0001 t«vtr rrr rtvtrvcl w trtr Art V wv v +R~ Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Duudarave,","-„',""„'.,',„", THE WEST VAN NEWS Why Pay More? SPECIAL ( UMBER, SASH &k DOOR8 August 18. 1932 ~ JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only t Store ut Holi@burn) next Theatre cvv Fr pm t)wrv t u .- ~ vr rum' pvi r uoit I, r tsr v Nt Hrua'wjv ~ ~ (rw ~'r wv r:rr ~ 'tr wrv v'cv'rr 'vrv " rrrrvr rtrr-r rrv rrrd rrrr errrr rr rrvrrr vr SPECIAL SALE--Fri. & Satrp Aug. 19 & 20 SHkEDDED 1VHEAT... 1SK)c )r(ONED WHSAT THINSI .. Lint(& 2 pllcitugc'v pvc pk(., 14c Auv(tu(iuu I'ASTRY FLOL'k Rvd A )vbi(v y(ADEikA CAKIYS 2 ks sack .........., (uc Fvcvb made ........ 22c H. C. GRANULATED SUGAk I'REMI CM CHOCOLATE &e lbs.. (ac nuke&'v h lb. puckci ......... 2sc FANCY YELLOW SUGAR CE)LON COCOAN('T, medium 4 ibu........ u Iec pcv 1(s ...... 17c ICING SCGAR.... 2 lbs. 12c SERV('S HI&BAD kcd &k White ASPARAGL'S iuttge 24 us. Iuuf ......... sc Pi&sic cise 2&v HEST FOODS MAYONNAISE kvd R )Vbi(c FANCY WHITE CORN--Nu. 2 Hu &ac ROYAL CRO'1'1"N SOAI'cd 4( While Sp(NACH pcv buv ...... Large 2P) &iu......,,, voc J(F SOAP FI.ARES Rcd tk Wbi&c WHO[.E CLAMS Imtgv Puckc( ............... Iec tall tins '1&c Save the Coupons fuc Useful Gif&u COFFEE, fvcub)y gcuuud J('HBO CARR&)1.(C SOA&'ADANA TFA. cv Ib 2(m kcd (1 White GREI 9 BEANS TO)IATO JUICE--Royal Ci&) Ski(Y US CHEESk. 17....m um &iuu ..... 2 for iac ~( ORNED BEFP Buvvii I ( Hk(ST(F S ROYAI CREA)1 I Hs (iuu...... 2 fuc 22c t SODA)(. large I ib. puckugcu (PRE LOGANBERRY JAM ' 2 ps&a 25c Nub&du 4O uu. Juc ..........--. 2S Limit 4 For ~ 4-Room Cot&age LINED INSIDE Price Delivered $ 2 OO.OO ~ ~ ~ GET OUR PRICES ON FENCING Sep(ic Tnnk» Cupboard Doors und Drawers Everything for the Building AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. &S&k uud Marina Drive I'buuc Wcu& 192. After (t p.m. uud bukduyv uvk for W. JENVRY, I'bouc West Ieek All Government Inspected-Not1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH---No FROZEN MEATS ALBERTA CREAMERY BUTTER 31bs. for 63c SATURDAY ONLY No Phone or C.O.D. for this Special Sold with Meat Orders Onjy COTTAGE ROLL (NOBone, Nowaste) ]4( No. 1 Steer Beef BOILIAG BEEF glb. BONELESS STEWING 415 BEEF .......... 2 lbs. MINcED sTEAK 252 lbs. PDT R0AsT 1 0I~ c BLADE RIB ROAST /II I ROUNI) BONE RQAST 1 5lb. x RIB RDAsT 1 6lb. PRIhIE RIBS 1 glb. RUhlP ROAST ib.........................lu 2C Local SPRING LAMB BREAST lb. SHOUI.DER lb. RIB, Breast on lb. LOIN, As cut lb. I.EGS lb. 10c 13',c 13'f&c 20c 22c Local Milk Fe(I VEAL sTEwING 25.'I lbs. ovEN RDABT 1 5 II 1 8 No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter 3lbs. 65c CAMBRIDGE SAUSA('E 253 lbs. PDRK SAUSAGES 20lb. 10lb. ONTARIO CHEESE BEI" F l)RII'I'IN(tIb.. 2IC LDTTA- LHE~E 25..... 2 llm. 16clb. I'ICNIC HAhl Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE Get the habit of Shopping in the "Progressive Block" of West Van WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LT I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone West 358L 15ih and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grndes" VANCOUVER PARKS BOARD OFFER TO DEYFI.OP I'Ols(T ATKINSON PARK V Possession by Vancouver of the eighty acres or more sur- rounding Point Atkinson Park, and the 5000 acres comprising Hollyburn Ridge as public parks is the ambition of the Parks Board and West Vancouver Mun- icipal Councih Proposals were informally dis- cussed at a conference Thurs- day of commipsioners and Reeve J. B. Leyland of West Vancouver in which the latter declared that his council has no objection to Vancouver taking over admini»- tration of these areas, under cer- tain provisions protecting West Vancouver interests. West Vancouver now holds a lease from the Dominion Gov- ernment of Lighthouse Park and owns certain land on Hollyburn Ridge. Two persons hold tim- ber leases on the ridge, one of whom is estimated to have rights to about eighty million feet of timber. Commissioners contend that it will be easier to acquire these parks now than at some future date, especially in the case of Hollyburn Ridge, on which the timber will become increasingly valuable. Lighthouse Park question was disposed of when the board ord- ered the following letter sent to West Vancouver Council: "In event of your municipality deciding to surrender your pres- ent lease of Lighthouse Park and to join this board in an ef- fort to obtain a ninety-nine-year lease of the property in favor of Vancouver, this board will und- ertake to complete plans for full development of the park and it will invite the reeve and council to sit with us to consider this plan snd to approve or amend it by a majority vote of the two bodies. In addition, if it should be decided in future to amend the plan as then passed, your reeve and council will again be consulted." Action in the matter now a- waits decision of West Vancou- ver Council. No decision was reached re- garding Hollyburn Ridge, al- though commissioners appeared unanimous in the opinion that it is advisable to obtain possession of this property as soon as pos- sible. Commissioner R. Rowe Iiol- land painted a drab picture of what the outlook would be at the entrance to Vancouver if the ridge were logged off and burned over slash let't to mar the view. He suggested that as logging I» being pushed farther back from tidewater, some move to take the timber off Hollyburn Ridge is inevitable. He declared the property could be more cheaply obtained now than at some future date and suggested that an offer of long-term bonds to the owners, say in the neighborhood of 375,- 000, guaranteed by the two mun- icipalities, would be attractive. Commissioners will make ad- ditional investigation before de- ciding what course to follow. It will be remembered Ex- Muyor Tisdale early this sun mer promised that the Vancou- ver Parks Board would c(separ- ate with the West Vancouver Council as regards the develop- ment of Lighthouse Park, fol- lowing a personal investigation of its possibilities by the two bodies. THE DIINCAN LAWSON ('HAI'TEiL I. O. D. F... GARDEN PARTY (Continued from Page I) The attractions were more numerous and merry than evsr be((t) e. Ho )sie - Ilouuie, with the Chapman boys in charge. the roulette wheel where Mr. Blair Clerk so)d his wares, and the Horse Races arranged by Mrs. China, were all busy spots, and the Clock Golf sponsored by hi isa Lawson, the Treasure Trove Mrs Blair the Fish Pond Pony Rides and Sale of Heather and Novelties under Mrs. V. Johncox, weve productive of much fun and revenue. Two raffles were held--a tea pot and Dutch cosy, won by ticket 88, Mrs. Chapman -- and a glass bowl of candy ticket No. 58, won by Mrs. Boyd. The Treasure Trove Tickets No. 99 2nd 74, were not claimed. Any- one having those numbers please get in touch with Mrs. Blair or infra. Small. The Chapter is also indebted to Mrs. Draper and her orches- tra who played for the dancing on the lawn durfng the evening, and added so greatly to eve&T- one's pleasure. The usual bon-fire which has become almost a tradition, wau . better than before and many 2(+on the shore enjoying its warmth and the delightful music for many an hour. The committee in charge com- posed of Mrs. W. B, Smelt Mrs. J. B. Leyland snd AIrs. Bernard Hayes, appreciate greatly the ef. forts of all who helped to make the 12th Annual Garden Party of the Duncan Lawson Chapter such a success. Buutlvg(fur (&u muu ilcbiug): "Have any iuckf 'utt: Nu. Huu&icggvc: "Tvy some uf (bis uu yuut bait." Muu puuvc uume(biug from bu&iic uvre the wuvm on the hook uud iuw- crc It into the water. Soon ~ gvcu'p)cubingubuu& iu heard uud &bc Hrk ic Jerked up. The worm bss ~ s&ruuql~ hold ua u ca&hub, uud iu punching birniu the cyc with biu taiL VERNON FEED STORE A. ('EAR(.E I'buuu Wcu( 2 I'ertllixers, IVood, C&kd Buuders'upplies PHONE WEST 3 LU BER" I nnd Lumber I'roducts -- bash, Doors, Roofing. Building I aper lmma(co, Gyproe, Beaver Board, Shingles, Ete. vw