West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Aug 1932, p. 6

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0001 RA otr~R :R.lrpotEr Err Eprr REr tr 6 Pt PI Va poP o at& 6 ~I ' 6 6' II "I a I 'rpu-p6:6'6 66 ~ -.\'a 'r r '6 '6 ' 6E '~ 6'I'rr '6 I' r I~ r AV rr CV66 V v ~ ' ~ Vrrrrv rrrrrrrrrrr rrrvrvrV r THE WEST VAN NEWS ,I August 26, 17S2. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only I Store at IIollybura, next Theatre Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Why Pay More? SPECIAL Dlmdarave,",„" "„".'Ambleside»~ ~ »"„'..." SPECIAL SALE-Fri. & Satrg Aug. 26 8I 27 LUMBER, SASH 6 DOORS, For ~ 4 Roots Cottage LINED INSIDE Price Delivered s Zoo.oo PHONE WEST 3 Rrd A lrhito KEPCHUP Large 12 oz. bottle ......... 15c AUSTRAI.IAN ORANGES Nice large oico, poc dotes.... $5c Bor Empire Productcl kcd Jt lyhlto JELLY P01VDERS PockogE .............. 4+c TEA, 'KADANA'cc lb......... 29c Save the Coupons COFI'EE,Fresh grooolk pcr IK 29c RED PITTED CHERRIES, Nabob No. 2 size tls ........................ 1$c kcd ik \Vhite FLOOR WAX I IIE tio .................. Slc Rod tt Vi'hite TOILET HOLI.S 2 for 194 CINNAhlON ROLLS Froth mode todcr, dozes....... Isc Nabob Spcciol- ORANGE hlARMALADE Imago $2 oz. Ouoat jars . 25c FAIRYLIGHl'AKE FLOUR Pockogo ........................ 25c OAhll'FIRE MARSHMALLOWS Large 8 oc. pochogc ........... 15c RYVITA FLAKES, 25 servings Large pockogc................ 2$c Rod 6 Vfhlto GOLDEN COltN No. 2 tiso ................................ 1 5c Rod S White SPAGHEITI olth Chococ la Tomato Sauce, Tall tins ................... Iec Nabob Brand PURE STkAW. BERRY JAhl ...... 4 HE tis 49c PASTRY FIAIUR--Aootcolioa 5 Ih sack................ Isc JAP RICL FIRE'eolkp...............,z Ibo. 9c RICE KRISPIES, Kckogg'o pcc pocket ........................ I ac PINK SALhlON. good eookty tall tins .......................... Iec SALAD DRESSING, Best Foods 12 oz. ioc .................... 1st PORK k BEANS, Aflmcr 19 os. tis ..................... Sc MACARONI. Cosodioa Ready Cut.....,...,,z lbo. 15c CREAM OF WHEAT, pkt.. 2lc SARDINES, Cooodioo Bcoocoick, pcc tio .......... 5c PkUNES. fresh Medium ohc ................ 2 lbo. 15c LU SER, snd l,umber I'roductg -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. BuUdlng Paper Lamalco, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Etc, ~ ~ ~ GET OUR PRICES ON FENCING Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Drawers Everything for the Building WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD Res. I'hone West 366L Marine I'hone West 115 15th and "Right Servlce--AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. Right Grades" (EET RESERVED HEATS EA'lti.Y FOIt REGATFA Reserved seats msy be obtain- Ped for the Regatta bp phoning sny of the foaowing: Cliff Groom; Gwendolyn Beaut Shoppe, West 117; L. C. Reld. West 364RI, or G. R. Vance, West 279L. The plan is on display with Mr. Groom at the Clschan Inn, iiDundsrsve. These seats sre sefiing fast so be sure snd get your reserve- 1, tions in early. It is expected that there will be a battle royal for diving hon- Iti. ors between Eddie Hornsby, W. V.A.S.C., snd Art Stott (fresh from the Olympics). The Dun- dsrsve Regatta Committee trophy is being put up for the Ladies Diving. Miss Molly Ed-,:6 wards is determined that this ",, trophy shall stay in West Vsn- ag].,E couver while Miss Doris Psrkes wI.'S» says she is sure it would look I ' +g better in Vancouver. We shall h see. Miss Peden of Victoria, is bringing s team from her club ', for the B. C. Championship Re- I lay Race, snd together with sev-, Ie eral other Victoria stars, wia be k s competitor in some of the open YL.:I events. New Westminster OY" are 'onfidentof victory in the Men' Relay but will have some stiff competition from West Vancou- ver snd the V.A.S.C. WEST VANCOUVER A.A.A. ORGANIZED A West Vancouver Amateur Atheletic Association has been organized to embody all forms of sport. The following officers have been elected: President--A. P. Kerley Vice-Pres.--Councillor R. Fid- des Treasurer--T. Smith Secretary--W. Winchcombe. It wss decided to enter two teams in the Junior Alliance snd three teams in the Juvenile Fool ball League, to be known as the West Van. Unittuj snd the West Vsn. Rangers. The first match will take place at 6:30 p.m. Friday, 26th Aug- ust, at Ambleside. Park AU players are requested to attend. Any having football equip- ment such as boots, shorts, socks, sweaters, etc., which they would like to donate, are request- ed to phone the secretary at West 349Y. 15th osd Marine Dales Phone Wool 199. After 5 p.m. ond holidays ock for W. JENVEY, Phone West 159R Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE ALBERTA CREAMERY BUTTER bulbs. for 68c TENNIS CLUB GIVES SUCCESSFUL DANCE The West Vancouver Tennis Club gave s very successful dance on Wednesday evening, 17th instant, in the HoUyburn Pavillon A number of memb- ers snd their friends were pres- ent, snd s very enjoyable eve- ning wss spent in dancing to the excellent music provided by Swin Ksyll's orchestra The moonlight coming through the open windows of the Pavilion to- gether with the beautiful light- ing effects added materially to the charm of the dance. SATURDAY ONLY No Phone or C.O.D. for this Special Sold with Meat Orders Only M. McDonald wrote the coun- ". cil re exchange of Lot 6 for 10 ]of B2 of D.L 555. The ofi'er of 650 plus aa regis- tration charges snd lot 10 in ex- change for Lot 6 both in Block 2B, D.L 555, wss accepted. 4 A Different Sort A woman entered the butch» er's shop with her small dsugh- lo ter. Some tripe wss displayed;44 on the counter, and the littler&girl asked what it was. "Tripe, dear," replied the "'i„,t mother. "That's funny," said the child " "Duddy says that's what we gst over the wireless Safety First Mother: ONo, Johnny, you can't have the hammer to play with. You will hurt your fing- ers.o Johnny: ONo, I won'. I'm 'W getting Joan to hold the nails." t'raveller:Can you tell what makes the Tower of Pi+ lean I" Stout lady (absently) Oh if I only knew. VERNON FEED STORE ROASTING CHICKENS 4 to 6 lbs 25C lb. COTTAGE ROLL (No Bone, No waste) 14@ lb. VICE-ADMIRAL CAULFEILD TO BE HERE SHOR'I'LY Vice-Admiral Caulfeild, son of F. W. Caulfeild, is expected to arrive here shortly, to look over the large estate of his father in West Vancouver. During his visit he will stay at the Vancou- ver Club, where he will be glad to see anyone connected with or interested in the property. The Admiral, who will be ac- companied by his son, hsd s most distinguished naval career, retiring from the active list in 1920. Local SPRING LAMB -EwiN. 253 lbs ................................ SHOULDERS lb.......,..................„......... RIB, Breast on lb. LOIN, As cut 'EGS SHOULDER RoUed, no bone, lb....„...,.1 9C No. 1 Steer Beef No. I Alberta Creamery Butter 3 lbs. 69cBOILING BEEF 9lb.. BONELESS STEWING 5I5 BEEF .... ........... 2 Uls. C C CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGE dk e 3 Ibs...,.....................„....„....CilC MINCED sTEAK 25C2 Ibcb .........-.-.---.-------. ~p'~,c BLADE RIB ROAST g gI ll ROUND BONE ROAST ) 5 X RIB ROAST $ 6Clb.. PRIME RIBS lb. PORK SAUSAGES FRESH LIVER ONTARio CHP-F .....20lb. COTTAGE CIIEFPSE 252 lbs. , PICNIC HASI $ III~ Si'ECIA I. TRII'IO KLAT'S ISLAND The iyest Vancouver Munici- pal Ferries sre running a special trip to Kest's Island next Satur- day, August 27th. The boat wUI leave Ambleside Pier st 10 a.m. and on the return trip will leave Keat's Island at 6 p.m., bringing the West Vancouver Schools Band back from camp. A band concert will be given for the benefit of those taking the trip and tea and coffee wfil be provid- ed free. Tickets are 76 cents and for children S5 cents. It Is requested that those Intending to take the trip gct their tickets early, ss only s limited number wUI be available. Local Milk Fed VEAL I sTEwING 253 lbs.............................. ovEN RO )5 g )8C A. C. SEAkLE Phoae Wool ~Roberts'etter Meats FertUlzers, Wood, Coal BuUders'upplies ,I'honeWest 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver Get the habit of Shopping in the "Progressive Block" of West Van All Government Inspected-No. 1 GtagIe Meat For Cash or C.OAl. Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH---No FROZEN MEATS