West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Sep 1932, p. 3

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0001 Phone Wcot 20 hliLS. COI,IN hiacLEAN TO RESUSIE TEACHING h(rs. Colin MacLean opens her teaching season on September 12th at her home on Marine Dr. Appointments for auditions may be made by phone and particu- lars as to the work 6(ven. Special attention given to the younger singers. This year preparations are being made for studio recitals for students in connection with class work. CLIFF GROOhi TO hlAVAGE "THE CLACHAN" The h(isses Stevenson are to- day taking over "The Clachan" which will bc under the manage- ment of Cliff Groom, who is well-known in West Vancouver, WEST 66 for GALT, TUI.AHERN, and NANAIMO - WEI.I.IN('TON COAL Ail orders Cash oc C.O.D. Expert Saw Filing 10c a Foot Lawn Nowers Ground N. R. ELI.IS, 1427 Marine where he has been an active member of a number of organi- zations. Mr. Groom has had four years experience in catering at Stan- ley Park and stands prepared at all times to cater for the needs of residents and visitors, also for dances, parties 'and dinners, etc. Board and residence is available at au times at the ho- tel BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgc. Distinctico Funeral Service Lady Assistant 326 - 3rd St. E, Phone North 626 He: oDarling, wouldn't you like to sail away on 6 silvery moonbeam--just you and I to- gether--towards those twinkling stars where all is infinite, eveu love. And we could dwell ineter- nal bliss far from--" She: "Oh, I couldn't Jimmy, not tomorrow. I have 6 date with my hairdresser at four." ~j I I36I Clyde Aco. Thoroughly experienced Dress- maker, ia open foc engagements at Ladies'esidences. I'hone (Vest I6OX. I (iu toli clio .( "The Glachan" under the new management of CLIFF GROOM Board and Residence, Dances, Parties, Dinners catered fot', AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET sfc J. MURCH, Proprietor Finest Quauty Fresh hleais, Smoked and Cooked Meats. PHONE WEST 303 I, IIII 1 $ September I, 1932, I I' ' TAILORING - CLEANING - DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIONS oip lbL wlyILLIAMS 1668 Marine Drive (next to I"ruit Store)tt ml Rco. Phone Wctl 266k I It lV. I . QGDEN CQ. West"I'46 MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVEI.Y School Apparel for Boys Quality at Reasonable Prices scot SOCIAI.IST PARTY OF CANADA )jbIE, PICNIC ')R.R. of North Shore Branches i at MAHON PARK I tutu LABOR DAY, SEI'T. 5thiii am. if b Bring Baskets Everybody ac(coma. luy Also J. S. Woodsworth, l)I.P. -. T K.P. Hall, North VancouverWticta, TUESDAY, SEPT. 6th, '8 SPAX at 6 p,lo, Iotbodo( 2,'-"'ook Shop ncucd in I in Dundaraco 2476 Marino Drive oovaul j Produces ctt( ciuh l I as its Specialty. ulcc tbt t probtblo )(i Good Nourishing Meals (~'I itu tna...: from 25c up Rlcotbuu ddoctblc tiu ibc m Phone mw t 6 ot' ED. BLACK oot tud 7) I o who ore . ity, tbc ' I oro the Ij('I. Iap in inch , tl. 6 ~ II pi ( ~ ld water loft uud "" fc, Heat; 3 double,, , (b cugs Mrs. A. Toms THE WEST VAN NEWS I Local and C. E. Burbridge, 2309 Mar- ine Drive, accompanied by his two sons, Ralph and Oliver and John Gordon Moe, spent the week-end mountaineering. They camped on Grouse Mountain, and from there made the ascent of Crown Mountain.\ o ~ There were a large number of visitors to West Vancouver and Ambleside Beach last Sunday, the ferries carrying 2800 pas- sengers during the day. ~ o Mrs. D. W. Graham and fam- ily, who have been spending the past two months in Prince Ru- pert, returned on Monday eve- ning to their home at 2128 Bell- evue Ave. ~ ~ c Mrs. Everett Wssson of the Yukon is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Jones, 13th and Marine Drive. o o Rev. Kennedy E a s t m a n moved on Tuesday from Royal Oak into the Costello house at 1744 Argyle Ave. ~ \ hir. snd Mrs. Costello, who have been spending the summer months at their house at 17th and Waterfront, have returned to Vancouver. c Norman Learning, 10th and Keith Road, is leaving next Mon- day for a trip to the Old Coun- try. o ~ c There will be a matinee every Saturday at 2 p.m, at the Holly- burn Theatre, and a special ma- tinee on Monday (Labor Day) starting at the same time. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Harrison, 26th and Kings Ave., left on Monday for their summer home at Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Iiiintld. ~ o ~ LEGION W. A. The W.A. to the Canadian Le- gion are holding a social even- ing on Saturday, Sept. 3rd in the Legion Memorial Hall at 8 o'lock sharp. AH Legion mem- bers and their wives, W. A. members and their husbands, are cordially invited to celebrate the second birthday of the branch. o We are informed that in view of the demand for electrically fitted suites during the winter months, a complete steam heat- ing equipment is now being in- stalled at the Gables Apartment West Bay. Book Exchange A great number of public and High School books also some technical books, have been brought in to the Exchange and are selling for about list gov- ernment price. We would advise the children to visit the Ex- change early and take advantage of this opportunity. The Ex- change is open from 2 to 5 p.m. every day at the corner of 18th and Manne Dnve. An enjoyable birthday party was given in the afternoon of August 24th by Mrs. IV. R. Clark, 2466 Bellevue Avenue, in honor of her little daughter, Peggy'6 11th birthday. Those of Peggy's friends present were: Rev. F. A. and h(rs. Ramsey, Bruce Ramsey, Mrs. Powell, Marguerite Powell, Mrs. Spar- row, Ann, Joan and Barbara Sparrow, hfrs. F. X. Hodgson, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Hamilton- Smith, Miss Eve Hamilton- Smith, Mr. and hire. Chas. Bur- bridge and Joyce Burbridge. Tea was served on the verandah over-looking the sea. During the afternoon piano solos by Joyce Burbridge snd Barbara Spar- row, ron(tat(ons by Mrs. Hamil- tonSmith and Eve Hamilton- Smith, and songs by Mrs. F. X. Hinigson and Mrs. Clark were given and delighted all. SCHOOL OPENING John hicMillsn of Burnaby. 'hss moved to West Bay for the rest of the warmer weather.\ ~ Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Howarth and family 2512 Haywood Ave have moved to Vancouver. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. John H. Redden have returned to their home in Caulfeild after a motor trip to the Cariboo. ~ ~ ~ G. Buckridge of North Van- couver, is occupying his summer home at 3600 Marine Drive. o o o The Misses Stevenson, 25th and Bellevue Ave., have moved hack to the Clachan Hotel ~ o ~ George Down has moved from 1293 Gordon Ave., into a house at 13th and Msthers Ave. o ~ ~ Mrs. T. E. Phemister, 2111 Esquimalt Ave., is leaving on Saturday for Scotland.\ K. F. Reid of Vancouver has moved into his summer home at Caulfeild for the remainder of the season. o ~ ~ Dalton B. Allan has moved from the city into 6 house at 1370 Clyde Ave. c o o R. Bryan Gildsy, Radcldfe Ave., has moved into a house at 27th and Ottavra Ave. o hIrs. C. McIntyre, 21st and Gordon Ave., left on Tuesday for an extended visit in Pentic- ton. She was accompanied by Miss Margaret McIntyre, who will return in a few days.\ ~ J Kingsley has moved from 2329 King's Ave., into a house at 1590 Inglewood Avenue. ~ ~ ~ h(r. and Mrs. P. C. Chapman, King's Ave.. are occupying 6 summer cottage in Selma Park, where Mr. Chapman is convales- cing from a serious illness. o \ o Mrs. V. L. Logan of Cypress Park has moved into a house at Caulfeild. o Mrs. H. Lloyd of Sherman, has taken the Armstrong house at 23rd and Bellevue Ave. ~ o Miss Lorna Thomson of the Hollyburn Post Orice sta(f, who is on her annual vacation, left on Tuesday to visit in California. Mr. and hfrs. V. Nightingale and family have moved from the Clachan Hotel into one of their houses at 24th and Hey- wood Avenue. ~ c ~ h(r. and hire. C. L. Hilborn, who have been spendmg the summer at Horseshoe Bay, are returning to their home at 2327 Bellevue Ave. ~ ~ \ h(iss Ola hlcLean and Miss Freda Garthorne have returned from a week's motor trip up the Cariboo. ALL SUPPLIES except text books Gemmill's Drag Store Tho Stoco of SocMca 1402 Marino Drive West 37 Ihaccgcacy Phoao Went 32I IAftor 9 p.m.) The BURRARD LAUNDRY For People Wbo Are Particular THIRD ST. aad ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. Wast van. Reprcsentatlva F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Atnbleside SheetMetal VForks IAURIE SPECIL Proprietor 1446 hIsrine Drive Phone West 78 FUILVACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED aad REPAIRED JOBBIiVG StraitQn's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES All Kinds of Tea Bread, Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Eccles Cakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Chrmtemng Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 h(ARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and DeHvery will ealL Lonsdale Woodworks Phoae North Iis 173 Third vt north Vaacoacoc L W. HOORHAhl, Maaagoc Manufacturing, W 4 a 4 0 w a Fcamoa.sctooss, CapboacdDoora Furniture, Bandxawing. Cabinet Work, Detail Mslwock, Glass, Giaxing, Verandah Eadoaacoa ~nd Gtam Honacn Buy ditoct. Yaa save. Mr. and Mrs. Roach have moved from o5th and Bellev9te Ave into the Stevenson house at 25th and Bellevue Ave. West Vancouver Horticultural g Agricultural Societlf The Eleventh Annual Exhibition in Dshndarave Hall SATURDAY, September 10th, 1932 2.30 to 10 Ixnt To be included in September Show: 8offil of Roses, urrafffyef/ for effi'ex