West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Sep 1932, p. 1

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0001 Ib 1737 sI l& 12 el A Weekly Newspaper Circulati yttri» thc District of West Va»cou2)cr-Ambicside, Hollybur», Wcsto», Du»dar~gsc $1.00 per year, Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecitff, Etc. 5c per copy at newsstanda. D, 6L (7TA )tuiu Ring Clig iiuu, jlll le t,"1 Illus. V l U flelb' Duu. little 5 Ieobg ', J 'u kr,' club (':; Ip Ue. capes "I bise's I" i & e &till )I ! Clue. I 10h,. [ngis. "; I ie &e& i Ble&kg j daugb.; &ptuf&4,"i l little. ', ibe :& i le &blU I:* Iee I'e pkl I'. ul Bug j: ie %~Vol. VII SIX PAGESl, nUNDARAVF, REGATTA DRAWS LARGE CRO)VI) Fine weather favored this year's annual Dundsrave Re- gatta, which last Saturday afternoon provided a splendid three hours and s half of clean sport for the crowd who flged every available seat. Reeve Leyland opened the proceedings in a brief speach of welcome, hIre. Leyland presenting the cups and prizes to the success- ul ful competitors on the verandah of the Clachan Hotel after the events had been run off. Both Miss Mogie Edwards nd Eddie Hornsby defeated ag Q& competitors in the two open events and their victories were received with great applause by e the many onlookers. Munro Bourne, the Olympic swimming ace from Montreal, had a "gala" afternoon, winning the 50 yards and 200 yards men's open in beautiful style. Miss Agnes Martin, the V. A. S. C. star, also turned in a won- derful performance, being first home in the 60 yards and 100 yards ladies'pen, besides com- ing second in the ladies'pen diving event and helping her club to win the B. C. champion- ship in the 200 yards ladies'e- lay. Variety was given the after- noon's proceedings by the clowns, as well as by an inhalat- nr d monstrstion und lr the sup- ervision of Gordon Vance, by Pat Douet, Arthur Edwards, Norman Davidson, E d w a r d Partridge and Max Lennox. Full particulars snd times of the events were as follows: 1. 60 yards--Boys of West !I, Vancouver, under 14, (C. Ross 3 Tate trophy) --1. Jack HsU, 2, Jim Love. Time, 36 3-5 seconds. 2. 50 yards--Girls of West Vancouver, under 14, (CoL K. W. Savory trophy) --I, Peggy Anderson; 2, Betty Grey. Time,'- 89 seconds. 3. 50 yards--Boys of West Vancouver, under 16, (Gisby Cup)--I, D. Sherman; 2, Pat ,"l" Douet. Time, 33 1-5 sconds. 4. 50 yards--Free style, girls of West Vancouver, under 16, J. B. Leyland Challenge Tro- hy) --I, Edith Whyte; 2, Mar- garet Currie. Time, 323-6 sec- 6. 25 yards--Girls of West Vancouver, under 12, (G. Gray Challenge Trophy)--I, Marion Currie; 2, M. Martin. Time 1 min., 19 1-6 seconds. 6. 26 yards--Boys of West Vancouver, under 12--I, Walter Graham; 2, V. Martin. Time, 20 2-5 seconds. 7. 50 yards--Ladies'pen--I, "g Agnes Martin (V.A.S.C.); 2, Jean McGillivray. Time 30 1-5 . 'econds. 8. Diving, open, 3-metre :; board, men-- (B. C. Electric Rly.'- Co.'s Challenge Trophy) --I,t.Eddie Horneby; 2, Maurice And-erson.9. 100 yards--Men of West 0 Vancouver, (B. P. O. E. North Shore Lodge No. 43 Challenge Trophy) --1, Gerald Mason; 2, Maurice Anderson. Time I min.i;.'l seconds. 10. 200 yards -- Free style,'l men', open--1, Munro Bourne, (Montreal); 2, Allan Bourne, (Montreal). Time 2 minutes 15 1-6 seconds. 11. 100 yards--Free style, I ladies', open-- I, Agnes Martin, (V.A.S.C.); 2, Eleanor Peden (Victoria). Time 2 min 452-6 seconds. 12. 100 yards--Relay, boys, , . West Vancouver public schools, '&) (West Van. P. T. A,'s ChsUengo Trophy) --1, I'auline Johnson, No. 15 BUILDING PERhllTS $6,870 Ten permits were issued last month by the municipal hall for a total of $6,870. These were made up of five for dwellings to- taUing $5,600, four additions for $895, and one garage at $375, HORTICUI.TURAL SOCIETY FALI. SHOW ON SEPT. IOTH The directors of the West Vancouver Horticultural and Agricultural Society are now making plans for the forthcom- ing fall show in Dundarave Hall from 2:30 to 10 p.m. on Satur- day, September 10th, and judges have been selected. Mr. G. E. W. Clarke will judge the fruit and vegetables, and the names of the other judges will be announced nevt week. On ac- count of the late season, roses are still at their best, so this year there will be included a bowl of roses arranged for ef- fect. (Pat Douet, Tommy Robson, Milton Ward, Donald Sharman) 2, Hogyburn. Time I min. 11 seconds. 13. 100 yards--Relay, girls, West Vancouver public schools. (West Van. P.T.A.'s Challenge Trophy)--I, Pauline Johnson, (Peggy Anderson, Betty Gray, Lucille Currie, Eileen Lovatt); 2, Hollyburn. Time 2 min.. 16 eoc. '4, Diving--I-metre board-- Boys of West Vancouver, under 15, (Gordon Robson Challenge Trophy) --I, Glen McDonald; 2, Frank Fitzgerald. 16. Greasy Pole -- I, Victor Black. 16. Diving I-metre board-- Girls of West Vancouver, under 15, (G. Clay Trophy)--I, Mary Franklin; 2, Peggy Anderson. 17. 50 yards--Free style-- Ladies of West Vancouver, (hiorgan Trophy) -- I, Edith Whyte; 2, Wilma Donaldson. Time 32 2-6 seconds. 18. 60 yards -- Free style- hlen, open--1, Munro Bourne, (hlontreal); 2, Jack Quest (V. A. S. C.). Time 26 seconds. 19. Diving--Open, I and 3- metre board--Ladies, (Dundar- ave Regatta Committee's Chal- lenge Trophy) --I, Molly Ed- wards, 137.1 points; 2, Agnes Martin (V.A.S.C.), 122.7 points; 3, Marion Kennedy, 121.4 points. 20. B. C. Championship--200 yards relay, 4 ladies, open to aU affiliated clubs--I team each club-- I, V.A.S.C.; 2, Crystal Gardens Swimming Club, Vic- toria. Time 2 min. 13 sec. 21. 200 yards--Relay, 4 men. Open to ag affiliated clubs-- 1 SEXShIITH SCHOOI, BAND TO PIWY SUNDAY The Sexsmith School Band of South Vancouver will give a concert next Sunday on Ambleside Pier from 8 to 5 p.m. This band is well known here, having given several concerts in )Vest Vancouver this summer. The following is the program: MARCH .......................................................... Vanguard OVERTURE ................................................ The Belle SACRFD POTPOURRI KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING WALTZ........................................Let Me Call You Sweetheart OVERTURE ................... Forepaugh's Aggregation WALTZ . Mellow Moon OVERTURE ......................................... Neptune TONE POEM ... Springtime WALTZ ..Blue hioon OVERTURE ............................................ Musical le MARCH ..................................................................... Flyer WEST VANCOUVER ~ WELFARE NOTES SCHOOI. BAND )VINS 'XHigiTiON TROPHY Autumn, with its rainy sea- son, is quickly approaching and Making 82 points in the High the'eed to k~ d~-shoal is School gang contest at the Van- very urgent, but onl) those couver Fxhibition the West whose incomes have been eer- Vancouver School Band was a- iously depict d, if not diseon- warded the Fxhibition Associa- tinued altogether, know how dif- tion (',haUenge Trophy and was ficult a proposition this is. Boots highly commended by the ad- and shoes, esPeciagy men's and judicature for their playing. school children's mU be in al-most constant demand from nowIn the oPen class for junior on, snd the Welfare distributorsbands the West Vancouver entry would be happy if they could b,although not among the pmz assured that the needs could bewinners made s very creditable suppliedshowing making 81 points, only ' large number of empt afour points behind the winne~~ are still awaiting contents. Some rge num r o empty jars Band of Vancouver, organized week, and the energetic foodover 6 years ago. convener Yas on hand with herTaking intP conuideralinn the s'wi~ten&s.,rt 7 n'r&& I Ln )) be proud of its showing in its ides of the spirit of cooperationfirst contest, have fruit and vegetables toThe School Band gave a line spare are reminded that the sea-concert last Sunday on Amble- son isquicklypassingside Pier following their return the previous evening from calnp.. The As~iation would like to There wasquit acrowd tolisten find some customers for hand- to them, who wer very apprec'nitted socks and stockings ative of the various numbers ade to orde . A. hea y which made up the program. ponse to this app I wouldprove a great blessing to a fel- TECHNICAL SCHOOL low citizen. It would also liketo find work by the hour or day,Parents of boys who wish to either sewing or housework for attend the Vancouver Technical another who is striving "to School are asked to apply in keep the home fires burning". writing immediately to the Sec- The rain is finding out the chok- retary of the )Vest Vancouver ed roof gutters. A man would School Board, because until it is appreciate the job of cleaning known how many wish to attend, them out. A phone eall to West no obligation will be assumed by 109 would be greatly appreciat- the board. In any case there will ed. be no allowance for pupils of There is still sewing to beover seventeen years. done, repairs and make-overs at An advertisement relative to headquarters. Quilts will alsothis appears in this issue. soon be needed, and "many hands make light work." A few Coming Events coat hangers for use at head- Saturday, 17th September -- quarters would be appreciated Old Time Dance at the Clachan. by the committee. THE WEST VANCOUVER UiNEhIPLOYED ASSN.&" The West Vancouver Unem- ployed Assoc&at&on heM them regular meeting on Tuesday, August 16th. Reeve Leyland re- sponding lo the invitation of the executive addressed the meeting at some length. He spoke of hie sympathy with the unemployed and gave his views on the cause and cure of the depression. At the end of his address he ans- wered s number of questions which were put to him by differ- ent members. The next meeting was an- nounced for September 6th. at 8 p.m. in Canadian Legion HslL NORTH SHORE SOCIAI.ISTS TO GIVE PICNIC The North Shore branches of the Socialist Party of Canada wiU give a picnic on Labor Day (September 5). at Mahon Park. Cars will leave 15th and Marine Drive at 11 a.m. Every person in sympathy with the movement will be wel- come to come and bring cups and baskets. Tea and coffee will be provid- ed. and ice cream for children. There will be a horseshoe pitching contest and baseball match between North and West Vancouver. Sports and other amusements. Speakers wiU address the pet- &i . I Op the following evening. September 6th, at 8 p.m.. J. S. Woodsworth, M.P., will speak in the K P. Hall, North Vancouver WEST VANCOUVER JUNIOR CHOIR The West Vancouver Junior Choir will hold ite first meeting for practice on Saturday morn- ing, Sept 10th, at 10 o'lock in the United Church Hall. The conductor has selected some delightful musie for the coming season and members a&e urged to be on hand the first day to reg&ster and start work. Girls from 8 to 14 years who like to sing are eligible for membership and will be wel- comed to the choir. For further i n f orm at i on phone Mrs. Colin MscLean, 2031 Marine Drive. The monthly meeting of the Baptist Wonmn's Mission Circle will be held on Tuesday Septem- ber 6th, in the church. At I p.m. the ladies will meet to start sevring, the regular meeting lo follow at 2 o'dock. AU ladies interested are cordiagy invited. team each club-- I, V.A.S.C.; 2, New Westminster Y. M. C. A. Time 1 min 50 2-6 sec. Olficials Chairman, L C. Reid, W. V, A. S. C. Referee, Captain A. O. Clam- pltt, hon. pres. B. C. Section C. A, S. A. Judges: C. L. Thornber, Fred Denson, Aid. E. W. Dean, G. D. Elgar, D. I. Clarke, T. E. W. Russell. Announcer, G. Vance. Starter, Capt, A. O. Clampltt, hon. pres. B. C. Section C.A.S.A, Timekeepers: G. Knechtle, F, A. McBride, Geo, Burrows. Entry clerk, Chas. Chapman. The regatta dance in the eve- ning al, the Hollyburn Pavilion wss s most pronounced success, there being between five hun- dred an&i elx hund&v&d guests present, many of whom came from North Vancouver snd the city. 9 y 9 9yq ~4 e )Vest Vancouver Schools Band (Winners of Exhibitiml Challenge Trophy) HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, SEPT. I. 1932