West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Aug 1932, p. 5

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0001 ~ . gs ekicf 1 g l1 August ll, 1932. THE NEW DE FOREST CROSLEY RADIO Finer Tuning, Eliminates Fading, Pcifeci Natural Tone Morc Beautiful Cabinets REAL RADIO VALUE J. W. KELLY PIANO Coty LTD. West 37 G. GEMMILL, Agent 14th and Marine West 3'I THE 1YEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLI!B DANCE In Hollybu WEDNESDAY EYE Dancing at 9 Ticket rn Pavilion NING AUGUST 17, Swin Kayll's Orchestra s 60c. CANADA PACIFIC EXHIBITION The Canada Pacifi Exhibi- tion opening at Vancouver on August 29th promises to be one of the most spectacular events ever staged in the Canadian West. Frequently called the show window of British Colum- bia, the Canada Pacific Exhibi- tion offers to the many thous.- ands who pass through the gate this year unrivalled entertain- ment and educational features Honored by the presence of the Governor-General of Can- ada, His Excellency Lord Bess- borough, who will oi(icially open the fair, 47 departments will swing into regal blessing. Probably no spectacle has ev- er been ofi'ered in British Cb- lumbia as will be seen on Aug- ust 29th when Olympic stars from many nations take part in the gigantic Post-Olympic meet. Duncan McNaughton, Canadian Olympic high jump champion; Bill Graber, American Olympic champion snd world record hold- er in the pole vault; George Sal- ing, world record holder in the 110 metre hurdles; Alex Wilson and Phil Edwards, spectacular Canadian 800-metre men and many others will reenact Olym- pic scenes. On the same day Junior Olym- pic stars from every part of the province will rival each other for the honor of wearing Junior Olympic titles spectacular air pageant, three days of horse racing, the sport of kings, September 2, 3 and 5. Canadian wrestling championships, a million-dollar livestock parade are a few of the many features of this year' fair. Tourists should plan their trip to Vancouver to see one or all of these great events. Ex- hibition Week is always a great week in Vancouver. IRON STOKER EGUIPMENT FOR SHAUGHNESSY HOSI'ITAI. The Canadian Sumner Iron Works have been awarded the lntract for installation of Iron oker Equipment at the haughnessy Military Hospital, according to Mr. G. C. Derby, District Administrator. The decision to do away with old fashioned hand fed coal fur- naces was made after exhaustive tests of the economy and smoke eliminating qualities of the Can- adian Iron Stoker, continued Mr. Derby. Residents of the Shsughnessy district will hear with pleasure our plan to eliminate the preva- lent smoke nuisance eminating from our hospital. So insistent hud become many demands from the citizens that Ottawa had the matter under consideration. Mr. Derby stat- ed that it had always been their policy to purchase British Co- lumbia products wherever pos- sible and the new contract did not vary from their plans. The Canadian Iron Stoker is entirely British Columbia made and the coal contract has been let to Evans, Coleman and Evans for Vancouvr Island coaL Island coal which yields the highest British Thermal Unit per dollar of any coal available locally will be supplied. The equipment instalkd by the Canadian Sumner Company is the Junior "F" Model with a feed capacity of 180 to 650 lbs. per hour. All fuel is passed in- to the fire xone by 8 worm con- veyor and the automatic regula- tion of temperature by pressure control is one of the features of e new unit. The scientific re- iion of air draft to the proper proportion of the volume of burning coal solves the smoke problem. Ambleside 'I Beach The beach Is a wonderful asset, not onlv to West Vancouver but all Greater Vancouver, sml will materially increase th» Ferry receipts. Tl! I.I. YOUR FRIElNDS ABOUT IT. "A headache tablet dissolved in a Nothing Doing vase of water," says c woman'c page )Villie McGregor was travel- Rcm, "wiii make wilted Acwces brace ling to Glasgow, and on the wsv M 4 id Hibba "pui the Aowcrc in s eiucrt hia bOttle Snd dreW the COrk. cf bootleg cud they will burst into Just as he was about to take song." 3 taste, a fellow passenger in clerical garb, addressed him. ACOIOeed WOmsnWCatiai CatOre -Fxcuseme cir but I ani 65 ic boy c co!ice for bcr husband. "What cise," asked the cleek. years of age and I have never "1 doc forget dc cise," replied the tasted 3 drop of whisky!" woman, "bui Ab can lcc'anage ic "pinna worry yersel'," replied reach around bic ibroci wif bof lvfiiie, "ycr no'uan tu start bands." noo."I" I The Reeve and Council have otY!cislly re-named the new east beach and it will in future be known as THE WEST VAN NEWS NORTH SHORE JUNIOR OI.YSII'IC TEASI TO BE LARGFST IN B. C. AT BIG MEET I ollowing an aggressive cam- paign mapped out earlier in the summer, the North Shore ex- pects tu field the biggest squad of any British Columbia district in the Junior Olympic provincial meet on August 27 snd 29. Total club membership has swelled to more than 86, with additional athletes joining daily. Coach Charlie Stewart has the team of 68 boys and 22 girls working out five ilays s week at Mahon Park. North Vancouver, West, Van- couver and Lynn Valley have joined forces forming the Three Canyon City Junior Olympic Club, and residents of these pro- gressive centres have enthusias- tically supported the venture. The North Shore aggrega- tion, Coach Stewart expects to have an even 30 who will equal or better minimum standards laid down by the Junior Olym- pic Committee. At each prac- tice, members of this squad sre shattering Junior 0 I y m p i c marks with surprising fr«quen- cy, and club members are fully determined to capture 3 full share of the championship med- als which will symbolize super- iority in junior track and field ranks in B. C. A glance at the Dominion in- terscholaxtic records reveals that marks set by Bert Pearson, Ari. Ravensdale and Jack Pork land, members of Canada's Ol- ympic team this year, are in grave danger of being smashed on August 27 and 29. CLASSIFIED ADS 4 4 2 ciw'4 pcc wceeL misimom vhg regular sccooais, CS dcwi- ~ lr wi News gci Iwwcdts4 rwoha ODAK FILM Fix(SHING Wc dc cor cwa work in cor cwa plant ci Ambiccidc. Speedy keeari&cd ser- vice. We frcwc picwew, ico. C. J. Brcdcrick, 1436 Marine Drive ILL SACR(FICE--2 Hcoccc cod 2 gsecgcc oc Waterfront. Arct bows west of Amblccklc Wharf. Will tats ~msB bouse ia Vcsccsvcr, ciccc title for ys* ymcwL Phoae Owa- cr, Seymour Tis before 8 o'clock. The tate fw Clwciacd Advweiiccmco 26 ccoic. Except io tiw case cf tbcw bc Scdc are payable ctridly kc cdvcocctmw Remember Ciccdgc& ia tbc Wast V TUITION--Jsaicr or Sea!or Nctrico- K ictica, Physics, Nstbcmciicc or Cbcmi&iry. Quoi!Acd bigb scbool Teacher. Phone, Ncrib 666. PLRNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Hcuccc io Bent. Hooccc, lots, cad W acreage fcr sale. Jehu Lswcoa, 17th ccd bisrisc, Phoae West 66. MAN )4 A)e TS Ccwfcriabic Rosie cad Board dose ic feery. Apply Boz 43 West Vco News. WANTED--Twc Alwbgs Lamps ia goad condition. Phone West 049R.FOR SALE--Opca for iacpcciioc- New 6 roomed Semi-Bungalow. Tile boibrccm, Kitchen ciak, hardwood Score, garage, gccd basement sud other cyccwi features. Reasonable pr!cc. Apply C, L, Hi)bors, 2667 iicwccn Avc., Weci Vcucouvcr. WANi TED--Soccer Picycec...AR 1st- crccwd siicad special wcciblg Coa ~dian Legion Hall, Pridcy. Aogoct 12(b, 7l30 y.m. Pcr furtbcc pcrcw- uicrc Phone West 349Y. POR SALE--NcClcry FJcciric Rouge, large owaings, Mc bcei. baby choir, cic. Would take wardrobe trask cc part payment. Phone West 240K. FOR SAI.E--R. 1. 1L Hens (yccrnagc) $ 1JX) each, also movable cbkkca runs. Phone West 677Y. STRAYED frow 2434 Ndcoa Avc.-- Black ccd ica Aiecdcic po wiib white markings on chest aud white feei. 4 months old. Aaycac found harboring same wfi be prosecuted. Phone West 811L3. WANTED SEPY. 1st--By disabled vcicrcc, cottage, 4 or 6 rooms, prsc- iiccgy ao cicpc, near ferry, wisii tent, opuoa cf poicbacc wetbeu cix months for $1200 cack. W. B. Dcy, 3316 %cihogiim, Vaacoovcr, RADIOS REPAIRED, Tubes Tested, 7 Tube Electric Sci only $36.00. Wiring, Ranges, Repairs, Plugs In- stalled. North Shore Electric, 1439 Marine. West 61. FOR RENT--Heave, fewe rooms, bath cod toilet. Phoae West 42Y3. WEBB'S SHOB REPA(BS WEAR BEST -- Duadsravc. HFWDGUARTERS for AB the P alar Cigarettes Tobaccos, cud Fic iag Gadgets fcr local we(era Am- biccMc Tca Rooms. Lonsdale Woodworks Pbcac Nceib 116 173 Third W., North Ycacccvee L W. HOOKHAM, Ncasgce Ncsufcciuriag, ig iud c w 4, Frames, Screens, Cupboard Doors Furniture, Bcudccwiug. Cabinet Work, Detail Nil!wack, Glace, Gicsicg, Verandah Eudcwuec cud Glace Hcucec. Buy direct. You cave. FOR PLUMBING RBPAIRS Bco. !deuce Phone West 241)L FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK- Lsudccapiug aad Lcww lskL Bock walla. drains septic tanks, fcudag aud load ciccrlag, cbiaulciec cud fomsccc cleaned sud rcpctewL Phone T. Bsraoti, ccddcncc pbcao West 290IL The Junior Olympic Trials for the North Shore are to be held at Mahon Park, North Vancou- ver, on Monday evening at 5 p.m. Those who are successful in making the standard set for the various events will attend a meet at Hssting Park the week follow- ing, when heats will be run to test the skill of others from out- lying parts of the province. The big dsy will be at Hast- ings Park on August 29th, when it is hoped that some of the win- ners will bring honors to this side of the water. On Monday next, at iklahon Park, Mayor Bridgman and Reeves Bryan and Leyland will act as judges, and a very pleas- ant two hours is anticipated. New taknt keeps coming in, and the latest addition is Peggy Hardman, who is junior cham- pion for King Edward High School. Peggy is practically a native daughter of West Van- couver. While the Association appre- ciates the work of those who have kindly volunteered their services, it is still short of at- tendants who can assist in giv- ing the contestants 3 rub down after their exertions. Everybody will be welcome at Mahon Park, North Vancouver, on Monday, August 16th, at 6 p. m. GORDOiV ROBSON Barrister a Sciiciice )VEST VANCOUVER- Oificc Nc. 1447, Marino Drive Phone West 40$. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818 610 Hastings St. W Phone, Seymour 4199. LAWN MOWEBS SHARPENED-- Ezycricaccd with cii makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vasccu- vcr Machine Shop, 1449 Mar!ac. PALhrr(NG KALSOMINLVG PA- PERLNG. C. 1 Koaisgs, West 894B MARCELLB SHOP -- $(ceccRc, 60 cents; reset, 364; finger ware, 76c. Phone Nrs. King, West $04. Eagle Harbor Geo. HayGOOD Bathing, Boating Fishing and Picnics A Promising Lsd Employer (to boy): "I hope that you save at least half of what you earn." Boy; "Well, I don't get that much sir." NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND LVSURANCE 140$ igccisc Drive Phoae West 21 oc Scywosr 1260 Evcaisgs West MICK She Wouldn't bt Without (J ToltphontRESCUED YOUTH5IISSING AGAIN Following the rescue of A. Pep- per, aged 22, from a waterlog- ged rowboat in Howe Sound on Monday morning, provincial po- lice have hewn notified that the young msn, after arrival at Horseshoe Ray, disappeared, and fears are entertained for his safety. Tommy White, owner of San- nie Transportation Co., which operates a ferry service between Horseshoe Bay and Snug Cove. Bowen Island, rescued Lepper and his half-sunken craft from the middle of the sound on Mon- day morning. White landed Lap- per at Horseshoe Bay and re- ported the incident to Jack Ward, a special constable, sta- tioned on Buwen Island, who ives in Horseshoe Bay at the time. IVard investigated and wss un- able to find any trace of Lapper or his rowboat. He thinks that the youth rowed out into the sound again. A heavy ses wss runmng "I wouldn't iey tc gci along wiibcoi my idcpbcsc. Mea Jones wcc iciiiag Nec. Brews. "Wby wiibia ibc ycci fcw days it bcc saved mc at least half c daeva trips down town--ycu know I always order Crom the grocers by telephone. "Aad icik about boa!cking Cbc )duce--it woaM be pretty lcwciy if we ccsidn'1 eall up oue friends once is ~ while, or if they mere unable ic call uc. "Then last month when John wcc ickca cwldcaiy Bi, ibo telo- phase becugbi the doctor io ibc becca. The dccicc ccM If wc hadn't been cbic ic ecccb him right away, bc wcuida'1 bove boca able io save John. Believe wc, Mes Brown. coe icicpbcoc ic in- dicpcaccbic." B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY A At A' rr rrr rrlr wh e hA tee