach pyjamas. I am shocked--and it takes a deal to shock me--at the rec- ent revelations in connection with the financial scandal in Winnipeg. Whoever is the gui!- ty party or parties, there are occasions when it seems impos- sible "to make the punishment fit the crime." The worst part of the whole sordid business is the alleged shortage in the clergy's superannuation fund. As a rule parsons and myself don't get along very well togeth- er, but as my friends frequently refer to me as "a limb of Satan," the fault is probably mine. Yet I have the most sincere admira- tion for many sky pilots, who, especially in the more remote settlements, are skimping them- selves on very small stipends in order to be a Godsend to the community. I can only trust that the law will allow the guilty party or parties in this instance to be given the lash, and, if they die under it, so much the better for the rest of us. A German at Hamburg has just won a world's record by sit- ting on the top of a pole for sixty days, beating the previous world's biggest lunatic by nine days. And I ask you, what kind of a civilization have we got, when people can sit around snd gawk at such a display7 Now, if it had been a greasy pole, one could understand it, but, as it is, it can only mean that the ob- ject of wrath in question is so near the monkey that the profes- sors should see whether at last they have not found in him their longed-for missing link. There used to be a man at an English university town who went by that name, because for thirty consecutive years he had been trying to pass the univer- sity matriculation exam. The other day in Vancouver I ssw a very large English bull- dog benignly smiling at a very small kitten who was standing ten feet away and exploding like a Mill's bomb. The mother cat watched these proceedings for a minute or so, and then, having decided that her offspring had had a lesson in facing the world, wiped the dog's nose, who de- parted at a more rapid rate than I hsd thought any bulldog could travel. The Incident made me think, because I hsd just been reading an article on whether the school should not be adjust- ed to the scholar, not the scholar to the school, Some of the Red Indiana used to adjust their young braves by hanging theni by a thong between two trees with the thong passed through the back behind the big muscles. Most of us mfdd[oeged persons usd to get adjusted at home and at school into the bargain. The point is, when the school is ad- justed to the scho4r, is the world to undergo chiropractic treatment on his behalf alsof Because, If not, it will be just too bsd--for the scholar. AIRS. CLARA IVI[ RON AN[) MISS HILDA IVII SON TO START FALL TERM Mrs. Clara Wilson and Miss Hilda Wilson. A.T.C.M., 2367 Marine Drive, have resumed teaching for the fall tenn. Pu- pils are received for piano and theory. There will be monthly playing classes for pupils at which the history of music and other subjects will be discussed also class lessons for beginners. [VEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY I'LAYERS The West Vancouver Commu nity Players are workmg hard rehearsing for another play to be produced shortly under the auspices of the Duncan Lawsnn Chapter, I.O.D.E. This play is in the nature of a comedy, entitled, "A Luckv Break," by Zelda Sears and di- rected by Guy Desmond and seems likely to be as bi8 a suc- cess as any of their former ef forts. In addition to the original members some new ones have been added for this play, namely Mrs. H. B. Stevens, Phyllis Sherwood, Mrs. W. B. Clarke, Dorothy Gilham, Hattie Young, Constance Thomas and Tom Sherwood. The play will be staged at the Hollyburn Theatre on Tuesday and IVednesday, Sept. 27 and 28. Brown: "Stout people, they say, are rarely guilty of mean- ness or crime." Robinson( "Well, you see, it' so difficult for them to stoop to anything low.w I I I September I, [982. I HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY aad SATURDAY Sept. 2nd ~ ttd ('BOkuk ARI.ISS iw "THE MAN WHO PLAYED GOD" MONDAY sod TUESDAY Hept. Stb snd Stb. JA('KIB COOPEk awd kORRkT C(y()('AN ia ssSOOK Y" 1 t ! t SPEOIAL MAYINBK bfoaday at 2 p.iw. Matinee every Saturday st 2 p.m. K.W.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Sylvia: "How do you know Cyril loves you? Has he told you?w Julia: "No, but you should see the way he looks at me when I'm not looking at him." EA5V PAYME NTS Bring Labor-Saving Devices Within the Reach of All Iks ttsadstd of home (onvaucece hai beenraised immeasurably snd drudgery eliminated by ibe easy psymeot p sa for tcquinng cltaritai appliances. There ii no question that ttiy paya(cats tttttbled many ftmilitt to ptocute I(hot.ttvtog Je. vices, taliot sod other a(tide( to talucc tasks snd increase pleasure in rbeit homes. B. C. Rica(i( pionatcd the ficld of time-ptymcou, being tbc only agency thai htd the t«(outre( to per- form this service. Today, S. C. Kltaric time pty- mcott atc mnductal on such lines as to give abet dealers cteiy oppottuoiiy to offer suitable terms. Ai an added coavetdtae ttt out ptttaa, the bwttimttttt are pitted on dw same bill a tbcii dc(wit and gti iei- vice. The ptymea of ttwa iattiacntt bti ttoddttg ro tbt, bowevet wiib tati( atvke tsd teaia bti ntvtt bttn at pg for atop(ymca of wt iaalaca oa ttt article. Ww ittttite you a tta the art(a of S. C giacwit ttaat and tutti to mtb& tbc tcetttittttae of your Iacal tltattat daltt. He will be ttblc wi ttutite yat vw mtwy wf ytta elattittl ptttbleat. OrMkcfyfio APPLIANCE STOR E S BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. WEST VAN WELFARE ASSOCIATION BOOTS and SHOES -:- MEN'S SUITS and UNDERWEAR CHILDREN'S CLOTHliVG Phone West 109