0001 hpr r«pr. pr ~~& vhr w". pthprrhr I h 4th h( k ~ tr th t P krrvrr t O-r&rxrr'rhw ~' tk'VSJSOJ&'c twtth hr*r( ttrtw i p'r'«hr. 'fr(rd. %h».r ~vv ~ 'k II ,rwr Pr r r ~ r'h V V'vrp V hrr hrrr.-r«r Wrrr rrrit tvVv rt 'rr rVkwhr rvr p Vkrrr rrrrr THE WEST VAN NFWS Don't Gamble With Your Hair Rctsccshct there ic no sohs&i. tots for gene&ac sstisfsciioa in ~ permanent wave. A cheap pete&sees& cocts yoU &sots h& Ihe long ran, so hc sure you are having Iitst class materials sad work&ssashjith We have TWO (Its& class Uoc&s&NI opcts(ots snd usc oaiy Stci class Supplies. CCL)CyffJ'olyn Bgffuty ShoPPc 1840 htsrtas Dtivc Phone West 117 LEGION CARNIV AL A GREAT SUCCESS The annual carnival given est Saturday afternoon at Hollyburn by the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion was most enjoyable and successfui, While no rain fell, there were lowering skies all afternoon and evening, but this did not appear to make any differenee to the crowds who visited the midway. Everything was there to keep them amused and happy. one of the chief attractions being the laud speaking machine, which did duty at the biay Day cele- bration this year as well as at the exhibition in Hastings Park last August. There were 0 num- ber of midway games, some of them old favorites like housie- housie, and others new to West Vancouver, such as the football marksmanship game and the air rifle competition, which was f&n- ally won by Dave Sharp. As in former years the re- freshment booth was run by the ladies of the Legion W.A. here, and it proved very popular. HIGH SCHOOL "Life is full of trials." "Yes, thank goodness." PbVhy do you say that'2'I'm a lawyer." Esishiishcd oa North Shove 20 Years. iLsdy Assistant) HARRON BROS. Ik WILLIAMSON funeral BfrrrtIIrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 West Van Nems Published Every Thstsdsy PshUshct F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Baciscss sod Ediiotis) OR&st Ifih ssd Dist&as Dlivs (Nest to HSUyhutn P.O.) Phone West 363 Mail Address: P.o. Box 01, ESUyhsta, IL C United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright Next Sabbath morning the services will be conducted in West Van. United Church by the Rev. R. J. biclntyre, Secretary of the B. C. Prohibition Associ- ation. All those who desire to know the facts concerning the temperance situation within our province will attend this service, In the evening Professor E. A. Odium will speak to the ques- tion of British Israelism. The minister who is on holi- day will be back in his pulpit on the second Sunday in September and will have charge of both morning and evening services. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHIJRCH EDIFICE 20th ssd Eseoi&ssh, HOUyhsts This society Is s Btssch of The Moihct Church Ths First Chotch of Christ, Bc(coils(, is Boston, 11sccschssctis Sunday Sctvicss 11:80 s.&a. Oad 1&80 p.m. Sunday, August 28, 1932 Subject: "CHRIST JESUS" Sunday School at 10:00 s.&s. Test(a&oay MOO&log Wcdnccdsy at 8:18 p.(a.The Young People's Bible Class will meet on the second Sunday in September in the morning at ten o'lock. All senior young people are cordially invited to join this class. Come and see. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist--birs. Holden Choir Leader--Mrs. bIartyn St. Stephen's Church 2 p.m.--All Departments of Sabbath School. Mr. W, Loucks, Supt. 3:16 p.m.--Church Service. Rev. F. D. Fowler, B.A., B.D., of bIount Pleasant Presbyterian Church will conduct the service and preach the sermon. Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. August 28th -- 14th Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11&15 a.m.--Primary Dept. of Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--&51atins and Ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. Caulfeild: St. Francis -- Ser- vice 3 p.m. on Sunday. A tea is being given for the benefit of the Guild of St. Fran- cis-in-the-Woods on Friday, 2nd September, from 3 to 6 p.m. at the home of Mrs. H. F. Kettle, Pilot House Road. Home-cook- ing, fish pond, candy. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. 10 a.m.--Sabbath School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Worship. DEATH OF v'RS. JOSEPH TITE Mrs. Joseph Tite, 16th and Marine Drive, passed away at 2 p.m. yesterday at the North Vancouver General Hospital. The deceased leaves to mourn her loss her husband and niece, Miss Grace Tite. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 2 p.m. at the Burrard Funeral Chapel, 320 3rd St. East, North Vancouver, Rev. Harry Berry of St. Luke's Church, South Van- couver officiating, and interment will be made in the Capilano View Cemetery. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Care&I Res. 2558 Marine Dr'. Summer Schedule SUNDAY-- 8:30 a.m.--Holy Mass, In- struction. 10:00 a.m.--Holy Mass, Sar&non 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School. 3:00 p.m.--Afternoon Devo- tions. WEEK DAYS-- 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. FRIDAY-- 7:30 p.m.--Devotions, Confes- sions. SATURDAY-- 7:30 p.m~Confessions. bliss Kathleen Clarke, whose marriage to Mr Arthur Sutton is an event of next week, has been honored st sevral prenup- tial affairs. Mrs. Victor Odium, aunt of the bride-elect, entertained at a dinner and shower at her sum- mer home, "Rockwoods," Whyte cliff, on Wednesday. White sweet peas in green bowls dec- orated the table, and the rooms were aglow with late summer flowers. Butterflies in pastel shades were used for place cards Covers were also laid for Mrs. R. G. L. Clarke, Mrs. W. S. Cam- eron, birs. Edwards, Mrs. Har- old Cline, Miss Mary Walkem, Miss Jean Spencer, Miss White of Winnipeg, Miss Marion Grant Miss Dorothy Clarke nnd Miss Dorothy Cotton. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in West Vancouver Christian Science Society" on Sunday will be 'CHRIST JESUS'ne of the Scriptural texts will be from Luke 7: 21: "And in the same hour He cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind He gave sight." Selections will also be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being from page 26: "Our Master taught no mere theory, doctrine, or belief, It wss the divine Prin- ciple of all real being which He taught and practiscvl." "The idea of eternity is so vast that no man can compre- hend it." "Nonsense l Buy a car on the instalment system an&i you will comprehend it." North Vancouver Offfce: 123 Lonsdale Ave. DL00 s rest hy cattish"I 82.00 ~ ycof hy malL West Vancouver High School The West Vancouver High School opens for the fall term on Tuesday, September 6th at 9 a.m, Principal Patterson will be at the Inglewoad School on Thursday and Friday afternoons September 1st and 2nd, from 2 to 4 for the purpose of inter- viewing and enrolling students. Parents and students are urged to take advantage of this op- portunity, also to have the re- quired text books for the open- ing day. August 26, 1782. 4 ) M. E, Ls('hsocc, R.N.) 284 ~ 24(h Street Ecci Not&a Vancouver Rccidcotc Pbcoc North 1280R HOI.I.YUURN Barber Shop 16th A Ms&inc EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor. ~ A. Matthews poured tea and cof. fee from the daintily appointed dining table, which was taste- fully d&ecurated with roses in silver vases, and tall pink tapers in silver sconces. The serviteurs were Miss Marguerite Device, Miss Ruth Jackson, Miss Viviun Armstrong Miss Mons Sentence and Mrs. F. tV. Harrington. The three-tier wedding cake, decorated with orange blossoms and wedding bells, was served from s separate bridal table by Mrs. R. W. Davies. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Gentle- man left for a motor trip, the bride looking chic indeed in her French crepe suit of resida green with cuffs of beige Southern fox. She wore also a smart beige hst with diminutive veil and her shoes, gloves, bsg and scarf were in matching tones. She also wore the groom's gift a beautiful white gold wrist watch, with sapphire stem. During the evening immedi- ately following the toast, Mrs. H. A. Philbrook, sister of the groom, telephoned her congra!- ulations from Victoria, and a- mong the out of town guests, was Mr. Austin Hay of Calgary. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Gentleman will reside at 1317 Bellevue Avenue. Why are you driv&ng up snd down in front of the hosp&taI2" "For safety; I began driving today." bh ONSDAL NOW PLAT(NO A I hh( Mrvc&S IS&r NSI I&w IIrthtc "THE CROWD ROARS" 8 IIITa-- I"AUI.H&( (&l&n (&AN(l (h&I&HI&1'APER HATS FREE Th n &r «Sd li&tlh .I&(chdlhc (k SLI'I'INN(I aATI'DA T, 2 &NI ! k XHXT IVNI:N &S ..Vwk,.ww, thr:t &:Sh&. Iia wc ir&hdl "Tl I R &h Tl&i( 'I'I'( LII.I N I a S(xiyu & BA'I'TAI.I(&Nh I(» & O[ LI NOT ~ &w o I'I»Owly PNI~Iccclss h» Lscy" &ww& r&wrhh& 'ahsh oww ~NOT ghw" ~l'1M th NOTE &h & h W&W 't&ash c& «t hrhth t& && WWC& '»C & Sth hc ~ Sc &hh n &hr &w 'hth» I 'ah&hhhtr &crt h Ol cw &&he & Oh ~ w& 4 ~ .\ ~ & ~,& ~ & ~ &S~ SO S.O. OSSW&SS VUCS. OSSW&hc ts&. shhttt, ~ cc hro shhw, ~:&c hw ! ~ SSCSTS O ~&r wc h hh&hh & ew Ow&kt ch &hc &kh&h sr& oo& ~ Ihw w S.&WSSS. &h&~t C V« CORAFTT -- GENTLEMAN DI.Marjory Mcgubbin One of the most beautiful and D EN T IS Tmost interesting weddings of the season, and one which will live Bouts: 0 ~ . &o. Io 0 p. sL long in the memory of the rela- Bs&stdsys: 10 ~ &n Lo I p &o tives and many friends of the Evcaiagc sod Saturday Atter- bride and groom, was that sol aooss by sppoiaicccsi ssiy. emnized by the Rev. F. A. Ram- Roysi Bank BOUdiag sey at St. Stephen'e Church on Saturday evening, the 29th day Rccidcscs Phoss Wcci 20+ of August, 1932, st 8 o'lock; when Dorothy Ellis, el&lest daughter of blr. and Mrs. Fred- erick George Corbett. became OR Q. D. H. SF A Lh. the bride of Mr. William Gentle- DENTIST man, both of West Vancouver. The church was magnificent y H y Block, 14&k Sad hictiev Dt O(ncc Hoots 0 Io 0 p. &s.decorated with summer fiowers for the occasion, and forms&i an Phchs Weat Tz exquisite setting for the beauti- ful picture presented by the brid- al party. The bride, given in marriage NURSING HOME by her father, had chosen a wed- ding gown, cleverly created of heavy, lustrous white bridal sat- in, fashioned on long, close lit- ting lines, silhouette style. A cluster of orange blossoms in a nest of white ribbon, marked the waistline on the right side, from which hung streamers of ribbon, dotthvf with the bridal blossoms. The lovely, filmy wedding veil of embroidered silk net, cuscaded from 0 close-fitting cap, held in place w&th a sem&rc&relet of orange blossoms. Long silk snd lace wedding gloves, marked in the bridal rose pattern, white moire slippers, 8 single strand of pearls, and the gorgeous shower bouquet of pink Butter- fly roses, wh&te sweet peas and maidenhair fe&TI, completed the enhancing costume. Miss Florence Corbett, only sister of the bride, and Miss Gwendolyn Clay, as the attend- ants, were charmingly gowned in the palest of organdy. Miss Clay choosing a unique model in mauve, featuring tiny capelets with narrow velvet straps, and a skirt fashioned of large, over- lapping petals. Miss Corbett had chosen an interesting style in blue, which featured the frill idea. The tiny frilled jacket, and the pale pink sash added to the efl'ect. They wore large match- ing picture hats, white gloves, and slippers, and carried bou- quets of carnations and sweet peas. The little flower girl, Jessie Davies, cousin of the bride, was frocked in maize crepe de chine featuring pufl'ed sleeves and frills. Her poke bonnet was in matching shade snd she carried s lovely basket of summer flow- ers. The groom was supported by Mr. Ernest Edwards, while Mr. Edward Grey and Mr. James Gentleman, cousin of the groom, were the ushers. Mr. Norman Sewell played the nuptial music, and during the signing of the register, Mrs. Kenneth Robinson sang very effectively, "I Love You Truly." The reception which immedi. ately followed the ceremony, was held at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Robert W. Device, 1366 Inglewoa&l Ave., where Mrs. F. G. Corbett, mother of the bride, and Mrs. Robert Gentle- man, aunt of the groom, together with Mrs. R. W. Device, hostess for the evening,assisted the brid- al couple in receiving the guests. Mrs. Corbett had chosen s charming gown of beige georg- ette and Chantilly lace, with matching jacket, and her I'reach hat with nose veil was in match- ing tones. Mrs. Gentleman had selected rose beige flat crepe, with deep lace Berths collar, with which she wore a new m&xl- el in a black velvet toque; while Mrs. Device wss lovely in her pale green georgette crepe with matching accessories. They wore corsages of pink carnatiuns and sweet peas with fern. The large drawing room was a profusion of summer flowers, done in pink, mauve and white. The bridal couple stoa(f beneath the delicately decorated arch to receive the toast, appropriately proposed by Mr. D. Wfflfngton, and to which the groom heartily responded. Mrs. O. Arn&strong, and Mrs.