0001 eerr&Am e rrrrrvttr v V t vm Am tom v r "v m mr,w 'm~ arm~ rrr r'tat rri f't r ~' i t8u 'm ~ rI' ~ .&lit,. ', t'e i r W !t' ri.et ~ vtr 'tu t r' ~ 'r rt . ~ rrrvr Vlr 'rrr rrrr - mrrrv r 'rrvvrrrrr~ ' rrmvrt'rvr«r,v..r«rrrvtv vvm rrrv'rr rrr rr tv m r' ~ Permanent Curls 25c. a curl Don't Itl your prtmrurut Etl uulidy, e few cutis at the side, or the berk, will freshen up the old prtmuurul for the Call, uud make il iueh like new. GCJ)gyfdolyI Bgaffty ShOPPC 1640 Hrtiur Dtitr Phone West 117 St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. September 4th, 15th Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday SchooL 11:16 a.m.--Primary Dept, of Sunday School. 11:15 a.nl.--Holy Communion and sermon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon, 3 p.m.--St. Francis, Caulfeild. The Rev. C. B. Clarke, rector of Holy Trinity Church, Vancou- ver, will be the preacher Sun- day evening. THE WFST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOIJVER Christian Science Society CHVRCH EDIP(CE 20&b rud Eleuhrril, BrUSbuts This Society ir u Btuuch uf The bid&but Church The pi&xi Church rf Chtkt, Stiru&4L In Boston, ikrrruchurrllr Susdry Srtvitrr 11:60 ~ .m. rud 2&20 S.m. Sunday, September 4, 1932 Subject: rib(AN" St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. 5IRS. F. KNIGHT-HODGE TO RESUi)IE TEACHING Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge will start her fall term for pupils in piano, violin and theory on Sep- tember 12th, at her studio, 1332 Duchess Ave. Students are pre- pared for the Associated Board and Toronto exams, in which she had nineteen successes this year. Any who propose to take up either of these subjects are asked to phone or call on her at the above address. Sunday School at 10:00 ~ .m. Trrllmruy Mrrliux Wrdurrdry at 0:16 p.m. Presbyterian MissionSunday, Sept. 4th 9 a.m.--Hol) Mass, sermon. 2 p.m.--Sunday Schoo). 3 p.m.--Rosary, benediction. WEEK DAYS 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. Friday--7:30 p.mm Devotions, confessions. Saturday--7:30 p.mm confes- sions (adults). Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist--Mrs. Holden Choir Leader--Mrs, Martyn 2 p.m.--All Departments of Sabbath School. Mr. W. Loucks, Supt. 3:15 p.m.--Church Service. Rev. F. D. Fowler, B.A., B.D., of Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church will conduct the service and preach the sermon. TRAIL RANGERS'ND TUXIS'ALLY r)IRS. SiVELGROVE OPEN FOR PUPILSA grand get-together of the combined Trail Rangeim and Taxis groups of iVorth and West Vancouver will be held at Am- bleride, West Vancouver, on Saturday, September 3rd at 3 p.m. There will be running and swimming races in the sftenioon as well as other competitions. In the evening there will be 0 baseball game between picled teams of North Vancouver and West Vancouver. This will be followed by a camp fire and community singing. Bert Fid- des, a well-known leader in boys work, will be present to speak to the boys. There wifl also be other speakers snd ~tares to. round off the evening. AB boys between the ages of 12 and 16 wishing to become members of groups and also older boys who would be willing to lead groups, sin invited to come along and join in the fun. Fur- ther particulars will be found in the next issue of this paper. Baptist ChurchMrs. T. E. Snelgrove, 992 Duchess Aver is now open to re- ceive pupils in violin and piano following the Summer recess. Her pupils have had successes in the exsms of the London Acad- emy, Trinity College and the Toronto Conservatory. Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave. Sunday, Sept. 4th 10 a.m.sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Pastor has returned from vaca- tion and will preach at both ser- vices. Topic: "Walking Upon i,he Waters." The ordinance of the Lord' uSup(ter will be observed at thp close of the morning service. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic -- "The Unsearchable Riches." A cordial invitation to a)l. Wednesday -- Prayer, Praise and Bible Study. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY The subjct of the Lesson-Ser- mon in West Vancouver Chris- tian Science Society on Sunday will be, m&BIAN." One& of the Scriptura Sents will be from Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.m Selections will also be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being from page 294: "Man's genuine selfhood is recognizable only in what is good and true. Man is neither self-made nor made by mortals. God created man.m NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS GIRL GUIDES The municipality are asking for tenders for painting the in- terior walls and ceilings of sev- eral rooms in the municipal hall. The tenders must be in not later than 5 o'lock in the afternoon of Tuesday, September 6th at the office of the municipal clerk and marked "Tender for Interior Painting." The right is reserved to reject any or all tenders as the corporation may deem in its interest to do so. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. The 1st West Vancouver Com- pany, Girl Guides, will meet at the corner of 22nd and Marine Drive next Monday, September 5th at 3 p.m., to make arrange- ments for a rally to be held on Wednesday, September 7th. S. P. OF C. NEWS The North Shore branches of the Socialist Party of Canada held their nominating conven- tion in the K. of P. Hall, North Vancouver, on Wednesday eve- ning, August 24th. A large attendance of mem- bers from both branches were there. Comrade Donald MacLean, police commissioner of North Vancouver, was in the chair. The names of Comrades H. C. E. Anderson, A. M. Stephen and Donald MacLean were put in for nomination. Comrades Stephen and MacLean withdrew their names. Comrade Anderson now being the duly nominated candidate of the Socialist Party of Canada, wifl contest the provincial rid- ing of North Vancouver at the next provincial election. Lady (engaging maid): mSo far as your evening is concern- ed, I sm prepared to meet you half-wsy." Maid: mNo need to do that, ms'sm, I'm not afraid to come home in the dark.m Erlrbiirhtd on North Sbetr 20 Years. (Lrdy Arxirluul) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Qirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East , Phone Fair. 134 Hollyburn Hall 14&h rud Duchess SUNDAY EVENING Sept. 4th at 7:30 Gospel Address Sptrktt: MR. HENRY I). RAE Aire Four Dispute&at(onal I.ec(urea by Mr. Jno. Wallace of Vancouver Tuesday, Sept. 6, 8 p.m.-- God's Divisions of Time Tuesday, Sept 13, 8 p.m.-- First and Second Com- ing of Chris(. Tuesday, Sept 20, 8 p.m.-- When and What) Tuesday, Sept 27, 8 p.m.-- The Judgment Seal of Christ. The Great )Vhi(e Throne and ihe Eternal State. bit. Wallace ir an rbir Bible ~ludrul rud xrlx Crtlh iu r iuv- iss sud lucid manner lbr lrreb. ius of lhd Strip&stre A brrtty iuvilrliou ir extend. rd lr uk interested in lhrdr im- putlrul rubirtlr. CARD OP THANKS Mr. Joxrph Tilt rud Birr Grace Tile wish lo &husk Truth Rebecca Lodge Nrx 26 uf North Vruteutrt as well as the many ftirudx whr rent brrulifui flrtei ltibulel Sud rxleudrd their sym- j lby lr them iu &brit recent our of ~ devoted wifr rsd aunt. THE West Van Nems Pubnrbrd Etrtr Thutrdsy PebUshrt F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buriuruu uud Editorial Ogkri 12&h rsd Mrtiue Dtitr (Ndxl le HrUybmn P.O.) Phone Went 363 Hall Add&duel P.O. Bex 01. Hrkrbutu, B.C. North,Vancouver Oifice: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 61.00 u year bp rrttirtl 624)0 u pest by msiL JUN&)OR OI,Y SIP)US FINALS. SU)IMARIES The Three Canyon City Ath- letic Association entries turned out «nd made a splendid show- ing for their first appearance. The handicap of only two months'raining prevented s better result for the competitors but there is no doubt that with the Interest shown and the tal- ent which is now an established fact that the North Shore will give an excellent account at the next competition. The outstanding record of Young MacAulay is remarkable and when it is cons)dered that this boy is not yet 16 years old, his running is a very great ach- ievement and reflects credit on his natural ability to run the I mlle distance as wel) as any junior In Canada an&i a long wsy better than most of them. He turned in a time on Saturday at the preliminaries of 4:48, and while the time for the winner in the finals was three seconds more, still the final was a very pretty race snd MacAu)ay'0 ef- fort in the last 100 yards wns more like that of a seusone&l veteran than a boy from school. West Vancouver can afford to feel proud of the splendid show- ing made by him. Jim Murray was fortunate to reach the finals of the discu& and javelin and weight putting, and made a splendid showing against boys of much more ex- perience. Jim will with practice go a long way in the events next year. Jack Watt was eliminated in the semi-finals of the 100-yard event on Saturday and did very well to get that fsr. In this event there were 60 entries and all splendid runners. Jack man- aged to stay easily until the final 10, and perhaps it might have been different hsd he not drawn the very best in the semi- final heat. He did work 0 well earned place in the finals of the 220-ysr&( race, and Was within inches of placing third, but was not trained to stand the gruel- ling pace of the Saturday pre- vious, when he ran no less than five sprints and sll of them fast. With application snd study, this lsd can easily be outstanding both in the 100 yards and 220 yards and it is said by some who ought to know that the 440- yard distance would be a very suitable distance for him. The others who competed did very well indeed and considering that they gave their time and ability should be mentioned as bringing West Vancouver to the notice of the many visitors who attended the trials on Saturday. Albert Masterman would have done much better in the pole vault except that his ankle was not strong where he had strain- ed it in North Vancouver last week. George Wedley ran the mile easily and only the sprint in the )ast 100 yards kept him from being placed in the first three of that event. Wilfred Thomson was spend- ing his holidays with the band up st Keats Island and this was 0 straight case of the band beat- ing the boy instead of the boy beating the band. Wilfred csn run the half mile all right, an&I next year should tell the story to his advantage. Jim Watson ran well in the 440-yard event and more will be heard from this clean-cut boy. Summing up: It csn be said that the ei'fort put i'orth by those who have helped the boys up to their present standing had been amply repaid in the results attained. West Vancouver is in 0 position to give the youth of their district facilities to train and bring credit to their district in the clean manly sports so ne- cessary to the building up of good men and women. The 8&ms Helps Aged Employee: ml have grown grey in your service, and now you dismiss me, Can't you do anything for me)m The Boss: mYes, here is a bottle of hairH)ye.w p ) September 1, 1982. I Df. Marjory MECubbln DENTIST Boats: 0 r. m. Ie 6 a sL Srlutdryrl 10 r.m. Io I p. sL Evrnluxr snd Sulu&dry After- noons by uppoiulmrut only. Royal BanE Bufldiux phoae Weal ~ 46 ;r f krrldtutr I'imue Weri SSS. DR. G. D. H. SE/I LE DENTIST Hsy Bietk, 14&b xud biutiur Dt. Oflkr Hours 0 m 6 p.m. Evruiusr bf rppeislmuul. Phone West 22 NURSING HOMEJ (Mts. M. IL LrCbrutr, ILN.) 264 - 24&h Sltrrl Earl Netlh Vrutrutet kreideutr Phone: North ISSSR I HO(.LYBVRN Barber Shop 16lh Ih iflrtiur Ex PERT UEi&vfcP E, b(ARSH, Ptuptitlot. VO OTTAWA ACTIOiV ON NARROWS Sl'AN 4 The question of the method of financing reconstruction of the Second Narrows bridge at Van- couver has not been definitely 'ecidedupon, it was learned in Ottawa Saturday. The matter has been before the cabinet council on several occasions durin the ast two8 p j,months, but the Imperial Con- ., ference intervened. Since the conference, some probable $ dr changes in the Australian tres- gty and other urgent questionst t(w 'll attention of the cabinet in the psst few days. r On the return of Premier R. ™1$ 6B. Bennett from the west and I several of his ministers who sre'tpresent out of the city, the subject will come before the cabinet. Cream of Celery Soup 3 cups celery, cut in inch, 'ieces 2 cups boiling water '/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons fat 1)4 cups milk I/6 teaspoon pepper f Wash and scrape celery and cut into inch pieces; add water and cook until very soft and m'ender;rub through sieve. Hest f, all but I/2 cup of milk In double boiler. 5Ielt fat, add flour and r'teamseasoning. snd add the Ir&J cu of milk. Stir constantly until thickens. Combine celery, thick- ened milk and heated milk. Sea- son and serve. l e --trrurtus Lossoat.t NOW PLAYING "DOOMED BATTALION» rud 'Misleading Lady'I'tllllrteIrrxlb Cmwefrl NOTE Tbr rrrtrri Ixrrlb of lbl~rtrrtrm erlrs n rurubfrlr crit dhow mMISLEADINO LADY" ONCE EACH EVENING Cdrlutrllirs rl 0:26 d.w. MrrrTrwr.-Wtd. Nrxl Wttr John Barrymore lr mb(A)) ()ENIUSm SPECIAL'MATINEE Labor Dsy 2&30