0001 arr 44 Aplr I« 4444 'r wl 4 ~4I P-P 4 15444~yr'ypr4444' 4'vt(prp lr4 '4,4 I ra w 4yp'~ P t4IIya 'IJyrp '44'4"~yrp ~"Pr'"'I t"I yy ypr PPI' ~V YVP4 4 r Ivy. r444~ WJVrrv VP4v y prr~~rv rrvrv rrv vrv r V r The Mingle SII)irl A new xnd practical Summer Coigute for ihe medium-shot( botx You may have your hair pttm- xaaaiiy watwd, so thai ii wgi stay M place sad with out new oif system your hair will have mete gloss after the wave than helmed. GM)cyfdolyN Beauty ShOppff 1540 Matins Drive Phone West 117 FAIRFIELD MEIxf GREET PASTOR Rev. E. A. Henry, D.D., wns recently the guest of honor at an entertainment at Fairfield United Church, Victoria, ar- ranged by the Fairfield Men' Club. Many men resident in Fsirfield district welcomed the opportunity to meet the new minister. Supper wss served at 6:30 by the club's entertainment committee. J. Johnston, president, wel- comed the guests snd communi- ty singing was led by A. C. Chsrlton. Dr. J. A. Neff wel- comed Dr. Henry and assured him of the support snd help of the men in his work. Alderman H. O. Litchfield re- viewed the history of Fsirfield United Church snd told of the growing unity snd good feeling between the various commu- nions. As an alderman of the city he welcomed Dr. Henry to aU the privileges snd responsi- bilities of his new position. Col. R. H. Campbell spoke for the congregation, and congratu- lated the church on having the courage snd good fortune to se- cure so outstanding a man to oc- cupy the pulpit. Dr. Henry spoke of the great work the church had in hand snd urged sfi men to realize the importance of carrying s mes- sage of hope snd confidence in times of difficulty. Solos were rendered by J. Pe- trie, G. Farmer snd L. Abbott. Mr. Hughes of Calgary, who is supplying the place of Major Harry Watt as organist during the summer, acted as accom- panist, Mrs. Farmer accompany- ing bfr. Farmer in his songs. Votes of thanks were tend- ered the speakers and sfi who assisted in the preparations. SeH-teat(cry is the essence of hero- ism.--Emerson. Esisbhshtd ea North Shots 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. jk WILLIAjb1 SON gIIIIeraIlIIrertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 THE West Van Nems PabSshed Btaty Thstxdxy PebRshat F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bwtieeu sad Editorial Ogftef ilia smi Mstiae Drive (Next te HoBybuta P. 0.) Phone West 363 Idag Address( P.O. Box 01. HoRtbuta, B.C. North Vancouver Offlcei 123 Lonsdale Ave. 6L00 ~ yeet by csttist: 62AIO ~ ytst by tesiL United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright Mr. Bakhab Chabra, Mafk., will occupy the pulpit of IVest Van- couver United Church next Sab- bath st both morning and even- ing services. Mr. Chsbra is a Christian Sikh, s son of one of the leading families of India. He plans to establish s colony of Christians in India on the Jesus Christ plan--AU for each and each for aU. We cordially invite )Vest Van- couver to come and hear him speak. Then on Tuesday, August 16, the members of the W. M. Soci- ety of IVest Vancouver wiU have the opportunity of hearing Miss Florence Jack, B.A., of Chung King, China, who is home on furlough. Miss Jack will ad- dress a meeting of women in Chown United Church, corner of Ontario St. snd 17th Ave., Van- couver, on the above date at 2:80 oiclock. As this will be the only oppor- tunity to hear Bliss Jack in Van- couver it is hoped that as many as possible will avail themselves of the opportunity. On August 21st the pulpit will be occupied by the Rev. James Black, M.A., of Edinburgh. Mr. Black is s forceful speaker snd s real treat is in store for those who hear him, St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Res. 2668 Marine Dr. Summer Schedule SUNDAY-- 8:80 a.m.--Holy Mass, In- struction. 10:00 s.m.--Holy Mass, Sermon 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School. 3:00 p.m.--Afternoon Devo- tions. WEEK DAYS-- 7:30 s.m.--Holy Mass. FRIDAY-- 7:30 p.m.--Devotions, Confes- sions. SATURDAY-- 7:80 p.m.--Confessions. I AM STILL RICH ive have passed through x panic; we have suffered from a ctseh in the stack market. Bui I am still Rich. It mxy be true that I have much less ie live on that I hxd a rest xgo, bui it is tet(sinly also true that I have just as much io live far. The mxtkei fxiitd, bui nothing else did. Prices declined, bui noi one acre of land lost its fertility. Ail the electrons, atoms xnd ether waves went on working in their ac- customed ways. When depression came, I wax com- pelled io take an inventory, and sayyn discovered that I wat still RICH. Ail mr capacity for the enjoyment of iile remains intact. My 6250,000 eyes are Just at good as they ever were. Every landscape, every sunset, are mine if I wsni them. Twenty thousand scenes and views are added io my coffee(Ion every week. My 2100,000 sense of hearing is still unimpaired, xo I have attest to x world oC beauty sad inspiration. My million dollar stomach, and a half million dollar appetite are just ~s gaod as they ever were. There is no need io eai spinach the rest af my life. Depression hss aot lowered ihe value of s single Friendship, Neigh- bors still greet ut in the same old cordial wxy. Business aksetiatet xiiii believe in us, sxd out sons xnd daugh- ters hald us in high esteem. Out wife'x weftyyme at the close of yisy hax eei depreciated in the least, xnd out daughters continue io lavish their af- Ceciioe upon ux in the same old ex- itstxgsut wsiy. The prayers my mother taught mt, sad the Faith in Ood inxiined in me by a devout Christian lather, xtig re- main u "ticeiest treasures no de- pression can ever touch. Fissstisi ctitix mafy bring but(nett io s standstill, bui thxtsciet it be- yond iis reach. Ii can teb ut of ail we have, bui ii tsenot sfleti what we sta. The nicest xxiitCxtiiees of life- (bete which come from sharing axd serving remain secure. The investments made in ambitious yeoiht, ia hoxpitafxy ie crippled thii- dtan' homes, In toUeget sxd in ser- vice institutions go on paring divi- dends. I AM STILL RICH, because I sm independently Rich. None of my wealth depends upon Business toedioyyes or matkei tepetix. THE WFST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH BDIFICE 20th axd Hsqeiman, HoUybxta This Sec(tip is a Branch of The Ifoihet Church The First Chutch of Christ, Scientist, in Butoa, kiastachuteiis Sunday Services ii($0 a.m. ssd 7420 p.m. Sunday, August 14, 1932 Subject i "SOU I." Sunday School xi i0400 am. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 0:16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave. 10 a.m.--Sabbath School and Adult Bible Class 11 s.m.--Morning Worship. Mr. 1(eifiy will speak. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Worship. Mr. A. T. Reifiy will speak. AU Welcome Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist--Mrs. Holden Choir Leader--Mrs. Martyn Sunday will mark the occasion of the first anniversary of the Presbyterian Mission S. S. Synod's Committee of the Presbyterian Church combined with the support of Presbytery make it possible for Miss Blyth, s special S. S. worker, to assist the local minister, Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. Mr. Louck ivas appointed sup- erintendent snd together with his loyal helpers, good results have been accomplished. The special speaker for the anniversary will be Rev. J. D. Cunningham of Vancouver Heights Presbyterian Church. Miss R. Blyth and Mr. Loucks wil lslso speak. Special music will be rendered by the girls snd boys under the able leadership of Mrs. A. J. M Iy, I it 1. Thou shalt not quit. 2. Thou shalt xoi alibi. $. Thou shaft not gloat aver win- ning. i. Thou shalt not be a totten loser. 5. Thou shaft not take an unfair advantage. 0. Thou shalt xot ask odds thou ati unwilling io take 7. Thou shxii always be ready to give ihy opponent the shade. 2, Thou shalt uot UNDER estimate an opponent, or OVER ESTIMATE thyself. 0. Remember ihxi the game ix the thing aud that he who ihiukeih other- wise is x mucker and no true sports- man. ie. Honor the game thou plsyest, for he whe piaye\h the game eitxighi snd hard wins even when he Iotek. The Language of Sneezes Sneeze on s Monday, you msy get s letter. Sneeze on 0 Tuesday, get something better; Sneeze on s Wednesday, you sneeze for danger. Sneeze on a Thursday, you'l meet s stranger; Sneeze on 0 Friday, you sneeze for sorrow; Sneeze on 0 Saturday, see your best friend tomorrow. I hardly ever open s paper without reading that some book ought never to have been pub- lished. -- Mr. A. P. Herbert. CARD OF THANKS Mitt Matfy Curtis syyd Mt. W. D. ('.uttie with to extend (heir gtxielui thanks io their many friends fet ttmpxihy and beau- tiful fiotai tributes tvcefved on \he occuiun of their recent betuvemest in ihe lets ef x beloved mother sxd wife. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. August 14th--12th Sunday after Trinity. 8 a,m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:16 a.m.--Primary School. 11;16 a.m.--Msttins and Ser- mon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. The Sunday School Sports Dsy will be held at Ambleslde Park on Thursday, August 18th, com- mencing at 2 p.m. Full detaUs will be given out st School on Sunday. FISH I.IVERS SOURCES OF VITAMIN Science contmues energeticsl- Scfence continues energetical- ly to seek out sfi the hiding places of the vitamins those my- sterious elements essential to health. snd among the success- ful investigators sre scientists on the staff of the Pscific Fish- eries Experimental Station at Prince Rupert, B.C., whose lab- oratory work hss brought out valuable facts as to the presence of Vitamin A in the livers of such Pacific fish as halibut, sal- mon, ling cod, snd grey cod. Samples of hshbut hver od prepared snd examined at Prince Rupert have been found "to be very potent in Vitamin A," to quote from s progress report by H. N. Brocklesby, s member of the station'0 staff. "The liver of the ling cod (al- so known as the Cultus snd Buf- falo cod) hss been found... to be rich in Vitamin A." Tests of oil from the liver of red spring salmon "indicate that the oil is apparently s very good source of Vitamin A," although certain further research must be completed before a definite statement can be made as to the Vitamin potency. The grey cod, says another passage in the report, "yields 0 liver oil of fairly high Vitamin A potency." The oil, by the way "resembles closely that 'of the cod of the Atlantic coast. The chemical snd physical character- istics sre much the same, but the oil from the Pacific grey cod is more deeply pigmented." New Use for Dogfish? More than this, the station's investigations have shown that the liver oil of the greyfish, or dogfish, 0 creature generally re- garded by the fishermen as s pest or nuisance, hss Vitamin A content snd "since it csn be ob- tained cheaply in large quanti- ties it is suggested that it can be used for increasing the Vit- amin A content of oils high in Vitamin D. Blended oils of this nature have been prepared in these (Prince Rupert) labora- tories snd sre now being tested. For poultry purposes they would appear to be very satisfactory, and since they can be produced at very low cost it is hoped that 0 substantial market may be found for them." Study snd experiment in con- nection with the vitamin con- tent of some of these liver oils-- halibut oil, for example, which is now being used commercial- ly in the production of a medi- cinal preparation similar to cod liver oil--has also been carried on, of course, by other scientists but the research at the Prince Rupert station, which is one of four stations conducted by the Biological Board of Canada un- der the control of the Dominion Minister of I"isheries, is s valu- able place of work. Its bene- fits will probably be scen In the increasing utilizatlon of fish llv- ers which have heretofore been so much waste material in Pa- cific coast fisheries operations. Last year quite a tidy little busi- ness was done by some British Columbia fishermen in sefilng halibut llvers to a company which hsd begun the marketing of halibut medicinal oil and busi- ness in other livers now found to contain pit&mine wlU doubt- less develop snd sdd to the earn- August 11, 1032, DcyMarjory McGubbin DENTIST Heuts I 0 ~ . wl. (e 0 p. m. Saturdays. 10 ~.m. te I p m Evenings and Ssiutdxy After aeons by sppeistmeai oeiy. Royal Bank Bending Phono Vi'exi iis Rex(dante I'hone Wee( 2SX DR. G. D. H. SEA LE, DENTIST Hsy Block, iiih aad Matins Dt. Ofnce Hoots 0 m 0 p.m. Evenings by sppoiatmenc Phone Weti Tz NURSING HOME (Mtt, M. E I.xChaste, ILN.) zei - 2(ib Street Exxi North Vaatoetet Rteideate I'heave North 1$5SR HOLI.YBURN Barber Shop isih & Ma(isa EXPERi SERVILE E, MARSH, Ptoprittot. ing possibilities of the fisher- men. Facts brought out in the Prince Rupert investigations which make up only part of the research work nnd experimenta- tion carried on steadily by fed- eral scientists on behalf oi th» fishermen snd fishing industry sre of importance to the scien- tist and to men engaged in the flshenes by-products business, but some of them, at sfi events, have their interest for the lay- man too. For instance, oil ob- tained from livers of ling cod caught in the autumn showed s lower Vitamin A potency than oil from spawning fish caught in the spring. "Whether the variation in vitamin potency is due to the seasonal variation or to sexual condition is s question that is being further investigat- ed. Similarly, the liver oil from grey cod caught in the autumn had lower vitamin potency than oil from fish taken in the spring although the actual oil content of the autumn livers exceeded 40 per cent as compared with an average of less than 10 per cent in the livers from the spring- csught fish. In the case of hali- but the yield of oil per fish is not large. The liver makes up about 2 per cent of the weight of the flsh and contains from 16 to 20 per cent of oil, although "there is considerable seasonal varia- tion in size of liver snd oil con- tent snd apparently also with the condition snd sex of tl~fish." Keeping (44 ihc I'uiei Porter: This (tain goes (44 Buffalo and points Eath Old Lady: Well, I want a itsiu ihxi gets tyy Syracuse, sod I don'i cars which way it points. ONSDAL TODAY Sylvia Sidney LADIES Tk(g ~ BIC HOUSE' ini kfs ('Uk(kxyl I" ~44 w thy, HAPPINI",iS ITSL'l,lf 'SUNSHINE SUSIEI 3 i)AYS ONLY 1(yy1 ii fyn 11(.iy hier ! SPECIAL MATINEE WED. 3(30