0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS August ll, 1932.r '\ vr'W%. vrrr ~rvvl~rvvrrp rm ~ ..r ~ Lmrrr rr'i ' mr- 'r t' t surya uiv're - ~ri v rr irv' ~ ~ s-r+ r'r rr ,'iv rv i& r'v vir rrvV ry 'r rF r'r vrr*r rrrrrrr rrrrr rrr~rr rr rrrrrrt VV r'rerrrvrrv rrrrrvr r'~rrrrr Why Pay Mpre? JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATSSmith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES D1mdarave,', " ""„'„",,'mbleside „" ™.„.," Governmeat Inspected Only I Store at Hollyburiiy next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU SER SPECIAL I UMBER. 8ASH 4 DOORS, For ~ 4-Ream Cottage IJNHD INSIDE Price Delivered $ ZOO.OO SPECIAL SALE--Fri. & Sat., Aug. 12 & 13 I j ASTRY FIOUk Real value.. '7 lb. ruck zzv OkK 4 BBAAS--Aylmvv 16 uu. tine.......... 2 for isr ACON-- yv lfb rvuuphuuv purkviu .......... 2 fur isv BRVUS BkBAD--White or bvuuu The BIG 24 us loaf......... Sr vd 4 Vi'hite Select Queens- OI.IVES very large 20 uu. butiie --........,..... Szv lb. of this Driiviuuu ORANGE PEKOE TBA Srui quality 1:HINA CUP 4 SAUCER, Blue uud Gold Buud. An fur.......................... 47c IAHAPPLB--Australian, Cvuuhivl ur Sliced, Iu. pev iiu 15c VINBGAR--Grimblr'u Bugnuh bl ~Ii, 12 uu. bottles .......... 15c lVIFT'S PURE LARD, 2 lbs. Isc BBB'r FOODS SALAD DRESSING I 2 uu. Iur ................................ I sc Rrd 4 Whke FANCY I'BAS P Ne. 4 ........... 2 tins 25v kvd 4 While GOLDgiN CORN p zu ............... ........ ......... .... I 44 Rud 4 White CHICKEN SOUP Bvita Rive .................. Izc Rvd 4 lrhiir PBANUT BUTI'BR 12 ua glass barrels ............ Isv Rvd 4 Whke FIJNIR WAX I Ib iiu ... ........ .. . . . 27c R Nabob Pure RASPBBRkY JAM 4e es. Iuru ............................. 2 4 Itu tiu.............................. 45v I "This Secern'u Pack" MBMBA. for Jumu uud I Jrkivu ......................4 pkie. 27e Dr. Buuuvd'u DOG 4 CAT FOOD tins 29r PAIRYLIGHT CAKE I"LOUR Large Pki. SSe Kvnugg'u CORN FLAKES 2 pkiu. 15v kvd 4 Whke COFFES. lb..., . Sik S FLAKBIYHITB SHOIITB".11NG Bu .................. .............. ........ 15c ~ ~ ~ and Lumber I'roducts -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Ilullding I'aper Lamatco, Gypror, Ihmvsr Board, Shingles, Etc. GET OUR I'RICES ON FENCING Septic Tunks Cupboard Doors and Drawers Everything for the Building WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone West 115 Res. Phune West 368L 15th and Marine AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. "Right Service -- Right Grades" cil ra cutting of timber on Lot 100, D.L. 656. The perfnission asked for was granted subject to the engineer's approval. SCHOOL BOARD NOTES A recommendation was sub- mitted by Trustee Mr. McDonald covering the rmarganfzation of high school and senior public school classes with a view to ac- celerating the progress of stud- ious pupils and providing special courses for those who did not wish to carry on the customary work to junior matriculation. It was moved that the chairman and Trustee McDonald be auth- orized to meet the three princi- pals and discuss this matter with them, and to proceed to Victoria to secure the approval of the De- partment to the necessary changes. Carried. If, wss moved and secandeII that High School pupils who have passed their seventeenth birthday will be required to pay 57.60 par month for High School tuition for the school year com- mencing September 1st, 1932, unless exception be made by the Board, on the recommendation of the Principal, based on the school record and application shown by the pupil. Carried, Trustee Mr. Russell dissenting. It was moved and seconded that no Technical School fees be paid for pupils over seventeen years of age, unless exception is made by the Board in specific instances based on principal's re- port and record of student's pro- A letter was read from the Greater Vancouver and New Westminster branch of the B. C. School Trustees'ssociation ad- vising that a meeting of the Branch would be held on August 10th, snd asking that any reso- lutions to be submitted at the Convention be forwarded in time for this meeting. It was resolved that the following resolution be submitted for consideration at the meeting to be held on August lot)1: "That s Committee be appoint- ed to consider the obtaining of a Charter for an insurance com- pany owned snd operated in trust for the Greater Vancouver and New 1Vestminster Branch of the B. C. School Trustees's- sociation for the purpose of pro- viding mutual fire protection on public school property In British Columbia." It was decided that suitable letters be sent to Wingett Irish Tom Gibson and Robert Raid, congratulating them on having made perfect records of attend- ance while students at the West Vancouver High School. Wingatt Irish and Tom Gibson both had perfect attendance for five years and Robert Rcid for four years. An invitation was received by the council from the Duncan Lswson Chapter, I.O.D.E., to at- tend their garden party on Sat- urday, August 13th, at the grounds of Reeve iieylsnd's resi- dence. The council thanked them and replied that ss many as passible would atterul. C. J. Marshall wrote the coun- 16th uud Marine Drive Phone Wmt 199. After 5 p.m. und huiiduyu usk for 1V. JENVEY, Phone West 160R Sl'ICED CURRANTS 3 pounds white 6 igar. 5 pound:. ripe cunants I tubfespoonful cinnnmon, I talfesp~nful n lmeh I tablespoon allspice. I-2 pint vincgir. Boll currents one hcur, then add sugar, pices and one-half pint vinegar, boil one half hour longer. Pour into jars and store. Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE CABBAGE SAI,AD One quart cabbage cut finely, 11-4 cups vinegar, 1 teaspoon mustard, I egg, I teaspoon but- ter, 1-4 cup flour, 1-2 cup sug- ar. Boil together until thick, then add cabbage. Local Fresh Killed Fowl ...................... 16c IbEXTRA SPECIAL for SATURDAY ONLY Local Spring Lamb Legs .............23c lb '1 'ocal Fresh-killed Veal Stewing 3 Ibs 25c Oven Roast 13c St 15c lb. Chops, 20c lb. Pure Beef Dripping...........................5c a Ib Cottage Cheese .: .......................... 21b for 25c CHOW CHOW I quart small white onions. I quart small cucumbers. 2 heads cauliflower. 3 green peppers. I quart vinegar. 6 tablespoonfuls mustard. 3 tablespoons flour. I cup sugar. I tablespoon tumeric. Peel onions and add cucum- bers, cauliflowe, cut into small pieces, and sliced peppers. Soak overnight In brine (I cup salt to 1 quart water). Drain and cook in fresh brine until vege- tables are tender, and drain again. Boil vinegar in kettle and add paste made with must- ard, fiour, sugar, turmeric and a little cold vinegar, stirring until mixture thickens, add vegetable and cook slowly 10 minutes. So~i in sterilized jars. E. Crute wrote the council re a camp at Eagle Harbor for the 6th Field Company C. E. Cadets. The application was granted subject to the camp being under proper supervision. NO Phone C.O.D. Or DeliVery for these Specials No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter 3 lbs. 57c. With meat orders only. CA5IBRIDGE SAUSAGE g53 Ibib"...... FRESH LIVER ) P BACON By the piece, lb........,..., 9 7C ONTARIO CHEESE 2plb. .. ...........,.. Local SPRING LAMB NO. 1 Steer Beef BOILING BEEF 9lb. ... .... ...i.... ................ wN B 252 lbs. ..........,....................... 252 lbs.. POT ROAST lb..........................-.---- BLADE RIB ROAST g di 1i ROUND BONE ROAST t 5lb .............................---- X RIB ROAST i 6CI b. . ...... ...................... .. ................19clb.. RUMP ROAST S OI ING LAMB i PClb. sHoULDER i 4Clb.. RIB, Breast on )4Clb. I.GIN 23C LEGs 25C A (voud Start James (ardently): "Every morning my first thought is of you, darhng. Muriel: "Stephen says that, too. James: "But I get up a couple of hours earlier than he does." Local Fresh Killed VEAL STEWLNG VEAL ) plb.............. oVEN RQAsT $ 5 II $ SC RU5IP 2PC FILLETrs 3Pc Burglur: "Let's sce how much we got on that job.u 4Mate Nay I want to get to bed. Let's wait, and see what the papers say." No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter 3lbs. 60c VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLB Phoae Weel 9 ! Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver Fertilizers, Waad, Coal Builders'upplies Get the habit of Shopping in the "Progressive Block" of West Van All Government Inspected-Nor1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH--No FROZEN MEATS