West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Aug 1932, p. 3

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0001 August 11, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS TAILORING - CLEANING - DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIONS M. IVILLIAMS 1668 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) Phone West 20 Res. Phone Wcsi 266L ~. L, OGDEN CO. West 146 hlEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY SPECIAL---Our r guku Sl.50 line of Monarch All Wool Bathing Suits $.1.00 New Style. Colors--Black nnd Royal Blue. Sixes Sl io Sa 1VEST VANCOUVER SCHOOI.S BAND will give PjCnjC by Ferry No (s To Keat's Island 1VEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17th, '2:30 P. M. From Ambleside Pier Tickets: Adults 81.00 Children fi0c ~n he la lht ihe I ot ,ica hm I iieat hah ( cent naf. hali- Snct i~a. varia- 'mt ,it)g HORSESHOE BAY acfdc clsdni c'Inn ) l Fishing, Boating, Lunches, Tees, Dinners, Picnic Grounds Dancing -- Wednesday and Saturday Evenings HO1VARD RODGERS (Established 1914) Phone I~ng Distance Whyteclilf Lawn Mowers Cround N. R. ELI.IS, 1427 Marine BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Egr. Diciinctivc Fnnccni Service Lady Acciciont 22S - ard 8L F, Phone North 626 ey IHE ~ ) V E'fni WEST VAN DAIRY P I', d ~ JERSEY MILK PRODVCTS PHONE WEST 80 AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET &E J. MURCH, Proprietor Finest ()uallty Fresh siesta, Smoked and Cooked Meats. yagI PHONE WEST 303 ( 0 4I FINiE CONCERT BY n KITSILAiVO BAND Eagle Harbor the Kitsilsno Boys'and gave a Cottages for rent. Rooms splendid concert on Ammeside with or without board, by Pier last Sunday afternoon. The il the day, week or month. program was an excellent one IS, and enabled them to display to se WEST VANCOUVER the full the qualities which have ii- UNEMI'I DYED ASSN won for them the junior cham- pionship of Canada. Their play- The West Vsncouve r Un m iug was entirely delightful and ployed Association hekl their ai, no time was there anything usual fortnightly meeting on of the blare that is sometimes Tuestday, August 9th, at ihe heard in bands which have not Legion Hall, at 8 P.m. In spite reached such a peak of perfec- of bad weather there was quite lion s good attendance, Mr. Walker, Director Deiamont always vice-president, being in the maintained perfect control. with chair. After the adoption of the the result that full value wos minutes, correspondence was given to every note, while the read and a letter from the Com- weaving in of the melody be- mon Good C~perative Society tween the various instruments wss discussed. It was decided to was such as one only hears in ask D. G. Macdonald, President first class military bands. of this society,toaddress these There was a large crowd on sociation. Mr. Gymer gave a the pier and on the new beach brief account of the Anti-War as well as a number who listened demonstration in North Van- to the music from boatc. couver on August 1st. The executive again empha- EiVGAGE$ IENT sized the rule that all members'omplaints be given in writ- The engagement is announced ing, either at meetings or any between Captain Edward Wil- other time, to any member of liam Towsey, The West York- &he Ways snd Means Committee. shire Regiment (The Prince of The next meeting will be held Wales'wn), only son of Briga- August 23rd, when new mern- dier-General Towsey, C.M.G., bere will be enrolled, snd all sym- C.B,E., D.S.O., and Mrs. Towsey, pathizers welcomed. of Tollgate House, Colchester, and Eleanor Neville, elder Political Speaker: "I'm pleas- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ed to see such a dense crowd Jeffrey, Ovenscloss, Galashiels, h t i ht." Selkirkshire. Captain Towsey is Voice from the back: "Don't a nephew of Mrs. M. A. Hami-mil- be too pleased. We aren't all ton Smith, 1488 Gordon Avenue. In the old days they consumeddense." liquor io got tree lunch; now they sic E pert Saw Filing niicnd n luncheon io gce free liquor."'xper 10c a Foot Local and Personal jiIODESS Harry Normand and Art. Burns left on Sunday for s week's yachting trip up the coast. c ~ Mr. and Mrs. Wetherell of Port Townsend were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. H. Davison, 1746 Inglewood Ave. Mrs. Wetherell is s sister of Mrs. Davison, and she brought with her her niece, Miss Gwen Davison, who has been visiting her for some weeks. ~ \ ~ Mrs. E. L. Howdk and family, 2046 Esquimalt Ave., have re- turned from spending 6 visit in Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Lightly and family, 2186 Gordon Ave., have left for 6 two-week's mo- tor and fishing trip up the Cari- boo. They were accompanied by Miss Joyce Dickinson. ~ ~ H. R. Henrich of Vancouver has moved into a house at 1379 Clyde Ave ~ ~ v Mrs. Cromar Bruce, 2131 hia- rine Drive, returned on Sunday from visiting in Victoria. ~ ~ O. J. Morgan has taken a house at 22nd snd Bellevue Ave. anil has moved in. ~ ~ Th L.O.L. will hold their next regular meeting at 8 p.m. Tues- day, 16th instant, in the Orange Hall. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Green and family, 812 16th Street, have moved into a house at 612 16th Street J. H. Gray has moved into a house at 2644 Marine Drive. ~ ~ Norman Cox, Olympic swim- ing coach, left last Sunday for the Olympic swiming finals in Los Angeles. He will return next Sunday after attending a convention of world famous swimming directors, to be held in that city. Miss Lorna Thomson enter- tained the members of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society last Thursday at her home at 1142 Eaquimalt Ave. c \ ~ D. G. 31cCurdy, 2603 King' Ave., has moved to Vancouver. J. Henrikson of Vaigouver has moved into a house at 2407 Haywood Ave. ~ ~ William Sister, who has been a patient for some time at Shaughnessy Military HixspitaL has sufficiently recovered to be able to return to his home at 1066 Keith Road. ~ ~ ~ There was considerable travel on Sunday on account of the fine weather and the concert given by the Kitsilano Boys'and. The ferries carried 3,667 passengers during the day. Major and Mrs. Gillingham are occupying the Tisdale cot- tage at 24th and Msthers Ave. c ~ v Rev. F. A. Ramsey and Mrs. Ramsey returned on Monday evening from a short motor trip up the Cariboo. ~ ~ \ Mrs. Hood of the municipal hall staff is on her annual vaca- tion. c Mrs. W. McLsren, 23rd and Je(ferson Avenue, has had as her guest her son-in-law, Rev. R. Msl arlane ~ ~ ~ Captain R. A. Bstchelor, 2947 Marine Drive, is a patient in the North Vancouver General Hos- pital, where he recently under- went s serious operation Adjutant J. Reader and En- sign McDowell are spending their vacation with Miss Derma, 17th and Duchess Ave. ~ ~ c A party of friends called un- expectedly at the home of Mr. snd Mrs. R. F. Ralkes, to cele- brate their first wedding anni- versary Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson, Mr. snd Mrs. John Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen George Hubert White of Langley Prairie, Mr. and Mrs. Clive Cornish of In- dianapolis, Miss Joan Leckie, Miss Irene Lamb, Miss Margaret Whalen, Miss Jean Henderson of Los Angeles, C. G. Hobson, Wil- liam Bescham and Basil Raikes. ~ o ~ Mrs. B. A. Rsy of Waltham, Mass., is visiting her father snd sister, John L. Msckenna snd Mrs. E. Keith, 15th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ The following merchants and others kindly helped in supply- ing the lunch for the Kitsilano Boys'and last Sunday: J. Jef- feries, J. Murch, B. Seeds, J. Normand, Mrs. T. Russell, and the manager of Piggly Wiggly. c ~ c Mr. and hire. and Miss Joan Durbin were presented with a gorgeous basket of fruits ss their train left for the east st the week end, Mrs. Colin Msc- lean and Mrs. Frowd making the presentation on behalf of the choir of the United Church. Mr. and hIrs. John Raid were visitors to Victoria last week. ~ c The Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E. are opening s Book Ex- change in the office at the cor- ner of 18th and Marine Drive on Monday, August 29th, where students may sell and buy used school books st greatly reduced rates. They would advise sll students to get their books gath- ered up and priced, and have them ready to bring into the ex- change by Monday, August 29th.\ Mrs. Bridgman Taylor, with her two small sons, of Sgn Fran- cisco, is the guest of her parents iblr. and Mrs. Msckenzie hiathe- son, of Csulfeild. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. F. Rivers, 2820 Marine Drive, announce the en- gagement of their eldest daugh- ter, Helena Katherine, to hir. Frederick James Macey, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Macey, 7th Avenue West, Vancouver. LONG DISTANiCE SIVI$1S Dates have been arranged for the two long distance swims put on annually br the )Vest Van- couver Swimming Club. The race from Dundarave Pier to Hoiiy- burn will take place at 2:30 p.m. next Sunday, August 14th. The 1,000 yard contest from Dundarave Pier to Weston will be staged at 2:30 p.m, tho fol- lowing Sunday, the 21st instant. LEGION NOTES The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, will hold their general meeting next Wed- nesday, the 17th instant, at 8 p.m. at the Legion Memorial HalL All members are request- ed to be present. % k&T aa 39c Delivered Cemmill's Drug Store Tim Store of Service. ISS2 Normo Dvivo Weal af Emergency Phono Weel 221 (Aficr 2 p.m.) The BVRRARD LAUNDRY For People Who Are Partlcu)ar THIRD ST. osd Sy. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. Weel Vash Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Amblesifae Sheet Metalworks IAURIE 5PECSL Vopeschn 1446 Marine Drive Phoae West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBLVG Siratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES All Kinds of Tea Bread, Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Ecckm Cakes, Variety of Buiter Icing Cakes Chnstenmg, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 31ARINE DRIVE Phone %est 27 and Delivery will calL CLIFF HOUSE IVhytecliif Park DANCE RO1IEO PERRIE'S Six-piccc Occhccicn 9 So 12 - - Every Sotncdny Cover Charge, ai Pcv Conpio SPECIAL DANCE SUPPER ssc DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY ROSIE 11ADE CA1IDV Ico Cscam and Sofi Dvtnkx Kith cnd Phono Bellevue West 2 Hush I Hairdresser I "iwhat shade will liladame have ae hair dyed ais time+ She (in whisper). "Keep it dark." ~" ~ ~ rr' .. r rrr r k n HOME COOKING Apoiogiaing fov nny inconvenience cooccd by onc advcciixing last nock the wrong sciophono number, wo bcg io inform one patrons that the R. C. T. C. hnc registered nc in their divcciovy as COOK SHOP We shall be glad So gcl your osdcco nnd niwnyc foci happy whee wo cnn serve yon with any kind of meals from afternoon isns op io dinnccc nnd ~oppocc. DUNDARAVE COOKSHOP alia alcvino iicivo h ni' rra 'Wad' '