0001 &TS I 'atre R'TD. 369k Ilske sd .ifaie 4e iHaw. coapeg. develop. i'k, fg. itlgstiez the twe )N 2„ I'ARTY le I) e more ml ever with charge, ire bir, 'es, ssd ged by I spats, ared by Yeasere sb Peed Heather )hz V. ,tive sl I-s iei Well bi i -- ssd cket Va id. The , Sn. 99 d. Any- sembers itb ylrs indebted orcbes dsscisg evening, aevmy- bicb bss ias, wsi,, ssny Qisg 'sl music tge cem (sfi, birs Hcrssrll ly the ei. is msbs m Party 6bspmi g); "gle Oil ,a"sz» ~.Voh Vll S(X PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, AUG. 25. 1932 ~ No. I4 o DUNDARAVE RFGATPA The sixteenth annual Dundarsve Regatta will take place next Saturday afternoon, starting st 2 o'lock. It ls un- doubtedly THE event of the summer season In the municipal- ity not only in point of years but also on the score of im- portance. For a number of years now the name of West Vancouver has been associated with its annual regatta in the minds of very many, not only in the province but also up and down the Pacific Coast line wherever swimmers and divers are found. Starting from small beginnings it hss gradually risen to that point where it is recognized as one of the most important meets of its kind on this coast, and those who attend are assured every year of seeing in action the very best swimmers and divers in B. C. and the Pacific States. Athletics of afi kinds are very much to the fore these days, as is evidenced by the tremendous interest taken in the Olympic contests in Los Angeles. The British race have al- ways been lovers of sport, but it is only in recent years that the other races of the world have gone in seriously for ath- letics. Now it has become a universal habit among civilized peoples, most of whom have their champions, and, therefore, the publicity which the Dundarave Regatta has given West Vancouver year by year is a matter of real value to the muni- cipality. This year a particularly fine program has been arranged, and those who come to Dundarave Pier next Saturday after- noon can be assured of seeing the very best in aquatics which this coast has to offer. The West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club have spared neither trouble nor expense in arranging for the long list of events and prizes ss well as to provide adequate seating accommodation on the pier for the large crowd which is ex- pected. We would also ask on behalf of the club thbt full support be given by our residents to the annual regatta dance, which will take place from 9 to 12 p.m. in Hofiyburn Pavilion. Come to the regatta and the regatta dance, snd help those who are helping to keep this municipality before the eyes of Greater Vancouver and the Pacific Coast genersUy. Program (Sanctioned by The B. C. Section C. A. S. A.) 1.--50 yards--Boys of West Vancouver, under 14. 2.--60 yards--Girls of West Vancouver, under 14. 3.--50 yards--Boys of West Vancouver, under 16. 4.--50 yards--Free Style, Girls of West Vancouver, under 16. 5.--26 yards--Boys of West Vancouver, under 12. 6.--25 yards--Girls of West Vancouver, under 12. 7.--50 yards--Ladies, Open. 8.--Diving--Open--3 Metre Board, Men. 9.--100 yards--Men of West Vancouver. 10.--200 yards--Free Style, Men', Open. 11.--100 yards--Free Style, Ladies', Open. 12.--100 yards--Relay, Boys, West Vancouver Public Schools. 13.--100 yards--Relay, Girls, West Vancouver Public Schools. 14.--Diving--1 Metre Board--Boys of West Vancouver, under 16. I b.--Greasy Pole. 16.--Diving--I Metre Board--Girls of West Vancouver, under 16. 17.--60 yards--Free Style--Ladies of West Vancouver. 18.--60 yards--Free Style--Men, Open. 19.--Diving--Open--1 & 8 Metre Board--Ladies 20.--B. C. CHAMPIONSHIP--200 yards Relay, 4 Ladies. Open to afi aifiliated Clubs--I Team each Club. 21.--200 yards--Relay, 4 Men. Open to afi afffiiated Clubs--I Team each Club. 22.--Proficiency Test--Royal Life Saving Society. WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOLS'AND IN SUNDAY CONCERT The West Vancouver Schools'and wfil give a concert at Ambleside Pier next Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. The band, which will arrive from their camp at Kent's Island on Saturday evening, will be fresh from their steady practices while there. It is hoped that afi those who can do so will attend this concert and see for themselves the progress which the boys have made, and which should stand them in good stead when they take part in the competition next week at the exhibition in Hastings Park. The following is the program: 0 Canada MARCH--Oificer of the Day .. . Hall OVERTURE--Ludspeil . Keler Bela SERENADE--Night in June ... „... King WALTZ--Selected. MARCH--Canadian Patriots Hughs SELECTION--Echoee from the Opera...... ....... Byer MARCH~a)encl Bogey ....................................... Alford SELECTION--Beautiful Isle of Somewhere ......... Fearis PATROL--American Patrol .........,................ Meacham MARCH--Canada ....................................................... Hughs WALTP~Tres Jalie............................................... Wsldtenfnl MARCH--Our Director .................................. Bigelow God Save the King, COUNCIL AGREE TO VANCOUVER PARKS'OARlyS OFFER re LIGHTHOUSE PARK In connection with the offer of the Vancouver Parks'oard to cooperate with the council as regards the development of Lighthouse Park, the council on Monday evening went on record as follows: "That in accordance with the reeve's letter dated 27th June, 1932, and reply thereto dated August 11th, 1932, the reeve be empowered to complete negotia- tions for the cancellation of West Vancouver's twentywne year lease of Point Atkinson Light- house Park, D.L. 447, and to co- operate with Vancouver Parks'oardwith a view to their ob- taining a ninety-nine year lease of the same property." WEST VANCOUVER TENNiIS CLUB FINALS A hearty invitation is extend- ed by the West Vancouver Ten- nis Club to the public of West Vancouver to attend the finals of the club tournament, which will be held next Saturday and Sunday on their courts at 21st and Fulton Avenue. On Saturday st 2:30 p.m. the finals in men's singles wiU be run off, to be followed st 4:30 by the finals in the ladies'oubles. The mixed doubles finals have been arranged for 4:30 o'lock on Sunday after- noon- I O. I Next Saturday the four North Shore branches of the order will hold their annual picnic st Eagle Harbor. Cars will leave the Orange Hall here at 2 p.m. In the evening the L.O.B.A. will hold s beach party also at Eagle Harbor. ST. I'ATRICIA SCHOOL St. Patricia School for girls and Kindergarten, 20th and Hey- wood Avenue, will open for the fall term on Tuesday, September 6th., In addition to the regular school subjects special courses are given in music, art, and French. Mise Joan Durbin, the principal, is at present in Eng- land, but expects to be back at the beginning of October. Upto the time of her return, Miss Philip will act as principal and any parents thinking of sending their children to the school are requested to phone the latter at West 178R, for full particulars. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. FRAMAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL The fall term of Framar Mon- tessori School, 1785 Esquimalt Avenue, will begin on Tuesday, 6th September. Rhythm and dancing are included in the cur- riculum, which is that of the famous Dr. biontessori. There will also be a special dancing . cM.aifr- alder children on Wed- nesday afternoons Any par- ents interested are requested to phone or call on Mrs. W. D. Fraser at 1785 Esquimalt Ave. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. IVELFARE NOTES A brilliant suggestion comes to hand in connection with the ever increasing demand for inner and outer clothing for men and boys. The suggestion is that those men who are stil lin regu- lar employment discard their suits a few months earlier than they would otherwise do and send them along to. help the other fellow out. By buying those men who are still in regu- donor would more than save the diiyerence, and would have the benefit of the new outfit, which he probably knows he needs but just hasn't bothered to take time to attend to. It stands to reason that men who formerly held office posi- tions have found the new condi- tions very hard on their cloth- ing, and having to be out in afi winds snd weather with no change is very bad from a health standpoint. It is hoped there- fore that there will be s whole- hearted response to this appeal, and the clothing convener's heart will be lightened, when she Is put In a position where she can fill the requests. Those who need fuel for the coming winter are reminded that the summer is nearing its close, and are advised to join their fel- low citizens in the "wood-cut- ting" parties under the conven- ership of H. E. Walker, snd get their supplies delivered to their yards while there is still some good drying weather. "SUNSHINE SUSIE" AT HOLLYBURN THEATRE "Sunshine Susie" will be shown at Hofiyburn Theatre next Monday and Tuesday, 29th and 30th August. 'IIns is an English picture and unquestion- ably the greatest of the year. A special matinee will be given on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m., for which the admission prices will be--Adults, 20 cents; Stu- dents. 15 cents; Children under 14 years, 10 cents. SCHOOL BOOK EXCHANGE --PUBLIC & HIGH SCHOOI. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., are opening a store on the corner of 18th and Marine Drive where any child may bring their used school books snd the Chapter will try to dispose of them. AU yroceeds from the sale of these books will be re- turned to the owners. It must be clearly understood that the Chapter cannot purchase books as this store is being opened for the convenience of the school children and will not benefit the Chapter financiaHy at slb In order to avoid any misund- erstanding each child bringing in books for sale will be asked to sign the following agreement: This ls to certify that I ......... am willing to pay the diiference if sny, between the value of books sold for me and bought by me. BEACH NAbHNG CONTEST Owing to the matter of which article is the best of the live which gave "Ambleside" as the name of the new beach not hav- ing been settled by the council at their meeting last binndsy, ue are unable this week to give the name of the prize-winner. Signed This store will be open from 2 to 5 p.m. every week dsy, from Monday, August 29th. to Satur- day, September 10th. For any further information phone Mrs. Jackson. West 361R, or AIrs. Hayes, West 3181.1. COUNCIL NOTES The engineer reported to the council on: 1. 20th Street Park. That the work of grading a new play-,, ground for the children so that ' the present playground might be used ss a bowling green, is in progress. 2. Praeter Avenue. Muriel C. Raid's application for pruning of brush. That this work is in hand. 3. Roads at 16th and Fu)ton Ave. That it was anticipated the plans would be registered short- ly, when the work would be com- menced. 4. P. BiU's application. Rocks st D L 558 WVz Block A, Lot 6 That this work is being ac- aeded to, cost being charged to applicant. 5. Legal case at Burnaby (Gravel Pit). Received snd filed. Mrs. A. Wilson wrote the council re lot line. Referred to the engineer. J. & B. Brockbank wrote the council re access to Lot 53, D.I 556. Referred to the chairman of the board of works and the eng- ineer with power to act. The matter of the ditch on the west side of 14th Street south nf the P.G.E. track was referred by the council to the chairman uf the board of works and the engineer. J. JL Railton wrote the coun- cil re trail to bluff, D.L 430, Block 31, Lot 41. Referring to the engineer for his report, The chief of police wrote the council re left hand turn, Picca- diUy and Marine Drive. Referred to the police com- mission. Th question of the steps at Copper Cove was referred by the councd to the engineer for his attention. The question of the creek on the west side of 14th treat south of Marine Drive was referred by the council to the engineer for his report at the next meeting. The council agreed to the transfer of the lease from the Capilano Timber Company to the Sister's Creek Logging Comp- any subject to the approval of the municipal solicitor. The councU passed a resolu- tion that the title to the right- of-way in D.L 605 now leased by the Capilano Timber Coinp- any be conveyed from the Corp- oration to the Greater Vancou- ver Water Board. subject to the leam remaining in force, and that the necessary arrangements for this conveyance be left for completion with the municipal solicitor. The council discussed the mat- ter which had been bieught to their attention, of passengers a- lighting from the ferries before the boats are properly docked. It «es resolved that a letter be forwarded to the offenders warning them not to repeat the offence, otherwise immediate sc tion would be taken against them. Xe')9f:S'..'X~I.& .'(i - ](S A Weekly Newspaper Ct'rculatingin the District of West Vancougycr-Aynbh'side, Hollyburn, Wcston, Dundaragyc 61.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecli~ Etc. fic per copy at newsstanda