0001 I?32 )Ay ik )Ay (b s 'y 4(1 ll l43 ate IIII )N )'6 8 August 25, 1932i, MANT FINK RADIO BARGAINS J. W. KELLY PIANO CO., LTD. L m i ANNOUNCEMENT! On accoun( oF trade conditions we are abligcd on snd sf(er this daic io vendue( our business on a strictly cash or C,O.D. basis. We also wish (o thank our patrons For past Favors. i ' . WEST VAN. TRANSFER (Ed. Black) West 68 /:(9 4 \ma tb. ~I Sutherland, hiargaret Hume, Lil- lian Haddock. West Vancouver, 2nd--Peggy Hardman, Janet Thomson, May Armstrong, Elsie Partridge. The boys are having the fin- ishing touches preparatory to entering Hastings Park on Sat- urday where the Eliminations take place commencing at 10 a. m. Monday will be the finals, and the results on that day will de- cide whether the North Shore has the material to represent the Province in the British Empiro Sports which will be 3 prelimin- ary to the 1936 Olympics. Lon- don 1934 is the proposed date for the Empire Track and Field Sports. ', s..'0th instant, at 3 p.m. The Club is indebted to Mr. *';":l MacAulay and Mr. Percy And- rews who have donated their ';:cars from time to time. It would ' like also to voice its appreciation „'.'"to the coaches who have carc- , '4 fully instructed the competitors .2 Messrs. Stewart, McEwen, and +'Miller from North Vancouver; ;;.: Messrs. Dave Willinkton and Fltvji Jack Tvemyss from )Vest Van- couver. ,b The South Vancouver Girls'. had an 8 point advantage at the „'inish of the competition and I 'his will be the subject of an- other get together on Saturday, September 3rd, at South Van- $ '.,"couver. The judges were J. G. . Fleming of Lynn Valley, A. Mc- Aulay, )Vest Van. and John if'Jack) Stewart, North Vancou- ver. Results Umler 14 years, 75 yards-- I, Elsie Partridge, W.V.; 2, Phyllis Brown, N.V.I 8, Dorothy Zeinckie, S.V. Under 17 years, 100 yards-- , I, Flsie Partridge, W.V.; 2, Myrtle Eipper, S.V.; 3, Peggy I iy', Toddun, N.V. High Jump -- I, Edith Ridler, , E 4 ft. Iin.; 2, Peggie Hardman Ed Lillian Haddock, tie, 4 ft. ~?„'~~Baseball Throw -- I, Dorothy .Zeinckie, S.V., 136 feet, 8 inches;'.,', Edith ltidler, S.V.; 134 feet; i) .'I, Joyce Tvebber, N.V., 132 feet, 10 inches. Under 16 years, 75 yards-- I, Margaret Hume, S.V.; 2, Haz- I 'L&'7I BILTON HOUSE PAUI.INF. JOHNSON SCHOOL The Principal of this school will be in his oi?ice from 2 to 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday, September 1st and 2nd, to enrol the Receiving Class and also pupils from other schools. Pupils who were successful in the Entrance Examination and were recommended to High School are requested to obtain their certificates at the oi?ice on the afternoon of Thursday or Friday next week. FRAMAR MONTESSORI Sehsssd for Young Children RHYTHM (k DANCING included Yxk Term Sixrtv Tuv»dxy September 6(hSCHOOL for BOYS Dsy Hoya and Boarders Preparation for Exams. M(xlern Curriculum, Games K. B. FOYSTER, %29th St. I'hone West 150Y2 Si'E(')A). DAN('.)N(l ('ASS Yssr Older Children )Ves)xevdxy A((vrnvssssv For Pari)voices Phone MRS. W. D. FRASER 1786 Evquimai( Avv. ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL For Girls and Kindergarten Co(ncr 20(h and Hsywood AUTUMN TERM Commences TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6(h Pnncipsl- Mus J. Du(bin Special Coo(ac(-- Music. Ass snd French Kindcrgaeicn so High School Pauline Johnson School Ri"i (GIRLS OF OI.YihIPIC CLUB el Sutherland, S.V.; 3, Janet MEET SOUTH VANCOUVER Thomson, )V.V. Broad Jump -- I, Margaret The Tri City Track and Fiekl Hume, S.V., 15 feet, 2 inches; i&lect between the girls from 2, Edna Stewart, iV.V., 14 feet 3 '.-.-" South Vancouver Girls'thletic inches; J, Peggy Hardman, W. Club and the girls from the 3 V., 14 feet. Canyon City Junior Olympic Relay Race -- South Vancou- 'Club was held at hiahon Park, ver, 1st--Myrtle Eipper, Hazel". J North Vancouver, Saturday, the THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BL'SH By Subadar There recently appeared in an American magazine an ar- ticle from one of their educators who wss entirely dissatisfied with the results obtained in their public schools, We, too, are becoming concerned about education in Canada. If we re- alize that natural ability cannot be created by education, which can only train whatever brains a child possesses, some of the difficulties will disappear. It follows that the subjects taken up do not so much matter as long as their study will train the child'3 reasoning powers, which means again that ample t'me must be given for the aver- age child to master those sub- jects. In other words, better to thoroughly master say the three R's than take 0 mental Cook'6 Tour through a dozen higher subjects. At the present time our high school curriculum in Canada is largely a cram, and therefore has neither the merit of properly training the brain nor even of giving the child the not so necessary knowledge de- rived from a higher education. A certain Australian profes- sor stated the other day that the policy of tariffs and particu- larly those decided on at the Ec- onomic Conference, if continued would nullify all recent scientif- ic progress and reduce the na- tions to primitive communities. He fails to realize that many thousands of thinking people, whose numbers are increasing every day, would hai! such 3 re- sult as a great improvement. We all know that science has made war many times more horrible than it was before, and there is more than 3 growing suspicion that it has done much the same for peace. So far recent scien- tific progress has some few greater human comforts to its credit and 6 great deal of hum- an unhappiness. Canada and the States have been informed that this winter every third number at dances will be a tango. This particular kind of dance is said to be bring- ing an old world refinement to the ballroom, in other words we are to forsake our African hab- its and go South America, the original home of the tango, I be- lieve. I hope it will bring an improvement, at any rate to the musie, which nowadays often sounds as if three tom cats had invaded 6 henhouse, and were having 0 thoroughly pleasant time, thank you. At the worst, the music can't be worse, and, if dancers will only all keep mov- ing forward instead of now and then backing up in the fairway, it will at least give our poor feet and ankles a chance. ~ v i There is going to be a good time in Vancouver this winter for an association hss been form- ed to train young bagpipers, so I suppose we shall be hearing a number of squeaks and squawks coming out of the fog around the city this winter, snd frantic women will be phoning the police that "0 'orrible murder" has just been committed down the street. By next summer Vancouver should have one hundred pipers like the song. Apropos of this Jacobite song, while I don' blame the English for running away from ten pipers, let alone one hundred, the music (?) must have driven th» Sassenachs so crazy that the latter in despera- tion cleaned up, for certainly the rebellloii ws)8 anything but a sllcce8s. 0vt rs('&0 Heard at a local stationers: Small child: Mummy, why don't you buy this "foreign" notepaper? Mother (agitatedly): Hush, child, we mustn't buy anything foreign nowadays. )Ve must buy British. ROOM AND )k)ARD--Nvxr She Cvvvy good home. vesxossbiv rates. Phone West 108. A FRAMED ENLARGEMENT ~arne favorite esspshot is s nice way io remember ysssr holiday. Wc frame pie(uses, develop. print, en- large, copy. Ocr p)sess iv located in West Vxsvvuvev. ensuring promPt snd individexi vvrviev, C. J. Bvssd- evick, Photo Fix)cher, 1436 Mxrinc Drive. Y()k kENT--Tkv heave x( 2)M ('ssv. don Amnue may be for svni after Asgvxi 25ih. FOR SALE--One a)- most new Beatty Five(rie Washer for less (hac balf geest, Apply 2131 Gavdim Avenue. YOR SA( F~axada's Ideal kxage, 525.00. Also Lady'e Bicycle, 826.00 both in dvet class cmsdkkssx Pbonv West 87)R. TO kENT--Hsmvv em Wa(vs(sea(. furnished or unfcvmvhcd, modern, furnace. Phone ')Vee( 665R. W)L). kENT Reasonably so esse(s) tenant. Cour room furnished house, Ws(vs(run(. Ambivxide, Call plumb- )))3. Phone Seymour 8776. FOR RENT~mfor(cb(y Fursishvd Cottage on Waterfront near ferry. kesvanxbie. Phone West 860X. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, snd acreage for sale. John Lxwson, 17th aud bfxrine, Phone 15'evt 65. kAD)OS REPA)kED, Tabes Tested, 7 Tube Electric Set only 635.00. Wiring Ranges Repairs Plugs In- stalled. North Shore Electri, 1439 Mxviue. West 61. FOR SALE--Chvvivv6vid Suite, gesssd condition, no reasonable oifvr re- fused. Box 16, West Van Neve). ROOM AND BOARD in 1'rivx(c Resi- dence, terms reasonable, xii home cooking. For par(ice)erg phone Vi'vei 418L FOR RENT--From Svp(ember. 3 sed 4 Room Cottages, furnished, on Waterfront, one mine(v Crom Ferry Very cs)mforiab)e for winter. Mod- ern. Apply 1312 Argyle Avenue. IVANTED--For Srst two weeks of September, fully furnished 3 or 4 room modern bungalow near the water at Ambleside or West Bay or any other point on Marine Drive where bearh is sandy. Phone North 642L. HOME COOKING )Ve guarantee all we sell to be of the Highest Quality. Do not forget that We aLso Ser) e hleals Herc. THE COOKSHOP Dundarave 2476 Marine Drive )Vest 62 West 62 1)EADOUARTERS fev AB the Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tabscvov, xsd Pish. isg Gxdgvig for local ws(veg. Am- bivvide Tvx Rcoma FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Ree. idssce Phoae West 8(HL LAYYN MOWERS SHARPF (ED- Expvriceced with xk askea "WILL CUT LIKE NEW" West Vsuceu vcr Machine Sbop, 1449 Msrhe. PA)NT1NG, KAISOMINING, PA- PERING. C. I Kcuisgx, West 394R MARCELLE SHOP -- Msec)Sv. cents; reve(, 36c; beget weve. 754. Phoae birv. King, West 804. Geo. Hay FiOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AVD LVSUILANCE 1405 Mxrisa Drive Phoae Wee( 21 or Seymour 1260 Bvvsixgs Wvse 20(X Eagle Harbor GOOD Bathing, Boating Fishing Rnd Picnics GORDON ROBSO)N Bxrvix(ve R Sol)ri(ev WEST VANCOUVER- Oificv No. 1447, khsrinv Drive Phase West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818) 610 Hastings Se. W. Phone. Seymour 4199. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert ?York Phone West 135 English to American Order An English actor at Holly- wood had been haring 0 bad quarter of sn hour with the dir- ector over his accent. "Drop you aitches, can't you?" roared the director. ")I'hyv" said the Englishman sullenly, "I'm playing the part of an English peer." "I know that," snapped the director, "but all you English drop 'your aitches, don't you~ "Of course not," replied the Englishman. The director pondered a mom- ent, and then said: "Well, drop 'em anyhow The guys on this side expect it." -mQ1g .iig. Hollyburn School AUTO OWNERS! THE FINANCIAL RESI'OVSlEHIJTY LAW OF IL C. TAKES EFFE('T SEPTEXIBER 1st, 1932 Any uninsu)ed owner whose car incurs a liability that he ls unable to meet loses his license until such liability has been paid. That might mean for life. Call and get rates. JOHN I.A)VSON, HoNyburn CLASSIFIED ADS The vx(v fssv Clavvidvd Advvvuveacs(v is 2 evs(x pvr vvvsL aisiaua 25 essex. Ex«vp( in (kv case sd (bvsv having eggs)sr secocstv. aB cixxvi- sedv are pxyxbiv strictly ia sdvxsvc. Remember C(xaidvdss is Sim West Vsa Nvvx gv( iaavdixse vvvckx. FOR SALE--80$ Bvi(iah Ress Ribv is WEBB'8 BHOE REPAIRS WEAR good shape, 817.50. Phone Wvvt d8 BEST - Deeda)ave.