West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Aug 1932, p. 1

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0001 , "&e Iff(ff'-:S Vj(f~ V). 6) -.I)(fts A Weekly Newspaper Circfglatiyfgin Jhc District of West VancouVJcr-AynblcsiCk, Hollyburn, Wcscon, Dundarag)c CyPreSS Park, Caulfeild, WhyCCC!g, EtC. 5 per copy at newsstands. Vol. V11 spur SIX PAGES HQLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, AUG. 11, 1932 No. 12 )N ORE )pliuu ge I) te accept each yeur Iutud iev iud to zik A. Its&f9. irtfortheI vuuteud. lverlugrSh udSeup itluliu. ueJuuiut itiuuinzll inulluub. eesupple. estudents tticulutiuu I&uesupple. itsa iu)SiSu& It&satb& IutuulII&u gufuttbut II A5IBI.ESIDE BEACH 9&uesu. at Suy llueuut ruburr tutu a@I wuy AD'ut tiuu ther ub.'or the mted tu tuu uiu. 350 feet utlet 4 7)RTIS, There will be a concert next Sunday afternoon on Amble- side Pier when the Canadian Legion Band of Vancouver under Bandmaster Cox will play from 2:30 to 4:30. This is the second occasion this season on which this band has given s Sunday concert here by arrangement of the reeve and council and as one of the leading bands in Vancouver they are assured of a large audience. The following is the program: 0 Canada MARCH--Pro Patria ..............................4kc..........W. Clark OVERTURE--Jolly Robbers................................F. Von Suppe SELECTION--In the Highlands (Scotch 5lelodies)....N. Bayer ORIENTAL SCENE--In the Soudan (Dervishers'horus)Sommer IVALTZ--Under Southern Skies .............................. C. Carlton TROMBONE FROLIC--Trombonium ...'...........,.......„,. Withrow Intermission OVERTURE--Sons of Erin (Irish Melodies) ..................Bayer SELECTION--Opera Bouquet ...................................... Bidgood FANTASIA--Evening Festivities in Dreamland...Barnhouse MINUET--Paderewski ........................................... Laurendeau TO-DAYS--Popular Airs ....................z..........i........... Selected MARCH--Gladiators'arewell ....................... Blankenburg God Save the King SAI VATION ARMY BAND HERE 1VEDNESDAY The Salvation Army Citadel Band from Vancouver will give a concert next Wednesday, 17th instant, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Ambleside Pier. They are considered one of the finest silver bands on the Pacific Coast, and the reeve and council have arranged for them to come here as a result of repeated requests from a number of our residents. 1VELFARE NOTES Brealey, Mrs. Hamilton Smith, Mr. C. B. Greenwood, Mrs. Lid- The rainy summer has sc- ster, Mr. Buscombe, Mrs. Pur- counted for the loss of much chase, Mr Roberts, Mrs Moridge, small fruit, but the Food Com- Mr. J. Jeffries, Hollyburn Mar- mittee feels there must still be ket, Nrs. J. D. Thompson, Mrs. lots going to waste in gardens Nash, Mr. Strickland, Mr. which might be put to useful Hawkes, Safeways, Mrs. P. purpose in conjunction with the Johnston, Nrs. J. W. Thompson, jars and sugar awaiting service Mrs. Marsden. at Headquarters. Some rhubarb Clothing has been collcted and apples have come to hand during the past week from Mru. the last few days, snd some Cutler, Mrs. Partridge, Mrs. A. blackberries are looked for E. Jordan, Mrs. T. Cutler, Mrs. shortly. A. H. Jordan, Mrs. Colin Mac- Occasionally a call comes in Lean, Mr. C. Appleton, Mr. J. E. for service of some kind, and Lambert, Miss Gwen Clay, Nrs. here the oIBce knows definite- R. A. Device, Nr. J. Obtover, of soineone suitable for the Nrs. Waite, Mr. i51acFie, work, the position is filled, but A donation of fuel has been re- the committee feels it would be ceived from Mrs. A. E. Young, more satisfactory if there were and the supplies have been agu- a list of would-be employers an&1 mented by Reeve Leyland, employees, so those having jobs (however small) to give, and S. P. OF C. NOTES those wishing to find employ- ment are asked to leave their The next regular meeting of names snd particulars at the Or" the IVest Vancouver branch will ange Hall (basement door) or phone them to West 109. be held on Tu™ay, August 16, Donations of In&xi and jars at 8Pzm inthe Legion Memorial for the Food Committee to Au Hall. The business to be trans- xust 6th were receive&i from Mrs. acted will be to arrange for the Marling, Mrs. Walker, Mr. Lam- North Shore Nominating Con- bert, Mr. MacFle, Miss Ellis, vention and the annual nicnic. Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Husband, IVatch for advertiscinent in the Miss Lawson, Mrs. Silburth, Mrs. next issue of The News. 7th, tke (u, 2999 uh Psr- lemberu at 2:46 fall. The :15 sud nuugud. uembetu The cul- he Loyal ."hildreu. 1 OTES t'D. The hot summer weather which prevailed during the whole of last week provided a fair test of just what a good 3M j 1 stretch of sand means for West Vancouver. It also showed clearly and conclusively just how much we have lost by not clearing our beaches years ago. Practically ever since this newspaper came into being, it has carried every year one or more editorials advocating the clearing of one or more beaches of the thin layer of loose stones with all that it mesne by 'E way of adding to the attractions of the municipality as well as of increasing our ferry receipts and helping our merchants. Nobody who watched the crowds who daily were to be found last week swimming and picnicking on Ambleside Beach could doubt its immediate popularity or have any qualms ss to what it will mean to West Vancouver in the future. The number of autos lined up in the park immediately in the rear of (wrley's boat station showed that already the beach was becoming known outside the municipality, indeed the crowds on the sands and swimming in the water must have been clearly visible from Prospect Point. In our editorials we have always suggested that, as funds permitted, beaches be cleared at diiferent places along our shore line, and doubtless in the future this work will be taken up. Meanwhile we congratulate the reeve and council on their initiative in giving West Vancouver that one attraction which heretofore it has lacked, a long stretch of good sandy beach. SUNDAY BAND CONCERT BEACH NAAIING CONTEST L 0. D. E. Garden Party The new beach will be known as "Ambkside Reach," this be- The turNft ing the decision of the council I fIe bee Pa rty of Ihe Duncan Lawson SheSieId, M isu W i nnie BresIey ing the r port of the adjudicat- Chapter, LO.D.E., which takes nd Miss Na j y Nu my will ors. Altogether twentywne dif- Place Saturday afternoon a d n for ferent names were received from evening, Aug. 13th, at "Grims- the thirty-one comPetitors, of dens," the h B a h" d I "~'s.' and. Promises to sur- The tea tabl, 5 y udth a~- Lee Gant Ba chaser num r p sailothemindccorations aL mer bi~~ m8 be p ided il h th fo hi fl fo d di f iona' e eac ". The coun- tractions, entertainment and I - v the reason that it is the original nam, and thus to caR it other It mll be op ncd by Mayor L.D Tayiol'f Vallcouver Th hate is ho ord y having as patronesses, Nrs. The name of the prize-winner Loutet, Miss Matheson, birs. snd the winning article, together Greene, Mrs. A. S. Smith, Sire. Ic CMrs R D P Mrs. T. A. Spencer, Mrs. A. U. dePencier, Nrs. Frank Stead, TENNIS CLUB Mrs. Wm. Astley, Mru. Adair the "House that Jack Bu DANCE and Mrs. King Brown, amguests repmsentatlvM from Quite Cont~." and est~ of Vancouver, North Vancouver. North Vancouver District branches and our own council. in Hoilyburn Paviilion. The Vancouver Fire DePart- a Dancing will start at 9 p.m. ment Band has accepted the clock olf, a Treasure Swin Kaylys orchestra heing en chapter's invitation, and will exciting Horse Race, and several gaged for the occasion. Tickets play during the afternoon while Fortune Tellers who wil at 50 cents each can be obtained the music in the evening will be you& fortune from any member of the club, supplied by Mr. Condon and th and flannels will be optionaL An (Vest Vancouver Schools Band. enjoyable evening of dancing is The o ninc ng is e opening will take place peated in the evening, with the u o a w o at en . promptly at 3 o'lock and imme- addition of a couple of other BUILDING PER at period story in ing on the lawn, under m&~sMITS $9,650 London," thao, were issued by the dents of Wesf $8ne~pe~ o. a val~ eong ~d~whieh the ~I 'of colo~ lights and to thest Vancouver have str&uns of a retd orchestra, ande were ma e up o ive permits for weeks. A c been looking forward to, for the grand finale with the huge ho totalli $6 590 th dditio fo $1450 d os or, sn one gar- Country Dancers and Tiny Tots, be found for a garden party age or ~ have been thoroughly trained by than the lawns surrounding kiiss and Mr D~~~on ~mindi -Grimsdene»t~hehomeof Reev teachers of singing and dancing, and Airs. J. B. Leyland and a Th W V in Vancouver, and this number most enjoyable afternoon and e est ancouver Schools has been augmented by Miss evening is assured on Saturday, an picnic will take place next Lena Krasnoif, soprano, Miss August 13th, when the Duncan instant when No 6 Ferr kind- Wednesday afternoon, the 17th Betty Munro, mezzo soprano, La Ch t, I.O..E., rry, in - and Mr. Stan Lettner, baritone, ertain at their annual Garden y oane or t e occasion by the pupils of Miss Dawson, who will Part . council, will leave Ambleside y. Pier at 2:30 for Keat's Island. The band will go into camp there COUNCLL NOTES would be glad to ~rate with for ten days, during which they the Association in any wsy they will spend their time practicing hir. hiorris Williams was pres- suggested. under Bandmaster Jordan for ent at the council meeting to the contest in Hastings Park, speak to his letter of August for. which the West Vancouver 6th, re ferry uniforms. He was School Board has entered them informed that in future tenders 1. P. E. Bill's application re in two divisions. A really good would be asked for ferry uni- access 5-A-W7-558. That the time is assured to all who at- forms. He undertook to submit estimated cost would be $20.00. tend and it is hoped that many for the council's future guidance Applicant to be informed that will take in the picnic, from a sample of material he would the council regret they have no which the band hopes to obtain recommend as serviceable to- funds at the present time whish the funds necessary to pay their gether with approximate cost of they could apply to the clearing expenses at the camp. Tickets suit. of boulevards but that, if the at gl each for adults and 50 rock is of any use to him, he has centk for children can be ob- K A Ray snd Sire Woodcock Permission to use it. tained from t h e following: came before the council on be 2. Sir. Gray's application re, Smith's Grocery at Dundarave, half of the )vest Vancouver Ag portion of Bellevue, 26th to 27th ~ Hobb J, Jefferies, J. Murch, J. T. Wat't, ricultural A Horticultural Assoc ~vergrown, etc. Transfer, members of the iation to ask fora grant towards The work was sPProved at a Street. band, or T. E. W. Russell, -2nd theexpense of submitting an e cost not to exceed $25.00. hibit at the Vancouver Exhibi- 3. Hard tired trucks regula- x tion. tio s. I"ERRIES SHOIV Ol'ERATING Th... I cd th th The engineer's action was ap- SURI'LUS e3,675.90. ey were informed that the council very much mgmtt~'to p~~va and he waa given power say they could not se their way to take such steps as he consid- ito e Pre ented to the to accede to the request the ered necessarY to effect a rem- statement of the municil I fer- I ingexceptlonallyheavyst the 4. Marie) C. Reid P ter ries, which showed an oPerating ~s nt gj~g~ " Ave., overgrown. surplus of $3,676.90 for the six This request was referred to mouths ending 30th June. Boat the engineer with Pou&sr to act receipts for this period totalled Lynnmour and District of 5. B. H. Rowles, trees on $39 444 86 as against an expend North Vancouver Progressive boulevard corner 21st and Nar iture of $25,460.84, while the re- Association wrote the council re. ine. celpts for buses amounted to garding the Second Narrows This request was referred to $9,428.28 and expenditures bridge. the engineer with power to act. $8,968,99, They were advised that the 6. 51rs, Edith Sheppard's ap- council had up to date done plication re opening of 25th St. A petition was presented to everything possible to bring to This work wasapproved under the council by R. G. Cooke and the attention of the authorities the unemploymentarrangements sixty-three other residents a- the necessity of the bridge. As, subject to the engineer being gainst the restriction of shoot- however, the case now laid en- satisfied that the etection of a ing permits west of Cypress tirely with the receiver, it wss building would be begun im- Creek. out of their hands, but they mediately.