West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Aug 1932, p. 4

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0001 j ~ errcarr r c"c ~ ~ ~ cr~c ~ 'CpVt co vp p ~p'c cO-o'ELcmc 2 c t'cu CI I ww ~ c r 'c'c'c a Cs .r ~ 'crier v*c'W \ c.r'n ter'rr crr rote'v rc'r r ' corrrrwrr cwwwr'.wrrr. VrVvr\w wrv'rr vr vrvrrvrr rrwrrrrrormm ~ 'YOUR Value 32,000.00 iN CASH I I PONTIAC COACH Value, $ I,20!.00, in Cash TRlP fo HOLLYWOOD 'Value, $ 500.00, in Cash L.L advance cejaA Uchct hoidcm mc cliglblc io Ucipate in chic gccat awmd. t yours early... franc ~coact calcccacm locoi ctocca, oc by mau rcocc tha Vancouvav Ecbibluon AccociaUon. Tbacc cichcta will not ba ooid at tho gnaw Special Privilege Tickets 50c - 3 for $1.00 One Uchct odmitc Co grounds, cwo cickcic odmic co grond- ~cond, «cccpc on Sept. y, y, y, when cacao Uchcic are required lcr grandccand. Don'1 mica these corns glovloua days jannncd with interesting cdocauoncl and thrkung enter cainmcai cpccmctm. Sca vbo Pocc&jymptc Comm... Aic Pageant... iiovcc Kacing... 1-Act Vaudcvnla Show Canadian Pcofccciom i Wcmu- ing Cham pioncbi pc... MuclcaiSpoctacjc... hlinion Dollar Stoch Parade... and a grcatcv- tban-cvcc dlcplay or costly ccbibita. Sc there mncy doy and night. ENTRLES CLOSE AUG. 11 CAMAIA PACIFIC EXHlBlTlOII CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in West Vancouver Christian Science Society on Sunday will be "SOUL." One of the Scriptural texts will be from Psalms 62:2i PHe only is my rock snd my salva- tion. He is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved." Selections will also be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by hiary Baker Eddy, one passage being from page 120: "Soul, or Spirit, is God, unchangeable and eter- nal; and man coexists with and reflects Soul, God, for man is God's image." WEST VANCOUVER WELFAIIE ASS(X'IATION We have been asked to pub- lish again the names of the con- veners of the various commit- tees for the greater convenience of those who nmy desire to get in touch with them. They sre as follows: hiaintenance -- Miss M. B. A 1mas. Food--hire. A. E. Young. Clothing and furniture--hire. A J Gleam Fuel--H. E. 1Valker. Membership--G. Gemmlll. DUNSMUIR COI.I.IERIES TAKE ON hlORE hIEN LVe are glad of the opportun- ity to increase our payroll to the extent of 160 men, stated Col. C. IV. Villiers of the Canadian Collieries Dunsmuir Limited, in commenting on the announce- ment made yesterday. The response of the citizens of British Columbia to our efforts to rehabilitate a former major industry has been most gratify- ing. The fact that over 80,000 depend directly or indirectly on the coal industry for their live- lihood is sufficient reason for cipoperation from British Co- lumbia fuel buyers. We have shown the people of the province that Vancouver Island coals, for the purpose of domestic consumption, rank higher in B.T.U. per dollar than sny mined in Canada, and we feel confident that the citizens have proven our story to be true. The battle to win the British Columbia market for a native product has swung in our favor and you can be assured that the British Columbians will be re- warded on our payrolls, conclud- ed CoL Villiers. NATIVE SONS TAKE TWO-GA31E LEAD IN NORTH SHORE PLAYOFFS By defeating Smith-Airlines 4-1 Friday evening at Mahon Park in the second game of the finals for the championship of the North Shore Baseball league Native Sons put the league lead- ers "on the spot" and Airlines now have to win three straight to take the honors. Rawlings started on the mound for Airlines but lacked control and in the third inning gave way to Delcourt. Sons chalked up two runs in the first inning but Airlines came back with one in the second. Rawl- ings had trouble again in the third inning when Sons collect- ed another brace of runs to take a commanding lead. Score by innings-- R.H.E. Native Sons 202 000 0--4 T 8 Smith-Air. 010 000 0--1 6 0 Trafford and Strong; Rawlings Delcourt and Morden. . Lout Delights Hei "Darling, I'm so happy I could kiss the whole world." She i oNow we'e engaged you must give up those bachelor habits." Senior Matriculation The West Vancouver Board of School Trustees suggest that students intending to avail them- selves of the 1982/83 Senior Matriculation Class notify the undersigned, if possible by August 15th, next. Hollyburn P.O., H. B. GARLAND, Secretary, Board of School Trustees WEST VAN WELF When you have Fr Clothes, E Phone ARE ASSOCIATION uit, Jam, Vegetables, tc., Io Spare West 109 Inglewood High School THE WEST VAN NEWS August I 1, 1932. HOLLYBURN THEATRES POltTI,AND CI.UB TO VISIT GAIIIBALDI En route to Garibaldi Park, where they will hold their an- nual camp, 60 members of the oM a Z a m a SP MOuntaineering Club of Portland, Ore., passed through Vancouver Sunday mor- ning. This is the first visit of the club to a British Columbia mountainecqdng ground. Accompanying the I'ortland mountaineers to the park will be Col. F. C. Bell, C.M.G., chair- man oi'aribaldi Park Board, and a large party of B. C. hioun- taineering Club members who. also intend to hold their annual camp there during the same perloil. The oMszamasu arrivd in Vancouver st I o'lock anil left two hours later for Squamlsh, where they travelled over the I'acific Great Eastern Railway to Daisy Lake station, thence to the Garibaldi plateau by trail. For the past week, hundreds of pounds of food have been go- ing to the park meadows of Gar- ibaldi by pack train Popularity of Garibaldi Park ss a resort for mountain climb- ers hss increased greatly this year; the entire district, over 600 square miles is populated with outdoor lovers. Since Aug. 1, the B. C. Natural History So- ciety has been camping there and several other parties of smaller numbers have also been in. Still others plan to camp there. THE O'I'RNLNGc IIUSH liy Sudabar It rather looks as if we are to have beach pyjamas, like the poor, always with us, The crop of them this year is noisier and more nunierous than ever, while their designs for the most part resemble nothing so much as window awnings. To such an ex- tent is this the case that one is moved to wonder whether the window awning people have gone into the manufacture of beach pyjamas as well, 1Vhat on earth induces s woman to wear these monstrosities is beyond the brain of mere man, who re- slises from experience that trousers of any kind are the most uncomfortable leg cover- ing ever invented. As for ap- pearance, there is no getting away from the fact that a pair of trousers are simply a pair of funnel», and as such can have no beauty. At the present time whenever I meet anyone in beach pyjamas, I feel inclined to exclaim: "What - a - Man.o ~ c There is a school of thought who from time to time explode the absurd theory that in mod- ern wars all lose and nobody gains, that being the chief les- son of the Late Unmentionable. Had Germany won, she would have won. Don't make any mis- take about that. as we would have learned to our cost from our position beneath the harrow and what a harrow it would have been) Our escape from that fate warn as a matter of fact. our chief gain, even allow- ing for our chicken-hearted post war mismanagement, which has cost us that to which war had entitled and enabled us to take. We are too fond of thinking that our modern times and methods have altered every- thing, whereas a little study of the world's great thinkers will convince us, if we have an open mind, that human nature re- mains th same in spite of chang- ed conditions. A doctor, lecturing in an Am- erican university, recently stat- ed that all politicians should be made to submit to a glandular examination, in order to deter- mine whether they were fit for their jobs. Now this only shows how wrong the average voter can be. I, for instance, in my ig- norance, would have pulled for an examination of their heads and pockets, the heads before they were voted in, and their pockets after each session. A friend of mine used to state that no politician should be nomin- ated until he had had his tongue cut out, while a girl I knew ad- mitted to having voted for a handsome candidate, whom she knew to have been caught in some political chicanery "be cause he had so much of 'IT.o and at that her reason was prob- ably quite as sensible as very many of the voters, who would have no reason at all. The action taken by those two Englishmen, who recently ap- peared at Ottawa station to take a sleeper arrayed in pyjamas and light overcoats, is worthy of the attention of the travelling public. Most of us have hsd the most furious struggles trying to un&lress in sleepers, especially in upper berths. I once landed square on the head of a fat old gentleman in a lower as a result of the train going around a sharp curve. We were both tak- ing off our boots at the time, and he would take no apologies nor even a drink. Worst of all, he called me "an insect.o This wss s cussing so new to me that I felt squashed, in fact, the only satisfaction I had was that I had squashed him iirst. The Only Chance Terrified msn (in runaway taxi): "Good heavens, do you think we'l hit snythingyo Driver (fervently): PI 'ope so, sir. This road goes over a cliff a mile further on." PRiDAY and SATUiii)AY Auguci izlh aud isih. 'Delicious'ith jANET (iAYNiik ~nd CHAKL ES PAKkBL i MONDAY and TUESDAY August ttuh aud ieth "THE BACHELOR FATHER" with MARION i)AViks C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside I'hone 1Vest 340 Evenings, West 143 SWEET TOhIATO PICKI.ES 1-2 peck green tomatoes. 4 onions. 4 green peppers. I cup salt. 1-2 cup white mustard seed. 2 teaspoons pepper. 3 teaspoons cinnamon. 8 teaspoons allspice. 8 teaspoons cloves. 2 quarts vinegar. I pound brown sugar. Chop tomatoes, onions snd peppers; cover with salL and al- low to stand overnight. Drain; and add to vinegar, spices snd sugar which have been heated to boiling. Cook 15 minutes and seal m stenhzed jars. Real Estate Finance and Insurance Whau your business v" "Serving the i. W. W.c "Ycahim "Sure: the motorist who ic cccidng Information, Wind, and Water." Teacher: "Tommy, name a collective noun?" Tommy: oA vacuum cleaner." Breezily Cool COOK I NCi WlTH A RANCi ETTE pend more time in leisure snd oui-of door sports5 during these warm summer days. An electric rangciie offers the solution io s sweltering kitchen. h will cook s full-course meaL No stoking -- no kindling --no coal or wood io lug. Just plug into any oui let. B, C. Electric stores carry sll the well-known, high- gisdc makes. RAH4ETTE5 AT CLEARANCE PRICE51 snpccloc(u showa) Rcguim 41731--spocla4 sss.so Vnm ictw DC- SC doco ccd ii c noon canadian aoancy Rcguicc 4}491-Spomab Ssn recce Puw Dmn amc col H.\C c nwcu Thu jpaialoper u limi ird ia Pay varck only, ordrvyearj carly! SCokAif; APPLIANCE STORES vooooovoc ~ woven aoa wove vaaccovcc ~ New wcoaoocc Aoamcccco ~ conn woes ~ acmloopc ~ v leecoco Pghfk1 Kafsingl,.i:iL%3(NfCIIK:11ILi /VRsLsg